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Talking about the client's look...

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I'm 44 and I still get that reaction from escorts pretty frequently. It just means that the escort is able to find 1 or 2 things about me attractive. I don't overthink it or get delusional. I let myself feel flattered for a moment. I do find it a turn-on, even if the turn-on is just his ability to say it in a fairly convincing way. If he is able to get more into the date as a result, even better!

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That anyone of us may find it trivial is irrelevant because it obviously is important to you.


When discussing your likes and interests with the escort, slip in the important detail (i.e. I am a versatile top who likes to kiss and does not like compliments). It may have a 5 second shock value, but the professional escort will note it, adapt, and move on remembering not to compliment you during your time together. Problem solved.

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1) How do I explain why I don't escort EVER saying anything about my looks? without seeming rude?


2) How do I explain why I can't trust answers on this front from a person I am hiring without coming across as a psychopath?


You can't.


You are interested in reducing a person into his most basic sexual functions in a way that is useful and relevant for you, you want to take away their human component, their basic social skills, their ability to enjoy what they do. You clearly state you don't care whether they like their job as long as they do it well and shut up. You see human interactions as an instrumental, mechanical transaction only fuelled by greed and ulterior motives. You clearly lack a certain level of empathy to be able to care for your partner, read your partner's reactions and assess your partner's honesty.


Why are you worried about coming across as a psychopath?


...Are you?


Worried, that is.


Hobbes in my opinion was handicapped by similar inability to acknowledge the most basic of human characteristics. That is why his (perhaps very self-reflective) view of human nature, which in absence of laws and government we would all inevitably revert to being nasty, brutish and short is so fundamentally wrong when we pay attention to who we really are. We are social beings. We are physically wired to seek for belonging and strengthen bonds with each other. We are wired to try to make the other feel happy. When we do that, our brains secrete a host of hormones that make us feel fantastic. Oxytocin, Dopamine, Serotonin, Pheromones, all these chemicals are secreted every single time we are nice to someone, every time we create a bond, every time we get closer.


Our brains are constantly pushing us to get closer to one another.


I fully respect if you are unable to subscribe to the most basic of human interaction rules, but I can't help but cringe when you want your employees to alter their humanity and stop doing the simple things that bring them pleasure.


If you need help "stomaching" their compliments, just remember the numerous studies made on deception. Human beings lie constantly, and most of these lies are simply to fulfill their role in the human interaction. If you receive a compliment, just tell yourself that your escort if fulfilling his part of the social bargain and move on.


Now, if you want to be daring and brave and are somewhat interested in joining the rest of us in the social discourse, you can simply say: "Thank you" or "That's so sweet of you to say", you can accept the compliment as an act of love... and if you are feeling really daring, later on, find something you like about him and say it out loud.


If you do that it's unlikely you will appear to be a psychopath. Which of course, if you were high on the psychopathic scale, you would know; One of the things psychopaths are best at is pretending to be highly functioning empathic human beings.


So my guess is that not all is lost.


You are such a handsome man!

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Lol funny thing I always am weary when someone under 30/early 30's calls/texts me for a meeting. Most of the time its just someone playing games so I just stopped writing back to those under 35 bc of that reason. But there was one instance where someone legit who was 29 did hire me or at least thats what he said his age was :p


Back then I was like why someone that young would want to hire someone, but now I know they are some young professionals who have no time to date as they are constantly working so they want some fun in the little time they have free. So its possible.

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No one is any more handsome than the next.


If someone is over-complimenting you or hasn't complimented you at all. I have one and only 1 word to offer-- Shallow.


I don't care your age, height or weight-- none of those things are going to make me be attracted to you. 6 pack? woopty doo you under eat and hit the gym to compensate for some aspect of your life. I'm really happy for you, but it doesn't make me like you any more or any less.


Whats behind your eyes, is what I care about. What makes your heart beat is what I care about. I am not superficial nor am i chasing boys my age ;) I chase MEN. WOOF.

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[quote="Brian Kevin, post: 1067969, member: 12151"

I don't care your age, height or weight-- none of those things are going to make me be attracted to you. 6 pack? woopty doo you under eat and hit the gym to compensate for some aspect of your life. I'm really happy for you, but it doesn't make me like you any more or any less.


Whats behind your eyes, is what I care about. What makes your heart beat is what I care about. I am not superficial nor am i chasing boys my age ;) I chase MEN. WOOF.



I have glaucoma, and I use a pacemaker.... does that mean we Cant have coffee Mr Kevin ??? :(

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Lol funny thing I always am weary when someone under 30/early 30's calls/texts me for a meeting. Most of the time its just someone playing games so I just stopped writing back to those under 35 bc of that reason. But there was one instance where someone legit who was 29 did hire me or at least thats what he said his age was :p


It must be because our products are different and we appeal to different demographics but I have a lot of clients in their 20's and 30's. I would say perhaps half of my clientele fall into that age group.


There's a lot of people who understand the advantages of this kind of service, regardless of their age or perceived level of attractiveness.

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You can't.


....(redacted only for space)



I think you read my posts in this thread extremely uncharitably. To be fair I haven’t fully (and clearly) expressed my view on the issue. I might be alone on this matter given the underlying philosophical issues but I was only looking for practical advice of how to talk about this stuff with the escorts I hire. I could, I guess, hire for an hour to teach them basic Hobbes but I think that would be rather annoying and unpleasant for all involved.


Now, I have no real need to debate Hobbes with you; frankly I know the relevant texts better and my views are completely settled on the main points of Hobbesian philosophy. I fully acknowledge that it is a hard edged, pessimistic view that a lot of people don’t like. But, alas, it is the correct one. If you disagree with Hobbes much of what I say isn’t going to be persuasive as such.


But I would remissed if I didn’t point out that your alleged refutation of Hobbes is naïve—read: laughable. You claim that Hobbes is wrong because, in not so few words, we are hard wired to be nice to each other. Hobbes doesn’t deny this. If you bother to (re)read Ch. 13 of Leviathan it is clear that Hobbes acknowledges that we have passions (desires) that are other-regarding and these along with the fear the death motivate us to end the war of all against all. Further, in the elements of laws, Hobbes has that provocative phrase that we take delight in delighting. What Hobbes denies is that we are nice to each for only for the sake of the other. Judging from what you have stated thus far you also, perhaps unknowingly, think this as well. You state this “We are wired to try to make the other feel happy. When we do that, our brains secrete a host of hormones that make us feel fantastic.” I agree with this—it’s empirical fact—but it is completely Hobbesian to think this. The thing is we are not nice to one another to be nice to one another. We are nice to others because by being so we get a sweet, sweet hit of that delightful cocktails of chemicals you listed. When Hobbes, and I, speak of people being self-interested this is what is meant.


Humans are not capable of acting only for the other. We can only ever act from our own desires. Those desire may refer to other people, may be about other people but our goal is to discharge our desires; everything else is irrelevant to us. This falls out of basic metaphysical positions of materialism and determinism (or soft determinism, depending on how you cut some semi-related point). If everything is matter, and all human action has a cause, then it follows that whatever a person does has a causal connection that runs through their head. As such the casual chain is self-interested to the degree it must run through a person’s head. That is about as much of what I what to say on the underlying philosophical points. If you really feel the need to argue about Hobbes we can take it to PM or the politics forum.


Now escorts (and clients) are people too is a refrain that I think is valuable. This means to, as a good Hobbesian, I think of escorts as being 1) purely rational (calculating, self-interested) 2) have completely unique passions (desires), and 3) are equals (because we can kill/hurt each other). This influences how I think about the interactions. I acknowledge that I am a mere paycheck/wallet to the escorts I hire, whereas they are a mere object for erotic play to me. That is how this transaction-deal works. I trade financial capital for their erotic/emotional labour. It is nothing more, and it is nothing less. I mean nothing to them beyond the money, not even my regular who I have been hiring for 18 months and he has made 9000 from me, and they don’t mean anything to me beyond the emotional/physical fulfillment I find in their services.


Now, given how ego centric humans are, we don’t like being reminded of what is actually going on and we have desires to bubblewrap our interactions to make them seem less coldly calculating. I don’t like being treated as a mere wallet and an Escort will make more from me when they don’t treat me as one. In other words it is in an escort’s long term interest to be interested in my needs, personality, boundaries etc. However, I have…what did you say I lacked?...empathy enough to realize that the escorts I hire would not like being treated as a mere object. As such they will put forth their best efforts when I am nice to them, engage with them in their interests, discuss their boundaries etc. I, being the good Hobbesian that I am, do my best to be their best client imaginable. I tip well, I always gets overt permission before any play is on the table, always have safe words in place, I listen to what they require for a session to work for them, I constantly check in to make sure I’m not driving them crazy and I’m always very much on time to name a few things. I don’t do this because I care about their desires, I do it because it makes them able, and willing, to do their job better.


This, though I failed to express it as clearly as I could, is what I meant when I said “I certainly don't care if they enjoy their work (beyond any enjoyment they get from work as work).” It is, to be frank, completely irrelevant to me if the escort gets any sort of erotic pleasure from escorting me. It is not inconceivable that they would enjoy the play as play, but if he does it is a mere happy accident. Now, I do care that the escort enjoys their work as work, because if they do the quality of the work will be better. I do try my best to make their work a joy because the interaction is better overall when both parties get more than they bargain for. Let me also point out that enjoying the play as play may be necessary to enjoy the work as work but this doesn’t seem to follow.


Now, you say I lack the ability to assess the honesty of people. I’m sorry, but what evidence do you have of that? I have stated that I have trouble believing particular commentary from escorts, not all commentary. I trust all well-reviewed escorts to be forthright with me with their limits, rates, boundaries and schedule. Certain escorts I have hired a lot I trust to be forthright with a lot more than that. I also trust escorts to not be forthright on several issues, including their name, relationship status, side employment, and family background because the nature of the work requires that the escort protect themselves by not telling clients certain things. Also, statistically speaking male escorts are going to be fairly comfortable with infidelity, aka not the most forthright activity imaginable. To not even mention that acting/role playing is kind of part and parcel of the services. To me, the genuine opinion of the escort’s of the clients looks fall into latter group. Let me didactically explain why.


By far and large, no client (because no one does) likes hearing they are sexually unappealing/bad at sex, and given the taboo’s around the service this because more pressing. It is in the best interest for the escort to lie about how they feel about the clients’ looks to a) avoiding hurting his feelings and b) more to the point, preserve future custom. Add in that in most contexts, the client-escort are in a state of nature without any ability to enforce the agreement between them and lying becomes more tempting. Indeed I assume, until given evidence otherwise, an escort/person is lying whenever they say anything “nice” to me. They most certainly just want something from me, or if failing that they want the sweet, sweet hit of the brain pleasure cocktail. Now, it is not inconceivable that an escort will not lie about this. But I have no real way of knowing that, especially in light of the extremely limited evidence I have from ads/first encounters and the strong philosophical reasons to doubt it. As such it drives me nuts.


Now you say I am asking escorts to deny their humanity, or whatever claptrap way you phrased this. I am not doing at all. I was asking for practical advice in how to discuss an issue/boundary I have. Now if an escort HAS to talk about how I look/perform then we are at an impasse and I will not hire him. I think such escorts are extremely rare. I don’t even mind complements in general, even with the odds being that they are at least fudged! I find it...obnoxious… that you all but call me a psychopath when I was asking for advice at how to sugarcoat discussing this boundary I have to make it work better for all involved. Am I not allowed to have boundaries? I don’t like giving oral sex because I have a very bad gag reflex, indeed my gag reflex is so bad I have almost vomited. I will not perform oral sex on an escort, or for that matter anyone else anymore because of this issue. Should I have to? Or should the people I am playing with respect my boundaries?


Before you object I am thinking in these terms because we are talking about escorting, I am not. I think it is impossible for anyone not to buy sex; sex, or anything else, cannot be freely given, if by given we mean the person gets no benefits from doing so. I have no shame being a client because of this. True most people do not use financial capital to get erotic fulfillment; that only means they are buying/selling eroticism via other means, whether it is a pity fuck or two people who are trading erotic pleasure for erotic pleasure.


TLDR: Juan, quick query, you lock your doors right? And more to the point, you count the cash before anything happens with a first time client? Yes? You “accuse” as much with your actions as I do with my words.

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What you might have missed was this was your escort's typical client before he saw you


http://willvideoforfood.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/messinwithsasquatch_2-full.jpg http://orig15.deviantart.net/ae22/f/2012/119/e/7/sumo_wrestler_by_maxxparis-d4xytyj.jpg



I know this was supposed to be funny but to me it was a lil hurtful. I never thought of any of the clients I saw to look like the above. Were they perfect gym built hunky men? Most, no. Were they perfectly flawed and still shined like rubies and emeralds? Hell yeah they did! And I wouldn't want them to be anything but themselves, always.




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I think you read my posts in this thread extremely uncharitably. To be fair I haven’t fully (and clearly) expressed my view on the issue. I might be alone on this matter given the underlying philosophical issues but I was only looking for practical advice of how to talk about this stuff with the escorts I hire. I could, I guess, hire for an hour to teach them basic Hobbes but I think that would be rather annoying and unpleasant for all involved.


Now, I have no real need to debate Hobbes with you; frankly I know the relevant texts better and my views are completely settled on the main points of Hobbesian philosophy. I fully acknowledge that it is a hard edged, pessimistic view that a lot of people don’t like. But, alas, it is the correct one. If you disagree with Hobbes much of what I say isn’t going to be persuasive as such.


But I would remissed if I didn’t point out that your alleged refutation of Hobbes is naïve—read: laudable. You claim that Hobbes is wrong because, in not so few words, we are hard wired to be nice to each other. Hobbes doesn’t deny this. If you bother to (re)read Ch. 13 of Leviathan it is clear that Hobbes acknowledges that we have passions (desires) that are other-regarding and these along with the fear the death motivate us to end the war of all against all. Further, in the elements of laws, Hobbes has that provocative phrase that we take delight in delighting. What Hobbes denies is that we are nice to each for only for the sake of the other. Judging from what you have stated thus far you also, perhaps unknowingly, think this as well. You state this “We are wired to try to make the other feel happy. When we do that, our brains secrete a host of hormones that make us feel fantastic.” I agree with this—it’s empirical fact—but it is completely Hobbesian to think this. The thing is we are not nice to one another to be nice to one another. We are nice to others because by being so we get a sweet, sweet hit of that delightful cocktails of chemicals you listed. When Hobbes, and I, speak of people being self-interested this is what is meant.


Humans are not capable of acting only for the other. We can only ever act from our own desires. Those desire may refer to other people, may be about other people but our goal is to discharge our desires; everything else is irrelevant to us. This falls out of basic metaphysical positions of materialism and determinism (or soft determinism, depending on how you cut some semi-related point). If everything is matter, and all human action has a cause, then it follows that whatever a person does has a causal connection that runs through their head. As such the casual chain is self-interested to the degree it must run through a person’s head. That is about as much of what I what to say on the underlying philosophical points. If you really feed the need to argue about Hobbes we can take it to PM or the politics forum.


Now escorts (and clients) are people too is a refrain that I think is valuable. This means to, as a good Hobbesian, I think of escorts as being 1) purely rational (calculating, self-interested) 2) have completely unique passions (desires), and 3) are equals (because we can kill/hurt each other). This influences how I think about the interactions. I acknowledge that I am a mere paycheck/wallet to the escorts I hire, whereas they are a mere object for erotic play to me. That is how this transaction-deal works. I trade financial capital for their erotic/emotional labour. It is nothing more, and it is nothing less. I mean nothing to them beyond the money, not even my regular who I have been hiring for 18 months and he has made 9000 from me, and they don’t mean anything to me beyond the emotional/physical fulfillment I find in their services.


Now, given how ego centric humans are, we don’t like being reminded of what is actually going on and we have desires to bubblewrap our interactions to make them seem less coldly calculating. I don’t like being treated as a mere wallet and an Escort will make more from me when they don’t treat me as one. In other words it is in an escort’s long term interest to be interested in my needs, personality, boundaries etc. However, I have…what did you say I lacked?...empathy enough to realize that the escorts I hire would not like being treated as a mere object. As such they will put forth their best efforts when I am nice to them, engage with them in their interests, discuss their boundaries etc. I, being the good Hobbesian that I am, do my best to be their best client imaginable. I tip well, I always gets overt permission before any play is on the table, always have safe words in place, I listen to what they require for a session to work for them, I constantly check in to make sure I’m not driving them crazy and I’m always very much on time to name a few things. I don’t do this because I care about their desires, I do it because it makes them able, and willing, to do their job better.


This, though I failed to express it as clearly as I could, is what I meant when I said “I certainly don't care if they enjoy their work (beyond any enjoyment they get from work as work).” It is, to be frank, completely irrelevant to me if the escort gets any sort of erotic pleasure from escorting me. It is not inconceivable that would they enjoy the play as play, but if he does it is a mere happy accident. Now, I do care that the escort enjoys their work as work, because if they do the quality of the work will be better. I do try my best to make their work a joy because the interaction is better overall when both parties get more than they bargain for. Let me also point out that enjoying the play as play may be necessary to enjoy the work as work but this doesn’t seem to follow.


Now, you say I lack the ability to assess honesty of people. I’m sorry, but what evidence do you have of that? I have stated that I have trouble believing particular commentary from escorts, not all commentary. I trust all well-reviewed escorts to be forthright with me with their limits, rates, boundaries and schedule. Certain escorts I have hired a lot I trust to be forthright with a lot more than that. I also trust escorts to not be forthright on several issues, including their name, relationship status, side employment, and family background because the nature of the work requires that the escort protect themselves by not telling clients certain things. Also, statistically speaking male escorts are going to be fairly comfortable with infidelity, aka not the most forthright activity imaginable. To not even mention that acting/role playing is kind of part and parcel of the services. To me, the genuine opinion of the escort’s of the clients looks fall into latter group. Let me didactically explain why.


By far and large, no client (because no one does) likes hearing they are sexually unappealing/bad at sex, and given the taboo’s around the service this because more pressing. It is in the best interest for the escort to lie about how they feel about the clients’ looks to a) avoiding hurting his feelings and b) more to the point, preserve future custom. Add in that in most contexts, the client-escort are in a state of nature without any ability to enforce the agreement between them and lying becomes more tempting. Indeed I assume, until given evidence otherwise, an escort/person is lying whenever they say anything “nice” to me. They most certainly just want something from me, or if failing that they want the sweet, sweet hit of the brain pleasure cocktail. Now, it is not inconceivable that an escort will not lie about this. But I have no real way of knowing that, especially in light of the extremely limited evidence I have from ads/first encounters and the strong philosophical reasons to doubt it. As such it drives me nuts.


Now you say I am asking escorts to deny their humanity, or whatever claptrap way you phrased this. I am not doing at all. I was asking for practical advice in how to discuss an issue/boundary I have. Now if an escort HAS to talk about how I look/perform then we are at an impasse and I will not hire him. I think such escorts are extremely rare. I don’t even mind complements in general, even with the odds being that they are at least fudged! I find it...obnoxious… that you all but call me a psychopath when I was asking for advice at how to sugarcoat discussing this boundary I have to make it work better for all involved. Am I not allowed to have boundaries? I don’t like giving oral sex because I have a very bad gag reflex, indeed my gag reflex is so bad I have almost vomited. I will not perform oral sex on an escort, or for that matter anyone else anymore because of this issue. Should I have to? Or should the people I am playing with respect my boundaries?


Before you object I am thinking in these terms because we are talking about escorting, I am not. I think it is impossible for anyone not to buy sex; sex, nor anything else, cannot be freely given, if by given we mean the person gets no benefits from doing so. I have no shame being a client because of this. True most people do not use financial capital to get erotic fulfillment; that only means they are buying/selling eroticism via other means, whether it is a pity fuck or two people who are trading erotic pleasure for erotic pleasure.


TLDR: Juan, quick query, you lock your doors right? And more to the point, you count the cash before anything happens with a first time client? Yes? You “accuse” as much with your actions as I do with my words.

Well, that was enlightening. Seriously. I'm curious, aside from being inappropriately assessed by an amateur, are you getting any advice/thoughts here that remotely help you with your query? If not, what does your instinct tell you that you should do?

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You've received the only practical advice there is: tell the escort upfront not to compliment your looks and whatever else makes you uncomfortable. That's it. There is no way to explain it without alienating people who don't share your views, particularly since you consider your philosophical bent The Only True Way. Which, by the way, as you describe it is tautological, because it reduces even altruistic acts done for the good of the community to acts that serve the individual's purpose simply by virtue of being that individual's act. At that level, everything we do - even the counterproductive ones - can be explained as self-interested.


Also, do you feel the same way when a casual acquaintance - perhaps even someone you don't intend to have sex with - compliments your appearance? If you don't, maybe it would be useful to reflect on why that is.


Although I am not a scientist, I am pretty sure your conception of how the human mind and consciousness works is seriously flawed, starting with the effect of stress hormones and parts of the nervous system that are not under our conscious control. You have also demonstrated why I decided against majoring in philosophy and find most philosophical discussions distasteful.


I could go on destroying your premises (for example, psychological and economic research both definitively debunk the "rational man" theory), but I have more useful ways to spend my time.


Plus my first hire (who was not Juan) never asked to see the cash nor did he count it in my presence.

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Well, that was enlightening. Seriously. I'm curious, aside from being inappropriately assessed by an amateur, are you getting any advice/thoughts here that remotely help you with your query? If not, what does your instinct tell you that you should do?



Yes I am. several of the posts that have been more on the particular side have been helpful.

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Which, by the way, as you describe it is tautological, because it reduces even altruistic acts done for the good of the community to acts that serve the individual's purpose simply by virtue of being that individual's act. At that level, everything we do - even the counterproductive ones - can be explained as self-interested.


Yes. thanks. I'm aware of this common criticism...it's not like I said we can only ever act from self-interest...


Also, do you feel the same way when a casual acquaintance - perhaps even someone you don't intend to have sex with - compliments your appearance? If you don't, maybe it would be useful to reflect on why that is.


Let me quote myself: Indeed I assume, until given evidence otherwise, an escort/person is lying whenever they say anything “nice” to me. They most certainly just want something from me, or if failing that they want the sweet, sweet hit of the brain pleasure cocktail.


So yeah, I generally do think people who are being nice want/need something from me.


I could go on destroying your premises (for example, psychological and economic research both definitively debunk the "rational man" theory), but I have more useful ways to spend my time.


The evidence is that humans behavior does not track perfectly with homo economicus because of limited information and practical time constrains. We certainly do not sit down and consciously calculate ever action in terms of subjective utility. But ultimately my position does not require that we do. Indeed, the less conscience calculations that occurs the more it seems like the basic mechanics...


Plus my first hire (who was not Juan) never asked to see the cash nor did he count it in my presence.

That escort is a damn fool and I'm sure he has been rolled. I'll note you didn't deny locking your doors.

You've received the only practical advice there is: tell the escort upfront not to compliment your looks and whatever else makes you uncomfortable. That's it.

And thank you all for providing that.

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Oy Gevolt!


Would that it weren't a mistake that the Academic lauded my refutation! I'd write that in big letters on my whore's living room's wall! While in truth, it is way more in character that he actually just used the wrong word.


I am assuming you found my refutation laughable. If fits better with your sunny disposition.


Any self- described Hobbesian has no doubt constantly experienced intelligent people dissect his archaic beliefs as antiquated and reductive. Your response to me sounds like fresh outrage as if you have never heard arguments against it. Respectfully, I have no interest in the subject matter.


You are entitled to have as many boundaries as you want to have. I am not telling you what you should believe or what you should feel, I just responded your question: "How do I explain this without coming across as a psychopath?". It's my opinion that you can't.


I find so much of what you wrote offensive and dehumanizing. Which is fine, considering I have no intention of meeting you again.


There are tons of escorts who lack social skills. You might find them delightful! Just be direct about how you want them to behave, give them a list of acceptable and unacceptable behaviour and tell them that if they fail to perform to your satisfaction you will not pay them. I think that would narrow the pool slightly, but I am sure you would end up meeting with escorts that are a good match for you. That would also give the rest the chance to politely decline to meet you.


Best of luck in your future hires! I hope they shut up, please you subserviently and then simply fuck off.

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All this hoopla over a person getting a compliment ? I don't get it ! Any well mannered person would simply say THANK YOU when complimented... If compliments about your physical beauty are so bothersome,

then find ways to make yourself unattractive so you don't have the problem... The time will come when you will be begging for someone to pay you a compliment because the person you saw in the mirror 25 years ago no longer exists.... IMO a compliment doesn't warrant a 3 page thread.

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All this hoopla over a person getting a compliment ? I don't get it ! Any well mannered person would simply say THANK YOU when complimented... If compliments about your physical beauty are so bothersome,

then find ways to make yourself unattractive so you don't have the problem... The time will come when you will be begging for someone to pay you a compliment because the person you saw in the mirror 25 years ago no longer exists.... IMO a compliment doesn't warrant a 3 page thread.

Oh, but the ensuing drama is so entertaining! We live for this crap! Let's all of us have a toast to ourselves!



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Oh, but the ensuing drama is so entertaining! We live for this crap! Let's all of us have a toast to ourselves!





LOL TR, you really need to come sit besides Me....



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LOL TR, you really need to come sit besides Me....



Not if you are wearing that hat, gurrlll.;)

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Oh, but the ensuing drama is so entertaining! We live for this crap! Let's all of us have a toast to ourselves!




I know I am considered certifiable here when it comes to drama, but NEVER about someone calling me "pretty" ! (and maybe it IS the Hat ?)



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All this hoopla over a person getting a compliment ? I don't get it ! Any well mannered person would simply say THANK YOU when complimented... If compliments about your physical beauty are so bothersome,

then find ways to make yourself unattractive so you don't have the problem... The time will come when you will be begging for someone to pay you a compliment because the person you saw in the mirror 25 years ago no longer exists.... IMO a compliment doesn't warrant a 3 page thread.


Just goes to show you can never predict what topic the members on this forum are going to find interesting or entertaining.

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