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Using email to schedule an appointment today, the only day you're available this week

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Why do people do that? Can someone enlighten me, is that how corporate Americans communicate these days? They send emails to coworkers asking them to lunch the same day and expect them to check it and respond back by lunch hour? I know I had a boss like that, she'd send emails to everyone and expect a response by the end of the day. But it's different when you're sitting at a computer 8 hours on the clock and getting paid for it. Versus going 7 whole days without an appointment and just staring vegetatively at your email or checking OCDly for an appointment email that you never know when will come. And don't dare do the same during the appointment.


I received an email on men4rent yesterday for an appointment for later that same night. Unfortunently, I didn't receive notification of the email (as always with men4rent email, and they won't change it to my new email address so it goes to ) until later that night when I went to check my email. I try to make it clear in my ad by saying call for same day, email in advance. My phone number is right there next to the email button. Why someone would choose to email versus text my number for an appointment just hours away boggles me.


It's like the one thing beyond everything else. It's more annoying than cancelling or not showing up, because atleast I didn't feel I had some control over it. If Juan doesn't mind, I wanted to quote his post from another thread:


I thrive meeting with clients who understand I am a complete human being. A prompt communicator within my abilities, but a man with a whole life.


Talking about a certain amount of hour rule, talking about when you MUST receive an answer, that is all strange. You do not know what's happening at the other end of your phone.


Once I seen the email, it was already late in the evening, which I replied. But then, I also sent a text this afternoon and get a reply that he could not reschedule and that was the only day this week he could meet. Well By Golly, he didn't use the most urgent form of communication to communicate that.


By contrast I always get rentmen emails. But even then, the whole same say for later that day emails is highly inefficient.

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Sometimes a client might be in a situation where he cannot speak on the phone and takes the chance you might see the email. What is the big deal if HE understands you got the communication late and could not take the appointment.


I would be miffed if he bitched about it but not if he says "Thanks but it was spur of the moment and the only time i had available."

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Sometimes a client might be in a situation where he cannot speak on the phone and takes the chance you might see the email. What is the big deal if HE understands you got the communication late and could not take the appointment.


I would be miffed if he bitched about it but not if he says "Thanks but it was spur of the moment and the only time i had available."


He didn't have to speak on the phone. Text message would have been sufficient. But I don't feel someone could not speak on the phone for that length of time. Even if the initial email was sent, and then a follow up was later done by phone.


What would have been so hard for the person to just follow up after work, or around the time they wanted...and called or texted then? To me, that just makes me feel the person doesn't really want it, or too overly insecure about the arrangement. Now, for benefit of the doubt I don't know what could have been the true reasons, however valid. But still. It's inconsiderate to me and unfair because if that persons time is really so limited, I should have been contacted in a more efficient manner. I would have gladly taken the appointment, but instead of the using the number that I pay Sprint every fucking month for, I get some email thru some old cheap, flimsy men4rent interface. It's bullshit. It's not even personal or being mean. It's common sense. It happens once in awhile and it gives an impression that my time just isnt worth shit to them. Normally I wouldn't of even responded because they stupid and rude for sending an escort an email for the same day, when the number is right in their fucking face.


And THEN, the person leaves their number in the email anyway. Like what the hell? That is like cat and mouse bullshit. I can play that with my cat, not with my mind or time. And upon discovery, this person was a legit business man playing these games. That's why I ask, it must be a corporate thing.


And men4rent Doesn't help either because they won't change my email to the new one. And the notifications halfway come thru. I have to go back to setting my emails to be received on my phone like a text message, because their text message notification doesn't come thru everytime.

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Why do people do that? Can someone enlighten me, is that how corporate Americans communicate these days? They send emails to coworkers asking them to lunch the same day and expect them to check it and respond back by lunch hour? I know I had a boss like that, she'd send emails to everyone and expect a response by the end of the day. But it's different when you're sitting at a computer 8 hours on the clock and getting paid for it. Versus going 7 whole days without an appointment and just staring vegetatively at your email or checking OCDly for an appointment email that you never know when will come. And don't dare do the same during the appointment.


I received an email on men4rent yesterday for an appointment for later that same night. Unfortunently, I didn't receive notification of the email (as always with men4rent email, and they won't change it to my new email address so it goes to ) until later that night when I went to check my email. I try to make it clear in my ad by saying call for same day, email in advance. My phone number is right there next to the email button. Why someone would choose to email versus text my number for an appointment just hours away boggles me.


It's like the one thing beyond everything else. It's more annoying than cancelling or not showing up, because atleast I didn't feel I had some control over it. If Juan doesn't mind, I wanted to quote his post from another thread:




Once I seen the email, it was already late in the evening, which I replied. But then, I also sent a text this afternoon and get a reply that he could not reschedule and that was the only day this week he could meet. Well By Golly, he didn't use the most urgent form of communication to communicate that.


By contrast I always get rentmen emails. But even then, the whole same say for later that day emails is highly inefficient.


Mocha, nowadays with smartphones there is no difference between text messages and emails. That is from the time when you would check emails in your computer, but that is over.


Corporate Americans may work this way, but it would depend upon the role. In my job I receive so many e-mail messages that I only respond quickly to the ones that I filter as urgent based on sender or subject. My management chain, my team, and a few key contacts will get triggered as urgent and flag an alert on my phone. The rest of my messages might be reviewed up to 24 hours later, depending on when I'd have time to review my Inbox. Even my management and my team would know to text me if they wanted an immediate response. Sometimes the text might say, "Check your e-mail - I just sent an important e-mail message that you should read now."


Many people do struggle with technology though, or take their own habits for granted. I've worked with/for professionals who never check their e-mail via phone ever, and professionals who get pissed when you don't see an e-mail sent two minutes ago.


I wouldn't read into this one too much. Common sense may dictate a lot, but you're not going to find consistency or common sense amongst men and their smartphones. I was expecting an important call from a friend this morning. When the phone rang I was unable to answer it because I was driving in heavy traffic and had forgotten my bluetooth earpiece. He didn't leave a simple message, and then didn't answer the phone when I pulled over three minutes later to call him back; he started a 30 minute call with his mom. If he had left a 15 second message (or a text) I would have known what to do next, but instead I didn't know whether to keep driving or go home.

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He didn't have to speak on the phone. Text message would have been sufficient. But I don't feel someone could not speak on the phone for that length of time. Even if the initial email was sent, and then a follow up was later done by phone.


What would have been so hard for the person to just follow up after work, or around the time they wanted...and called or texted then? To me, that just makes me feel the person doesn't really want it, or too overly insecure about the arrangement.


And men4rent Doesn't help either because they won't change my email to the new one. And the notifications halfway come thru. I have to go back to setting my emails to be received on my phone like a text message, because their text message notification doesn't come thru everytime.


Mocha, Joey, Jamahl - it seems you just are not suited to this profession. I am in a service-related industry and people do STUPID things. If they don't come down on me for their own stupidity I ignore it. If they want a service from me, they'll figure out not to call at 4:45 on Friday. If I'm looking to rent on the spur of the moment, I will let him know if he can't or doesn't get the message in time, I understand. However, I'm more the other way - because I work all the time, I tend to schedule, sometimes, months ahead. I also understand that not all people have their schedule as far in advance as I do! I also ALWAYS hear from them sooner or later and go from there.


BTW, how difficult is it to put another email on you phone - I have 2 gmail and 2 outlook acts on my phone. If there is a message the phone tells me and let's me know which account.

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Unfortunently, I didn't receive notification of the email (as always with men4rent email, and they won't change it to my new email address so it goes to ) until later that night when I went to check my email.


So Men4rent failed to send you the email because of some glitch on their end, or they sent you the email but you did not check email until late that same night? If the second is the case, why do you not have all of your accounts funneled to the same device?

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Mocha, nowadays with smartphones there is no difference between text messages and emails. That is from the time when you would check emails in your computer, but that is over.


He -and other escorts- have clarified this before, but I guess a reminder is always useful.


Email, specially when it goes through templates such as men4rent or rentmen, but even normal email, sometimes gets delayed.


This morning I received a rentmen message sent two days ago. It din't appear on the rentmen website and it didn't appear on my multiple gadgets to which email gets delivered.


This morning as well I received a normal message from a friend sent on Saturday.


Sometimes, email appears -delayed- in my junkman folder. This applies to different email providers, so I know I can't be the exception.


Absolutely yes, there is a huge difference between using the phone and using email. If you are in a hurry, use the phone.


Texting or calling is incredibly more efficient and will be more likely to be delivered on time. The only exception, perhaps is leaving voice messages. I have also received these delayed a few times.

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Thank you everyone. I've already explained it, I won't go further. Also [uSER=9945]@funguy[/uSER], sex has been around for millions of years. Before the advent of email. Ditto, the oldest profession. I don't think suggesting common sense email communication is relevant to being qualified. All it takes is a simple removal of the email option, like backpage does. Actually, men4rent itself even offers us the option to display on our ad either, "prefers call or text"., or prefers email contact. Guess which one my profile says? If someone chooses to be disobedient, that's not my issue. Actually, it is my issue and my responsibility to address it so it doesn't happen again.



I don't mind emails. Just not for setting stuff up the day of unless it's maybe on A4A. And even then, there's some limits on that. I will hand this over to the email mentor and have him break it down a little better:


Tim says,


… limit e-mail consumption and production. This is the greatest single interruption in the modern world.”


They stop what they are doing, switch to their inbox, and read some inane e-mail that contributes nothing to their current priorities or the project at hand. What makes us do this? This is border-line neurotic behavior. I should know. I suffer from the disease myself.


If you keep doing this long enough—let’s be honest here—it makes you A.D.D. You stay busy all day long and have virtually nothing to show for it at the end of the day. Can we agree to stop the madness?



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Why someone would choose to email versus text my number for an appointment just hours away boggles me.

Hi Mocha,


I have a friend who doesn't have a cell phone of his own any more. He doesn't need one, as he has a cell phone that has been provided to him by his work. But making phone calls from or sending/receiving texts from/to a phone that has been provided to you by your employer isn't something I would recommend. Sending/receiving emails from/to a computer that's yours is less risky.


I can't say this was the case with the client you described, but it could have been the case.


BTW, with a lot of email accounts it's possible that a new email account "polls" the older email account automatically every so often. You set it up once and all emails that arrived in the older email account will be retrieved by the new email account. How often the new email account will check the old email account depends upon the intervals the new email account offers.


If you're lucky you can set up mail forwarding in the old email account. That should work faster.


Another solution is to put a holiday message on the old email account informing a client that he's writing to an old email address and if he would be so kind to write again, but then to your new email address


If these solutions don't work, you might consider using an email client like Mozilla Thunderbird or Microsoft Outlook. With these programs you can send/receive emails from multiple email accounts. With Thunderbird you can even receive an email in one (old) email account, move it to another (new) email account, and answer it from there.


This may not resolve all the problems that escorts have, but I hope it resolves a few of them. ;)



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I understand the frustration Mocha, but its a dog eat dog world in the escort community. :p


It's first come first serve so if you don't answer your email first another escort will. Chances are you aren't the only escort he emailed and is looking for someone for RIGHT NOW.


if you have an iPhone, every time you get an email a sound should go off alerting you got a new email, maybe try that. It isn't 100 percent but it should help :) set your notifications to when you receive an email, it creates a sound on your phone.

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Mocha, nowadays with smartphones there is no difference between text messages and emails. That is from the time when you would check emails in your computer, but that is over.


Exactly, a lot of guys constantly check their emails on their iPhones I occasionally do it but I'd rather type on my laptop. It's a matter of common sense to text/call the guy to make sure he gets your message...


I don't think an escort would make plans just by email, it makes sense for them to require the client having a cellphone and text or hopefully talk on the phone for a couple of minutes.

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Thanks [uSER=12155]@Dominiking[/uSER] and @Anton.


To answer all questions efficiently, let me just say the client left me his number in the email. Upon screening, the number lead to his office, and it was a mobile number which was under the contact info for him (the head of the company) and his colleagues. That's the other thing I thought was strange. What if I would have called that number, who would it have gone to? I did text that number the following day and "he" replied...but still.


I have an iPhone and an android. My android even plays a long song everytime I get a notification text. For whatever reason, I still don't notice every email that comes thru. Also, since getting a new phone, I can't seem to get the gmail notification on my phone to....


Okay, good...now I haven't had it on sync. So now...everytime I get an email, the song will play. But even then that's no guarantee of me noticing the email because my notification for texts goes off round the clock. Sometimes all I can do is reach over and stop it from going off without necessarily looking at it right away. Ill respond right away though if it's clear the person is in the same city looking for the same day.


Moral of the story still stands: emails are never efficient for same day visits. If someone is "emailing other escorts" the same day trying to meet the same day, that tells me that person doesn't respect the effort the escort prides himself in doing. That's some Grindr shit, which is barely okay for free stuff. And even for free stuff, look at the quality. That's not the way to go for a professional, paid experience.

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My android even plays a long song everytime I get a notification text. For whatever reason, I still don't notice every email that comes thru. Also, since getting a new phone, I can't seem to get the gmail notification on my phone to....


Okay, good...now I haven't had it on sync. So now...everytime I get an email, the song will play. But even then that's no guarantee of me noticing the email because my notification for texts goes off round the clock. Sometimes all I can do is reach over and stop it from going off without necessarily looking at it right away. Ill respond right away though if it's clear the person is in the same city looking for the same day.


Moral of the story still stands: emails are never efficient for same day visits. If someone is "emailing other escorts" the same day trying to meet the same day, that tells me that person doesn't respect the effort the escort prides himself in doing. That's some Grindr shit, which is barely okay for free stuff. And even for free stuff, look at the quality. That's not the way to go for a professional, paid experience.


It seems as though the moral of the story is people reach out to you to set up appointments and sometimes you are too busy, distracted or unbothered to check your emails. And then you complain because someone has contacted you and you missed the opportunity.


The other moral of the story is you cannot be helped, in any fashion whatsoever.

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The other moral of the story is you cannot be helped, in any fashion whatsoever.


Another moral of the story could be that Mocha takes this service really seriously. So when a client contacts Mocha by email for an appointment the same day, while the client could/should have known that email may not work in that scenario, Mocha may not see the email in time (logically), and although Mocha has taken a few logical steps to prevent that from happening, he still blames himself ...


(At least that's what I see in between the lines of his initial post.)



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Thanks [uSER=12155]@Dominiking[/uSER] and @Anton.


To answer all questions efficiently, let me just say the client left me his number in the email. Upon screening, the number lead to his office, and it was a mobile number which was under the contact info for him (the head of the company) and his colleagues. That's the other thing I thought was strange. What if I would have called that number, who would it have gone to? I did text that number the following day and "he" replied...but still.


I have an iPhone and an android. My android even plays a long song everytime I get a notification text. For whatever reason, I still don't notice every email that comes thru. Also, since getting a new phone, I can't seem to get the gmail notification on my phone to....


Okay, good...now I haven't had it on sync. So now...everytime I get an email, the song will play. But even then that's no guarantee of me noticing the email because my notification for texts goes off round the clock. Sometimes all I can do is reach over and stop it from going off without necessarily looking at it right away. Ill respond right away though if it's clear the person is in the same city looking for the same day.


Moral of the story still stands: emails are never efficient for same day visits. If someone is "emailing other escorts" the same day trying to meet the same day, that tells me that person doesn't respect the effort the escort prides himself in doing. That's some Grindr shit, which is barely okay for free stuff. And even for free stuff, look at the quality. That's not the way to go for a professional, paid experience.



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Mocha, with the way you constantly complain about the "lack" of business, I would think you would welcome ANY interest at any time from anyone, and not make such a fuss over it. These are the trials and tribulations of "business" communication, scheduling, etc.... What was the most enlightening to ME at least was your use of the word "disobedient" to describe your clients. It is an interesting use of word, and says a lot without saying too much. Obviously you thought nothing of using the word, or of its implications, but to potential clients, it speaks volumes about you.

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It seems as though the moral of the story is people reach out to you to set up appointments and sometimes you are too busy, distracted or unbothered to check your emails. And then you complain because someone has contacted you and you missed the opportunity.


The other moral of the story is you cannot be helped, in any fashion whatsoever.


The moral of the story is...I can help you put something up your ass because you're so busy talking out of it. Maybe a butt plug?


Your words don't affect me. You just popped up on the forum talking crap from the dugout but ain't getting no play. Either you're an envious competitior or someone who just likes to dish shit out. Either way, I've grown accustomed to it and you don't mean shit to me.


Mocha, with the way you constantly complain about the "lack" of business, I would think you would welcome ANY interest at any time from anyone, and not make such a fuss over it. These are the trials and tribulations of "business" communication, scheduling, etc.... What was the most enlightening to ME at least was your use of the word "disobedient" to describe your clients. It is an interesting use of word, and says a lot without saying too much. Obviously you thought nothing of using the word, or of its implications, but to potential clients, it speaks volumes about you.


If a sign in a store or anywhere for that matter asks someone to follow certain directions, and the person doesn't...that's not exactly following the directions. I'm going to call it what it is. Companies and businesses instruct customers to do stuff of the time. Vehicles warn of death if directions aren't followed. Texting (or emailing) and driving is illegal in many states. Why should it be any different elsewhere?


I don't refer to my clients as disobedient. I referred to specific actions that people who contact escorts do, as being disobedient. Now...I'm not going to address you any further because you're redundant and I've also become accustomed to your twisting of words and stories to make me look bad.


Here's the deal: Y'alls discussing me not having business is not a factor in me getting business. But go ahead, keep digging at me hoes...

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Another moral of the story could be that Mocha takes this service really seriously. So when a client contacts Mocha by email for an appointment the same day, while the client could/should have known that email may not work in that scenario, Mocha may not see the email in time (logically), and although Mocha has taken a few logical steps to prevent that from happening, he still blames himself ...


(At least that's what I see in between the lines of his initial post.)




Exactly. However, I don't blame myself. I feel the websites are really probably the main facilitators of these things. It's really not our fault or the clients fault. Back in the old days, the only way to contact an escort was.......(drum roll) phone call. I wasn't around before the Internet, but I know because I've kept copies of old magazines from New York (ex boyfriend memorabilia) where escorts advertised. There was just room for a phone number. Again, I don't mind email and sometimes even recommend it, but not for same day stuff. Too likely a chance of it not being noticed.


I met with a guy who's a middle school principle. He told me he checks his email only once a day...at 4 am in the morning. So for all the hard heads who think I'm being hard ass, please. Dont try to play me and think I don't know how things work. I don't know why anyone would even believe that a person should be obligated to be capable of catching every email that is sent to them in the same day....when most of the world operates by checking email only once or twice a day.

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The moral of the story is...I can help you put something up your ass because you're so busy talking out of it. Maybe a butt plug?


Your words don't affect me. You just popped up on the forum talking crap from the dugout but ain't getting no play. Either you're an envious competitior or someone who just likes to dish shit out. Either way, I've grown accustomed to it and you don't mean shit to me.




If a sign in a store or anywhere for that matter asks someone to follow certain directions, and the person doesn't...that's not exactly following the directions. I'm going to call it what it is. Companies and businesses instruct customers to do stuff of the time. Vehicles warn of death if directions aren't followed. Texting (or emailing) and driving is illegal in many states. Why should it be any different elsewhere?


I don't refer to my clients as disobedient. I referred to specific actions that people who contact escorts do, as being disobedient. Now...I'm not going to address you any further because you're redundant and I've also become accustomed to your twisting of words and stories to make me look bad.


Here's the deal: Y'alls discussing me not having business is not a factor in me getting business. But go ahead, keep digging at me hoes...



Sorry Mocha, I dont think you are in any position to tell anyone "how to behave" or give "directions". These are clients, people that MAY pay you for service. I would think you would be a bit more flexible, receptive and welcoming, rather than constantly critical, self righteous and negative. If you dont want their business, just turn it down and stop whining. When you drive people away, you cant cry about loss of income. You are Great at dishing out critism, but if someione criticizes you, you freak out and start your shit slinging. Your biggest problem is that you "dont listen". You are so into being up your own ass and beleiving you are right, that any signals a client gives you is quickly dismissed as being rude and "disobedient". You are basically painting the picture of your own life. And as they say, "you make your bed, then you lie in it" !

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As someone who normally uses email as a contact method, I do it for the following reasons.


I can do it without the need for huge discretion. If I were to make a phone call to someone that goes like this - I would like a 2 hr appointment tonight, I want you to be wearing leather, to tie me up, after I have sucked your cock, I want you to spank me then pound my ass - etc


1. I need to make that call from a place where I cannot be overheard

2. the escort needs to be able to respond to that call in a place where he can be discrete


So email works.


I a happy to confirm by phone or text - at a time suitable for both of us.


If you have an email in your add - be ready to check your email often.


If you do not want to read email often don't offer an email address.


Or say in your add - email checked every 3 hours - or email checked at midnight most nights - if you need to ctc before then text or phone


Be professional - guys - and watch the bookings and the $$ come your way

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