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Stock Bar Joel

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I have been a reader of this forum for a few years but a recent experience has prompted me to join and share my experience


Currently in Montreal for the third time and have always enjoyed both Stock and Campus, I will follow with a more detailed review of some of the guys etc


I have read about people being ripped off by dancers before but never experienced it.


Joel in stock is an attractive guy with a good body, very outgoing and a little pushy but seems to have many clients


Agreed to have a private and said to start with two songs and then ask after each. He didn’t prompt so after three songs I stopped and gave him the money, he then claimed it was four songs and I said I was sure it wasn’t but paid as didn’t want the hassle


A few days later I allowed myself to be talked into another private, wondering if I had been mistaken. I clearly stated that I just wanted two songs and made a point of asking him to wait for the next song to start. After two songs I stopped and went to pay and again he then claimed it was three. I told him that I clearly stated two and even checked after the first song. He was adamant it was three. I really didn’t want to cause a massive scene and just told him that he had now done this twice and I would not ever pay him again.


He knew that he had ripped me off and another client said he had the same experience


Silly because I would of had a dance with him every night if he had been fair, in the end, his loss but I suspect he does it to everyone


It’s a great shame, I like Stock bar and find most dancers to be very professional in the way they work, I cannot let one person spoil my experience but I hope that this will make others avoid him


Had some amazing dances with other guys, will save that information for when I get home

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Too bad that you left with a bad taste of the Stock Bar. The manager seems to monitor this site, I expect you will get a private PM from him. The dancer you mention isn't on the webpage of the club so I have no idea who he is. A couple of the guys there seem very nice (I know 'nice' is a lame description).

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Thanks for the reply, I don't blame the bar and unless anyone complains they wouldn't know what he is up to, unfortunately there will always be those that take advantage. It is a shame as he is a popular guy and I wouldn't think he would need to con people this way.


I think he's quite new to the bar, he looks like a smaller and younger Clark Kent with glasses to match, unfortunately for me actions destroy beauty, more annoyed with my own stupidity of not learning the first time!

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he then claimed it was four songs and I said I was sure it wasn’t but paid as didn’t want the hassle


Stand up for yourself Mary!.....Hand him the cash you owe him, say "goodbye" and LEAVE the bar.


And on the way out make SURE the bartender (whom I'm SURE you have been tipping like mad)...KNOWS why you're leaving.


The "problem" will fix itself.


A few days later I allowed myself to be talked into another private, wondering if I had been mistaken


Oh, please! I call shenanigans!


You went back because you are a horny stupid man (like the rest of us) and he was counting on that.....guess what? ....he was right!


Fool me once....shame on you...fool me twice?.....You're a goddamn fool.


It’s a great shame,


Yes it is.


But sometimes we have to learn the hard way.....Baby, a leopard doesn't change it's spots.


I've always said.....if I've hired a hooker/stripper....got burned....learned a lesson...and no one got killed?....it's a good day!

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stand your ground. I had a similar experience with another dancer earlier this month. He tried to charge me for 5 songs when it had just been 3. I paid him for 3 and told him he was one of the best dances I've ever had, until he tried to hustle me. The owner was sitting next to me by the bar, told him about it, but didn't name names. The dancer later came up to apologize saying that he was tired so he counted wrong. The next night he apologized again and offered to give me a free dance, I appreciate his offer but declined.

Its such a common occurrence to be over charged for songs, that now I always start a stop watch when a lap dance starts.

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stand your ground. I had a similar experience with another dancer earlier this month. He tried to charge me for 5 songs when it had just been 3. I paid him for 3 and told him he was one of the best dances I've ever had, until he tried to hustle me. The owner was sitting next to me by the bar, told him about it, but didn't name names. The dancer later came up to apologize saying that he was tired so he counted wrong. The next night he apologized again and offered to give me a free dance, I appreciate his offer but declined.

Its such a common occurrence to be over charged for songs, that now I always start a stop watch when a lap dance starts.

And the guessing starts ...

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stand your ground. I had a similar experience with another dancer earlier this month. He tried to charge me for 5 songs when it had just been 3. I paid him for 3 and told him he was one of the best dances I've ever had, until he tried to hustle me. The owner was sitting next to me by the bar, told him about it, but didn't name names. The dancer later came up to apologize saying that he was tired so he counted wrong. The next night he apologized again and offered to give me a free dance, I appreciate his offer but declined.

Its such a common occurrence to be over charged for songs, that now I always start a stop watch when a lap dance starts.


Interesting Scott,

When you reported this incident to me I offered to solve the problem for you and as you stated you declined.

How would you expect this type of problem to be solved unless you let management get involved ?

Posting here 4 weeks later wont solve the problem.

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FWIW...I love Stock and Campus, and I don't count songs. I haven't for years. It's too distracting, plus it's almost impossible to keep track, especially when it's hard to hear when one song starts and another ends. I always tell the dancer that I will pay him $100 for 15 mins. It's about the same time, 3 minutes per song, except that I can glance at my phone and in an instant know when the time is up. Most dancers know that clients fly in for a few days, so wanting your repeat business makes sense. I've always found the dancers to bend over backwards to make sure you are having a good time, in the hopes that you come back to see them, which I almost always do...


Just my 2 cents.

Edited by bigvalboy
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Interesting Scott,

When you reported this incident to me I offered to solve the problem for you and as you stated you declined.

How would you expect this type of problem to be solved unless you let management get involved ?

Posting here 4 weeks later wont solve the problem.


This was two nights ago, not four weeks, stupidly I didn't report it to anyone

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Sorry if we have mis-heard his name, as we speak very limited French and the DJ speaks quite quickly with a strong accent it was hard to hear, when he first introduced himself it sounded more like Jon or Jean maybe. He worked Friday, Saturday and Sunday night just passed, he was the shortest dancer there, wore glasses and had a script tattoo on one side of his body. He told us he was 20 which was probably correct.


Please note we dont blame the bar at all, we had a great time over the 6 nights we visited. My partner and I take dances with both of us at the same time which is unusual and will be remembered by many of the other dancers we enjoyed, ie Jackson, Nathan, Nick, Andrew, Fabio, Vinnie and a couple more I forget the names of. Last night was particularly quiet and there were very few dancers in, I am sure you can work out who I mean.


He ignored us most of the night yesterday but as it was so quiet tried to talk quite late in the evening, I told him to go away as he had ripped us off, he laughed and walked away.


Anyway, the point of my post was to try and make sure that other people avoid him and he losses the money he took from us. Karma will do the job I am sure.


I should of made a fuss but I didn't want to ruin our night, storming our of the bar would have spoilt our vacation and meant we wouldn't of felt comfortable returning.


We enjoy stock very much and write this off to experience, we have visited a number of times over the years and will continue to do so. Every other dancer we encountered was extremely professional and as we requested after two songs checked to see if we wanted to continue each time. We were not used to his way of operating. All the waiters gave great service and had a laugh and a joke with us, to blame the establishment for one person would be unfair. Had it been our first visit and he been our first dancer then to be honest we would never of come back.


As for "How would you expect this type of problem to be solved unless you let management get involved ?" I think I have covered that above, simply didn't want to spoil our night/vacation by causing a drama, in the end he lost out as we would of enjoyed him most nights as we did with some of the others.


Sadly our vacation is now over so it will be a while before we can enjoy Stock Bar again.

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EZEtoGRU is correct, his name is JONES.

He has worked a very short period of time, less than 1 month and has no prior experience.

He will be reprimanded for this incident.

My only wish was that when the incident took place you would have asked to speak to the manager to inform him about the situation.


Hope you visit again soon !!


QUOTE="TwoGuyz, post: 1391457, member: 17043"]Oh and to identify him further, his first dance is always to the song "Criminal", I should of taken that as a clue.

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Thanks for the information and sorry that we did not raise the matter at the time, the fact that you read this so quickly and your swift replies demonstrates how seriously you take your customer service, our positive experiences far outweighed this negative one.


We will be back as soon as the schedule and wallet allows!

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Interesting Scott,

When you reported this incident to me I offered to solve the problem for you and as you stated you declined.

How would you expect this type of problem to be solved unless you let management get involved ?

Posting here 4 weeks later wont solve the problem.

Thank you Stock Bar, sorry I didn't want to get anyone in trouble. I don't expect you to be able to fix these situations if you are not aware. I just wanted to have a good time and enjoy your establishment and I did. You were very gracious to our group and have some of the best dancers I've ever seen/felt ;-)

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You always have to be alert and stand your ground.


I recently had a private hotel meeting with a hot young guy whom I had met in Montreal. (No, not at Stock bar.)


We agreed on a certain price for an hour-long appointment, and after our time together was up, I handed him the compensation along with a tip for good service.


Without counting it, he immediately slid the cash into his wallet and then announced quite loudly, "You only gave me $100.00. You still owe me another hundred."






I replied that no, I had given him $200.00 plus another $50.00 tip for his time, and that in the future it would be a wise idea to count the money he receives before ramming it directly into his wallet. That way, he won't make ((ahem)) any more "mistakes" like this in the future.


He knew that he was trying to rip me off for additional cash...and *I* knew it too, but he figured that if he were loud and aggressive enough I would cave in and pay him more.


That ain't never gonna happen. I work hard for my money and don't have a lot of extra to throw away.


So I just stared at him with a placid look on my face, and a slight smile. Think: the Mona Lisa, LOL. I remained silent and staring at him for so long that HE got uncomfortable and finally stomped out of the hotel room.


The next day, he texted me and asked if I wanted to get together again.


Bwahahahahahaha! Dishonest, a would-be thief, and an idiot. Not someone I would choose to meet again.

Edited by NowOrNever
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  • 2 weeks later...
After watching the live feed this weekend, I’m thankful this Jones character is not my type at all. Hallelujah. Although it appears Stock has a lot of fresh meat and most are complete stunners. This spells trouble for my bank account for my upcoming January trip!! Le sigh. :eek:;)

Are you going for New Years Eve?

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Over-counting is such a pervasive problem, it really deters me as a customer. I have been going to clubs for the past 20 years and it can really ruin the experience.

First, if I am ever overcharged, even by just one song, I will never do another dance with that dancer. No exceptions. In the long run they lose so much money. They got an extra $20 or $40 from me but it cost them hundreds of dollars in future revenue. Just a poor business decision. I hate the feeling of being hustled. And there are other dancers who are honest I would rather patronize. BTW, I am not senile or going deaf... I can hear the songs and count!


There have been times when I paid the correct amount and then told I owe for more songs. If I am mad enough I will stand my ground and simply say "that's all I am paying for.... we can take it up with the manager if you'd like." Then I cross that dancer off my list. Other times I just pay and leave the bar in a bad mood. Only once did I talk to management about it, and they said they'd talk to the dancer. But didn't do me any good.


I wish Stock would address this somehow-- it would eliminate conflicts, and I would definitely spend more time/money there. Have some sort of timer or counter in the booth. One place I went to you had to buy tokens and drop them in a box before each song. It resolved the issue... dancers weren't being underpaid (if that's an issue) and customers weren't being overcharged. I like the suggestion of using the stopwatch on my phone. That could be a solution as well.


I think Stock is a great club and my experience is that many dancers will try to take advantage by overcounting because most customers will just pay, to avoid a scene, like the posters. However if we don't do business with those dancers and instead direct it towards the honest ones, that will send a message.


Thanks to management for taking this matter into consideration.

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Some tips to avoid overcounting:

1. Agree with the dancer what he constitutes as the length of one song (I negotiate for 4 minutes per song, with 3.5 minutes at minimum). Then whip out the stopwatch app on your phone and time it the moment you are seated and about to commence the lap dance.


2. Ask your dancer to count the songs out loud as each song ends.


3. If you just want a fixed number of songs at the back with a dancer, tell him before you go in that you will only pay for XX songs and that he has to inform you when XX songs are up and you’ll decide at that point to either end the lap dance or continue for more.

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