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I like this Volkswagen ad:





  • I think this ad is obnoxious, and should end with the girl having her driving privileges taken away for several years:

A travel company is defending a bizarre advertising campaign that’s been panned on social media for featuring models posing as naked flight attendants.


The ad, by Kazakhstan company Chocotravel, features a number of women wearing nothing but neck scarves and strategically placed hats, apparently to reinforce the company’s pledge to add nothing extra to the cost of airfares for customers.


Chocotravel has kept the controversial ad on its Facebook page and on YouTube despite it being branded “demeaning” to women and “tasteless.”


Many critics vented their outrage at the short clip on Facebook.


“What if it was your mother or little sister in the ads. How would you feel?” one person asked, according to the BBC.


Another said the company had hit an “all-time low” with the “old fashioned” and “sexist” ad.


But some people defended the ad, saying there was nothing shameful about the women’s bodies, and praising the company’s bold advertising strategy.


“They are brave people who are not afraid to experiment or act to change the world,” one person said on Facebook.


Chocotravel published a male version of the same ad on its Facebook page the next day, using the same script but featuring male pilots, which did little to appease those complaining of the ad campaign’s sexism.


Responding to the outrage on his Facebook page, Chocotravel ticketing service director Nikolay Mazensev said the clips were “bold and outrageous” and the company “did not mean to offend.”


“It shows no less than you’d see on the beach or by the pool,” he said. “Do you attack girls in short skirts or swimsuits?”


Nurken Rzaliyev, an employee of Chocotravel’s parent company Chocofamily, also took to Facebook to deny the ads were sexist.


“There’s definitely no sexism,” he said.


“Opinions were divided, but attention was made to the problem of high ticket prices.”


Edited by samhexum
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  • She bowled us over in TV spots, but now Diana Hunter, the “Honey Bunches of Oats lady,” is retiring from the company — and its commercials — after 40 years.
    The Honey Bunches of Oats cereal company’s employee-turned-commercial-star, Diana Hunter, is retiring from her factory job in production after a 40-year career. Hunter first appeared in a commercial for the Post cereal brand in 2015 from the floor of the Battle Creek, Michigan plant where she worked.
    One of Hunter’s co-workers told BuzzFeed that she retired on Friday and that she’s a “good friend that will be missed.”
    Hunter won over fans with her approachable charm and endearing storytelling. In an Oats commercial she’s featured in, Hunter called the cereal she was working with “sparkle flakes.”
    “When you taste it, you think it’s a sparkle,” she said. “A sparkle in your eye.”
    But it was in the first commercial she’s featured in where Hunter spooned her way into households across the country. She talked about how she once had to let someone know the sweet smell in the air around them was actually her.
    “I get out of work and I got to the store and somebody smells around, ‘Mmm, I smell cookies,'” she recalled. “I said, ‘Oh no, you just smell me. I just got out of work. That’s Honey Bunches of Oats!'”
    Hunter’s ad – complete with a hairnet and red hard hat – ran nationwide, thousands of times, for about a year.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Some of the current ads that have me running for the remote:


The Choice Hotel ads - with that fucking idiot who can only say "ba-da-book ba-da-boom" It was barely funny the first time - now they really need to stop this shit.


The Ameritrade ads - with that fucking bearded idiot who seems to be trying to do a really bad Colbert impression while he asks people stupid annoying questions. Especially the one with the woman talking about golf.


One of the current National Car Rental ads with Patrick Warburton. Now, I've had more than a bit of a crush on "Puddy" ever since his Seinfeld days. And he still looks pretty great. But I really really really don't need him to show me his trying to take out his own appendix. That's just creepy.


I also think it's really time to say goodbye to Flo and Jamie at Progressive. Even though he's sorta cute in his dorky, boyish way. But I just think it's time for a new gimmick. They've been at this for a long, long time - and it shows. And, most of their ads don't really seem to advertise anything.

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Some of the current ads that have me running for the remote:


The Choice Hotel ads - with that fucking idiot who can only say "ba-da-book ba-da-boom" It was barely funny the first time - now they really need to stop this shit. DEFINITELY!


One of the current National Car Rental ads with Patrick Warburton. Now, I've had more than a bit of a crush on "Puddy" ever since his Seinfeld days. And he still looks pretty great. But I really really really don't need him to show me his trying to take out his own appendix. That's just creepy. The first time I noticed him was on an episode of the old Richard Lewis/ Jamie Lee Curtis sitcom ANYTHING BUT LOVE. He played a bodyguard assigned to protect Lewis, who came on to him while wearing a towel.


I also think it's really time to say goodbye to Flo and Jamie at Progressive. Even though he's sorta cute in his dorky, boyish way. But I just think it's time for a new gimmick. They've been at this for a long, long time - and it shows. And, most of their ads don't really seem to advertise anything. Have you seen Jamie's latest?


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The Ameritrade ads - with that fucking bearded idiot who seems to be trying to do a really bad Colbert impression while he asks people stupid annoying questions. Especially the one with the woman talking about golf.


This one is a fork in the road for me. I can do without the bearded gentleman, but the actress opposite him I find cute and engaging.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Here is more of Jamie in the Progressive commercials



I've posted about this before and people wrote and wrote and wrote about how unfair I was being to the actress but the ad that makes me gag is the one for Irritable Bowel Syndrome medication in which there is a young woman in a tan leotard and a horrible red wig portraying the IBS that is plaguing the other young woman in the ad. It's offensive in so many ways and the haters are going to come after me again but what I object to the most is that the actress portraying the disease appears to be mentally challenged (as the character, not the actress herself). I'm embarrassed for her and horrified by the ad campaign.


I think the Mark Wahlberg ads are horrible too. How broke is Anjelica Houston that she accepted a job in which she stands behind a curtain and then exits wearing a dollar sign over her dress? Okay, haters, bring it on!


And what about the English woman who gave people ass wipes as they went into the bathroom and then asked them about their "experience" afterwards? Or the animated bears touting toilet paper?


And the networks wonder why viewership of commercial TV has declined so dramatically. It's the commercials, stupid!

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And the networks wonder why viewership of commercial TV has declined so dramatically. It's the commercials, stupid!


Meh. Nothing has changed. One of the game show networks runs old black and white episodes of What's My Line and related shows, complete with the old commericals. Some of those ads (essentially for deodorant and other grooming products) are really terrible. Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.

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