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To what extent do you think the business is affected by current events?

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Namely the current event that is currently going on. I know one can say count your blessings, be glad you're alive (my friend said that to me earlier in the week) But I'm in a severely shitty financial state at the moment. I'm not going to give people too much fodder to criticize me and say I NEVER make ANY money from this, but It's to where whenever I do get a client, it doesn't do much to help because there's too much time passing in between clients and it's def. not $7,000 a night I'm getting. And then, throw in a sensationally moving news story, not even an inkling of an appointment this entire week. The last time I took an actual call from any of my ads, not including regulars and new scouts I recruited (as in not from the main ads)..was about May 25th. It's June 16th.


I'm trying to maintain optimism, and I've even consulted with a client who has opened the doors to get me into a position with his company. But even to do that, I'd have to relocate and get a place to live.


Other than occasional clips of new developments, I've not had the desire to watch anything news related to what's going on TV. Too much, especially when already dealing with personal issues. But, despite the fact that someone could find consolation in an escort during these times, I can imagine people are probably getting sucked flaccid watching 24/7 coverage of it.

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Hey man,


I am sorry to hear you are in such dire situation. I can't speak to the fact that this may or not be related to what is happening at the moment, but I feel really moved to urge you to take care of yourself. For whatever reason escorting has not been a reliable source of income for you for quite a long time and you always sound so stressed it breaks my heart. Talk to your client! Try to secure a different source of income. Bite the bullet for a little while, at least until you get on your feet. Maybe then you realize regular employment wasn't so bad.


Don't struggle any longer, man. This kind of stress will kill you or make you sick.


Take care of yourself! You deserve to live a comfortable life.


Sending you my best wishes and a big hug.

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Consider that escorting is a job, like other jobs. People change careers and grow and you should be no different. Since escorting appears to be unsatsifying or problematic, it would be smart to explore other options or opportunities that cross your path.

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Thanks guys for the replies. Juan, I don't want you to feel sorry for me. I'm not asking for sympathy. It is welcomed, but trust...If I been bought this far, there's more in store for me.


For the most part, I have to be clear that I'm not stressed or unsatisfied necessarily due to escorting, nor is it problematic. However, I just expect to be busier. Like Sade said, Is it Crime? That's what I'm used to. I'm not used to not having 2-4 clients a week, with a multi hour or overnight monthly. That's just how it's been before. So far its only been like 3 text messages this week, with no follow up.


Not to mention, I actually am IN Florida during this very time. So it's like, I can't expect it to not be different, but at the same time I wonder if it'd be this way regardless. That's why I posed the question, do current events and tragedies affect things, or would it be that way anyway? I had calls all week long before I came to Orlando. I get here, all connection is lost. It's like a dead zone here, no pun intended.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not giving the business flack, I know some people can make it and some can't. I've been making it all along...it's just most recently things haven't been to the level I'm happy with. I'm content with my choice of being an escort, no doubt. Yet at the same time, you have people going for "try-outs" every week.


I know one thing for sure, before I quit escorting, I WILL find a different country to operate out of. Even if I have a different job. America is just played the fuck out. Everything has been seen and done 100 times over. I'm not played out. I'm not even 30. I bet I could go to Australia or anywhere in the EU, even Montreal or Toronto and do way better than here. I feel sometimes the novelty of Black/African American men has worn off in America, Atleast temporarily. Latins and Asians are the latest hot shit. And the majority want White. Thanks to pressing news events and protests like #Black lives matter, our value has become confined somewhere between indifferent and redundant. I even hear people say sometimes, "why does it matter if Black votes count for Hillary? I used to be able to pull 4-5 clients a day in some cities. I barely get that in a month.


There will be better days, count on it. I'll be writing soon, from my beach room casa in Casablanca ...

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I am from Florida and it is extremely sad about the events that have occurred.


I personally find the EU very difficult to work, many people do not speak English or speak very little English. As I had posted before, as a minority breaking into a majority market, it is very intimidating. If you plan on staying in English speaking countires such as the UK, the cost of living here is comparable to New York or even higher unless you live in the county side but it would be difficult to attract clients two hours outside of a major uk city.


Just thought I would chime in!


I hope business picks up for everybody :-)

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I am from Florida and it is extremely sad about the events that have occurred.


I personally find the EU very difficult to work, many people do not speak English or speak very little English. As I had posted before, as a minority breaking into a majority market, it is very intimidating. If you plan on staying in English speaking countires such as the UK, the cost of living here is comparable to New York or even higher unless you live in the county side but it would be difficult to attract clients two hours outside of a major uk city.


Just thought I would chime in!


I hope business picks up for everybody :)


Hey, good points made. I actually googled my thoughts, and came up with an article that matched perfectly, though it can probably be applied To any ethnicity: http://www.theroot.com/articles/culture/2015/07/_5_places_black_people_can_move_to_when_they_ve_had_enough_of_america/


I was surprised to see Thailand there! I dated a Vietnamese guy, and on our first date...he drove to pick me up in his Lexus, and THEN let ME drive! Like, who does that in America? They won't even pick you up here. You have to "host" or trek across town for them, while they lay on the couch and smoke weed.


Yeah Florida is definitely in the slow season right now anyway. I did see Elvis though. He came to town from Britain. I'm going back home tomorrow. It just gets to me. I grew up here too, but Florida has become like a California or sorts. Fake, phony, and full of shit. Even my free hookups all flaked. I haven't had sex in 4 days. I don't know if people are just fucked up because of everything or what. This is going to sound cruel, but similar to Hurricane Katrina, UFOs and 9/11, I wouldn't be surprised if some or all of what happened was a conspiracy (though I don't believe that it "didn't happen" as some are coming out with) The State of Florida and/or another nightclub probably used that crazy man as a pawn to kill those people, specifically Latin and Gay, a scare tactic of sorts... and of course he had to wound up dead too because it would have gotten leaked. Look at how much money Florida got from this. I just wouldn't put anything past anyone. I'm still sticking with the disgruntled/bi-polar gay story, but there's Story A and Story B to be considered.


This is the second time a "security guard" has killed in Florida, and made national press. I know that sounds awful, but I just don't trust these type of events to be a twisted fate of luck. There's usually some dirty work, when the gun smoke clears. As I always cite sources, Some fodder for thought: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/fla-prosecutor-suspended-vile-facebook-orlando-article-1.2678648

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Namely the current event that is currently going on. I know one can say count your blessings, be glad you're alive (my friend said that to me earlier in the week) But I'm in a severely shitty financial state at the moment. I'm not going to give people too much fodder to criticize me and say I NEVER make ANY money from this, but It's to where whenever I do get a client, it doesn't do much to help because there's too much time passing in between clients and it's def. not $7,000 a night I'm getting. And then, throw in a sensationally moving news story, not even an inkling of an appointment this entire week. The last time I took an actual call from any of my ads, not including regulars and new scouts I recruited (as in not from the main ads)..was about May 25th. It's June 16th.


I'm trying to maintain optimism, and I've even consulted with a client who has opened the doors to get me into a position with his company. But even to do that, I'd have to relocate and get a place to live.


Other than occasional clips of new developments, I've not had the desire to watch anything news related to what's going on TV. Too much, especially when already dealing with personal issues. But, despite the fact that someone could find consolation in an escort during these times, I can imagine people are probably getting sucked flaccid watching 24/7 coverage of it.


Do you have to learn a foreign language?


Do you have papers/legal permits to get that work?


You see, things could be worst.


Please do it, take that job!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I'm sure there isn't anyone who can tell me business isn't being affected in New Orleans Minneapolis right now that's for damn sure.


I tell ya, barely a month goes by and there's always some bullshit in this country going on that fucks up the vibe of things.

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Hey, good points made. I actually googled my thoughts, and came up with an article that matched perfectly, though it can probably be applied To any ethnicity: http://www.theroot.com/articles/culture/2015/07/_5_places_black_people_can_move_to_when_they_ve_had_enough_of_america/



Apologies for the threadjack. From the list of places in that article, my first choice would be New Zealand.


As for Dubai - no way in hell if you're gay or if you're not a native Arab or white American. It's just a more glamorized, more Western-friendly version of Saudi Arabia. But they still have all the human rights violations, they just don't get as much attention.

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Apologies for the threadjack. From the list of places in that article, my first choice would be New Zealand.


As for Dubai - no way in hell if you're gay or if you're not a native Arab or white American. It's just a more glamorized, more Western-friendly version of Saudi Arabia. But they still have all the human rights violations, they just don't get as much attention.


New Zealand seems nice. But re: Dubai, do you happen to have any reference to back that up? That only straight, native Arabs and White Americans would do well in Dubai? That said, I'd probably make a billion fucking dollars in Dubai. Closeted, straight, secretive? Where else would men have to go? https://www.nighttours.com/dubai/


Back to current events, if anyone is in Minneapolis or Dallas right now...Thats exactly how Orlando felt last month. Dead as dodo. No pun intended.

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New Zealand seems nice. But re: Dubai, do you happen to have any reference to back that up? That only straight, native Arabs and White Americans would do well in Dubai? That said, I'd probably make a billion fucking dollars in Dubai. Closeted, straight, secretive? Where else would men have to go? https://www.nighttours.com/dubai/




It's a long article but I strongly suggest reading the whole thing if you're seriously considering Dubai.


I can't speak to escorting in Dubai. I was referring to living there. Dubai is a kingdom, not a democracy, not even close. Homosexuality is illegal there. They have the death penalty and are not afraid to use it. There's no constitution or due process in the way we understand it in the West. Their blue-bloods make the rules.



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It's a long article but I strongly suggest reading the whole thing if you're seriously considering Dubai.


I can't speak to escorting in Dubai. I was referring to living there. Dubai is a kingdom, not a democracy, not even close. Homosexuality is illegal there. They have the death penalty and are not afraid to use it. There's no constitution or due process in the way we understand it in the West. Their blue-bloods make the rules.




Great article...and quote:


It is illegal to be gay in Dubai, and punishable by 10 years in prison. But the locations of the latest unofficial gay clubs circulate online, and men flock there, seemingly unafraid of the police. "They might bust the club, but they will just disperse us," one of them says. "The police have other things to do."


In every large city, gay people find a way to find each other – but Dubai has become the clearing-house for the region's homosexuals, a place where they can live in relative safety. Saleh, a lean private in the Saudi Arabian army, has come here for the Coldplay concert, and tells me Dubai is "great" for gays: "In Saudi, it's hard to be straight when you're young. The women are shut away so everyone has gay sex. But they only want to have sex with boys – 15- to 21-year-olds. I'm 27, so I'm too old now. I need to find real gays, so this is the best place. All Arab gays want to live in Dubai."


So it's illegal to be gay in Dubai, but illegal to be a prossie in America. Are we really much further ahead? Is it the speck versus the log?


But wow...did you read that? Everyone in the Saudi lifestyle has gay sex when they're young! Hahaha. I'm just confused. I think everything in the world is opposite of what we have been told to believe. I knew it, I knew, I knew it. Those Arabians are all fucking each other.


That said, Dubai sounds like the Saudi equivalent of Las Vegas and Miami: Tax free, but sketchy as all fuck.

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I do not remember any terrorist attacks or cop-related events in Denver, Phoenix or Nashville, or Ohio from a while ago. You eventually had trouble in all of these places that sounds strikingly similar to the same trouble you have now. Perhaps it is you.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I think decline in business also has something to do with Grindr, Scruff, Jackd and other sites.

There are lots of guys that easily hired from those sites , they just need a little prompting to do so. Any thought on this?

JohnJohn, I agree with you.. Being one of the guys who started years ago on gay.com as an escort and has had to adopt to culture changing... It was much easier without Grindr, Scruff, and whatever other apps people now can find each other in a comfortable online situation to meet for a hook up. There could be a number of reasons why you're not getting as many calls as you once were used too, but let's not forget this business has been around since the dawn of mankind. It's not going anywhere, you just need to figure out what is happening with your business. Taking new pictures, changing your persona, and honestly what you're putting out there into the Universe can affect who you're attracting. Maybe your bio is catered more towards guys who are looking for something your pictures don't add up to. You really have to analyze the whole picture before making a drastic change like moving outside the country. And honestly speaking from experience... taking a break for a while to focus on you and jobs outside this industry can make you gain new perspective on what you really want. The breaks I've taken in the years I've been in and out of this industry have been not only incredibly necessary, but also helpful. Each time I leave and come back I feel refreshed and sometimes that's all we need. Just my two cents...

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