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Club Gold Coast April 12 and 13.....Awful!!

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I've never been to gold coast because I've never once heard anything good about it. Pretty much the same with every other gay bar/club/bathhouse/spa or whatever in the area. They're all pretty dreadful as far as I'm aware, although I'm not typically into either the strip club or bathhouse/spa scene personally, not that I have anything them.


Unfortunately, not much has changed in the last 6 months. I just paid a visit to Gold Coast on Saturday night and as several others have already said....it was dreadful. $5 cover ....plus they force you to valet park.


It was warm and very muggy/humid inside the club. There were less than 6 dancers on a Saturday night! Half of those "dancers" looked like escaped convicts, or short and chubby Michael Chiklis from the Commish types. I can't believe some of these guys thought to themselves "hey I would make a good stripper" when they look so unattractive.


I too spent my coming-of-age- in metro-Detroit since I was 2-years-old. That's almost 43 years in the metro-Detroit area. I was very disappointed with my gay coming-of-age experience in metro-Detroit, and especially the current status quo of the gay scene.


The new body builder "Bruce" was was busy non-stop in the back room up until closing, but he isn't remotely my type as I prefer skinny boyish twinks. Bruce would do very well at Stock if you're into the Stock type. I'm into the skinny emo twink boy type that is traditionally featured at Taboo.


There literally were no other dancers after 1am on the stage. The stage was literally completely empty. Picture that in your head! Plus the music was so roaring load you couldn't have a conversation or barely understand each other.


It's never a good sign when it's near closing time at 1:20am and you're so desperate you have to chase down a dancer who is sitting with his friends at the outside patio smoking/drinking and ask "are you still working" and beg for a dance.


That was my first mistake!!


Then I paid $10 to use the private booth instead of the $5 curtained booth.


That was my second mistake!!


Why am I paying $10 for a pvt booth when all he's doing his facing me letting me grab his ass?


Lastly, why spend $20 for three dances which only last 2:30 minute each song for "Jake" the stripper to simply unbutton my shirt and basically hug me for 8 minutes while I feel his ass?


His teeth looked like a meth addict and he had a giant scar on his belly. Very unattractive!!


At the beginning Jake said "these are the rules "...which basically his only rule was I couldn't rim or finger him. It's a major turn off before you even start when a stripper is telling me what I can't do. Sounds like an experienced con artist. I've been to strip clubs for over 25-years and never has a stripper say anything like that. Usually I talk to them for 20 minutes before taking them to the back.


I can't believe I was so desperate and lonely enough to spent $70 just to feel a strippers ass for 8 minutes!! Did I mention his teeth were rotting and he had a huge scar on his stomach. EwEwEw. And I spent $70 for this!


Total and complete rip off.


There's a reason it's been nearly 4 years since I last visited the Gold Coast. I don't think I will ever return in my lifetime.


$70 down the drain... $70!!!


I would have been happier buying $70 worth of Haagen Dazs.

Edited by twinkboylover28
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Quite a few people are actually enjoying the new dancers. Bruce is a god send as well as the other bodybuilders he's got showing up now. The place has been overrun with fem twinks for way too long now. And the ones with terrible bodies are finally being told to kick rocks. I go every weekend now and I have a blast.


With all due respect, your post is literally the only post saying anything remotely positive about the Gold Coast in this entire thread. If you enjoy roided body builders the likes of Stock Bar in Montreal like "Bruce" and friend(s) then knock yourself out. I stand by what I said, and echo what everyone else has said regarding the Gold Coast.


I was there Saturday from 10pm - 2am and the Gold Coast was dreadful. It was not a fun welcoming place. Barely a dozen customers Obviously the nasty unattractive dancers have not been kicked out, let alone the ones with rotting teeth and massive scars on their stomach...and chunky. What's the deal with the ex-con scary looking thug dancers or short and fat stumpy ones?

What kind of strip club has ZERO dancers on stage after 1am on a Saturday night the second week of Autumn? If you're not fascinated with "Bruce" and his body builder friend(s) then you're SOL. A strip club can't survive on one new body builder and his friend(s) of the week.

Like many, I'm into skinny attractive twinks and there were none.

Not to mention the other club that the Gold Coast is attached to named "SIN" was totally empty on a Saturday night as well. I'm not making this up!

Edited by twinkboylover28
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Dude you are a trip. I’ve never been to Gold Coast and don’t plan on going but your rantings on Montreal and virtually everything else read like a bitter miserable queen. I’m sure you know they are speaking to you when someone says “now serving bitter party of one”.


Btw...there aren’t “many others” who like skinny 18 year old twinks. Those are children and most of us have no interest in children.


Getting my popcorn and a soda. This is going to be fun to watch.

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I've been reading all these posts about Montreal and Detroit, and I'm genuinely curious why it bothers you so much when other people like something that you don't.


This is a message board where everyone is welcome and encouraged to submit their individual experience regarding male strip clubs. Am I wrong? It's glaringly apparent and most obvious that my views and experiences, especially in this thread, are in sync with 99% of the people who posted. What is your problem?


Why does it bother YOU so much that I pointed out these FACTS of truth? I'm curious what YOU have to say about everyone else who echoed the exact same thing I have been saying all along in this thread? They are not my words but THEIRS! Are they "bothered" too?


Same thing regarding Montreal's breathtaking decline. I included several contributions from TripAdvisor posters as well as from members on the other website to support my position and somehow that makes me "bothered".


When people substantiate their reviews with facts and provide supporting evidence/reviews, this is generally considered a good thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Dude you are a trip. I’ve never been to Gold Coast and don’t plan on going but your rantings on Montreal and virtually everything else read like a bitter miserable queen. I’m sure you know they are speaking to you when someone says “now serving bitter party of one”.


Btw...there aren’t “many others” who like skinny 18 year old twinks. Those are children and most of us have no interest in children.




Apparently there are plenty of people like myself who enjoy the company of 18-year-old adults.


From MichaelB83's thread Club Gold Coast in Detroit is finally getting hot dancers again:



There's a new guy named Bruce that started dancing a few weeks ago. He's 6'5" and only 18 years old. The private dances don't disappoint.


WOW ! that picture is worth a thousand words...and several lap dances ! mmmmmmmmmmm


Amazing! Wondering if there are more...


He's gonna be there this Friday with one of his boys who is shorter but still hot as fuck.


I will try to be up there Friday to see him.
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@twinkboylover88 This thread was started in April and most of the reviews save for mine in yours are actually current. You offered a one-sided opinion and attacked me for offering mine which is why other users dubbed you a bitter queen. Like you said, this thread is for everyone so next time, be respectful of others opinions and they might actually end up respecting yours. And reviews from other users from months ago are hardly facts that can be used to "substantiate" your review.


I concur with you that most of these reviews are current. I agree with everyone else on this thread who has submitted their unbiased perspective on the breathtaking decline of Gold Coast. Apparently our views don't happen to sync up with your one-sided opinion, as clearly you can see your input is the only one remotely positive.


FYI, whenever someone prefaces their opinion, as I clearly did, with the phrase "with all due respect" then you can't call it an attack on you. Reviews from several other users are most certainly support that can be used to substantiate and corroborate my views. How else would one support their opinion? On the contrary, calling someone names like 'bitter queen' certainly doesn't look favorable towards your position.


Remember that while it is perfectly acceptable to criticize the content of a post - criticizing the poster is not. Mean spirited, nasty, snide, sarcastic, hateful, and rude individuals on the message-forum don't warrant or deserve my or other posters' acknowledgement or respect.

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Dude, this is your issue. Your opinion of something doesn't need other reviews to support it. Those reviews speak for themselves. Your opinion speaks for itself. Think about it this way... When you read a movie review, it doesn't reference other reviews to support it's argument. It references the movie and provides support for it's viewpoint using examples from the movie. It doesn't say this movie sucks and everyone thinks so.

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Dude, this is your issue. Your opinion of something doesn't need other reviews to support it. Those reviews speak for themselves. Your opinion speaks for itself. Think about it this way... When you read a movie review, it doesn't reference other reviews to support it's argument. It references the movie and provides support for it's viewpoint using examples from the movie. It doesn't say this movie sucks and everyone thinks so.



Dude, this is your issue. There's nothing wrong with pointing out the fact that the majority of posts on this thread (which I did NOT start by the way) are completely negative towards the Gold Coast in every way. Am I supposed to apologize for pointing that out?


There are plenty of examples in the news where the reporter says "all the reviews have panned this movie", or "this film has received mostly negative reviews."


Have we come to the point where we have to walk on egg shells with very FACT we post?


I never said my review "needed" others to support it, but if others DO support my view then there's absolutely nothing wrong in pointing this fact out.

In most schools of thought, it's a good thing (actually mandatory) to substantiate and collaborate one's viewpoint/position by referring to other supporting facts.


That's the whole point of sites like TripAdvisor, TrustPilot, AngiesList, etc. If you see 99% negative reviews for a painter, then chances are he's a horrible painter. Should I not point out those 99% of reviews who agree with me that he's a horrible painter? Yes, they may speak for themselves, but nothing wrong to point out the obvious.


If it's a fact that 9 out of 10 think a movie sucks, then it's a fact that 9 out of 10 think the movie sucks.

Yes, the movie may not suck for that 10th person, but for 9 out of 10 people the movie does suck.


Think about it this way....just like reviews for hotels, restaurants, movies, and clubs...if everyone says the food sucks then the food probably and most likely sucks. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if they have no supporting evidence/reviews to back them up, then there review is like a needle in the haystack and should be taken with a grain of salt (no pun).


I live 30 minutes away from the Gold Coast. I've been on this message-forum for over a decade. If the Gold Coast was any good, don't you think I would be there every night instead of once every 4 years? I would never have to spend all that money on air, hotel, rental car ,and restaurants traveling to Montreal or where ever if the Gold Coast is just 30 minutes from my house.


Think about it...

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I'm not saying gold coast doesn't suck. I've never been. I'm saying I can read all the reviews and make my own decision, and your insistence on interpreting the crowd and saying that 99% of people agree with you doesn't mean squat to me. So as someone who hasn't been here for 10 years, your exaggerations (moreso on the montreal thrrad) and insistence that other opinions are wrong mean I can't take your reviews seriously.

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I'm not saying gold coast doesn't suck. I've never been. I'm saying I can read all the reviews and make my own decision, and your insistence on interpreting the crowd and saying that 99% of people agree with you doesn't mean squat to me. So as someone who hasn't been here for 10 years, your exaggerations (moreso on the montreal thrrad) and insistence that other opinions are wrong mean I can't take your reviews seriously.


My "exaggerations"?


"My insistence on interpreting the crowd?"


I simply highlighted other people's real-life reviews, which ALL agreed with me except for one on this thread!


Do you seriously want me to apologize for highlighting this fact?

Do you want me to omit this fact?


I never said other people's opinions were wrong. I respect everyone's opinion. I prefaced my remarks on this thread with the sentence "with all due respect"....which is a heck of a lot more than most people would ever consider doing to me.


FYI, reviews usually receive MORE credence (not less) when they're backed up with facts and supported by (majority) other reviewers, but to each his own.


Everyone is free to interpret the reviews and make up their own mind. Just like you have.


I personally don't care if people go to Gold Coast or Montreal. Knock yourself out.


I'm simply submitting my experience, which is what the forum is all bout, submitting personal experiences.


Walking on egg shells....

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Anyways..... Gold Coast has a lot of new muscular dancers for those of you who aren't just interested in girly twinks. I've definitely been happy enough to spend all my money there every weekend. Their Instagram page shows they're flying in dancers from all over now too and the line-up is hot as fuck. www.instagram.com/clubgoldcoast But that's just my opinion.....:rolleyes:


Terrific. I personally would rather be with a woman than any of those dancers listed on their Instagram, but to each his own.


God Bless America!

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  • 2 months later...

I was there Sunday night for a couple hours... 3 dancers. Maybe 6 customers. Didn't really get a crackhead vibe but none of the dancers were really mingling with customers... just chatting with bartenders and each other. I started chatting with the DJ on grindr... he was cuter than all the dancers haha.

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