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Swinging Richards update

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Visited SR this weekend in Atlanta. It's one of my favorite places and I almost always have a great evening. There is a real obvious change going on that has caused me to wonder whether or not I'll ever go back:


1. The number of women in the club seems to have doubled if not more. Large groups of young women and older "legal" girls, dressed to kill, are making their way into the club. They took up almost all the tables up close to the stage; I believe a few of them had reserved seating. Occasionally one or two will arise from their seat and give the dancer a dollar bill. Most of the time they remain seated and hope the dancers will come by for a lap dance. These lap dances always seem to take place in the middle of the group and result in wild screaming and gesticulating. No matter how loud is the music, everyone knows when a group of ladies is getting a lap dance. Worst of all these groups of women don't seem to have any idea that they are in a gay club. The DJ used to announce from time to time, that "this is a GAY CLUB ladies. The dancers would appreciate your putting a buck or two in their arm bands." The really obnoxious women will take a bunch of singles and throw them at the dancer on stage. "Making it rain" is not really the custom at SR. Patrons are supposed to come up and put some cash in the armband of the dancer. Sometimes the dancer will respond with a quick hug. It always seemed a bit more intimate to me. Throwing money at the dancer on stage just seems tacky if not imperialistic. "Bend over and pick up the money off the ground. You're less than me," it seems to be saying.


2. Le Bare is a famous club in Dallas just for women. Men are usually not allowed in. Once inside they have their choice of any number of hot straight guys who will pay them lots of attention. SR has always felt like a home away from home. This was my club. Here were "my people." Guys just like me enjoying the sights and sound and company of good looking young men. I'm sorry to see SR becoming so concerned with welcoming females to the club. I miss the old SR already.

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Swinging Richards in Atlanta is the most upscale and the classiest of the male strip clubs south of the US-Canadian border. Its size and layout provide a comfortable environment to kick back and have an enjoyable and relaxing evening. And the quality, quantity, and diversity of the boys is unmatched. Bozo has not experienced the above scenario, though he hasn't been in Atlanta for a couple of years. However, if this is what's happening there now, let's hope someone from Swinging Richards is reading this thread. They had better know that gay men are their bread and butter. Nothing wrong with having gals at the club as long as they comport themselves properly, but once they have a few drinks, and the well-behaved women become screaming and cackling hens, it crosses the line. It begins to infringe on our enjoyment.

Why not adopt the Montreal model used at Stock and Campus? Have one night a week dedicated to the ladies. The rest of the week...... just for us boys :)


While Bozo is on a roll, here's another unsolicited recommendation: STOP THE SMOKING!!!

We are now in 2017. People scream and yell about the effects of climate change (or is it global warming?). Yet it's somehow acceptable to sit an indoor, unventilated room and light up a cigarette containing dozens of cancer-causing carcinogens and blow your smoke into the same unfiltered air that scores of people around you have to inhale? Air is community property. Bozo's clean and healthy lungs shouldn't be forced to breathe in your filthy smoke. Bozo doesn't want your smoke polluting his lungs or getting into his eyes, skin, nails, teeth or beautifully coiffed (natural) red hair.

If someone can't sit at a club for a couple of hours without smoking, let them go outside and puff their cancer sticks out there....till they need an iron lung....or drop dead from cancer.



Edited by BOZO T CLOWN
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Haven't been to SR for almost a year and going back next week on Wednesday and Thursday. The few times I was there last year there were always women there, and definitely some of the dancers would favor the women. But there was always enough other dancers for the male clientele. One can always go to VIP room too. All in all I've had a great time there. I will report back to let y'all know if it's gotten more female heavy. Hope it's not too bad.

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I was at SR about 6 or 8 months ago and as I was leaving a group of Bachelorette girls were walking to the club and the doorman told them to turn around and leave that it was a gay bar. The looks on their faces were priceless and they pleaded to come in, but the doorman wouldn't let them. Maybe they caught him on a bad night, or maybe they were trying to control the woman vs male ratio. It was a great time though for sure - defiantly worth going to the back VIP room - not usually women make their way back there.

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I'm reluctant to wade into this perennial, controversial issue. But can we take the good with the bad? For instance, the presence of women at a nude club for men sometimes facilitates seeing straight guy dancers rocked up grinding on women. @azdr0710, tell us your Poseidon story? LOL.


And the dog poop is not all on one side of the fence: There arguably should be nearly as much critiquing/kvetching about the straight guy dancers (the pussy talk got so "bad" at Adonis that boss man had to make an announcement at a dancer meeting at one point reminding guys to be aware of their clientele and not stand in front of the club smoking talking so loudly about how much p*ssy they're shaggin') as there is the sometimes borderline gynophobic complaints about (straight) women.


It seems to me that the 'enlightened center' must hold: Behavior should be the focus, not the mere presence or absence of whatever gender. If a group of women are being obnoxious, whether it be due to screaming or "imperialistic" (LOL--love this word choice) tipping, bring it to management's attention. Literally go find a manager and point out the table that's not respecting the experience of fellow clubgoers. In a hopefully not too haughty or buzzed way, get the name of the person you speak with and if nothing happens in response to your complaint, call the bar the next day and bring both the 'offense' and the lack of response up to an owner.


After all, the bigger problem it seems to me is not the presence of these 'offending' patrons. Rather, it's the management that sets door policy and is permitting whomever in because it helps the club's bottom line.

Edited by BigRic
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Dear @BigRic , I consider myself a progressive, inclusive, and open minded person. I have and I do welcome women in all aspects of life and of my life, including my bed.

However, this is the one place, the only one place where women should not be.




This is a scientific fact girls. Do not come to the gay strippers club, otherwise



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Dear @BigRic , I consider myself a progressive, inclusive, and open minded person. I have and I do welcome women in all aspects of life and of my life, including my bed.

However, this is the one place, the only one place where women should not be.




This is a scientific fact girls. Do not come to the gay strippers club, otherwise






They walk in...I walk out.

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Females at the clubs don't bother me at all. At SR's, you just need to go to the VIP area if you don't want to be around the women. All the dancers make their way back there cause they know that's where the $ is. No females allowed.


At Stock, I love ladies night. There are a few dancers there on ladies night that just want to hang around with the ladies. That's fine. There are plenty more hunky guys that would prefer to hang out with me.

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Just left Atlanta and spent 2 nights (Wednesday and Thursday) at SR. Wednesday was dead... although I did get there around 12:30am. One guy stood out that day: Scottie. Hot guy with a hot ass and amazing body. Seemed like a nice guy too. Definitely worth that night. What was interesting is that there were more hot guy customers than there were dancers. And the ratio of men to women customers was probably 3 to 1 so not bad. Thursday night was much much busier. I arrived at around 11pm and most tables were taken. Ratio of men to women was around 3 or 4 to 1... so it's not overrun by females. Lots of hot guys Thursday night. Definitely worth the trip both nights. Oh, by the way, the drinks are super strong. I could barely drink 1, let alone 2, before the bills kept making their way to the dancers' arm bands.

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though I don't know about consistent enforcement, the SR website says something about parties of women must have at least one guy within that party to be admitted....that might explain the doorman rejecting the bachelorette party (story upthread).......


with sincere apologies to @bigvalboy and @latbear4blk, I'm...well....ok with chicks inside these clubs......as long as they don't shriek, giggle, act childish......at SR during my one and only visit last fall, several groups of gals were sprinkled among the crowded room, most with some guy or two in the mix....they were having an honest good time, not acting silly, and it contributed to the overall fun-loving vibe of the room.....yes, admittedly, some of the entertainers seemed only interested in the gals, but there were plenty of dudes to go around.....and I did get to watch one incredibly good-looking entertainer, fully aroused, grind on a chick in the main room for several songs, courtesy of the other guys and gals at her table.....it was late on a slow night and I think things were relaxed a bit (so it may not happen a lot), but, zoweee, that was worth the price of admission

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though I don't know about consistent enforcement, the SR website says something about parties of women must have at least one guy within that party to be admitted....that might explain the doorman rejecting the bachelorette party (story upthread).......


with sincere apologies to @bigvalboy and @latbear4blk, I'm...well....ok with chicks inside these clubs......as long as they don't shriek, giggle, act childish......at SR during my one and only visit last fall, several groups of gals were sprinkled among the crowded room, most with some guy or two in the mix....they were having an honest good time, not acting silly, and it contributed to the overall fun-loving vibe of the room.....yes, admittedly, some of the entertainers seemed only interested in the gals, but there were plenty of dudes to go around.....and I did get to watch one incredibly good-looking entertainer, fully aroused, grind on a chick in the main room for several songs, courtesy of the other guys and gals at her table.....it was late on a slow night and I think things were relaxed a bit (so it may not happen a lot), but, zoweee, that was worth the price of admission


I do not accept your insincere apologies.

We cannot allow you and the mainstream media to continue this campaign of fake news. SR is a great place. SR is the greatest. It is a terrific, fantastic place. I am the voice of those who have not been heard, we know this is our place and we cannot allow an invasion of women, bad mujeres, rapists, drugs dealers, coming to our place to take our good men, our bueno hombres. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it. This has to end. We will build a wall around SR and women will pay for it. Yes. Believe me. I am telling you. It is happening. My friends in Mother Russia have shared with me very good intelligence. Because I have the best intelligence. No one has better information than I do. So for everyone to know, this is the true that the DC swamp has been hiding from you. These are scientific facts, no hoaxes like climate changing or evolution:


- Women who go to male to male strippers places have herpes

- They have sharped and dented vaginas that will cut and chew your dicks

- They smell like rotten fish and sanctorum

- Their souls are condemned for eternity as soon as they enter the place


Believe me. I know it. They know it. The Russians know it. Everyone knows it.




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I do not accept your insincere apologies.

We cannot allow you and the mainstream media to continue this campaign of fake news. SR is a great place. SR is the greatest. It is a terrific, fantastic place. I am the voice of those who have not been heard, we know this is our place and we cannot allow an invasion of women, bad mujeres, rapists, drugs dealers, coming to our place to take our good men, our bueno hombres. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it. This has to end. We will build a wall around SR and women will pay for it. Yes. Believe me. I am telling you. It is happening. My friends in Mother Russia have shared with me very good intelligence. Because I have the best intelligence. No one has better information than I do. So for everyone to know, this is the true that the DC swamp has been hiding from you. These are scientific facts, no hoaxes like climate changing or evolution:


- Women who go to male to male strippers places have herpes

- They have sharped and dented vaginas that will cut and chew your dicks

- They smell like rotten fish and sanctorum

- Their souls are condemned for eternity as soon as they enter the place


Believe me. I know it. They know it. The Russians know it. Everyone knows it.





Is that twat I smell or just bad politics? We need more gay male strip clubs. Make strip clubs great again!



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Last Atlanta trip I stopped by Richard's on a Friday night early, was still kinda slow, but one customer in his forties or so had brought along his mum - late sixties or so, proper Southern lady type. Was very interesting watching the dancers interact with them- he was obviously a regular, many of the boys stopped to chat and show Mom the goods. Made me think, that was pretty brave for Mom to get that deeply involved in her son's social life- there's no way I could imagine my mom going to Silverado with me on a Friday night in Portland! Has anyone else here done something similar, and how did it end up for you and your guest?

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Last Atlanta trip I stopped by Richard's on a Friday night early, was still kinda slow, but one customer in his forties or so had brought along his mum - late sixties or so, proper Southern lady type. Was very interesting watching the dancers interact with them- he was obviously a regular, many of the boys stopped to chat and show Mom the goods. Made me think, that was pretty brave for Mom to get that deeply involved in her son's social life- there's no way I could imagine my mom going to Silverado with me on a Friday night in Portland! Has anyone else here done something similar, and how did it end up for you and your guest?


Do you know for sure she was his mother? Could she not be an older friend?

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No, but had lunch with an escort and his Mom once upon a time. That was odd. But really cool too. The mom was very supportive of her son and gracious to me. We talked about "mom at brunch" stuff. Very polite lunch time conversation. But I felt warm and welcomed, and kinda amazed (and encouraged) at the trust everyone at the table had for one another.


Most of us were raised by someone who they still may love and value. A couple escorts I've met work and keep working to help pay for stuff their parents need, like rent and medical and food. Most of these working guys have really interesting stories. Don't get me wrong, I love a beautiful male body and I love the chance to have sex with them. But there's other stuff available when we learn to trust one another.


Thanks for all the responses to my bitching about too many women at SR. I just need to be glad there is the VIP section where a dick is required for entrance. And no....Shelia, you can't bring somebody elses. Which brings up a thought: Wonder if you're a man in drag. Could you wander into the VIP then?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have been to SR several times and, even though it's sometimes irritating, I don't mind the ladies since the place is big enough to avoid them. I used to love Unicorn in Indy until it closed - went there about 2 x month but SR has the quantity and quality man-meat.


Becket says he had lunch with an escort and his mom - pretty odd. But, I remember when I lived in LA back in the late 80's I picked up a hot Latino on "the Boulevard" one early evening. He said we could go to his apartment just north of Sunset. When he opened the apartment door, his entire family (mom, dad, little sisters and brothers) were sitting at the dining room table just getting started with dinner. Mom asked if I would like to sit down and have some chicken, but I respectively declined. We went to the guy's bedroom but I really couldn't focus too well knowing that "the fam" was just outside the door.

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I found myself stuck in Atlanta overnight (thanks to Delta), and decided to visit my favorite strip club...Swinging Richards. I got there about 11pm on Thursday night and found not much had changed since my last visit a few years ago. That said, they put some Advertising (absolute vodka etc...) around that makes the once very classy bar a little less so.


The entrance fee is now $15, yet the club was pleasantly full for a weeknight. Top shelf mixed drinks were $9.25 and were very strong, so likely worth the cost. The VIP lounge was $10 and private dances $20 per song.


The 30 dancers were all truly handsome. I don't recall any names... But just know there was a guy for every taste. They still do three song sets, but the pants, underwear, nude cadence of the past seemed to be less regular. Some guys got nude on the first song and some never really got nude, but it was fine as there was enough eye-candy available to keep my mind racing.


The crowd was dominated by men, but there were two groups of women that seemed to get more attention from the dancers. I'm pleased to report there was a really cute member of the audience that took a shine to me and, let's just say we had a moment in the men's room (no attendant on Thursdays).


My Lyft driver picked me up at 2AM and I was totally happy, a little drunk, and had spent about &125! Well worth it for a really fun night.

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I found myself stuck in Atlanta overnight (thanks to Delta), and decided to visit my favorite strip club...Swinging Richards. I got there about 11pm on Thursday night and found not much had changed since my last visit a few years ago. That said, they put some Advertising (absolute vodka etc...) around that makes the once very classy bar a little less so.


The entrance fee is now $15, yet the club was pleasantly full for a weeknight. Top shelf mixed drinks were $9.25 and were very strong, so likely worth the cost. The VIP lounge was $10 and private dances $20 per song.


The 30 dancers were all truly handsome. I don't recall any names... But just know there was a guy for every taste. They still do three song sets, but the pants, underwear, nude cadence of the past seemed to be less regular. Some guys got nude on the first song and some never really got nude, but it was fine as there was enough eye-candy available to keep my mind racing.


The crowd was dominated by men, but there were two groups of women that seemed to get more attention from the dancers. I'm pleased to report there was a really cute member of the audience that took a shine to me and, let's just say we had a moment in the men's room (no attendant on Thursdays).


My Lyft driver picked me up at 2AM and I was totally happy, a little drunk, and had spent about &125! Well worth it for a really fun night.


Thanks for the wonderful storytelling and review, @pocono!! Glad you rode the Swinging Richards train and...got off!! Hehe :p;)

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