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Client cancels 2500 dollar check and threatens me!

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Cut. Your. Losses.


This bitch is either using something you want no part of...or he is a manic depressive who is not getting treatment. Either way, he is NOT in any way, shape, or form a person you need to have any contact with for any reason.


On a different matter, was this check made out to "Adam Adonis" or to you? I ask because if it was to you, then you will need to invest in some personal protection, because since this guy's bread ain't quite done, you could have a potential stalker on your hands. If you want protective advice, PM me & I will provide suggestions.


He stated above the check was made payable to his real name.

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Second, escorts are not professionals. They are regular people offering their time. They have no special education or licensure. They are regular joe's not professionals in the technical sense of the word. You inappropriately ascribe to them certain skills or attributes which they may not, and are not necessarily supposed to possess. They are regular people connecting with other people via advertising or word of mouth. That's it. They aren't a professional any more than a boyfriend or a handyman is a professional.


Bottom line: it is because of the client's illness that this happened. The escort was a bystander.


I consider myself a professional and I do have training and education that aid me in my work. I also know sex-workers with Masters as well as Doctorates. I get what you're saying, but to broadly state that escorts aren't professionals, to me, is offensive and over-generalizing.

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An individual escort may be a professional in another field in which they have a degree and or license but to think that an escort attains "professional" status because they have the funds to put an ad on rentmen is a stretch.


This is my career and my profession. This isn't a part-time job or a way of just making a few extra bucks. This is my passion, my path and my way of making a difference in the world. I will at some point have a Master's in Clinical Psychology, however until then, and after then, I am a professional. I am not saying that every escort is a professional, but there are certainly many amongst us. I think most anyone that has hired me would agree. If you don't believe that a sex-worker can be a professional, you either aren't hiring the right guys or you simply refuse to see them that way. Also, I feel that your dismissal of us as professionals is contrary to the intent of this forum.

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This is my career and my profession. This isn't a part-time job or a way of just making a few extra bucks. This is my passion, my path and my way of making a difference in the world. I will at some point have a Master's in Clinical Psychology, however until then, and after then, I am a professional. I am not saying that every escort is a professional, but there are certainly many amongst us. I think most anyone that has hired me would agree. If you don't believe that a sex-worker can be a professional, you either aren't hiring the right guys or you simply refuse to see them that way. Also, I feel that your dismissal of us as professionals is contrary to the intent of this forum.

What about the geishas? Developing an expertise and mastery on providing pleasure and happiness qualify to me as a profession. Now, I also think that they may be many, but they are a minority in the pay for sex world.

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I feel that in ANY Business. EVENTUALLY we ALL will come Across someone so Miserable, So Vile that literally nothing You do will make them Happy.



I had a Situation very Similiar to me Months ago http://m4m-forum.org/threads/clients-who-post-bogus-reviews.107971/ and while I DID get Paid, This sick fuck wrote a complete Bogus review of me. Making me out to be 20+ Years older and out of shape. Which In the End Fucked with my Bottom Line...MY INCOME. I took it as a Lesson learned, Moved on and THANK GOD I have plenty of Clients whom I have nothing but Great Experiences. You have to remind Yourself that It is NOT NORMAL. 99% of the People whom You meet usually are good Experiences overall.



In the End HE will be the one who Loses. Trust me. Karma takes names.



Sidenote: I can Gurantee he was on Meth or Heroin

Hmm without a link to an ad. I can neither confirm or deny the existence of said hot jock body ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm sorry this hastened to you.



Tough call. Rich people have alot of money, but the starting behavior is more common.


Hope you have better luck in the coming clients


Hi Bryan - I liked your reply. I also took some time to have a look at your website. Well done! The drawings/cartoons are a nice touch. Your website is both enticing and informative ...

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Oh my god, these guys are posting names/occupation of clients on this website because they didn't show up or cancel the session. Check out this posting, was it really necessary. How about asking the client for a cancellation fee first, before posting his personal information, this is not cool.





clients get to write reviews, rent boys have blacklists


if you dont want bad things written about you, don't do bad things :)

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clients get to write reviews, rent boys have blacklists


if you dont want bad things written about you, don't do bad things :)

Our review site is moderated, and the escort is contacted regarding his review. Personal information is protected.


I doubt very seriously of that's the case with a "blacklist clients" site. I could be wrong, but it smacks of other websites with anarchy rule

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How does that blacklisted site make money? There have been sites discussed here that try to extort money from persons who've been listed. This doesn't appear to be that type, so are they depending on escort donations?

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Oh my god, these guys are posting names/occupation of clients on this website because they didn't show up or cancel the session. Check out this posting, was it really necessary. How about asking the client for a cancellation fee first, before posting his personal information, this is not cool.

I completely agree. Escorts have a public profile that advertises, while most clients are not so visible.


An escort listed me on a similar site because I ended the session and sent him away. He had "something" growing on his privates and didn't mention it before we met. His assurance that it wasn't contagious is beside the point. He made it sound like I was unreasonable and a time waster who simply didn't pay. In fact, I gave him $40 to cover Uber, which was generous. Of course I'm not going to get into a pissing contest on a defamer site, so had to let that go.


The format of these client blacklist sites is completely different than this forum. There is no dialogue or context. We should all refrain from posting any private information about escorts or clients. How would that help, especially if it's hearsay? If escorts want/need a way to vet prospective clients, there have to be more reliable methods.


As a client, I'm aware that first meetings can be disappointing and even known companions can change or have off days. That's part of this game. Escorts will have many more "first meetings" and face greater risk of problems. That isn't fair - but common sense should weed out most of the flakes, creeps, and window shoppers. And for clients that do cause problems, a revenge posting probably isn't going to help other escorts anyway.

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Our review site is moderated, and the escort is contacted regarding his review. Personal information is protected.


I doubt very seriously of that's the case with a "blacklist clients" site. I could be wrong, but it smacks of other websites with anarchy rule


anarchy isn't always bad. it keeps a lot of sketchy folks in line who need that fear

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I couldn't help but think of this thread after dealing some bullshit today. Got cheated out of $250. Drove 100 miles out to meet the guy, wasted an entire evening, treacherous driving conditions, watched him check into a motel, he even told me everything was awesome after we fucked and that he would pay me $50 more, and then had the nerve to drive off without paying,. Mother f*cker. See...that one is on me, I should have got the money upfront. But that Voodoo shit, that's on him. Karma is a bitch, Voodoo is a mother f*cker. He got something coming for that ass, and it ain't my dick.


You just can't trust these guys. They will steal, backstab and lie right in your fucking face. And people seem so shocked and saddened about what happened in Orlando. Right. Well what can you expect in a society of such selfish, demeaning group of people? Think they are ENTITLED to another man's body, free of charge or respect. Wonder why more mother f*ckers aren't dead with a bullet in their head.

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  • 2 months later...

You just can't trust these guys. They will steal, backstab and lie right in your fucking face. And people seem so shocked and saddened about what happened in Orlando. Right. Well what can you expect in a society of such selfish, demeaning group of people? Think they are ENTITLED to another man's body, free of charge or respect. Wonder why more mother f*ckers aren't dead with a bullet in their head.


Holy crap. Tell me that you didn't really write this. Over $250. Or anything. This is not a good look.

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Client hires me while visiting DC. He's an emergency room doctor who goes by xxxxxxxxxx. ***Moderator's note: no real names.


He would stay for several hours, pay me for significantly less, then text me that he knew he underpaid but would see me again. We had a very nice connection so I let it slide and he did hire me three times, each time staying longer than what he paid for.


He says he wants to book me for a weekend in Fort Lauderdale. I tell him it's 2500 but I'll throw in a third night free.


I pick him up from the airport and day 1 he's fine. He asks a lot of personal questions and says that he's in love with me and wants to help me pay for my house renovation. Red flag! Too intense for only a few meetings.


Day 2 asks me over and over again to fuck him that night. I say not to worry I fucked him in DC so it will happen tonight. We lie in bed during the day and he literally asked me ten more times if I'm going to fuck him. A little irritated I say "Yes I don't know why you keep asking! I said I would!" He stands up and yells "you'll fuck a guy in the shower at the gym and I'm paying you 2500 dollars! You'll fuck me tonight if I ask for it!" I hunkered down in bed and just laid there. He rolls over, apologizes, so I say ok. I get on top and pond him. He kept trying to talk and feel reassured. He needed constant affirmation that I was head over heels for him.


Day 3. Wants to go to a sex party so he can watch me and join in. Sensing how insecure he was I suggest dinner and a movie for our last night and alone time in the hotel. He inisysts on the sex party so we go. And of course he complained that I fucked others like I cared more about them and didn't do it to him the same way. He's 53. The guys there were 28 or so and new. It was his idea. So now he wants to go to a leather bar afterwards so we go. He asks a million questions. Are you sure it's ok if we go? Do you really want to be here? Then we get settled in at a corner in the bar and he says do you want to walk around the bar? I say no. He yells THEN LET'S GO!

I say what? I just said I didn't want to walk around that doesn't mean I want to go! He yells back you don't have to be such an asshole!!! I walk out of the bar.


He says let's go back in.

I say No I think we should go!

He says you're a child! You've got problems!

I say really!? Let's just go I knew there would be drama! You ask one question after another! It's ridiculous!

He arrogantly says in a fatherly tone yelling at me like I was a child, "Sit down on the ground with your knees in the dirt, wait for the uber, and when we get back you can drive back to Orlando tonight! (It's 12:30am and Orlando is a three hour drive away)


In the uber he acts all happy to the driver and says what a great time we are having! In the hotel he says he loves me and will take care of me even though I'm self centered. I quietly tell him I need to leave. I run out of there!


He cancels my check and in one email says how much he loves me the next email he calls me all kinds of names! Promises to wire me the money. 1500 up front and a thousand more if I respond showing him I care about him. I respond with saying we will have no further communication until he pays me first! Then a bunch of threats follow!

He's going to contact my parents and turn me in to the IRS!


Beware! In five years of escorting I have never experienced anyone this sick!

Wow, Adam, so sorry you were subjected to this. I can understand why a guy would proclaim his love for you since you're a lovable guy, but a client has to keep his perspective and have no illusions about what this is. You can be "in love" for an hour or a weekend, but it's just a fantasy.

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You just can't trust these guys. They will steal, backstab and lie right in your fucking face. And people seem so shocked and saddened about what happened in Orlando. Right. Well what can you expect in a society of such selfish, demeaning group of people? Think they are ENTITLED to another man's body, free of charge or respect. Wonder why more mother f*ckers aren't dead with a bullet in their head.


I'm sorry, but I just had to come back to this. I couldn't get to sleep for a while after reading this. I've seen some offensive, insane, even homophobic shit on these boards, but nothing compared to this.


Just specifically how does the murder of 49 people just out for a night of fun equate to the fact that some asshole ripped you off? If you found this jerk, would you want him to be "dead with a bullet in [his] head"? Help along the way? Perhaps this blacklist site should have some hired goons shoot or beat the shit out of bad johns to help you deal with your aggression.


I hire a good amount, and always treat the guys I'm with with respect. Some jackasses will try to take advantage of escorts. (And some in ways that make stiffing you on a bill seem like nothing.) Sorry, though, bad debts are part of every business and you are, ultimately, a business owner. Not doing business with guys who have flaked on you before, doing some due diligence on new clients, even requiring deposits -- there are lots of ways to reduce the risk. Condoning the mass murder of 49 people who have never hired you or even given you a passing though is not one of them.


Maybe you didn't intend it the way it sounded. But, words have meaning.


I just had to get that off my chest. I'm out.



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