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Booked a hotel for date with client, client no shows, reads messages and doesn't reply...

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I was emailing back and forth this morning with a client for a date this afternoon. After telling him I had booked the room for our date and him confirming that anytime after 2pm would be good for him he also said he would text me closer to the time so he could have the room number, he did express he needed to be super super discreet and that's a non issue seeing as the nature of this business. Anyway, it's now 4 hours after our appointed time to meet and there has been no text and no reply to my emails but he has been logged in and been reading my email messages to him asking what we were doing or what was going on..


Now I've wasted time and money and I just wonder what is the issue with sending a simple email/text/whatever to say "Hey something came up" or "I got nervous" which are both things I've gotten before in the past and they are understandable. I even looked back through out conversation to make sure I didn't jump the gun and book a room when he wouldn't be available to meet and it was in fact stated very clearly that today would work and I would get the room and we would be meeting.


Of course to make booking the room even more worth it I corresponded with a couple regulars and new people who have been wanting to arrange times to have a date to let them know I would be available later this afternoon/evening and be able to host and accommodate them. I then had another guy go so far as to get the address and ask what kind of beer I like because he was picking some up only to stop answering.


God the good days doing this are so fucking good and the bad days with the flakes and the crazies and the pic collectors/time wasters are so bad. I guess my overall question to my fellow escorts and to the clients on this forum that hire often or not. Does this happen often for you guys? There is nothing I hate more in life then getting my time wasted, it's just so disrespectful. I always keep my word on appointed times for dates and even dates/times that we are supposed to reach out to each other to talk about solidifying details for our date. Is it too hard to find people who respect your time and energy as much as you respect theirs? Haha. Excuse the venting/bitching I've just had a bad day I guess haha. Happy Sunday folks

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Never shell out money for a first-time client, whether it be for a hotel, travel, etc. Having him front those costs proves an interest and motivates him not to come down with a case of last minute nerves.


Kevin Slater

Very good piece of advice which I am now going to follow so strictly lol. Thanks Kevin man

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Very good piece of advice which I am now going to follow so strictly lol. Thanks Kevin man



  • Don't bother with blocked phone calls. Seriously. He's a time waster.
  • Same for texts that come through from an email address.
  • Hear a voice on the phone before heading over or giving your address. Subsequent booking can be made via text.
  • It's not a bad idea to call the hotel and get patched through to the room before heading over, especially if something strikes you as 'off'.
  • The likelihood of a future booking actually happening is inversely proportional to the number of texts, calls and emails beforehand.
  • Keep note of the numbers that flake on you, for they'll do it again in six months. And that same guy has done it to me, and every other escort.
  • Be leery of drunk. They often pass out before you get there, or after.
  • He may be having a great time and want to extend the session. Mazel tov. But he may be thinking with his little head and not have the funds. Settle up occasionally.
  • Every client starts as a first timer. But first timers also often lose their nerve, and you lose your time and effort.
  • Don't front the money for a first time session (hotel, travel, etc.) and rarely for repeat sessions.
  • Don't drive two hours without a deposit (e.g. Venmo or Amazon e-gift card).
  • Key words that this is going nowhere: Engineer, Nigeria, Walmart, "your city".
  • Don't discount your first session because he's going to see you weekly. Future sessions may be negotiable, initial bookings are always full fare.
  • Make some friends in the biz. They've seen it all before and can offer guidance.
  • Trust your gut. A few bucks isn't worth your health, safety, or freedom.

Most guys you'll meet will be wonderful and pleasant. Some will be odd ducks, and even that can be fun or at least entertaining. A few are bad eggs, but those guys are extremely prolific in wasting your time.


Kevin Slater

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I said I wasn't going to be looking at this anymore, but I don't mind to check in to give my .02 to share things with other escorts. Kevin Slaters advice is golden.


However...the part about not fronting money for hotels/travel and such for a first time client, I can see it working in New York, but I don't think there's anything wrong with getting a hotel normally or traveling to see a client. I've done it both ways, and for the most part...made the money spent back majority of the time. Plus, nowadays it seems every fucking person who wants to hookup, wants that person to host. These idiots send messages on A4A soon as you get into town, "where are you staying?" No question, no introduction, just assume you're staying at some brothel called Pascha. They don't or can't host. It leaves the burden on the escort to get a hotel when they are traveling. But then...you get a fucking hotel and these fuck mother fuckers don't even fucking show the fuck up.


HOWEVER: 2016 has been the year of the bullshitting, salt shaking, flake, fake, lying treacherous ass mother fuckers. Pure evil and hell for the most part. I have been dealing with this in every city I've visited. The blame I believe first comes from non other than possibly other escorts and whatever mob they are tied to doing these things...I believe. Because business has been bad for them, like everyone else. But that's not the solution.


On the other hand, much of this is just how gays have become poisoned due to the Satonic and diabolical smart phone culture. The 1 and only client who hired me in SF this past week, and fully honest and uncomplicated with it; still had the old school flip phone. That's how you know smart phones have been oppressed by the devil. You know what you need to start doing? Threaten them with being exposed on nationalblacklist.com or blacklistedjohn.com, and ask for a cancellation fee. Bust their fucking heads. I had to do that the other day and quite regularly in fact, to ensure my $50 cancellation fee was paid and I got it.


People need to stop playing these goddamn games. Everyone wants to be impulsive, everyone wants the escort to host. You have to almost have these mother fuckers meet you at the hotel in the parking lots, get the money first and then pay for the room. Which is why I no longer or very rarely use Hotwire or Priceline. Go to the hotel you want, see if the mother fucker shows up (which usually is never), and if not...you saved some money. I did that in Reno Nevada the other day. Stupid ass mother fucker had me waiting at the hotel and didn't even show up. I was practically in line to check in when my gut told me to just not even bother.


I'm so over this business. Tired of the bullshit. Maybe Trump can make AmeriCANS great again and grab these pussies by the pussy and tell them to stop pussyfooting around with dating and hiring escorts. Sick of this crap. So many clients and my good regulars have even been fucking me about, in ways I've never seen before. Not returning important texts and it's really nonchalant and inconsiderate. Most Americans don't know how to man the fuck up and just be real and be respectful at the same time. It's really not that hard. Give the bad news, and then offer an alternative, e.g. I can't meet today, but here's $100 for your trouble, let's meet next summer. BOOM. Problem solved.

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KevinSlater pretty much said everything you need to know :). Heck I even learned a few new things from him just now hehe. Unfortunately it just happens to every escort here and then. They don't really stand me up in person which i think is even worse but they set up a time and then an hour before the meeting I text them to see whether the meeting is still on, and then I hear nothing. It doesn't happen that often thankfully but when it does it just dampens your mood. Like you said I understand things happen and plans fall through but whats a text stating that they cannot meet. It just takes 5 seconds and it just shows respect. Those guys who never answer back, just block them and don't bother with them again, as they may keep doing the same thing every few months.


*But those few bad experiences don't change all the great guys I have come to known by escorting. So don't let a select few ruin it for all the real clients out there :)


Keep your head up @Hungmixedboi88

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I just met up with someone this weekend in NYC. It was my second time meeting him and it was my last day in town - so I did not have a hotel room. He offered to get a room for the night since an incall was not possible where he was staying.


I was elated that he offered to do so - it made the plans come to fruition - but it also made me question, what if something unexpected happened and I wouldn't be able to make it? Of course I would have let him know unlike the person you've had the unfortunate experience of dealing with.


I suppose your best bet at this point would be to try to reach out to other local clients you've dealt with before and let them know your availability? Try to make the best of it. And of course what people mentioned above I wouldn't recommend it for a first time client; too much room for flaking!

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This is why I joined this forum thank you guys so much for your support in this. I did think I was being gentlemanly by offering to cover the cost of the hotel room and I guess that just got taken advantage of. I've now checked out so I didn't make any of my money I spent on the room back but I have been approached by new clients and regulars this week already for dates this week so I'll be just fine. Karma has a way of turning around if you've earned it I've learned. Definitely blocking that account now and I won't do that in the future unless when traveling then that would make sense for me to have a place for people to come to like an Airbnb or hotel. Again thanks guys this is so awesome to hear from people that know what I'm going through haha

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You might want to put a link to your ad as your signature here (similar to mine). Click on your user name in the upper right, then signature mid left.


Kevin Slater

Dude thank you so much. I feel like I'm becoming less and less of a newbie to this place thanks to the lot of you. You and my couple escort buddies I know IRL are lifesavers. When I'm in NYC or you're in LA we've gotta get a drink. Same goes for you Dominiking. Shit same goes for everyone. I like tequila ;)

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Kevin wrote: "Key words that this is going nowhere: Engineer, Nigeria, Walmart, "your city"."


I get the "Nigeria" and "your city," but what does "Engineer" and "Walmart" indicate?


Engineer is used about as often as Nigeria, and is inevitably a scam.


The Heir to Walmart is one specific, very annoying creep who spends upwards of six hours a day calling every single escort ever listed on any site in the country, never having followed through once. Put an ad up, give it a week, and you'll see. If each affected escort donated 5¢ we would have more than enough to hire a Tony Soprano type to resolve the issue.


Kevin Slater

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2016 has been the year of the bullshitting, salt shaking, flake, fake, lying treacherous ass mother fuckers. Pure evil and hell for the most part.


I have been dealing with this in every city I've visited.


The blame I believe first comes from non other than possibly other escorts and whatever mob they are tied to doing these things...I believe. Because business has been bad for them, like everyone else. But that's not the solution.




How long are you going to continue doing something that makes you incredibly unhappy and frustrated? This cannot possibly be good for you.

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How long are you going to continue doing something that makes you incredibly unhappy and frustrated? This cannot possibly be good for you.


How long are you going to keep riding my dick, bitch? Honestly not much longer if it doesn't get better. Okay, I hope it's understandable i was being halfway facetious and exaggerative in both posts.


But don't be fooled into believing I'm the only one who's ticked with the way things have become. It's not the business or the clients that makes things unhappy or frustrating. It's the things that are in the way of getting business or clients. Look at the popular names who have left the business over the months and you'll see I'm not alone.


Just found out upon renewing my ad yesterday that men4rent won't be allowing nude pics, "due to the current political climate." Not a huge blow, but another on top of all the rest.


Take this example: as of today, I'm in a city where there are literally about 10 escorts max on all sites combined. There's a huge supercomputer convention in town that has about 11,000 visitors to the area. All hotels are booked from the Marriott to the motel 6. Anything available is quite expensive. I've been here since Sunday. Today is Tuesday.


Why have i only had 2 local clients? But I've answered dozens of responses across scruff and grindr. I have 3 escort ads that haven't had a peep. I've come to the area for years and my regulars are no where to be found and my ads are all quiet. I have made thousands in this same area more than once.


Where the fuck is everybody? That's the question. It's not just me. And i know exactly what the issue is. Grindr and scruff. Occasionally I can pick up someone from there, but for the most part it's extremely time consuming and you usually can't get the same fees as from the professional sites.


On top of that, I've been traveling nearly 3 weeks...didn't get a hotel everyday fortunately, but most of the hotels i paid for i didn't recoupe anything off of because no one showed up when i did get them except the 2 from yesterday.


If it weren't for me needing to sleep flat and traveling with a pet...i could have saved more money and slept on the Italian leather seats in my car designed by Poltrona Frau instead of giving these suspiciously clean hotels my outcall earnings.

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  • Key words that this is going nowhere: Engineer, Nigeria, Walmart, "your city".


Kevin Slater


Very interesting, and great advice to escorts and clients alike. Why is 'Walmart' a turn-off to you? How does that even come up in a conversation? Do clients attempt to meet you at a Walmart? I find it hilarious

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Very interesting, and great advice to escorts and clients alike. Why is 'Walmart' a turn-off to you? How does that even come up in a conversation? Do clients attempt to meet you at a Walmart? I find it hilarious


The Heir to Walmart is one specific, very annoying creep who spends upwards of six hours a day calling every single escort ever listed on any site in the country, never having followed through once. Put an ad up, give it a week, and you'll see. If each affected escort donated 5¢ we would have more than enough to hire a Tony Soprano type to resolve the issue.


Kevin Slater

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How long are you going to keep riding my dick, bitch? Honestly not much longer if it doesn't get better. Okay, I hope it's understandable i was being halfway facetious and exaggerative in both posts.


But don't be fooled into believing I'm the only one who's ticked with the way things have become. It's not the business or the clients that makes things unhappy or frustrating. It's the things that are in the way of getting business or clients. Look at the popular names who have left the business over the months and you'll see I'm not alone.


Just found out upon renewing my ad yesterday that men4rent won't be allowing nude pics, "due to the current political climate." Not a huge blow, but another on top of all the rest.


Take this example: as of today, I'm in a city where there are literally about 10 escorts max on all sites combined. There's a huge supercomputer convention in town that has about 11,000 visitors to the area. All hotels are booked from the Marriott to the motel 6. Anything available is quite expensive. I've been here since Sunday. Today is Tuesday.


Why have i only had 2 local clients? But I've answered dozens of responses across scruff and grindr. I have 3 escort ads that haven't had a peep. I've come to the area for years and my regulars are no where to be found and my ads are all quiet. I have made thousands in this same area more than once.


Where the fuck is everybody? That's the question. It's not just me. And i know exactly what the issue is. Grindr and scruff. Occasionally I can pick up someone from there, but for the most part it's extremely time consuming and you usually can't get the same fees as from the professional sites.


On top of that, I've been traveling nearly 3 weeks...didn't get a hotel everyday fortunately, but most of the hotels i paid for i didn't recoupe anything off of because no one showed up when i did get them except the 2 from yesterday.


If it weren't for me needing to sleep flat and traveling with a pet...i could have saved more money and slept on the Italian leather seats in my car designed by Poltrona Frau instead of giving these suspiciously clean hotels my outcall earnings.



remember that just because you are not doing well doesn't mean other guys aren't


what popular names have left due to not getting business?

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One phrase I get, which is an immediate fake flag is "ATM slave"

It seems like a strange and specific reference. I wonder if there's a forum for fakes?


Yeah, that's never panned out for me, either. I don't know whether they're flakes from the get-go or if it's just because I'm just not willing to spend the 147 texts indulging their fantasy to set it up.


Welcome to the forum, by the way!


Kevin Slater

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I was emailing back and forth this morning with a client for a date this afternoon. After telling him I had booked the room for our date and him confirming that anytime after 2pm would be good for him he also said he would text me closer to the time so he could have the room number, he did express he needed to be super super discreet and that's a non issue seeing as the nature of this business. Anyway, it's now 4 hours after our appointed time to meet and there has been no text and no reply to my emails but he has been logged in and been reading my email messages to him asking what we were doing or what was going on..


Now I've wasted time and money and I just wonder what is the issue with sending a simple email/text/whatever to say "Hey something came up" or "I got nervous" which are both things I've gotten before in the past and they are understandable. I even looked back through out conversation to make sure I didn't jump the gun and book a room when he wouldn't be available to meet and it was in fact stated very clearly that today would work and I would get the room and we would be meeting.


Of course to make booking the room even more worth it I corresponded with a couple regulars and new people who have been wanting to arrange times to have a date to let them know I would be available later this afternoon/evening and be able to host and accommodate them. I then had another guy go so far as to get the address and ask what kind of beer I like because he was picking some up only to stop answering.


God the good days doing this are so fucking good and the bad days with the flakes and the crazies and the pic collectors/time wasters are so bad. I guess my overall question to my fellow escorts and to the clients on this forum that hire often or not. Does this happen often for you guys? There is nothing I hate more in life then getting my time wasted, it's just so disrespectful. I always keep my word on appointed times for dates and even dates/times that we are supposed to reach out to each other to talk about solidifying details for our date. Is it too hard to find people who respect your time and energy as much as you respect theirs? Haha. Excuse the venting/bitching I've just had a bad day I guess haha. Happy Sunday folks



This Year has been the Year of Flakes for me. Just the past 2 weeks alone I had 3 Cancelations. I've never had this kind of Issue In the past. Hell I even posted a thread on it saying it was so bad I was considering Retiring. Its my REGULARS that have made this all worth while for me. They remind me there are good people out there.

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If it weren't for me needing to sleep flat and traveling with a pet...i could have saved more money and slept on the Italian leather seats in my car designed by Poltrona Frau instead of giving these suspiciously clean hotels my outcall earnings.


This may be the most pathetic thing you have ever posted.

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I think anyone who's first text is saying sup or give me some of that big dick/ass is a red flag lol

also anyone who answers my ad under 30 is more often than not going to flake than lets say someone answering my ad who's 35 and up


but @Hungmixedboi88 never pay for a hotel to meet a client, especially one that you've never met before

Only do it if you have a couple of guys lined up


and having their number is a big thing. I know theirs lots of actual real married guys who can't give out their numbers and just an email, but having a number is best as you can immediately find out about any cancellations, updates etc...

The night before/day of the meeting text the client asking if your still on or not, and if you haven't heard from him then try one more time by calling him one hour or two prior to the "scheduled meeting" and if you don't hear anything after that just let it go

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  • Don't bother with blocked phone calls. Seriously. He's a time waster.
  • Same for texts that come through from an email address.
  • Hear a voice on the phone before heading over or giving your address. Subsequent booking can be made via text.
  • It's not a bad idea to call the hotel and get patched through to the room before heading over, especially if something strikes you as 'off'.
  • The likelihood of a future booking actually happening is inversely proportional to the number of texts, calls and emails beforehand.
  • Keep note of the numbers that flake on you, for they'll do it again in six months. And that same guy has done it to me, and every other escort.
  • Be leery of drunk. They often pass out before you get there, or after.
  • He may be having a great time and want to extend the session. Mazel tov. But he may be thinking with his little head and not have the funds. Settle up occasionally.
  • Every client starts as a first timer. But first timers also often lose their nerve, and you lose your time and effort.
  • Don't front the money for a first time session (hotel, travel, etc.) and rarely for repeat sessions.
  • Don't drive two hours without a deposit (e.g. Venmo or Amazon e-gift card).
  • Key words that this is going nowhere: Engineer, Nigeria, Walmart, "your city".
  • Don't discount your first session because he's going to see you weekly. Future sessions may be negotiable, initial bookings are always full fare.
  • Make some friends in the biz. They've seen it all before and can offer guidance.
  • Trust your gut. A few bucks isn't worth your health, safety, or freedom.

Most guys you'll meet will be wonderful and pleasant. Some will be odd ducks, and even that can be fun or at least entertaining. A few are bad eggs, but those guys are extremely prolific in wasting your time.


Kevin Slater


all good advice! take heed, new escorts! this will save you a lot of grief. and there is a whole cottage industry of people out there trying to have some fun making your life miserable.

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I can't believe people are that flaky... I always go out of my way to be on time for my boys.


I don't understand why the escort and massage sites have gotten so bad. Seems like it was a lot easier to find my boys on the sites. Seems really tough nowadays. Not sure if it's just because RentBoy got busted. Seems like it started happening well before that.

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