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The escort never responsed

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I don't think any of my clients would appreciate it if I took an hour or two out of every day from their session to answer other potential clients, especially if it was a weekend or longer session.


In my personal experience, every single client who has hired escorts for travel before, or every single client who sees escorts as people, not as property, have had absolutely no problem understanding that I have a life, I run a business and I need personal space to re-group, workout, be quiet or read my book. Whenever I book a long session that is longer than two nights, one of my conditions is that I take two hours every day to be used in whatever way I want. If I workout out in that time, it's me, alone, working out. I answer emails, make important calls, and or simply sit and re-group. I find that missing each other a little always makes the time together all that sweeter.


If someone has a problem understanding or respecting this need, then I politely decline the appointment.


So, yes, during the time we are together my phone is off and out of sight. But in my own time, I can do whatever I want.


I am not suggesting you do this, I am just sharing with you that all my clients understand and respect this, and most even enjoy their lone time as well, so we come back recharged and missing one another.

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This reminds me of when my sister suggested the whole family (our parents, our siblings, and all my nieces/nephews) get a condo together for three or four days for an out-state wedding of our oldest nephew. Having just been through Thanksgiving Day with the whole family, where I barely got to finish a sentence, I scrambled to think of a polite way to decline. We ended up with getting a couple of condos in within walking distance of each other. And last-minute reshuffling put two more kids in my condo, with me on the fold-out couch in the basement.


So that's a big vote for "yes, I need a bit of alone time too".

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But I know y'all would bitch too much if the thought even crossed my mind ;)

You should. ... A savvy business would raise their rates accordingly.

I'm not so sure that raising rates until the number of clients reduces to match the available time is the way to go. For one thing, escorting is third on Kurtis' list of professions. A second point is that there is more than one way of operating a business.


One is to maximise profit by whatever means available, and this is often the corporate model in Anglo-Saxon countries. First Martin Shkreli and then epi-pens come to mind. In a less extreme version, an escort who wants to accumulate as much money as possible then get the hell out of Dodge might keep raising his rates until he no longer has more customers beating down his door than he can handle. The risk is that the closer he gets to Rolls Royce rates, the more likely that clients would resent even the slightest imperfection.


Another business model, more European in nature, would be to recognise that the escort and his clients are both stakeholders in his business. (In a corporate entity employees would also be stakeholders, in a way that Costco seems to and Walmart seems not to treat them.) In such a model, an escort might set rates that provide a sustainable income with provision for retirement savings but not runaway profits. Such a business model may actually be less stressful for an escort who adopts it.


I can think of escorts who charge premium rates, about whom 'too much', 'entitled' and 'hubris' are the tone of the conversation here, and of others who charge less but are still highly regarded despite it being difficult to get onto their dance cards.


I'm not criticising anyone who adopts either model, and the fact that an escort adopts one of them, or some other model for that matter, wouldn't take anyone off my list of 'maybe I could' or 'if only I could' lists. Every escort has his own objectives and his reasons for adopting whatever business model he chooses.

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I'm not so sure that raising rates until the number of clients reduces to match the available time is the way to go. For one thing, escorting is third on Kurtis' list of professions. A second point is that there is more than one way of operating a business.


One is to maximise profit by whatever means available, and this is often the corporate model in Anglo-Saxon countries. First Martin Shkreli and then epi-pens come to mind. In a less extreme version, an escort who wants to accumulate as much money as possible then get the hell out of Dodge might keep raising his rates until he no longer has more customers beating down his door than he can handle. The risk is that the closer he gets to Rolls Royce rates, the more likely that clients would resent even the slightest imperfection.


Another business model, more European in nature, would be to recognise that the escort and his clients are both stakeholders in his business. (In a corporate entity employees would also be stakeholders, in a way that Costco seems to and Walmart seems not to treat them.) In such a model, an escort might set rates that provide a sustainable income with provision for retirement savings but not runaway profits. Such a business model may actually be less stressful for an escort who adopts it.


I can think of escorts who charge premium rates, about whom 'too much', 'entitled' and 'hubris' are the tone of the conversation here, and of others who charge less but are still highly regarded despite it being difficult to get onto their dance cards.


I'm not criticising anyone who adopts either model, and the fact that an escort adopts one of them, or some other model for that matter, wouldn't take anyone off my list of 'maybe I could' or 'if only I could' lists. Every escort has his own objectives and his reasons for adopting whatever business model he chooses.

He just said he has more demand then he knows what to do with though. I'd say he can afford to lose allot of customers beating down his door. Keeping prices artificially low so he doesn't piss people off is akin to shooting himself in the foot. It's like you have a brand new mercedes that you advirtize for $1,000. Well, say 1000 people show up. Guess what. That's going to be 999 very pissed off people that day.


Raise the rates and cater to the people that want and can afford the best. Plus, you'll create a more valuable image. Besides the Pornstar rate is $400 and many of them aren't worth shit.

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@caliguy I understand the points you are making and agree that a price hike is one way to go, I was just saying that not all escorts will want to take that path. And yes, he may well have complaints from both directions. I may be the exception, but I tend to decide whether I'm interested by reading ads, comments on them in here and importantly how they present themselves in here, their rate is not an issue at that stage. It becomes an issue when I consider if I'm prepared to try to hire.

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He just said he has more demand then he knows what to do with though. I'd say he can afford to lose allot of customers beating down his door. Keeping prices artificially low so he doesn't piss people off is akin to shooting himself in the foot. It's like you have a brand new mercedes that you advirtize for $1,000. Well, say 1000 people show up. Guess what. That's going to be 999 very pissed off people that day.


Raise the rates and cater to the people that want and can afford the best. Plus, you'll create a more valuable image. Besides the Pornstar rate is $400 and many of them aren't worth shit.


It may make sense to raise rates to bring demand more into alignment with the time available and decrease the number of people an escort needs to turn away or doesn't have time to get back to, but the rest of what you say doesn't make sense to me. Rates are not an indicator of quality, and rather than a valuable image, it's an exclusive, even exclusionary image. Maybe that's the image and audience an escort wants; maybe it's not. But there are some (I'm one of them) who would be turned off by an exclusive, Rolex-type image. I'd rather see someone whose rates suggest he's more down to earth and relatable and not out to get top dollar.

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IMO, 5 hour wait time for a text message response can be unrealistic in many circumstances aka sleeping or making love to an A321T. It is still my firm opinion that breaking away from an extended session for an hour or less multiple times throughout the day will lead to a less than full satisfactory experience.

That's why I said within 5 waking hours. If someone texts you at 1 AM, you may not even have your phone on (or at least set to silent). But you should get the text when you wake up. And yes, if you happen to get on a west-bound trans-continental flight, there might be 6 hours. That goes for the "no access to the internet" rule. It can happen, but should be pretty rare.

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All these should and musts remind me of one of the ways in which I determine compatibility with a potential client.


If after one or many emails or texts I realize that the potential customer is irritated, pissy or accusatory about my responses not being immediate, then I am glad to pass on the appointment. I have a life, I have two jobs, I travel a lot, I am a busy man. Anyone who doesn't understand and respect that and only sees me as an accessory to his desires to react in whatever way and at whatever pace he wants me to behave is failing to see the whole picture.


Anyone who expects me to respond to all his communications immediately and gets angry when that doesn't happen will be a difficult client to deal with in person. I love my work and I will avoid having these kind of clients is I can spot them beforehand.


I thrive meeting with clients who understand I am a complete human being. A prompt communicator within my abilities, but a man with a whole life.


Sure, no response over a period of time, sure, move on. A repeated inability to address and answer specific questions? Sure, look elsewhere.


Talking about a certain amount of hour rule, talking about when you MUST receive an answer, that is all strange. You do not know what's happening at the other end of your phone.

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