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Have some mouthwash please? A thread on easily offended clients.

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Have some mouthwash please? A thread on easily offended clients.


A local escort just told me about a guy who came over to see him, they kissed and the escort suggested him if he could have some mouthwash in the bathroom. The client immediately said: "I just did it at home". The escort told him it was just for him to freshen up his breath... the client had bad breath and this was the beginning of their time together.


The client simply walked away from his hotel room.


So many bad reviews when the client says the escort doesn't kiss, and the reply talks about bad breath... I've been told a few times to do it, and I'm grateful I'm been warned about having some bad breath unknown to me, it happens... I would never eat garlic before going to meet an escort but it's nice to freshen up instead of having an awkward encounter when you try to kiss and he avoids it.


Does this ever happened to you?


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Sadly this is far more common than one would hope.


The worse part is when after being clear as to the reason of the request (you have bad breath and with bad breath I won't kiss you which is sad cause I love kissing) still many men stick to their guns and say that they already did everything necessary to avoid bad breath.


I feel that often these kind of clients believe that it is an escort's loophole to avoid kissing.


People: kissing is as important for us as it is for you. Without kissing, enjoying oneself is much harder. We want to be able to kiss you.


If your escort is suggesting you do something so that kissing might happen... it is because he wants it to happen.

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Some people simply do not realize they have bad breath/bad odor so you can't blame them entirely. You either have to speak up or put up with it. Either way its like walking on eggshells. I pride myself in being super clean. (shower, brush teeth, listerine, then pop a piece of gum before client arrives) and I hope the client prides himself in being clean bc being clean is sexy and makes a good time for the both of us.


If any advice I can give is to ask the client to join you for a sexy shower before hand or offer them a mint/gum along with a drink just as an icebreaker :)

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Kissing is extremely important to me. In fact, with escorts my motto can well be "no kissing, no hiring". Before meeting someone, I watch what I eat --avoiding garlic and going easy on condiments--, brush my teeth, use mouthwash, and pop up a mint as I get to the door to ensure that my breath remains fresh. However, if the escort offers me mouthwash or a mint, I willingly accept, no questions asked.

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I'm seeing a guy who likes to have gum in his mouth even if we are kissing because he's afraid he has bad breath. His breath is fine. I think that is carrying it a bit too far. BTW I always ask him to remove it. I also wonder if he is chewing it because I have bad breath. I've asked him and he said no. Hope he's telling me the truth. I would want to be told.

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What did happen to me is meeting escorts who would kiss poorly as though I had bad breath. I always ask if that is the case, and the answers have always been others, never bad breath. May be they were not honest, I do not know. I do know that kissing is extremely important to me; that bad breath is a common problem, as I suffer it often throughout my regular day; that often we can not notice our own odors; and that it could happen to me. Therefore part of my routine before having sex, paid or for free, is mouth washing, brushing my teeth and tongue, and getting in an Altoids diet. God bless Altoids.

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I was told that brushing your teeth and using mouthwash just before unprotected oral sex can increase the admittedly smaller risk of HIV transmission. The tooth brush can create small cuts or bleeding gums, and mouthwash, especially good old Listerine, kills or removes for a time the natural whatever in saliva that makes it more difficult to transmit HIV orally. Suggestion was to use breath mints- Starbucks sells some highly recommended ones-or to rub the toothpaste on your teeth and rinse, no brush.

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I think I improve my breath best with an in-depth approach. For several days before a date I try to deep-clean my mouth with really thorough brushing (2-full minutes, at least twice a day.)

During those days, I also try to floss deeply into the gum line. I've recently re-discovered "disclosing tablet." Disclosing tablets are a pill that you chew up and they dye the plaque on your teeth purple. Then, you brush your teeth until all the purple is gone. It'll show you any little book-and-cranny spots you're missing.


Then at about one-day-out, I switch to just gentle toothbrushing and mouthwash. In the last few hours, just mouthwash or mints.

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Sadly this is far more common than one would hope.


The worse part is when after being clear as to the reason of the request (you have bad breath and with bad breath I won't kiss you which is sad cause I love kissing) still many men stick to their guns and say that they already did everything necessary to avoid bad breath.


I feel that often these kind of clients believe that it is an escort's loophole to avoid kissing.


People: kissing is as important for us as it is for you. Without kissing, enjoying oneself is much harder. We want to be able to kiss you.


If your escort is suggesting you do something so that kissing might happen... it is because he wants it to happen.


I have been writing reviews here for a very long time. Ever since HooBoy started this site. Mostly very positive, but I am not afraid to call a guy out as I did in this case if the facts warrant it. . Any of you who have followed the site for any period will have noted that a negative review from an escort intending to remain in business is apt to provoke the "bad breath" response, as it did here. I tend to think these speak for themselves. I am way too experienced to engage in an expensive session with an escort in any condition other than fresh, clean and sober.


I write these reviews from time time time for the express purpose of providing useful guidance to others engaging in the pursuit of quality companionship, in the same way that I appreciate receiving guidance of this nature myself. You all are free to take it or leave it.


Every word of my review of this fellow Aaron is accurate.






I highlighted the denial of bad breath, sometimes we don't know we have it...


I'd rather 1 awkward minute being asked to use mouthwash, instead of an hour with an escort who'd rather not kissing me...


Good for you!


I remember a bad review of Jay Holt, and he replied saying the client had bad breath. Several posters on here over and over again said they would never hired him because he used the "bad breath card" to excuse himself from allegedly (based on the review) not kissing the client. As if client always have good breath cause they're paying.


Jay Holt's reply:


"On the kisssing... which wasn't or wouldn't have be listed on the rentboy ad (unsure about the men4rent which was cited in this review - which has two year old pictures and no active phone number or access to emails.) I had no problem with with the kidding hoever.-- and even though you were chewing gum your breat was horribel and you had a body odor it took a couple showers to get rid of... I swear to you.... In your review you said we didnt kiss and proceeded directly to oral that is false. I probably spent minutes trying to kiss you but you kept grabbig my neck and trying to jam your tounge down on it.... "


Well shit happens, and so does bad breath.



Some people simply do not realize they have bad breath/bad odor so you can't blame them entirely. You either have to speak up or put up with it. Either way its like walking on eggshells. I pride myself in being super clean. (shower, brush teeth, listerine, then pop a piece of gum before client arrives) and I hope the client prides himself in being clean bc being clean is sexy and makes a good time for the both of us.


If any advice I can give is to ask the client to join you for a sexy shower before hand or offer them a mint/gum along with a drink just as an icebreaker :)


exactly, you're absolutely right. We're humans sometimes we can't tell we have bad breath.


bad breath shaming?

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Also....it's not always bad breath. Some of us are terrible allergy sufferers and between medications and breathing thru our mouths our breath can get a bit "not the sweetest" but our mouths can get very dry. Especially during some activities other than kissing. I've very conscious about it and if offered, or if available, I partake of water as necessary. I may even bring my own water bottle.

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I was told that brushing your teeth and using mouthwash just before unprotected oral sex can increase the admittedly smaller risk of HIV transmission.


I was also told that mosquitoes carry the virus and that poppers make you sick with AIDS. I was told that pulling hairs out of a mole make the mole cancerous and that if you jerk off often you will go blind.


There's a host of myths and disinformation about HIV and the way it transmits. Just because someone once told you something it doesn't make it a fact. I would respectfully suggest to carefully screen the information you get about HIV instead of continuing to spread misinformation in a public forum.


And I get it; If you think about it, if you want to guess, it would kind of make sense that small abrasions might make HIV transmission greater, but both epidemiologists and dentists with sufficient knowledge about HIV and its transmission agree that the only way to really be at some risk of oral transmission is if you just had oral surgery or oral trauma with a large and actively bleeding wound and you receive infected sperm that stays in your mouth.


Moral of the story, if you just got a tooth pulled out, don't gargle with cum.


If your gums are bleeding, don't have oral sex...


and more importantly... if your gums are bleeding... DO NOT KISS ANYONE.


Otherwise, HIV is absolutely no excuse to not carefully floss and brush your teeth. If you are still afraid of HIV and decide not to perform due diligence on your oral hygiene, which is your god given right, then accept the fact that your partner might not want to kiss you.


At this point in the game, we pretty much know the facts about HIV. There is absolutely no need to continue guessing and spreading well intentioned but wrong information.

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I always try to make sure my mouth (and the rest of me) is clean and my breath is fresh. If an escort ever suggested otherwise, I would be mortified and immediately try to rectify the situation. I would not be offended at all.

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Lots of us probably go into overdrive with nail-clipping, flossing and every other thing to be shiny clean and minty fresh before sex with a stranger (kind of makes you wonder how many guys make less of an effort with a regular partner), but--with specific regard to that pit of bacteria that is your mouth, if you haven't been brushing and flossing regularly, and having your teeth cleaned every six months, that bacteria has formed plaque on your teeth that, left untended, hardens into tartar that requires professional cleaning.


Bottom line: your mouth is just like every other part of your anatomy: regular maintenance gives you the best result.


It might also help you avoid these two nasty words that need to be mentioned in any conversation about bad breath: periodontal disease.*


Did you ever notice how no one likes to sit next too Old Uncle Skeezix at the family's Thanksgiving dinner? (And kissing isn't even allowed during dinner! Doesn't matter, all Old Skeezix has to do is open his mouth to talk and if you happen to be downwind of him, the fumes can incapacitate you ... yep, periodontal disease.)


If you're a young person, and you don't have an Uncle Skeezix, you may not know about periodontal (gum) disease until you get up close and personal with enough guys who are a generation or two older than you that, sooner or later, one of them turns out to be a Skeezix whose bad breath can't be cured by a breath mint or tooth brushing or a whole bottle of Listerine.


Many adults have some form of periodontal disease, from simple gum inflammation on up to more advanced disease that's damaged the soft tissue and bone that support the teeth. It's not unreasonable to think that someone with serious periodontal disease would be aware of his breath problem and ought not expect kissing, but, if he does, you may just need to tell him to kiss you someplace other than on your mouth.


* Most commonly, periodontal disease develops when plaque is allowed to build up along and under the gum line. Smoking, diabetes, medications that reduce saliva, genetic susceptibility, AIDS, treatments for AIDS and treatments for cancer are all risk factors for periodontal disease--as is being a man. (Men are more likely to have gum disease than women.)

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I was also told that mosquitoes carry the virus and that poppers make you sick with AIDS. I was told that pulling hairs out of a mole make the mole cancerous and that if you jerk off often you will go blind.


And grow hair on your palm! That way grandma can tell what you've been doing!

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As an aside to bad breath, many of us take multivitamins with B vitamins in them. Urine STINKS and body odor can be awful even tho you shower and do everything you can to be fresh as a daisy! Stop those B vitamins a few days ahead if you can!

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I always try to make sure my mouth (and the rest of me) is clean and my breath is fresh. If an escort ever suggested otherwise, I would be mortified and immediately try to rectify the situation. I would not be offended at all.


You have common sense, and that ain't common...


In this case guys who get easily offended just have too much baggage on them.

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Any horror stories with asparagus pee anyone want to share. The first time I experienced this I just about had a panic attack because I had no clue what the hell was going on. I no longer eat asparagus 3 days prior to an escort appointment!


For a good first-time food panic eat a lot of beets then have a bowel movement. :o

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Me, too with the asparagus. It was so awful AND it was on a plane - I was up in First Class and I wanted to go hide at the back of steerage! I couldn't even go into the restroom and pee - it smelled the same. Nevermore...nevermore!

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