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Client cancels 2500 dollar check and threatens me!

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Client hires me while visiting DC. He's an emergency room doctor who goes by xxxxxxxxxx. ***Moderator's note: no real names.


He would stay for several hours, pay me for significantly less, then text me that he knew he underpaid but would see me again. We had a very nice connection so I let it slide and he did hire me three times, each time staying longer than what he paid for.


He says he wants to book me for a weekend in Fort Lauderdale. I tell him it's 2500 but I'll throw in a third night free.


I pick him up from the airport and day 1 he's fine. He asks a lot of personal questions and says that he's in love with me and wants to help me pay for my house renovation. Red flag! Too intense for only a few meetings.


Day 2 asks me over and over again to fuck him that night. I say not to worry I fucked him in DC so it will happen tonight. We lie in bed during the day and he literally asked me ten more times if I'm going to fuck him. A little irritated I say "Yes I don't know why you keep asking! I said I would!" He stands up and yells "you'll fuck a guy in the shower at the gym and I'm paying you 2500 dollars! You'll fuck me tonight if I ask for it!" I hunkered down in bed and just laid there. He rolls over, apologizes, so I say ok. I get on top and pond him. He kept trying to talk and feel reassured. He needed constant affirmation that I was head over heels for him.


Day 3. Wants to go to a sex party so he can watch me and join in. Sensing how insecure he was I suggest dinner and a movie for our last night and alone time in the hotel. He inisysts on the sex party so we go. And of course he complained that I fucked others like I cared more about them and didn't do it to him the same way. He's 53. The guys there were 28 or so and new. It was his idea. So now he wants to go to a leather bar afterwards so we go. He asks a million questions. Are you sure it's ok if we go? Do you really want to be here? Then we get settled in at a corner in the bar and he says do you want to walk around the bar? I say no. He yells THEN LET'S GO!

I say what? I just said I didn't want to walk around that doesn't mean I want to go! He yells back you don't have to be such an asshole!!! I walk out of the bar.


He says let's go back in.

I say No I think we should go!

He says you're a child! You've got problems!

I say really!? Let's just go I knew there would be drama! You ask one question after another! It's ridiculous!

He arrogantly says in a fatherly tone yelling at me like I was a child, "Sit down on the ground with your knees in the dirt, wait for the uber, and when we get back you can drive back to Orlando tonight! (It's 12:30am and Orlando is a three hour drive away)


In the uber he acts all happy to the driver and says what a great time we are having! In the hotel he says he loves me and will take care of me even though I'm self centered. I quietly tell him I need to leave. I run out of there!


He cancels my check and in one email says how much he loves me the next email he calls me all kinds of names! Promises to wire me the money. 1500 up front and a thousand more if I respond showing him I care about him. I respond with saying we will have no further communication until he pays me first! Then a bunch of threats follow!

He's going to contact my parents and turn me in to the IRS!


Beware! In five years of escorting I have never experienced anyone this sick!

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I'm sorry man, that's really terrible. I'm betting that you can counter threaten him and say that you know who he is and will let his staff and patients know if he does you the slightest damage.


I don't understand people like this. Then again, you can't apply logic to crazy.


BTW you're incredibly handsome. If ever in Orlando.. I don't love you though so we're good ;)

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Client hires me while visiting DC. He's an emergency room doctor who goes by xxxxxxxxxx. ***Moderator's note: no real names.


He would stay for several hours, pay me for significantly less, then text me that he knew he underpaid but would see me again. We had a very nice connection so I let it slide and he did hire me three times, each time staying longer than what he paid for.


He says he wants to book me for a weekend in Fort Lauderdale. I tell him it's 2500 but I'll throw in a third night free.


I pick him up from the airport and day 1 he's fine. He asks a lot of personal questions and says that he's in love with me and wants to help me pay for my house renovation. Red flag! Too intense for only a few meetings.


Day 2 asks me over and over again to fuck him that night. I say not to worry I fucked him in DC so it will happen tonight. We lie in bed during the day and he literally asked me ten more times if I'm going to fuck him. A little irritated I say "Yes I don't know why you keep asking! I said I would!" He stands up and yells "you'll fuck a guy in the shower at the gym and I'm paying you 2500 dollars! You'll fuck me tonight if I ask for it!" I hunkered down in bed and just laid there. He rolls over, apologizes, so I say ok. I get on top and pond him. He kept trying to talk and feel reassured. He needed constant affirmation that I was head over heels for him.


Day 3. Wants to go to a sex party so he can watch me and join in. Sensing how insecure he was I suggest dinner and a movie for our last night and alone time in the hotel. He inisysts on the sex party so we go. And of course he complained that I fucked others like I cared more about them and didn't do it to him the same way. He's 53. The guys there were 28 or so and new. It was his idea. So now he wants to go to a leather bar afterwards so we go. He asks a million questions. Are you sure it's ok if we go? Do you really want to be here? Then we get settled in at a corner in the bar and he says do you want to walk around the bar? I say no. He yells THEN LET'S GO!

I say what? I just said I didn't want to walk around that doesn't mean I want to go! He yells back you don't have to be such an asshole!!! I walk out of the bar.


He says let's go back in.

I say No I think we should go!

He says you're a child! You've got problems!

I say really!? Let's just go I knew there would be drama! You ask one question after another! It's ridiculous!

He arrogantly says in a fatherly tone yelling at me like I was a child, "Sit down on the ground with your knees in the dirt, wait for the uber, and when we get back you can drive back to Orlando tonight! (It's 12:30am and Orlando is a three hour drive away)


In the uber he acts all happy to the driver and says what a great time we are having! In the hotel he says he loves me and will take care of me even though I'm self centered. I quietly tell him I need to leave. I run out of there!


He cancels my check and in one email says how much he loves me the next email he calls me all kinds of names! Promises to wire me the money. 1500 up front and a thousand more if I respond showing him I care about him. I respond with saying we will have no further communication until he pays me first! Then a bunch of threats follow!

He's going to contact my parents and turn me in to the IRS!


Beware! In five years of escorting I have never experienced anyone this sick!


If he lives close enough to you -- file against him in small claims court for fraud say he paid you for a personal services oral contract for fitness - diet and training. Parol contracts for other than real estate are binding in Florida. If he does not show up which is likely you will get a judgment against him - Identify an asset such as his car and the sheriff will confiscate it for the judgment.


OR Run Forrest Run -- Block his number and his email and be glad to be free --


I only have one gentleman to whom I give checks - we have known each other for years - he is a gentleman caller and he also cleans my house and a rental property and does maintenance and houseboy work for me because I am differently abled - He knows where I live and has keys to my house - I trust him and he trusts me --- otherwise Cash is King!


Don't have any cash baby lets take you to an ATM or a Check Cashing Store - or what is your banks name? Lets lookup the closest branch and take a ride!!!

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What I would do (and I probably really wouldn't) is tell him that you feel bad about the whole thing. In fact, if he gets you the money in the next couple of days, you would set up a night where you would fuck wildly. Then when he delivers the money IN CASH you have absolutely nothing to do with him. He can't file some crazy complaint about him giving you money for escort services because you could deny it. If he doesn't give you the money then rack it up to a bad experience and have nothing to with him. Save all future emails and telephone calls and keep a log to base harassment charges you will eventually have to bring.

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His behavior as described is erratic and highly suggestive of drug use. The fact that he is a doctor gives him greater access to prescription drugs which are a huge problem everywhere but particularly so in Florida.

Since you have his name, you could show up at his job and ask to speak with him. You could say you will be back for your money in cash the next day he is working.

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Hey Adam,


I am so sorry to read this shit happened to you. It really sucks. There's no other way to look at it.


I might be overstepping a little but I think it is important to bring attention to the two things you could have avoided that would have prevented the whole thing. The first one, and a huge red flag for me (I would stop seeing that person on the spot if he did that to me) is to overstay his welcome for a long time, pay me less than agreed and say that he knows he paid less.


I would NEVER see again someone like this. This behaviour tells he doesn't give a shit about you, he doesn't respect you and he thinks he can do whatever he wants to you with no repercussions.


The second thing I would have done differently, of course, is taking a check. It's a no-no under any circumstance. Checks are traceable and in your country what you are doing is illegal. Also, checks can be cancelled. If anyone wants to spend time with you they have to spend the ten minutes necessary to go get cash.



I would strongly recommend against further engaging with him. Don't continue asking for the money, don't play his game and for God's sake DO NOT show at his work or threaten him in any way. Judging by his behaviour this man doesn't see you as a person who deserves respect. You are only a play thing, a toy, not a human being, and he will not feel any remorse doing really ugly stuff to you. This sounds like a crazy person. One doesn't fix crazy, one avoids it.


Count your loses, lick your wounds and never contact him again nor let him contact you. Save all communication in a separate folder in case things escalate and you have to go to the cops.


And in the future, no matter how nice the connection with a client might feel at the moment, if he is not respecting your boundaries, your rates, your body, your limits, send him packing. You deserve to be honoured and treated well. You provide a loving service that has to be honoured lovingly in return.


I sincerely hope this is the end of this ugly chapter for you, and I wish you many many amazing, respectful, super fun clients to come.

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Adam, this client has serious issues. Not your fault- keep that first and foremost in your mind as you read my comments below.


It is obvious this client crossed many boundaries and it's that subject I wish to comment on. I strongly feel your (horrid) experience has learning opportunities for all escorts (and clients), so THANK YOU for risking being vulnerable and sharing your story.


Escorts, remember we rely on YOU to be the professional. As clients, we come to the sessions needy, vulnerable, hopeful, and not always in the right frame of mine. So it's up to YOU as the escort to clearly define the boundaries. We are not always mature enough or psychologically healthy enough to know when we've crossed a boundary. We may not always even know where boundaries exist.


Because we as clients are (potentially) at a vulnerable place emotionally, it is up to you as the professional to clearly set (albeit lovingly and gently) the boundaries of the relationship at the beginning so that both parties can therefore live in those boundaries and have a safe, mutually beneficial, and wonderful time. When those boundaries are not clearly defined by you as the professional we as the client run the risk, that through our own neediness (or psychopathology in this particular clients case), of crossing those boundaries inappropriately and creating harm- not just you as the escort but to we as the client. It takes the upmost Professional of all Professionals to realize one of the most paramount goals is for the client to be (a little bit) better/healthier/happier after the session then he was prior to the session. After the above described encounters, both client and escort are worse off- which is tragic.


To the OP (Adam?): I am not suggesting that you are to blame (at all) for the psychopathology and choices of this client. What I am suggesting is rather that you (inadvertently) colluded with his (disrespectful and psycho) choices stemming from his (likely serious) mental health issues by not setting better boundaries with him from the very beginning.


There are explanations why you allowed yourself to be disrespected.

Instead of blaming yourself (which you shouldn't do), as a professional look inward & go through the exercise of asking yourself what was the gain to you personally by allowing the client to cross boundaries?

The following are only a few of the questions that one can ask oneself after the above-described encounter.

Are you afraid of confrontation with difficult clients?

Was there such monetary advantage that you thought you could successfully navigate crossed boundaries?

Is appearing easygoing to your clients so important to you that you neglect setting appropriate boundaries so that ultimately you run the risk of not being treated with respect and compensated fairly for your services?

Do you come from a place of so much kindness that you accidentally forget good business sense?


I will not describe what specific boundaries were crossed in the session that you had with this client. Rather you should decide for yourself what boundaries were crossed so that in the future you can better protect those boundaries and therefore protect both client, escort, and session.


Am I suggesting that the escort/client relationship is similar to the therapist/client; teacher/student; physician/patient; parent/ child? Not exactly, but there are similarities which should be observed. Yes, of course both client and escort are men and equals but within the framework of the actual transactional relationship there are boundaries that only the escort can set. Neglecting to set those boundaries runs the risk of harm to both client and escort (see the OP).


Adam, you can't change this client or the past, but look professionally at the (insane) experience to learn and grow. You have been harmed by this client and for that I am truly sorry. You deserve all the Wonderful that the Universe can give you due to all the Wonderful you give back to us as clients. But if this happened once, it could happen again. You best serve yourself, your reputation, and future clients by going through this difficult but potentially beneficial exercise I described above and determining what choices you made, if any, that colluded with this clients (insert a lot of bad words) behavior.


If I'm wrong, off base, or an idiot, please tell me. I can learn from this, too.


To all escorts: you are much loved.

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Wow, I really feel your pain Adam. This is the craziest thing ever someone could pull. Reminds me as I head to Florida myself, to be EXTRA vigilant because there are some crazy mother flubbers down there in this business, and you just have to really not leave the door open for any South Florida bullish.


I can't add to anything more that's been mentioned. I know how it is to wish you could have done this, that or the other. Try not to let the regret stew, but certainly use it a notch gained of now having greater knowledge to never be fucked over like this again. But like Juan said, it bears repeating absolutely no checks. I've heard too many stories of guys I knew who would "stunt", basically using bogus checks and check fraud. Not that it was his or your situation, but every time I think of checks, I just think of jail. So I've always steered clear of them. You're safer off with other electronic forms of payment (I don't want to mention them here, but there's tons of options both in store and online).


Personally I would not leave it alone. I would explore all possible options to get your money paid. I don't want to give any advice because I'm neither a banker or lawyer, but I would def. explore them. Even if it means him settling up on something less. $2,500 is serious money.


I really don't think personal coaching is in order at this point. I'm sure the lesson has already been learned. What's important is finding out a remedy for the money part.

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Just for my 2 cents, after he SHORTED me on the FIRST DATE, there would of been absolutely no chance of a second instance, contrary to that new paint commercial-- that is NOT how a chameleon changes it colors. A chameleon changes it colors the same way us humans blush. By contracting and relaxing the capillaries in our bodies, this is not something most of us can control. You're a product of your environment. In turn, the Chameleon colors only change to a variety of colors-- Bright Green being the happiest, and Black meaning dying, sick or close to death. Now back to this asshole jerk off client. Like a chameleon, clients will not change their colors over night, or in a weekends stay. I say next time, get ALL of your money for the time he booked before agreeing to see him again. Just as in the dating aspect of life, THERE ARE PLENTY OF MORE FISH IN THE SEA! Keep your head up, block this WACK-O and keep it moving. You say you've been escorting for 5 years, this shocks you? Booooooooooooy are you in store for one hell of a wake up call if you ever do a west to east coast tour, stop down south and then you'll be well equipped to deal with these tpyes of people.



Sorry about my Chameleon lesson, I really, really, really, really like them and miss having them as pets! They're EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to care for, but so am i ;)

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stop down south and then you'll be well equipped to deal with these tpyes of people.


I'm sure what you meant, young Brian, is that southerners will show you such grace and charm that you will be overwhelmed with warm feelings for all us southern bells. :);)


Ya'll come back now. Ya hear?

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Just for my 2 cents, after he SHORTED me on the FIRST DATE, there would of been absolutely no chance of a second instance, contrary to that new paint commercial-- that is NOT how a chameleon changes it colors. A chameleon changes it colors the same way us humans blush. By contracting and relaxing the capillaries in our bodies, this is not something most of us can control. You're a product of your environment. In turn, the Chameleon colors only change to a variety of colors-- Bright Green being the happiest, and Black meaning dying, sick or close to death. Now back to this asshole jerk off client. Like a chameleon, clients will not change their colors over night, or in a weekends stay. I say next time, get ALL of your money for the time he booked before agreeing to see him again. Just as in the dating aspect of life, THERE ARE PLENTY OF MORE FISH IN THE SEA! Keep your head up, block this WACK-O and keep it moving. You say you've been escorting for 5 years, this shocks you? Booooooooooooy are you in store for one hell of a wake up call if you ever do a west to east coast tour, stop down south and then you'll be well equipped to deal with these tpyes of people.



Sorry about my Chameleon lesson, I really, really, really, really like them and miss having them as pets! They're EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to care for, but so am i ;)


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I'll politely speak in defensive of what BK wrote; please observe that, in fact, BK wrote mostly in normal text,

using bold for moderate emphasis, and ALL CAPS when he felt that he REALLY NEEDED TO DRIVE THE POINT HOME. I think that was totally appropriate; some people are just more dramatic and demonstrative than others.

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Through the years I've learned not to engage crazy people. Just walk away and block them from your life. While it sucks to lose out on this amount of money, it could be less costly to just walk away in the long run.


In the future, if you feel someone is off, don't take the job. You may also want to accept cash only for longer engagements and ask for an installment each day you are with the client. That way if things go sour, you have been at least paid for the time you did provide.

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Just for my 2 cents, after he SHORTED me on the FIRST DATE, there would of been absolutely no chance of a second instance, contrary to that new paint commercial-- that is NOT how a chameleon changes it colors. A chameleon changes it colors the same way us humans blush. By contracting and relaxing the capillaries in our bodies, this is not something most of us can control. You're a product of your environment. In turn, the Chameleon colors only change to a variety of colors-- Bright Green being the happiest, and Black meaning dying, sick or close to death. Now back to this asshole jerk off client. Like a chameleon, clients will not change their colors over night, or in a weekends stay. I say next time, get ALL of your money for the time he booked before agreeing to see him again. Just as in the dating aspect of life, THERE ARE PLENTY OF MORE FISH IN THE SEA! Keep your head up, block this WACK-O and keep it moving. You say you've been escorting for 5 years, this shocks you? Booooooooooooy are you in store for one hell of a wake up call if you ever do a west to east coast tour, stop down south and then you'll be well equipped to deal with these tpyes of people.



Sorry about my Chameleon lesson, I really, really, really, really like them and miss having them as pets! They're EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to care for, but so am i ;)

Difficult to care for? I doubt that very much

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Adam, this client has serious issues. Not your fault- keep that first and foremost in your mind as you read my comments below.


It is obvious this client crossed many boundaries and it's that subject I wish to comment on. I strongly feel your (horrid) experience has learning opportunities for all escorts (and clients), so THANK YOU for risking being vulnerable and sharing your story.


Escorts, remember we rely on YOU to be the professional. As clients, we come to the sessions needy, vulnerable, hopeful, and not always in the right frame of mine. So it's up to YOU as the escort to clearly define the boundaries. We are not always mature enough or psychologically healthy enough to know when we've crossed a boundary. We may not always even know where boundaries exist.


Because we as clients are (potentially) at a vulnerable place emotionally, it is up to you as the professional to clearly set (albeit lovingly and gently) the boundaries of the relationship at the beginning so that both parties can therefore live in those boundaries and have a safe, mutually beneficial, and wonderful time. When those boundaries are not clearly defined by you as the professional we as the client run the risk, that through our own neediness (or psychopathology in this particular clients case), of crossing those boundaries inappropriately and creating harm- not just you as the escort but to we as the client. It takes the upmost Professional of all Professionals to realize one of the most paramount goals is for the client to be (a little bit) better/healthier/happier after the session then he was prior to the session. After the above described encounters, both client and escort are worse off- which is tragic.


To the OP (Adam?): I am not suggesting that you are to blame (at all) for the psychopathology and choices of this client. What I am suggesting is rather that you (inadvertently) colluded with his (disrespectful and psycho) choices stemming from his (likely serious) mental health issues by not setting better boundaries with him from the very beginning.


There are explanations why you allowed yourself to be disrespected.

Instead of blaming yourself (which you shouldn't do), as a professional look inward & go through the exercise of asking yourself what was the gain to you personally by allowing the client to cross boundaries?

The following are only a few of the questions that one can ask oneself after the above-described encounter.

Are you afraid of confrontation with difficult clients?

Was there such monetary advantage that you thought you could successfully navigate crossed boundaries?

Is appearing easygoing to your clients so important to you that you neglect setting appropriate boundaries so that ultimately you run the risk of not being treated with respect and compensated fairly for your services?

Do you come from a place of so much kindness that you accidentally forget good business sense?


I will not describe what specific boundaries were crossed in the session that you had with this client. Rather you should decide for yourself what boundaries were crossed so that in the future you can better protect those boundaries and therefore protect both client, escort, and session.


Am I suggesting that the escort/client relationship is similar to the therapist/client; teacher/student; physician/patient; parent/ child? Not exactly, but there are similarities which should be observed. Yes, of course both client and escort are men and equals but within the framework of the actual transactional relationship there are boundaries that only the escort can set. Neglecting to set those boundaries runs the risk of harm to both client and escort (see the OP).


Adam, you can't change this client or the past, but look professionally at the (insane) experience to learn and grow. You have been harmed by this client and for that I am truly sorry. You deserve all the Wonderful that the Universe can give you due to all the Wonderful you give back to us as clients. But if this happened once, it could happen again. You best serve yourself, your reputation, and future clients by going through this difficult but potentially beneficial exercise I described above and determining what choices you made, if any, that colluded with this clients (insert a lot of bad words) behavior.


If I'm wrong, off base, or an idiot, please tell me. I can learn from this, too.


To all escorts: you are much loved.


I feel that this is so far off base, its worrisome. The tone, although 'denied' in the above, blames the escort. Implied is, "If only the escort had handled it better, this would not have happened." This client guy is a nutcase and it relates to his mental condition (Borderline personality?), not the behavior of the escort. The escort could have been the president of the American Psychiatric Association, I don't think it would have made much difference. Second, escorts are not professionals. They are regular people offering their time. They have no special education or licensure. They are regular joe's not professionals in the technical sense of the word. You inappropriately ascribe to them certain skills or attributes which they may not, and are not necessarily supposed to possess. They are regular people connecting with other people via advertising or word of mouth. That's it. They aren't a professional any more than a boyfriend or a handyman is a professional.


Bottom line: it is because of the client's illness that this happened. The escort was a bystander.

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I'm really sorry this happened to you. Sounds like my boyfriends (which is why I've had so few, with lots of time between them). I've often said, "I wish my boyfriends were 1/10 as nice to me as my clients are." I wouldn't engage with him anymore. You're a beautiful man, and you will make this money somewhere else soon. $2,500 in the great scheme of your life is nothing.

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$2,500 in the great scheme of your life is nothing.


Right, but it's the principle. I could do something amazing right now with $2,500, yet it's being ever elusive. Not to mention the goods were actually delivered, versus just being cancelled or flaked on.


I say, keep the bounced check, have him summoned. No lawyer or jury required.

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I feel that in ANY Business. EVENTUALLY we ALL will come Across someone so Miserable, So Vile that literally nothing You do will make them Happy.



I had a Situation very Similiar to me Months ago http://m4m-forum.org/threads/clients-who-post-bogus-reviews.107971/ and while I DID get Paid, This sick fuck wrote a complete Bogus review of me. Making me out to be 20+ Years older and out of shape. Which In the End Fucked with my Bottom Line...MY INCOME. I took it as a Lesson learned, Moved on and THANK GOD I have plenty of Clients whom I have nothing but Great Experiences. You have to remind Yourself that It is NOT NORMAL. 99% of the People whom You meet usually are good Experiences overall.



In the End HE will be the one who Loses. Trust me. Karma takes names.



Sidenote: I can Gurantee he was on Meth or Heroin

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Cut. Your. Losses.


This bitch is either using something you want no part of...or he is a manic depressive who is not getting treatment. Either way, he is NOT in any way, shape, or form a person you need to have any contact with for any reason.


On a different matter, was this check made out to "Adam Adonis" or to you? I ask because if it was to you, then you will need to invest in some personal protection, because since this guy's bread ain't quite done, you could have a potential stalker on your hands. If you want protective advice, PM me & I will provide suggestions.

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