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When They Were Young


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and didn't he play Steven's lawyer/lover on "Dynasty"?

Well whaddaya know ...

In the March 30, 1983 episode "The Dinner" Steven visits Claudia, who had returned to the sanitarium after another breakdown during his absence. Tensions between Blake and Steven escalate further thanks to Alexis, who manages to keep Steven away from a dinner planned by Krystle to mend fences between father and son. In the third-season finale "The Cabin," Blake learns that Steven is living with his attorney, Chris Deegan (Grant Goodeve). Suspecting that the men are more than friends, Blake decides to sue Steven for custody of Danny.


When Steven learns of his father's plans, he and Blake come to blows. Chris represents Steven at the custody trial. Blake argues that a homosexual cannot be a good parent, while Steven argues that Blake, as a convicted murderer, is worse. Alexis testifies that Blake paid off Sammy Jo to leave the baby in Denver; while Sammy Jo testifies that Steven is promiscuous. Claudia, who has recently been released from a sanitarium, tells Steven that she has a plan to win the custody trial. Steven and Claudia fly to Reno and are married. In episode 67, "Tender Comrades," they are awarded custody of Danny. In episode 72, Steven and Blake reconcile and by episode 74 Steven and Claudia have moved back into the mansion.

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Robert Montgomery (1904-1981) was an actor, two-time president of the Screen Actors Guild and the father of Elizabeth Montgomery ("Bewitched"). In the 1950s, he took an unpaid position as a consultant and coach to President Eisenhower, advising him on how to look his best in his television appearances. This photograph of Montgomery at age 26 (1930) was taken by George Hurrell:



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Ty Hardin (1930-2017), born Orison Whipple Hungerford Jr., was an actor best known as the star of the 1958-62 TV Western, Bronco. He married eight times and had 10 children. In these images from the 1962 film The Chapman Report, he is 32:







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Louis Jourdan (1921-2015) was a French film and television actor, "the epitome of Continental suave," known for his roles in several Hollywood films, including The Paradine Case (his first American movie, 1947), Gigi (1958) and The Best of Everything (1959). He studied acting at the École Dramatique and, while there, began acting on the professional stage. In 1939, director Marc Allegret cast Jourdan (age 18) in what should have been his first movie, Le Corsaire, opposite Charles Boyer, but filming was interrupted by the Second World War and never resumed. Here, in 1939 at 18:




After retiring from acting in 1992, Jourdan lived in Los Angeles with his childhood sweetheart, Berthe, to whom he was married for 68 years until her death the year before his. Their only child, a son, died of a drug overdose at 29. Jourdan died at home in Beverly Hills at age 93.







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Louis Jourdan (1921-2015) was a French film and television actor, "the epitome of Continental suave," known for his roles in several Hollywood films, including The Paradine Case (his first American movie, 1947), Gigi (1958) and The Best of Everything (1959). He studied acting at the École Dramatique and, while there, began acting on the professional stage. In 1939, director Marc Allegret cast Jourdan (age 18) in what should have been his first movie, Le Corsaire, opposite Charles Boyer, but filming was interrupted by the Second World War and never resumed. Here, in 1939 at 18:


52-louis-jourdan-theredlist.jpg . . . .


My God! He was gorgeous.

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I saw Louis Jourdan in the Boston try-out of the musical "On a Clear Day You Can See Forever" in late summer 1965. Not sure why he was replaced before the show opened in New York. He was very good and so was Barbara Harris.


A Good Memory.

Don't get me started on Barbara Harris. She was always amazing in her stage roles, both musical and straight. Though she was in a number of films, her roles were mainly character roles, with other bigger name film stars taking her stage lead roles such as Streisand in 'On a Clear Day'. She did get an Academy Award nomination for best supporting actress in "Who Is Harry Kellerman and Why Is He Saying Those Terrible Things About Me?" (1971) She also won the Tony Award for best actress in a musical for "The Apple Tree" (1967)


TruHart1 :cool:

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Barbara was more talented than Merman but was not a fit for Rodgers and Hammerstein revivals. It was unlikely Sondheim would have written a musical for her or Jerry Herman. Too bad because she was truly unique.


Added later: I did see Ethel Merman in "Gypsy" twice. She was and still is Broadway's greatest musical star.

Edited by WilliamM
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José Sarria (1922–2013) was an American political activist who, in 1961, became the first openly gay candidate for public office in the United States, running for a seat on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. His candidacy was prompted by an intense period of police pressure and harassment against the gay community following the 1959 San Francisco mayoral election, in which supposed "leniency" by the city government toward homosexuals became an issue. Sarria never expected to win, but garnered some 6,000 votes in the citywide race, finishing ninth, and establishing the idea that a gay voting bloc could wield real power in city politics. In the photograph below, in his Army uniform during WWII, he is in his early 20s. (Following the attack on Pearl Harbor, he was determined to enlist in the military despite being slightly less than five feet tall and failing to meet the Army's height requirement.)



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José Sarria (1922–2013) was an American political activist who, in 1961, became the first openly gay candidate for public office in the United States, running for a seat on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.


Otherwise known as "The Widow Norton". Eventually became a drag entertainer; if you've ever watched the wonderful documentary "Word is Out", the segment with George Mendenhall (if I remember correctly) talks about the impact of shows, especially closing them with insisting that the audience sing along with "God Bless us Nelly Queens".


Saria organized yearly pilgrimages to the grave site of the Emperor Norton, and rented city buses to do so (at his expenses).


He recounted how he found a loophoole in the San Francisco laws prohibiting city busses from leaving the city limits, *unless it was to inspect city property*, and he had the gravesite declared city property, or at least I heard him so say on one of those bus trips, as a member of the San Francisco Gay Freedom Marching Band & Twirling Corps, which Saria had persuaded to liven up the proceedings (even more).

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Otherwise known as "The Widow Norton"...


Eventually [sarria] became a drag entertainer ...

Not just "eventually" ...


"Before his groundbreaking campaign, Mr. Sarria was known for his drag performances at the Black Cat on Montgomery Street, which helped make the spot one of the country’s most famous gay bars before it closed in 1964. In the 1950s, police routinely arrested patrons of gay bars under California’s anti-sodomy laws, but Mr. Sarria would often lead the Black Cat crowd outside to serenade the county jail across the street."

(Source: https://imperialpalace4queens.wordpress.com/2013/08/21/her-royal-majesty-empress-1-jose-sarria-the-widow/)


http://www.josken.net/jose4.jpg http://www.foundsf.org/images/1/13/Gay1%24black-cat-cafe%24black-cat_itm%24black-cat.jpg



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Arthur Laurents (1917-2011) was a playwright, stage director and screenwriter who wrote the books for the musicals West Side Story and Gypsy, and the screenplays for Rope, Anastasia and The Way We Were. Tom Hatcher (1929-2006) was an aspiring actor managing a men's clothing store in Beverly Hills when Gore Vidal suggested the two meet. They were together for 52 years until Hatcher's death. Here, Hatcher is on the left, Laurents on the right:



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Kenneth Sprague (born 1945, now 72) is an American bodybuilder, businessman, author and school teacher. He bought the original Gold's Gym in late 1971, owned and managed it until 1979 and was the first owner of Gold's to sponsor and hold bodybuilding competitions.


Born in Ohio, with a passion for sports since childhood, he won the Mr. Cincinnati bodybuilding title in 1967. While studying at the University of Cincinnati, Sprague was encouraged by a friend to try modeling, which led him to COLT, then based in NYC. He posed nude for several gay publications, before being asked to travel to California, where he performed in hardcore gay films under the name Dakota. His instant popularity brought him enough money and contacts to establish his own independent film studio and to purchase Gold's, which he built into a household name.


After selling Gold's, he wrote and published several books about bodybuilding, and worked as a teacher of mathematics and science. A father of three, he and his third wife, to whom he has been married for 40 years, moved to Georgia in 1999, where he worked as a teacher at Marietta High School until his retirement in 2010.












With Schwarzenegger at Gold's Gym, 1975:




Edited by Moondance
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1972 Advocate ad for some theater on Santa Monica.....looks like 8163 SM Blvd???......






I guess he was also doing straight films as well (unless Frieda 'Alice' was a tranny).


. . . . With Schwarzenegger at Gold's Gym, 1975:



I wonder if Arnold got his cut of the Gold?

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Isamu Noguchi (1904 – 1988), born in Los Angeles, was a Japanese American artist, designer, landscape architect and craftsman. Known for his sculpture and public works, he also designed sets for Martha Graham, and, in 1947, began a collaboration with the Herman Miller company, joining with George Nelson, Paul László and Charles Eames to produce a catalog containing what is often considered the most influential body of modern furniture ever produced, including the iconic Noguchi table* which remains in production today.




Here, circa 1929, in his mid-20s, in a pastel portrait by Winold Reiss:



Isamu Noguchi at Versailles:



* The Noguchi table: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noguchi_table:



The Noguchi Museum was designed and created by the American sculptor Isamu Noguchi. The 24,000 square foot museum is located in Long Island City, NY. Website: http://noguchi.org/

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Isamu Noguchi (1904 – 1988), born in Los Angeles, was a Japanese American artist, designer, landscape architect and craftsman. Known for his sculpture and public works, he also designed sets for Martha Graham, and, in 1947, began a collaboration with the Herman Miller company, joining with George Nelson, Paul László and Charles Eames to produce a catalog containing what is often considered the most influential body of modern furniture ever produced, including the iconic Noguchi table* which remains in production today.




Here, circa 1929, in his mid-20s, in a pastel portrait by Winold Reiss:

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Rp_lIzDnFPg/VSaweFq4yaI/AAAAAAAALLI/vH5bJxAC-9A/s1600/noguchi%2B2%2Bsized.png . . . .


Wow, that is some handsome man. It is rare when a photo of you shows you as better looking than a painted portrait.

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Conrad Veidt (1893-1943) was the German actor who, later in his life, played Major Strasser in Casablanca (1942).


http://78.media.tumblr.com/60fd616894deed31caa6294da9c9bcc3/tumblr_n5msf3f61B1r500f1o1_500.jpg http://68.media.tumblr.com/acd75004c3dcdcb2538297ebae44b1de/tumblr_nm3uaq4Bgm1qbnleeo1_r1_500.jpg


From 1916 until his death at age 50 the year after Casablanca, he appeared in more than 100 films. One of the important early ones, a classic now, is The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari (1920), in which he portrayed the somnambulist Cesare.


A year before that, in 1919, he starred as Paul Körner, one of the first gay characters in cinema history, in the groundbreaking Anders als die Andern (in English, Different from the Others). Co-written by Magnus Hirschfeld (physician, sexologist and outspoken advocate for sexual minorities), the film presented homosexuality as something that is as normal and natural as heterosexuality. Long believed to be lost, an incomplete print of the film was discovered in Ukraine in 1976.*

Veidt, on the left, in Anders als die Andern, at age 26 (1919):



By 1933, when Joseph Goebbels was purging the German film industry of anti-Nazi sympathizers and Jews, Veidt and his wife left Germany for Britain.


Goebbels had imposed a questionnaire requiring everyone in the German film industry to declare his race to continue to work. Veidt answered the question about his Rasse (race) by writing that he was a Jude (Jew). He was not, but his wife was Jewish, and Veidt, disgusted by anti-Semitism, wanted to show solidarity with Jews who were being stripped of their rights as German citizens.


As one of his country's most popular actors, Veidt was told that if he divorced his wife and declared his support for the new regime, he could continue to act in Germany. Several other leading actors who had opposed the Nazis before 1933 switched allegiances. But by declaring himself a Jew in response to the Goebbels questionnaire, Veidt rendered himself unemployable in Germany.


In Britain, he perfected his English, worked in films in which he spoke both English and French, and became a British citizen in 1938.


By 1941, Veidt and his wife had moved to Hollywood to assist the British effort in making American films that would persuade the then-neutral and still isolationist U.S. to join the war against the Nazis. Before leaving the U.K., Veidt gave his life savings to the British government to help finance the war effort.


Realizing that Hollywood would most likely typecast him in Nazi roles, he had his contract mandate that they must always be villains.



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Christy Mathewson (1880-1925), was a right-handed Major League Baseball pitcher who played 17 seasons for the New York Giants. Among the most dominant pitchers in baseball history, Mathewson began playing semi-pro baseball at age 14. He led the Giants to victory in the 1905 World Series by pitching three shutouts. One of the first five members elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame, Mathewson served in the U.S. Army's Chemical Warfare Service during WWI. Accidentally exposed to chemical weapons that weakened his respiratory system, he contracted tuberculosis and died from it in 1925 at age 45. Here, at age 26 (1904):




Mathewson_in_NY_uniform.jpg th?id=OIP.wDvQhr1bBc-tAVtX4QK25wHaJh&pid=Api


Here at age 30 (1910):


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