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Kissing, Making out and Sexual-Interpersonal skills.

Brian Kevin
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AWE COME ON! I finally got a good poll idea and the poll option is gone?)


I'd like to welcome everyone to contribute to this thread, and yes that means you!


Do you kiss with your eyes open or closed?






I say....

Always closed! I close my eyes for every and anyone I kiss, I want to disengage one sense (sight) and double down hopefully on my sense of touch. Our lips, touching. Tongues rubbing.


I've has clients request I kiss them with my eyes open, I have no problem making eye contact at all-- while kissing it can feel a little strange to me, butt-fuck it your wish is my command! From short pecks on the cheek, to long romantic and wet and sloppy (or dry and clean if you're into that, I'm very diverse and open to many (and almost anything, as I learned the hard way from a jokester on this forum, "everything and anything" is not a reasonable answer unless you're into that long list of crazy things we all start posting every couple of months with this topic is brought up)


BKX and his attempts at team building. I really do believe in you guys and this community. Laugh and mock me if you'd like, I said it once I'll say it again -- Aint nobody got time for the "D" work (NO ITS NOT DICK, ITS DRAMA) Dick, I got time for that.



-- just to say this... I MISS FUCKING CARBS. Legit going through bread withdraws. This post was written with a huge ammount of love and research, I chatted with a very lovely man about this before posting it to be sure I wasn't cutting my nose to spite my face (so excited to finally use that on the forum)



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I always intend to kiss with my eyes open but I never do. I love deep wet sensual French kissing & I find myself focussing on the feeling & getting lost in the sensations of lips & tongues in a amazing erotic dance & the closeness of a guys warm body pressed against mine. Never analysed it before but now I understand my body's instinctive reaction in that beautiful situation. So thank you Brian x

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Closed, for the reasons above, and also I think it is a kind of surrender and display of trust to relax the visual vigilance that is part of us from birth. Any time we are startled or frightened, we go on high alert and our eyes open extra wide to gather possible fight or flight information. This is the opposite reaction....I'm safe and don't need my eyes at this moment, so they just close.

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I always intend to kiss with my eyes open but I never do. I love deep wet sensual French kissing & I find myself focussing on the feeling & getting lost in the sensations of lips & tongues in a amazing erotic dance & the closeness of a guys warm body pressed against mine. Never analysed it before but now I understand my body's instinctive reaction in that beautiful situation. So thank you Brian x


I sure do love your spunk Beachboy! You're great. I just wanted to say, the only thing better than being body to body french kissing and getting lost in each other-- is me rubbing you down with my favorite scent sugar scrub (TOP SECRET!!!) now imagine your fantasy, just with silky soft exfoliated skin.


Just incase someone here reads this and doesn't know what sugar scrub or exfoliation is here we go


Sugar Scrub - Can be home made (wink wink) or bought from a store like, I dunno, Walmart (throws up). These NOT granulated sugar mixed with lotions, essential oils, vitamins as well as minerals, scent (very mild because I have very sensitive skin, nothing unhealthy or dangerous will ever be applied to your skin. I test all my new products for a couple weeks personally before I launch them into my sessions. The sugar scrub is applied (preferably in the shower as when we're doing full-body it is alot and can get messy, for me not for you, all you do is stand there and try not to pass out from how good it feels (pass out as in fall asleep). The only part of the body I stopped doing the sugar scrub on in the shower was the feet as we all know I am BLONDE as all hell, I was doing my feet, not thinking (this wasn't my first time doing it to my feet so spare me the giggles, hehe) I rushed and when i lifted up my second thigh to my chest to get my foot, the foot coated in the sugar slipped and we had humpy dumpty all broken up and crying for help in an empty house while I laughed uncontrollably, thankful to not be injured) This is also very GOOD for psoriasis, it stimulates nerve endings and the under more layers of skin to send out the old blood and in with the new through capillaries and veins depending on where the psoriasis starts. Your bodies antibodies slowly fight off the psoriasis from the inside out, hinting why it shrinks) If anyone has anything negative to say about psoriasis and massage, please feel free to keep scrolling about the forum as we're all well educated and polite here. Not a medical student here, just paid attention in Massage school, please if I was wrong about anything please correct me as I want our friends here at the forum to be educated properly if I'm doing it wrong here, think I hit the nail on the head.


My favorite thing I learned in school aside from all the massage techniques is above and below this sentence, enjoy it please :)


Exfoliation - Hmmm-- Dandruff? We've all had it at some point (no shade or disrespect to anyone just trying to teach someone something) what is it? Dead skin, I hope you said! So, as some of us know our exposed skin is DEAD SKIN CELLS, below are many layers or skin with tons of names I don't wanna get into, lets keep this short and sweet. Well have you also herd the term "ashy" which does not only apply to African American. When you haven't rubbed your legs in a while or scratched that itch on your ankle, you left dead skin cells there, yuck (kidding). There's nothing you can do, lotion rubs it around and doesn't soak in properly. Oil will mix with the dead skin cells and clog the black heads out of your pores (see what I did there). OH BUT WAIT! SUGAR SCRUB, yes. Yes, yes, yes! Sugar scrub doesn't rub it around or clog pores like oil-- IT REMOVES IT. Imagine if the sugar scrub were a light Automatic battery operated (who else read that and expected some sexy time?) PediEgg, that cool new device that removes the EXTRA dead skin from feet, imagine my hands, HUGE the size of a samsung galaxy note or an iphone 6+, my hands are even bigger than some of your cats and dogs, okay kitten and miniature dogs. But the point is, with my 2 hands rubbing the sugar scrub into your skin in a extra-long rehearsed pattern (thanks college!) your whole body will be covered in the scrub, then when i turn the water on and slowly start rubbing it off of YOUR naked body, you'll be left to see for yourself how smooth your skin will be left. Its not the lotion or oil, that is washed away (besides what your [probably dry skin since it is winter time] obsorbeb) <=== spell check please what a funny word to try and be spelling, spell check isn't even helping. I butchered it!


I also have a top shelf 3-step facial program from a seminar in Vegas I attended. Even though I traded my soul (lots of money) for a large supply of it, I don't get kick backs or discounts even if I buy in bulk, so why would I mention their name to get them more business? Great. Fucking. Products. Cliff hanger there I know.

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Shit, why does everyone like so much "always" and "never"??!! I some times open my eyes and some times I close them. It depends on the guy I am with, I don't do the same things, the same ways, with different guys, not even with the same guy in different occasions.


All Latbear,gotta love you! You're always cheering up this forums moral! I agree with you though, words like Always and Never are limiting our life. We should be having open minds. I guess I should say, I usually kiss with my eyes closed, however I'm willing to do it open eyed. I'm embarrassed and blushing to have not thought of that myself!



There is only one thing that is NOT negotiable: kissing MUST have tongue.....:p


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Closed, for the reasons above, and also I think it is a kind of surrender and display of trust to relax the visual vigilance that is part of us from birth. Any time we are startled or frightened, we go on high alert and our eyes open extra wide to gather possible fight or flight information. This is the opposite reaction....I'm safe and don't need my eyes at this moment, so they just close.


Very cool explination. I enjoy that you can trust those you are kissing. Trust, in this industry to me was impossible. UNTILL.... I found you guys. The things I read in my inbox warm my heart and bring tears to my eyes constantly. I never thought I'd find such a warm and loving community to share such expressive and KINKY ideas! I love it though!


Fight or flight, I'm usually long gone before this natural instinct would kick in.

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Mr Kevin, as long as the guy doesnt have Dandruff in his "pubic region", I'm good ! Oh fuck, who am I kidding, if the dick was big enough, that wouldnt matter either.......

Eyes closed. I dont wanna be reminded I made a mistake and am making out with an ugly guy JUST cause he has a big dick..... I'm so shallow......


clearly, where have you been hiding my whole [forum] life?


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hey guys I found about 30 mins for this thread. I'm excited to come back this late afternoon and see all the wonderful things people have said!


I unforately need to switch hotels because Miss. PriceLine didn't feel like giving me the same hotel this afternoon. From Crown Plaza to the Sheraton I go.

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Shit, why does everyone like so much "always" and "never"??!! I some times open my eyes and some times I close them. It depends on the guy I am with, I don't do the same things, the same ways, with different guys, not even with the same guy in different occasions.

Mostly closed. Sometimes if a guy has a particularly handsome face or captivating eyes, I will stare at him as I move in, close my eyes as we kiss. Open my eyes to make sure it is still him and the look at him as I pull back. Usually that leads to heading back in for a more passionate and usually a much wetter kiss.

I sometimes open my eyes while kissing to see if my partners eyes are open. I know they are not admiring my facial beauty so if he has open eyes, I am usually thinking: What the hell is he looking at?

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Let me think a little bit more about what I usually do. Kissing has many different moments and tones. If I'm in a deep kissing moment, we are too close to lock our eyes, so I think I close my eyes most times. But in all the previous kissing, when we are just warming up and trying and biting our lips, I think most times I like to lock our eyes.

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Randomly, momentarily open, looking deep into and connecting with another's soul...then closed again and indulging in sensual pleasures. Ditto for activities beyond kissing :p


Fancy to see you here-- Glad to see you up and mingling up here in the front of the line. We need more positive posters! Less nit picking and teasing more hehes and MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM's and maybe alot more spankings ^.^

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Let me think a little bit more about what I usually do. Kissing has many different moments and tones. If I'm in a deep kissing moment, we are too close to lock our eyes, so I think I close my eyes most times. But in all the previous kissing, when we are just warming up and trying and biting our lips, I think most times I like to lock our eyes.


The way you typed that made me feel like it us there for a second, you're better with words then me! Don't you tease me now, I love me some latbear!

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Eyes closed, usually. It's hot to concentrate more on the other senses/sensations while I'm making out - the warmth, the wetness, the feel, the little involuntary moans we might make (or if not, the sound of our breathing or his heartbeat, etc). Closing my eyes and just feeling like I'm melting into the other guy - hell yeah.


And...Brian knows I like very very wet/slobbery making out, and he's damn good at it. :D


However, eyes open at other times can be sexy as hell. I've known guys that enjoy locking eyes during a blow job, for instance. Or, I remember a very odd but very hot (non-escort) hookup I had some years ago. It was with this jock-ish young guy - the kind of guy I wouldn't normally think would be into me lol - but what he really wanted to do was to give me a hand job while we locked eyes. He had gorgeous eyes, and he knew it lol. And I've never had great stamina, and looking into his eyes as he stroked me just made that trait worse lol. He eased off a few times, but he wouldn't let me get away without looking into his eyes. I remember the last round - he was getting me too close, and I tried to put my hand in the way to stop him, but he wouldn't let me. We kept the eye contact through my orgasm - it felt like he was staring into my soul lol. I remember a cocky grin on his face afterwards, him enjoying having put me through all that. For me it was a very vulnerable feeling, but also fucking sexy.

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Eyes closed, usually. It's hot to concentrate more on the other senses/sensations while I'm making out - the warmth, the wetness, the feel, the little involuntary moans we might make (or if not, the sound of our breathing or his heartbeat, etc). Closing my eyes and just feeling like I'm melting into the other guy - hell yeah.


And...Brian knows I like very very wet/slobbery making out, and he's damn good at it. :D


However, eyes open at other times can be sexy as hell. I've known guys that enjoy locking eyes during a blow job, for instance. Or, I remember a very odd but very hot (non-escort) hookup I had some years ago. It was with this jock-ish young guy - the kind of guy I wouldn't normally think would be into me lol - but what he really wanted to do was to give me a hand job while we locked eyes. He had gorgeous eyes, and he knew it lol. And I've never had great stamina, and looking into his eyes as he stroked me just made that trait worse lol. He eased off a few times, but he wouldn't let me get away without looking into his eyes. I remember the last round - he was getting me too close, and I tried to put my hand in the way to stop him, but he wouldn't let me. We kept the eye contact through my orgasm - it felt like he was staring into my soul lol. I remember a cocky grin on his face afterwards, him enjoying having put me through all that. For me it was a very vulnerable feeling, but also fucking sexy.



Once I seen your name, i blushed. Oh how I love spending time with you! My 2nd daddies client before I joined! Was so awesome. I was young and dumb not to listen to you about coming here. I regret that. However, everything happens for a reason.


Also, P:S: for tips on how to make you TAKE OFF during our next session, whenever that may be babe!


Please be well and stay warm in the snow, sending you 60s from Atlanta good buddy, thanks for helping us build some forum moral. this is looking quite lovely to me!


Also, thanks for sharing your story!!

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P:S:S: @bostonman the molecule compound of what Im talking about is

" Ic. "


mmmmmm. Now I really have to run, can check into the Sheraton in Atlanta now, amen.

Now to go for a little walk, since its as close to beauitful as us Ohioian know. 60s means its summer and its time to go swimming, why are the pools closed in Atlanta and why am I the only person not wearing a sweatshirt or jacket? They must be hot inside under all those layers. I'm HOTT blooded. I cannot wear 6 layers, I'll go through menopause, again.

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Once I seen your name, i blushed. Oh how I love spending time with you! My 2nd daddies client before I joined! Was so awesome. I was young and dumb not to listen to you about coming here. I regret that. However, everything happens for a reason.


Also, P:S: for tips on how to make you TAKE OFF during our next session, whenever that may be babe!


Please be well and stay warm in the snow, sending you 60s from Atlanta good buddy, thanks for helping us build some forum moral. this is looking quite lovely to me!


Also, thanks for sharing your story!!


Brian - I'm just really happy that you've found a home out here. :D


and...at least it's close to 50 here in Boston today - no snow in sight. I'm feeling like spring will be here before we know it.


And somehow I feel that the next time I see you might be a real "eye-opening" experience lol?

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Oh BKX! You are KILLING me way out here in LA. The more you post, the more I want to say, "get your sweet ass out here and kiss me way down deep and wet - don't peek - while you hold me up so i don't faint. You may have to lift me up to your face while i grip your waist with my legs (all naked of course!) Ohhhhhhhhhhh!



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