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  • 5 months later...

DEAR ABBY: We are approaching the time of year when many people struggle with how to divide time between families during the holidays. This is often made harder when there has been divorce and remarriage within a family, especially when children are involved. This was the case in our family.


Planning dinners and celebrations became far easier once I realized that holidays are not just arbitrary dates on a calendar, but a spirit of heart and mind. I let everyone else plan their events, and then choose a day that as many people as possible are available. I host an event on that day -- a week earlier, a week (or month) later -- it doesn't matter. What does matter is that we gather in love and friendship and have a wonderful time.


As a result, even my former daughters-in-law readily join in with their new spouses and children and we have a ball! We get to blend together four generations, and our youngest generation is richer for the experience. We joke about having "in-law" and "out-law" tables.


I'll be honest, it took work. The adults had to agree to act like adults, but I'm proud that everyone looks forward to coming to our holiday celebrations whenever they are held. My advice to your readers: Forget the calendar and remember the reason for the gathering! -- FOUND HOLIDAY SPIRIT


DEAR FOUND: I love your attitude, and couldn't stop smiling after reading your letter. Thank you so much for writing. I hope it will open the minds and hearts of other readers.

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I know it is terrible of me because of the stereotype it employs however there is just something so adorable about the two them being in a commercial together.


I know it is terrible of me because I have absolutely no idea who he is and have been bored to tears by anything and anyone Olympic-related for my whole life, other than liking how Mark Spitz looked in his Speedo and how Bruce Jenner looked in his little shorts (and later in his tight CHIPS uniform)... whatever became of him?

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I know it is terrible of me because I have absolutely no idea who he is and have been bored to tears by anything and anyone Olympic-related for my whole life, other than liking how Mark Spitz looked in his Speedo and how Bruce Jenner looked in his little shorts (and later in his tight CHIPS uniform)... whatever became of him?


Jonathan Van Ness is primarily known as a "grooming expert" on the Netflix series Queer Eye and also on his work on the web series Gay of Thrones (which I had not heard of but seems to have been a series where he and guests recap that week's episode of Game of Thrones). Gay of Thrones was actually nominated for an Emmy. Having been a cheerleader at his high school he was familiar with gymnastics and was given the opportunity to work with perhaps the greatest female gymnast of all time, Simone Biles in a couple of Uber Eats commercials. Not having followed his career in any way I am not sure how far away his character in the commercials Is from what he portrays in other things. However I thought the contrast between Van Ness and Biles is funny.




Also, now you made me think because I really don't know what his normal portraiture is maybe who he plays in the Uber commercials are not a stereotype but just Van Ness being Van Ness.

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I know it is terrible of me because I have absolutely no idea who he is and have been bored to tears by anything and anyone Olympic-related for my whole life, other than liking how Mark Spitz looked in his Speedo and how Bruce Jenner looked in his little shorts (and later in his tight CHIPS uniform)... whatever became of him?

Bruce Jenner:

Then, CHIPS, and Now


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