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The guy in this ad is hot:



I stopped watching SHAMELESS, but I guess he was involved with Ian:

Jeff Pierre:















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The one commercial I found tremendously entertaining was the one where a guy is seated in economy and begins to be harassed by a young girl seated directed behind him. He gets up and proceeds towards the first class area. As he makes his way he envisioned a beautiful female first class attendant coming toward him. She and he reach the curtain that separates the two class areas and she abruptly pulls the curtain together so that he is on the economy side. You see her turn around and the look she has on her face is priceless (sort of a "I'm in the first class area and you're not." You then see him, dejected of course. Believe it or not I can't recall which airlines it is for or even if it was for an airlines and not for something else. So much for branding. At any rate, I tried to get a link on Youtube so you would know which commercial I was talking about but could not find it. Sorry.

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Believe it or not I can't recall which airlines it is for or even if it was for an airlines and not for something else. So much for branding. At any rate, I tried to get a link on Youtube so you would know which commercial I was talking about but could not find it. Sorry.


I know the ad, but can't remember the brand/client, either. I think it's for a financial company of some sort.

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I laugh every time I see one of Jennifer Aniston's ads for Aveeno. The tag line is always something like "Naturally beautiful results," spoken by a woman with bleached blond hair, who had a nose job before her acting career took off.





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a guy is seated in economy and begins to be harassed by a young girl seated directed behind him.
You really should get your memory checked.

I think it's for a financial company of some sort.

Told ya!



[the ad no longer shows up]


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Today is Jan 1 - which means that within the next 24 hours, all the kitchy "holiday" commercials will be gone, for another 11 months or so. :p


But - I have to give Subaru a little bit of credit. Their constant odd reliance on "love" to sell their products notwithstanding (I find their ad campaigns confusing and needlessly maudlin with all their various girly "love" songs, etc), their worst offense is how they promote their "Share The Love" concept, which I do understand is a charity cause - but it's the stupid plunk-a-plunk of a ukelele in the background (why??) while people tell their touching stories (that never have anything to do with cars, mind you) followed by these always non-singing participants forced to sing, off-key, "put a little love in your heart." (With all the great pro renditions/covers of this classic song, why the fuck have non-singers do it??)


But of late I've noticed that they've cut all the bad singing. The idiotic uke is still there, but no more "we can't sing, but we'll make you listen to us sing anyway" anymore. Perhaps Subaru actually got too many complaints, lol?


"Love - It's what makes a Subaru a Subaru." Fuck WHAT??? :rolleyes:

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The moment you realize your wife is too dumb to live...

Lowe's has had an ad campaign for awhile now-- "The moment you realize..." Well, this ad shows a couple buying a new oven because the wife is too stupid to realize that if she turns the casserole dish on the right of top rack, she'd be able to fit in the dish she's trying to fit, and they wouldn't have to spend the money on a new oven.


Leslie Mann's Jergens commercials are always obnoxious and creepy... she's always popping up unannounced in people's bathrooms, talking to them about their dry skin.




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I find the Leslie Mann ads kind of funny because they're a little offbeat but I can see why you find them obnoxious.


I have posted about this before but the ad I find heinously obnoxious is the one for a medicine for some kind of intestinal disorder where an actress in a tan leotard and a red wig portrays the disorder as vaguely mentally disabled and physically klutzy. In previous discussions, people said that I shouldn't deride the actress who took the role as she's probably making lots of money and boosting her career and I don't blame her. I blame the ad people who put this moronic commercial together.

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I have posted about this before but the ad I find heinously obnoxious is the one for a medicine for some kind of intestinal disorder where an actress in a tan leotard and a red wig portrays the disorder as vaguely mentally disabled and physically klutzy. In previous discussions, people said that I shouldn't deride the actress who took the role as she's probably making lots of money and boosting her career and I don't blame her. I blame the ad people who put this moronic commercial together.


Agreed on that particular ad. And on most of the pharmaceutical ads. Here's one that I thought was inventive but also unduly weird - I still can't decide if the sleep/wake "pets" are more cute or creepy, lol.



And of course the oddest thing about all such ads is the amount of time spent telling us about all the side effects, etc - when NOT to use the drug in question. I know they have to do that by law, but it does also seem to work against the point of having the ads at all...

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Agreed on that particular ad. And on most of the pharmaceutical ads. Here's one that I thought was inventive but also unduly weird - I still can't decide if the sleep/wake "pets" are more cute or creepy, lol.



And of course the oddest thing about all such ads is the amount of time spent telling us about all the side effects, etc - when NOT to use the drug in question. I know they have to do that by law, but it does also seem to work against the point of having the ads at all...

You're absolutely right about the ad with the sleep/wake pets. That was just plain creepy. I tended to hit the remote whenever it came on. It reminded me of my childhood dreams of monsters.

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I’ve always disliked KFC’s revolving celebrity Colonels ad campaign, but Reba McEntire with her sibilant twang drives me up the @&*#ing wall!


The maker of the Veg-O-Matic, the Showtime Rotisserie oven and the 5 Minute Pasta Wizard has been cooked again.


Ronco — whose TV spots hawked gadgets like Mr. Microphone and the Beef Jerky Machine, a dehydrator it called “a one-way ticket to meat-lover’s heaven” — filed for Chapter 11 this week, its third trip to bankruptcy court since its founding 49 years ago.


The filing comes a year after Ronco’s failed attempt to raise $30 million in an IPO that sounded like one of its late-night pitches: Buy $1,000 in shares, and get a 20 percent discount on its website. Spend more than $5,000 and get a Ronco Rotisserie, too.


That was despite a warning in the IPO filing from auditors at the time, who raised “substantial doubt” about whether the company was viable.


Ronco’s founder and TV pitchman Ron Popeil, who sold the company in 2005 for nearly $60 million, said Friday he has an inkling about what led to the most recent demise of the brand he launched in 1969.


“The Showtime Rotisserie did over $1 billion in sales over its lifetime, and the current owner changed it,” Popeil, 82, told The Post. “They retooled and started over in China. They had a winner. Why would you take your best product and change it?”


The prolific inventor, who now lives in Beverly Hills, Calif., said that Ronco — which was sold at least three times after he left it — added other products to its line “to make it look like they were a bigger company than they were,” but that the products were “really worthless.”


The Chapter 11 filing lists the company’s assets and liabilities between $1 million and $10 million.


The $30 million in cash that Ronco tried and failed to raise in its IPO last year “was key to keeping the lights on in a business that was losing $4.5 million per year,” Adam Stein-Sapir, a bankruptcy expert at Pioneer Funding Group, told The Post. “Without it, they were forced to file for bankruptcy.”


Ronco owns the rights to Popeil’s former products and the rights to use his name and likeness, but not for any new Ronco products. Popeil’s name and image are so important to Ronco that at one point the company took out a $15 million life insurance policy on him.


“I remember that someone asked me permission for the policy many years ago,” Popeil said, adding that he agreed. The policy “still exists, but I don’t know who owns it,” he added.


The Austin, Texas-based company’s lawyer did not return a call for comment, and its president, William Moore, could not immediately be reached on Friday.


“I know the current owner and I’m a good friend of his,” Popeil said. “But running a business is not his talent.”


But wait — there’s more: Popeil is still plying his trade as an inventor, and recently produced a turkey fryer that can be used on a kitchen counter. He is close to inking a deal with an investor who wants sell Popeil’s new inventions on TV, like in the old days.


“I might do walk-ons to talk about my new products,” he said, adding, “I look a little older now.”



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I don't know if this is a national commercial or local, but I always laugh at it. The man begins by mentioning his 11 grandkids. At the end, he's dressed in rain gear, to protect himself against the water gun assault by all of those rugrats. However, his claim of "I know a few things about protection" kinda rings hollow when you consider the litter he begat.








I saw an ad the other night for a drug called Repatha. I couldn't help but wonder if Lieutenant Van Buren from Law & Order were the spokesperson, would they call it R. Epatha?



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In its time this commercial was one of the most annoying ever, and it seemed to really strike a nerve with my friends and family. When my family is together it isn't unusual for me or one of my brothers to walk into a room, spontaneously shriek, and exclaim, "Honest, Sheriff! I didn't know the gum was loaded!"


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