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In-Call Due Diligence (In-Call Paranoia)

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The thought of arriving at an escort's home for an in-call appointment gives me chills ... meeting a stranger for the first time when I am nervous enough as it is. I would feel like I wouldn't be in control because it is their home. When I get a room, I am the paying guest at the hotel, so I at least I can pretend that I have a little more control. What's scarier is that I have to drive at least an hour just to get an appointment in the first place, so I wouldn't be familiar with their city/neighborhood.


So two questions .. a) what are yellow/red flags to look for when arriving at a new escort's apartment/home and b) does anyone have any stories to share about their first time booking time at their place?

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I actually prefer to go to his place. I can leave (immediately) if something doesn't feel right. Asking someone to leave my place would be tougher for me. But here goes:


Tip 1: Use Google Maps' Street view, which I always do. That's one of the best ways to familiarize yourself with the neighborhood.


Tip 2: Make sure you are able to access your belongings easily. You don't want to be buck-naked running out. No clothes, no keys, no wallet standing at someone's doorstep asking them to open up = no dignity!


Tip 3: Double check if you brought your agreed rate and mode of payment. This is not a charity! its not like he's gonna allow you to wash his dishes after. Might get ugly if you fail to meet your end of the bargain.


I assume escorts hosting a client for the first time would be nervous as well. Having a stranger over for the first time could be as nerve wracking for them, so put yourself in their shoes. You can always judge through your initial contact.

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I've gone to lots of houses and apartments and never had a problem. I do lots of research in advance about the location (including making sure he really lives there) and have refused to go to a couple because I wasn't comfortable. I've never had to pass because of something I saw once I got there (cars with busted windows would be the most likely thing that would make me keep driving). As @m.yi says, Google Street View is helpful.


Aside from the safety element there is the possibility of it being unpleasant: I've encounter multiple big dogs, sinks overflowing with dishes, waited on a roommate to get out of the bathroom, multiple roommates/friends watching cartoons & smoking weed, cats with an attitude permanently attached to the bed, roaches, a doorman with lots of questions, shin-high piles of clothes, graffiti-spray-painted walls (in a fairly nice building; he was an artist), etc.


I'm not particularly fastidious but I'm really, really surprised at the squalor that some people create and live in.


[Edit: no parking is a big headache and advance warning is greatly appreciated]

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I recall one time going to an escort's residence and we hit off immediately, stripping down in the living room and going to the bedroom. When the fun was over, I went to the living room to dress and pay him but my wallet was missing. Turned out he had a dog that decided to use my wallet as a chew toy! The wallet was destroyed, the money was pretty wet. I was thinking "Will he offer to buy me a new wallet?" He did not and I did not do a repeat. So now I look for dogs and/or cats that may pose a problem. Uncontrolled pets can be a deal breaker.

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Yeah it kind of the same paranoia when an escort has over a new client at his place. The same questions come up... if he's real... would he be nice etc. Luckily everyone I've met so far have been kind who's came over to my place


@Phactor if I had to give you advice it would be actually before the meeting takes place. Make sure you have his number if you feel he's not real then ask for a selfie with the escort holding his name in a card. When your at the place make sure your aware of your surroundings and keep your eye on your belongings.

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I much prefer going to the escort's place. I won't invite an escort to my place unless I know him. I'm somewhat less concerned about having them come to my hotel room, but there have been instances in which the escort was a scammer, and that I asked them to leave, and once had the guy get physical on me. It's easier to leave a place than to force someone to leave.

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I don't think I would ever have anyone come to my home. Just want to keep this activity separate. I'd feel safer being able to escape than trying to push someone out who now knows where I live. If they are not staying at a decent hotel, I don't meet after dark. Need to see the neighborhood in the daylight. Love Google maps. I always use the "map me", or equivalent to see where they are. Unfortunately, too many of the "map me" are just the generic city center, or their previous city, so I become hesitant.


I only once had a guy visit me in my hotel. However, we had previously met on an in-call when he was visiting my town. The in-call location wasn't that great of a place. Not a hotel, but a condo/apartment, so probably a short term rental (e,g airbnb) with questionable housekeeping in the bathroom. About 8 months later, I was traveling, and we were both in the same town. He again was not at a hotel. Not wanting to visit another questionable place, I decided to have him visit my hotel. Whether it was real of feigned, he gushed at what a nice room it was.

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When I lived in NYC, I hired extensively and ALWAYS had the escort come to my place, whether a first-timer or a repeat hire, for hourly meetings, overnights, and even weekend stays. Happy to say that I NEVER had any problem. Now in Prague, I cannot host (boyfriend) and I use an hourly hotel. I have been to an escort's place only once or twice.

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This question actually veers in the direction of doing you due diligence on a potential hire, more than just location.


I, as the escort, prefer in calls, and do them almost exclusively, because I like and ALWAYS want to control the environment. In my home in West Hollywood... I have a separate playspace... it has nice mirrors, bed and music, mood lighting, candles and fragrance. Clean sheets... etc... The bathroom is clean with extra towels.. the dogs are put away. All of these things have more to do with me as an escort and the kind of quality experience I want to provide, vs some kid who is just escorting to get by... and having a client over to his messy bedroom with the roommate in the living room and the dog watching from the corner. It's a quality question about attention to details more than anything else. Same thing goes with hotels... everything is clean, music is playing, towels are ready, supplies are on hand...


I also like to do in calls on a professional level, because it gives me more time to live my life, workout, whatever... instead of spending it in the car or subway coming to see a client. Also, if a client is playing games and is a flake... 10% of the time... no big deal.. par for the course... I now have an extra hour to read the news or go to the gym... If I travel and then the client doesn't respond when I arrive or whatever... that sucks. It's only happened once in 3 years... but thats once too many... Finally... I get SUPER paranoid about going to a hotel to meet a new client... no because of "safety" issues per se... but because I've had personal experience with a "slap on the wrist," and don't ever want to repeat that horrid 5 hour event either. A cleint can vet me here and other places to know I am real.... I can't vet someone to know if that are really a client, or just pretending to be one... Someone who is pretending to be a client is not going to come to my home because of man power and resources issues... they would need backup because they don't know how many people could possibly be here or the layout of the house.. or my dogs... or what have you...blah blah blah... I'm just not a big enough fish to fry. They don't know I'm the sweetest guy in the world and wouldn't harm a fly. So I almost always do in calls because of this "safety" reason.


It surprises me at all the paranoia on behalf of escorts, but mostly clients, about "safety." How many times have we actually heard about violence in this profession? Maybe a couple times a year? A coupe times too many! Is it possible? YES! Does it happen? YES! Are there crazy people out there.. YES! Does it happen often... not really... It's more the exception that proves the rule. Should you be guarded? YES... but not to the point where it paralyzes you from exploring this hobby or makes you so anxiety ridden that the experience is doomed to begin with. Once again, this has to do with doing your due diligence on a potential hire. If you want to take the risk of going into the "hood" because you want a "thug"... do so at your own peril. Is you want a higher end guy with good reviews... might be a wiser option.. but maybe you like to live on the edge. In the past 3 yrs of doing this.... I've personally have only had one "altercation" where a crazy guy bum rushed me as I was putting on my shorts, pushed me behind the bed where I fell unceremoniously and comically, and then ran down 64 flights of stairs so he wouldn't have to pay. The story is kinda worth the $300. My GUT told me to beware from the beginning, but I didnt listen because I wanted to be a "professional". ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR GUT INSTINCTS! I've heard of charlatans moonlighting as escorts... and they are out there... and it sucks. They will threaten an older man, and steal his money... but it's rare that a cleint will get hurt. Give the fucker the money and get the hell out of there.. and chalk it up learning to protect oneself by doing some research. Violence is not worth money. You will make more... Yes I know the hot new guy with amazing pictures but no reviews is really tempting because you are a horn dog.... but buyer beware. Think with your big head first.... and your little head will thank you. A lesson for all men! What ever happened to common sense?

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Alec Andrews: Great advice!


I had enough bad encounters early on in this game that I have set some rules for myself.


1) Always at his place, never at mine. Sane people do not want their own place compromised, so if he's a little off you're safer in his space. Unless, of course, he's Hannibal Lecter.


2) I always try to learn as much about him as I can before making the contact. Some of this is intuition, but some of it is out there for the world to see. Like in his pictures: Does he show his bedroom and it looks like a frat room from Animal House? Many do. If it doesn't look neat, I don't even think about contacting him.


3) If when I get there he's fine but the housekeeping's not really what it should be, I go ahead with it, make the most out of it that I can, but never come back. Ditto with roommates, family, etc. I once had a session with a very well reviewed top, but was told not to look around the corner into the living room because the r.m. was there. He was fine, the encounter in itself was fine, but that definitely took the edge off. Not to mention the dog, who enjoyed watching. No repeat.


4) Whenever I go out to meet an escort I leave a note on my kitchen table with full details, just in case.


Advice to escorts: Live alone if you possibly can. Decorate the place nicely and keep it clean and fresh. It's the stage set for your own personal theatrical performance. Everything in it will be a statement about you. You should want guys to return, so they should like the whole experience.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I've gone to lots of houses and apartments and never had a problem. I do lots of research in advance about the location (including making sure he really lives there) and have refused to go to a couple because I wasn't comfortable. I've never had to pass because of something I saw once I got there (cars with busted windows would be the most likely thing that would make me keep driving). As @m.yi says, Google Street View is helpful.


Aside from the safety element there is the possibility of it being unpleasant: I've encounter multiple big dogs, sinks overflowing with dishes, waited on a roommate to get out of the bathroom, multiple roommates/friends watching cartoons & smoking weed, cats with an attitude permanently attached to the bed, roaches, a doorman with lots of questions, shin-high piles of clothes, graffiti-spray-painted walls (in a fairly nice building; he was an artist), etc.


I'm not particularly fastidious but I'm really, really surprised at the squalor that some people create and live in.


[Edit: no parking is a big headache and advance warning is greatly appreciated]


Oh My!


Just a whole bunch of other reasons I like to host.

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I always write out a note and put it on my kitchen counter with the address of where I'm going, his phone number, and a printout from the website of who I'm going to see. It just makes it easier for the police in case something goes awry, God forbid! I also email the hotel room number to myself since all escorts use phony names online but are required to use their real names when checking in to a hotel. Upon a successful meeting and back in my own place I simply shred the information. No harm done.


Of course for my regulars I don't do any of this unless they would give me reason. Then I suppose they would no longer be regulars.

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I foolishly did an in-call last year with a perfectly reviewed escort and it really didn't end well for me. Sometimes first times don't go well. Fortunately, I'm still alive, replaced the stolen goods, and learned a great deal about how to operate going forward. This forum has provided some great advice.


Meeting at a hotel, in the lobby or bar, is the baseline for me now. It's important for each of us to be able to assess each other, decide if we're both sane and interested enough to proceed upstairs.


Perhaps in some hypothetical future where I have a regular, then I might be willing to go to his place for comfort or convenience, but that's an indeterminate time in the future.

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I actually prefer to go to his place. I can leave (immediately) if something doesn't feel right. Asking someone to leave my place would be tougher for me. But here goes:


Tip 1: Use Google Maps' Street view, which I always do. That's one of the best ways to familiarize yourself with the neighborhood.


Tip 2: Make sure you are able to access your belongings easily. You don't want to be buck-naked running out. No clothes, no keys, no wallet standing at someone's doorstep asking them to open up = no dignity!


Tip 3: Double check if you brought your agreed rate and mode of payment. This is not a charity! its not like he's gonna allow you to wash his dishes after. Might get ugly if you fail to meet your end of the bargain.


I assume escorts hosting a client for the first time would be nervous as well. Having a stranger over for the first time could be as nerve wracking for them, so put yourself in their shoes. You can always judge through your initial contact.


All excellent tips.


For first time hires...



I almost never go to a private residence on the first hire. If you do...

I google map the neighborhood first, and cruise around the surrounding area. When I was in LA, I knew SoCal like the back of my hand, so I was very familiar with sketchy neighborhoods. Once I arrive, if the neighborhood for some reason is less than I expected, and it is some place I am unwilling to leave my car unattended, I would abort. I will not go into a yard or house that is darkened, or an apartment building that I would not live in myself. I always ask the escort if we are alone, and make a quick scan of the house. My safety comes first. Too many friends that got robbed or beat up.


I travel light. Clothes ID are kept to a minimum for easy on and off, so leave the bustiers at home, and absolutely no jewelry.


If things go south, or you sense danger, be prepared to walk away immediately, be courteous but firm. Leave the attitude at home. I don't engage in a discussion or arguments, I just leave.


Most importantly...Trust your gut. It will never fail you. If things seem amiss, they probably are. But if it is just a matter of feeling uneasy, discuss your concerns with the escort, there could be a simple explanation.


Far too many threads about clients that got robbed or scammed. Enlist a few simple safety rules for yourself, and always follow them.

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In-Call Due Diligence, should be the title.


To add to the other pre-cautions already mentioned, it is advisable to do some casing of the property where you are going to be butt naked. Show up discreetly 15 minutes early, you might find some interesting goings on.


verb (used with object), cased, casing

Slang. to examine or survey (a house, bank, etc.) in planning a crime(sometimes followed by out):

They cased the joint and decided to pull the job on Sunday.

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what are yellow/red flags to look for when arriving at a new escort's apartment/home













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In my case, the neighborhood was solidly middle class, clean, well lit, and modern.


One thing to do when you're in someone else's home for the first time, is not relax your attention of your surroundings and if your host is offering drinks, water, etc. My mistake was in accepting an alcoholic drink when I didn't watch him closely while he poured it. Fortunately, I woke up and only lost a 800 phone and some more cash to an escort mad about a wasted night. Lol.

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That's actually pretty scary. Am I right to infer that he drugged your drink?


Since I didn't see it or remember it, I honestly don't know. All I know is I was blacked out for nearly seven hours. There's an incredibly slim possibility that the couple shots and beers we had over the hour could've somehow done it, but I seriously doubt it. My alcohol tolerance is respectable as most business execs learn on the job. Lol!


I've heard from other forum members that he does PNP with other clients--despite what his RM profile states--so who knows? That's my point about going to an escort's place. They're in control and in the stronger position. Hell, they could have hidden cameras for capturing blackmail material.


All of that is unlikely since obviously most escorts are responsible professionals but it would be extremely naive to assume all of them are honorable professionals. There are criminals in every industry in society. There are some in this one and it's up to escorts and clients alike to be smart and take responsibility for their own security.

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