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Have some mouthwash please? A thread on easily offended clients.

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YOU STINK ... and it's not just your breath ...

Any horror stories with asparagus pee anyone want to share?

Nothing's perfect, not even superfoods.


Asparagus contains sulfurous chemical compounds that can give your urine an unusual odor. (Burning rubber?) It's common, and it happens quickly.


Garlic helps reduce cholesterol and aids in controlling blood pressure, but if you eat a lot of it you’re probably going to have garlic-induced body odor due to your body's reaction to allicin, an active chemical in garlic.


Legumes and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower are all good for you, but their high-fiber content can also lead to potentially massive bouts of flatulence.

For a good first-time food panic eat a lot of beets...


Red Beet Pee (and Poop): If you eat red beets, you may notice red or pink urine later on that day or the next. It actually has a name—beeturia—but it’s harmless. Although the term usually applies to urine, undigested beet juice in stools can create a reddish discoloration that might be mistaken for rectal bleeding.


Carrot Skin: Carrots are rich in carotenes, substances related to vitamin A. They're found in the orange pigments and they’re good for you, but, if you eat lots of carrots, you may turn the same color as Donald Trump. (It's mostly noticeable on the soles of your feet and the palms of your hands.)

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Legumes and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower are all good for you, but their high-fiber content can also lead to potentially massive bouts of flatulence.


Thank you, Moondance. I was not aware of the Brussels sprouts/cauliflower-flatulence dynamic...it explains a lot. http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/embarrassed/sorry-and-blushed.gif

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If you are not planning on watersports, is there a problem with eating asparagus?


Your cum will have an unpleasant taste... having said that: how often do escorts engage in water sports with clients? I am sure some might do it occasionally if they do s&m, but I would never imagine an escort saying won't to eat asparagus today because someone might ask me to pee on him I said something very likely to happen.

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Asparagus is a hideous abomination that is wickedness itself manifested in herbaceous form. Originally placed upon the earth as a practical joke by God ("There's no way they'll eat this....Holy Crap! They ate it!") every living thing except man knows to avoid it - even mold will cross the street to avoid bumping into asparagus on the sidewalk. Asparagus is served by Charon as a light snack to those sitting in first class in the Styx crossing because it is the only food which will pair with a glass of sulfurous lava. When Ann Coulter removes her mask at night her long blonde hair becomes Medusa-like writhing stalks of asparagus where the serpents would ordinarily be.

Not good.

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Your cum will have an unpleasant taste... having said that: how often do escorts engage in water sports with clients? I am sure some might do it occasionally if they do s&m, but I would never imagine an escort saying won't to eat asparagus today because someone might ask me to pee on him I said something very likely to happen.


I'll pass on the asparagus then, tasty cum is a priority.

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Asparagus is a hideous abomination that is wickedness itself manifested in herbaceous form. Originally placed upon the earth as a practical joke by God ("There's no way they'll eat this....Holy Crap! They ate it!") every living thing except man knows to avoid it - even mold will cross the street to avoid bumping into asparagus on the sidewalk. Asparagus is served by Charon as a light snack to those sitting in first class in the Styx crossing because it is the only food which will pair with a glass of sulfurous lava. When Ann Coulter removes her mask at night her long blonde hair becomes Medusa-like writhing stalks of asparagus where the serpents would ordinarily be.

Not good.

What do you really think, Keith?

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Asparagus is a hideous abomination that is wickedness itself manifested in herbaceous form. Originally placed upon the earth as a practical joke by God ("There's no way they'll eat this....Holy Crap! They ate it!") every living thing except man knows to avoid it - even mold will cross the street to avoid bumping into asparagus on the sidewalk. Asparagus is served by Charon as a light snack to those sitting in first class in the Styx crossing because it is the only food which will pair with a glass of sulfurous lava. When Ann Coulter removes her mask at night her long blonde hair becomes Medusa-like writhing stalks of asparagus where the serpents would ordinarily be.

Not good.


Are you sure you're not talking about Garlic?

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Why Asparagus Makes Your Urine Smell

Our bodies convert asparagusic acid into sulfur-containing chemicals that stink—but some of us are spared from the pungent odor

image: http://thumbs.media.smithsonianmag.com//filer/a6/ad/a6ade5ac-cb28-4c2c-b3bc-2682bc8b8cd7/why-asparagus-makes-your-urine-smell-53293543.jpg__800x600_q85_crop.jpg



By Joseph Stromberg




If you’ve ever noticed a strange, not-entirely-pleasant scent coming from your urine after you eat asparagus, you’re definitely not alone.



Distinguished thinkers as varied as Scottish mathematician and physician John Arbuthnot (who wrote in a 1731 book that “asparagus…affects the urine with a foetid smell”) and Marcel Proust (who wrote how the vegetable “transforms my chamber-pot into a flask of perfume”) have commented on the phenomenon.


Even Benjamin Franklin took note, stating in a 1781 letter to the Royal Academy of Brussels that “A few Stems of Asparagus eaten, shall give our Urine a disagreable Odour” (he was trying to convince the academy to “To discover some Drug…that shall render the natural Discharges of Wind from our Bodies, not only inoffensive, but agreable as Perfumes”—a goal that, alas, modern science has still not achieved).


But modern science has, at least, shed some light on why this one particular vegetable has such an unusual and potent impact on the scent of urine. Scientists tell us that the asparagus-urine link all comes down to one chemical: asparagusic acid.



Asparagusic acid, as the name implies, is (to our knowledge) only found in asparagus. When our bodies digest the vegetable, they break down this chemical into a group of related sulfur-containing compounds with long, complicated names (including dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide, dimethyl sulfoxide and dimethyl sulfone). As with many other substances that include sulfur—such as garlic, skunk spray and odorized natural gas—these sulfur-containing molecules convey a powerful, typically unpleasant scent.


All of these molecules also share another key characteristic: They’re volatile, meaning that have a low enough boiling point that they can vaporize and enter a gaseous state at room temperature, which allows them to travel from urine into the air and up your nose. Asparagusic acid, on the other hand, isn’t volatile, so asparagus itself doesn’t convey the same rotten smell. But once your body converts asparagusic acid into these volatile, sulfur-bearing compounds, the distinctive aroma can be generated quite quickly—in some cases, it’s been detected in the urine of people who ate asparagus just 15-30 minutes earlier.


Of course, the whole asparagus-urine scent issue is complicated by an entire separate issue: Some people simply don’t smell anything different when urinate after they eat asparagus. Scientists have long been divided into two camps in explaining this issue. Some believe that, for physiological reasons, these people (which constitute anywhere from 20 to 40 percent of the population) don’t produce the aroma in their urine when they digest asparagus, while others think that they produce the exact same scent, but somehow lack the ability to smell it.


On the whole, the evidence is mixed. Initially, a pair of studies conducted in the 1980s with participants from France and Israel found that everyone produced the characteristic scent, and that a minority of people were simply unable to smell it. People with the ability to detect the scent, though, were able to smell it even in the urine of those who couldn’t smell it, indicating that the differences were rooted in perception, not production.


More recent studies, though, suggest the issue is a bit more complicated. The most recent study, from 2010, found that differences existed between individuals in both the production and detection of the scent.


Overall, scientists now conclude that most of the difference is in perception—that is, if your urine doesn’t seem to smell any differently after you eat asparagus, it’s likely that you simply can’t perceive the sulfurous compounds’ foul odor, but there’s a small chance it’s because your body digests asparagus in a way that reduces the concentration of these chemicals in your urine.


It’s still unclear why some people don’t produce the smell, but we do seem to have a clear explanation of why some people don’t perceive it. In 2010, the genetic sequencing company 23andMe conducted a study in which they asked nearly 10,000 customers if they noticed any scent in their urine after eating asparagus, and looked for genetic similarities among those who couldn’t. This peculiarity—which you might consider useful if you eat asparagus frequently—appears to stem from a single genetic mutation, a switched base-pair among a cluster of 50 different genes that code for olfactory receptors.





Read more: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/why-asparagus-makes-your-urine-smell-49961252/#CB1iXWbaAeZ6twYY.99

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What did happen to me is meeting escorts who would kiss poorly as though I had bad breath. I always ask if that is the case, and the answers have always been others, never bad breath. May be they were not honest, I do not know. I do know that kissing is extremely important to me; that bad breath is a common problem, as I suffer it often throughout my regular day; that often we can not notice our own odors; and that it could happen to me. Therefore part of my routine before having sex, paid or for free, is mouth washing, brushing my teeth and tongue, and getting in an Altoids diet. God bless Altoids.



altoids only cover up the problem. a good mouth wash solves it


there are washes that work for up to 8 hours. that's the last thing someone should use before meeting. the sugar from an altoid ends up drying out the mouth and making breath worse.

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I was told that brushing your teeth and using mouthwash just before unprotected oral sex can increase the admittedly smaller risk of HIV transmission. The tooth brush can create small cuts or bleeding gums, and mouthwash, especially good old Listerine, kills or removes for a time the natural whatever in saliva that makes it more difficult to transmit HIV orally. Suggestion was to use breath mints- Starbucks sells some highly recommended ones-or to rub the toothpaste on your teeth and rinse, no brush.

I also do not floss the day of or the day before the appointment. It also increases the risk of STDs.


And isn't it true that eating parsley or taking parsley tablets can improve breath?

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I was also told that mosquitoes carry the virus and that poppers make you sick with AIDS. I was told that pulling hairs out of a mole make the mole cancerous and that if you jerk off often you will go blind.


There's a host of myths and disinformation about HIV and the way it transmits. Just because someone once told you something it doesn't make it a fact. I would respectfully suggest to carefully screen the information you get about HIV instead of continuing to spread misinformation in a public forum.


And I get it; If you think about it, if you want to guess, it would kind of make sense that small abrasions might make HIV transmission greater, but both epidemiologists and dentists with sufficient knowledge about HIV and its transmission agree that the only way to really be at some risk of oral transmission is if you just had oral surgery or oral trauma with a large and actively bleeding wound and you receive infected sperm that stays in your mouth.


Moral of the story, if you just got a tooth pulled out, don't gargle with cum.


If your gums are bleeding, don't have oral sex...


and more importantly... if your gums are bleeding... DO NOT KISS ANYONE.


Otherwise, HIV is absolutely no excuse to not carefully floss and brush your teeth. If you are still afraid of HIV and decide not to perform due diligence on your oral hygiene, which is your god given right, then accept the fact that your partner might not want to kiss you.


At this point in the game, we pretty much know the facts about HIV. There is absolutely no need to continue guessing and spreading well intentioned but wrong information.

Very well stated!!!!

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I also do not floss the day of or the day before the appointment. It also increases the risk of STDs.


I have asked directly dentists and doctors alike and whenever it has been a sex positive well informed professionals, they have told me that there is absolutely no indication this might be true


Not flossing will only increase the likelihood of periodontal disease and will decrease the likelihood of your partner wanting to kiss you.

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This should extend out to your friends, coworkers, the person sitting next to you on the airplane... You might not be kissing them now or ever, but think twice before turning down that breath mint you are being offered.


yes, but unless he's in your face whispering I usually can't tell a person has bad breath. Body odor is something that bothers when I fly coach in the summer...

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I was told that brushing your teeth and using mouthwash just before unprotected oral sex can increase the admittedly smaller risk of HIV transmission. The tooth brush can create small cuts or bleeding gums, and mouthwash, especially good old Listerine, kills or removes for a time the natural whatever in saliva that makes it more difficult to transmit HIV orally. Suggestion was to use breath mints- Starbucks sells some highly recommended ones-or to rub the toothpaste on your teeth and rinse, no brush.


I was also told that mosquitoes carry the virus and that poppers make you sick with AIDS. I was told that pulling hairs out of a mole make the mole cancerous and that if you jerk off often you will go blind.


There's a host of myths and disinformation about HIV and the way it transmits. Just because someone once told you something it doesn't make it a fact. I would respectfully suggest to carefully screen the information you get about HIV instead of continuing to spread misinformation in a public forum.


And I get it; If you think about it, if you want to guess, it would kind of make sense that small abrasions might make HIV transmission greater, but both epidemiologists and dentists with sufficient knowledge about HIV and its transmission agree that the only way to really be at some risk of oral transmission is if you just had oral surgery or oral trauma with a large and actively bleeding wound and you receive infected sperm that stays in your mouth.


Moral of the story, if you just got a tooth pulled out, don't gargle with cum.


If your gums are bleeding, don't have oral sex...


and more importantly... if your gums are bleeding... DO NOT KISS ANYONE.


Otherwise, HIV is absolutely no excuse to not carefully floss and brush your teeth. If you are still afraid of HIV and decide not to perform due diligence on your oral hygiene, which is your god given right, then accept the fact that your partner might not want to kiss you.


At this point in the game, we pretty much know the facts about HIV. There is absolutely no need to continue guessing and spreading well intentioned but wrong information.


I also do not floss the day of or the day before the appointment. It also increases the risk of STDs.


And isn't it true that eating parsley or taking parsley tablets can improve breath?


I have asked directly dentists and doctors alike and whenever it has been a sex positive well informed professionals, they have told me that there is absolutely no indication this might be true


Not flossing will only increase the likelihood of periodontal disease and will decrease the likelihood of your partner wanting to kiss you.


I just caught this thread. As many know I practiced dentistry for 40 years. I don't want to get overly technical here as I am trying to put that part of my life as far behind me as possible. After all it was a job that was certainly like pulling teeth!


However, if one brushes, flosses, and rises with an antiseptic mouthwash such as Listerine on a daily basis one's chances of developing periodontal disease and bleeding inflamed gums is greatly minimized. That is your best defense. In fact studies have shown that patients who do so and are faithful with their dental checkups usually have a longer life expectancy due to an overall increase in their general health. Most such individuals have a lower incidence of heart disease, digestive issues, and respiratory problems. There have even been studies that have suggested that improved oral hygiene might be associated with making a certain male organ function better...


However, if one is lax in their dental care and they decide that that want to "disinfect" their mouth by brushing, flossing, and rinsing just before doing the deed... or for that matter just before their dental checkup it actually will cause bleeding by further irritating one's already inflamed and/or diseased gum tissue. Also, that's why dentists can instantly tell when a patient flosses on a regular basis or only does so the day of their dental checkup!


As for using or not using Listerine, I'm not sure about that. I recall a study from years ago that stated that a 30 second exposure to Listerine killed a certain percentage of HIV. Yet some have said that it can reduce the effect of salvia's natural anti HIV effect. I would guess that the jury is still out on that one. In any event, the use of Listerine or its generic equivalent is a good adjunct, if emphatically not a substitute, for flossing in the prevention of periodontal disease.


Regarding bushing and flossing, in a nutshell Juan is correct, unless you have not been faithful with your oral hygiene then it might be problematic to vigorously brush and floss prior to a hookup. Therefore, if a person flosses and brushes on a regular basis, doing so prior to meeting that special guy should not be something to avoid. In any event, I would not advise partaking in any oral sex, deep kissing, etc. after having dental work done, and certainly not after having had an extraction or any surgical procedures or if any incident occurred that might have caused a cut or bleeding in the oral cavity. Common sense rules.

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Regarding bushing and flossing, unless you have not been faithful with your oral hygiene then it might be problematic to vigorously brush and floss prior to a hookup. Therefore, if a person flosses and brushes on a regular basis, doing so prior to meeting that special guy should not be something to avoid. In any event, I would not advise partaking in any oral sex, deep kissing, etc. after having dental work done, and certainly not after having had an extraction or any surgical procedures or if any incident occurred that might have caused a cut or bleeding in the oral cavity. Common sense rules.


I so wish there was a place in this website where we could post the facts; professional vetoed information about sex and safety, especially considering that even after having professionals come here and tell us their informed opinion, old posters seem to keep posting their personal beliefs as true information.


Professional opinions like this one often get buried in the barrage of personal beliefs.


So glad you posted this. Sorry to drag you back into dentistry, but it is really helpful for all of us!


Big hug!

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I so wish there was a place in this website where we could post the facts; professional vetoed information about sex and safety, especially considering that even after having professionals come here and tell us their informed opinion, old posters seem to keep posting their personal beliefs as true information.


Professional opinions like this one often get buried in the barrage of personal beliefs.


So glad you posted this. Sorry to drag you back into dentistry, but it is really helpful for all of us!


Big hug!


a pleasure!

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I so wish there was a place in this website where we could post the facts; professional vetoed information about sex and safety, especially considering that even after having professionals come here and tell us their informed opinion, old posters seem to keep posting their personal beliefs as true information.


Professional opinions like this one often get buried in the barrage of personal beliefs.


So glad you posted this. Sorry to drag you back into dentistry, but it is really helpful for all of us!


Big hug!

No problem Juan! I get asked for advice all the time. As long as I don't have to actually do the work and the job that was both literally and figuratively like pulling teeth it's really no bother! :)

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