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Asking a Client for a Review?

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Hey guys,


I'm fairly new at escorting. I've been doing it since the end of June, so a little less than two months now. It's been an incredible experience so far, and I've enjoyed meeting every single one of my clients. I've received quite a bit of positive feedback from them as well. One client gave me a warm review on RentMen.com. I have a few repeat clients as well that I'm developing a good relationship with. I've yet to get any reviews here, though. My sense is that if I continue doing what I'm doing the reviews will come naturally. Is that how it normally happens or do those with multiple reviews on this site ask clients to post them? I honestly don't feel entirely comfortable asking for a positive review the way it would be inappropriate to ask for a tip. Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.




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I usually ask someone I've met if they would like for me to write a review or not under the assumption some may want to keep a low profile.

On a handful of occasions I've been asked if I would mind submitting a review and I don't mind being asked at all. You could say something like "If you feel comfortable writing a review I would really appreciate it - it would help me in getting started" (followed by a warm hug :) ). Considering what has likely just transpired that doesn't seem overly familiar or imposing at all.


(On one occasion I was asked but didn't - I don't think he would have liked what I would have said.)

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If your business is developing well, I wouldn't be too concerned about reviews here, they will come in good time. If your clients are not aware of Daddy's site asking them to post a review would seem a bit odd, but if they are aware, not so much. The fact that you are chatting in here will raise your profile with this audience, hopefully gaining clients, and clients more likely to write reviews here.

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I agree with Mike. I think your business will develop with clients that eventually will start writing reviews. Personally if I have a good time, I will always offer to write a review. Not all escorts want reviews written, but I always offer. In your situation, given the fact that you want more reviews, I don't see the harm in asking, provided that you are sure that the client had a good time and is willing to do so. I think you will be able to tell if there is that connection. There have been occasions when escorts will be up front and have asked me immediately if I would write them a positive review, I just don't have a problem with that. Good Luck...

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If I enjoy someone's company....more than one time I will ask if they would like a review...a good positive review...Over the years I have written quite a few very positive reviews and hope that they were helpful...

I have had 2 guys pester me to write reviews...and to have them read the review before posting....That would never happen....I believe in truth...justice and The American way...Good reviews will come naturally if your clients really appreciate your time and efforts....I wish you lots of good luck and great clients...You are just my type too..So I will see you after Labor Day!

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Hey guys,


I'm fairly new at escorting. I've been doing it since the end of June, so a little less than two months now. It's been an incredible experience so far, and I've enjoyed meeting every single one of my clients. I've received quite a bit of positive feedback from them as well. One client gave me a warm review on RentMen.com. I have a few repeat clients as well that I'm developing a good relationship with. I've yet to get any reviews here, though. My sense is that if I continue doing what I'm doing the reviews will come naturally. Is that how it normally happens or do those with multiple reviews on this site ask clients to post them? I honestly don't feel entirely comfortable asking for a positive review the way it would be inappropriate to ask for a tip. Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.





I think that some guys are pretty assertive in asking for reviews, because sometimes you see a new escort accumulate reviews pretty quickly. Other times, the reviews are slow in coming. I have reviewed guys on my own initiative, but normally don't because I'm a little bit private. I post reviews whenever asked to though.

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Hey Junior,


Happy to hear that you are having a good run, enjoying your clients and growing your practice. If you continue to mindfully do your job, be present, have fun and learn to negotiate and assert your boundaries you will have a long, prosperous career.


There are two school of thoughts about this subject.


I personally subscribe to the "love what you do, have a riot, be on time and clean, make sure you are healthy physically and emotionally so that you can bring your top game to your sessions" mentality. If a client asks if you would like a review, let him know you would appreciate it. I believe that reviews are like compliments, if you are asking for them you will never know which ones are true and which ones were prompted. You will never know how well you are doing, and your prospective clients will have a skewed, imprecise idea of who you are. It has worked well for me, even if Canadians are way too private and they feel the reviewing process is a little odd. I can't complaint about the number and quality of reviews I have received.


The other school of thought about this is "you're a product, push it, sell it, be aggressive, try to get as many accolades as you can, try to create "friendships" with people in high places who can push your career further, pester people with emails asking them to hire you, review you, recommend you, asking them to speak about you in public forums, the more the better." mentality. I personally think this works well with a product, but it's not an adequate way to promote an intimate, personal service. This in the end tends to be detrimental to your reputation because you are so aggressive and obvious when trying to garner attention that people start seeing through your numerous endorsements.


Great escorts, beloved by almost everyone who has met them like Tristan Baldwin or David SF have amassed around a hundred positive reviews over years and years of work. There have been cases of escorts who out of the blue, in less than a year have reached the hundred review mark, even if two thirds of their reviews are written by first time reviewers in strangely similar tone.


This being a very private, intimate service, you cannot really control the way you are perceived by others. What you really can control is the kind of experience you provide for every single one of your customers. Sometimes they will review you, but what is much more important, they will come back for more for years to come.


That's what -in my opinion- you should focus on.


I wish you a deliciously successful, super fun, exciting and rewarding career!

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I generally don't write reviews, and asking me usually doesn't change that. Continually asking is a turnoff, and chances are I would never hire that particular person again.


That being said, the only site I continually submit reviews to is for hotels on TripAdvisor.

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Thanks, guys! This is some really great advice! After giving it some thought, I'm going to opt not to ask for reviews and let them come naturally.


Overall, reading through this forum has been very eye opening, but also incredibly reaffirming. I really feel like I'm doing things right. I've always been an overachiever and have excelled at most things I put my heart into--it's the same with this.


Thanks again, guys! Much appreciated!

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Thanks, guys! This is some really great advice! After giving it some thought, I'm going to opt not to ask for reviews and let them come naturally.


Overall, reading through this forum has been very eye opening, but also incredibly reaffirming. I really feel like I'm doing things right. I've always been an overachiever and have excelled at most things I put my heart into--it's the same with this.


Thanks again, guys! Much appreciated!


It does sound as if you are well on your way to becoming an excellent escort, Junior! As a client, if I have a wonderful first time escort experience, good enough that I know I will want to hire someone again, I will always ask them if they are comfortable with me writing a good review of our time together. Only a few have said they don't care one way or another. No one has ever asked me NOT to submit a review (so far!)


All the advice and opinions posted above are great! Good luck and feel free to keep us on the forum (both escorts and clients) up to date on your career experiences!


TruHart1 :cool:

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I enjoy writing good reviews for escorts whom I have seen a number of time. And, on occasion, a second follow-up review a year later, if I am still seeing the guy. Only twice have I written reviews on escorts who I have seen for the first time -- in both cases they were extraordinary and wanted more peeople to know about them -- Kristian LA is one example, although that was during Hooboy time (and Kristian lived in TX then).


I learned about this site 15 years ago from a very good escort. In all that time, I have resisted writing a review for escorts who ask for them. To me, it borders on the unacceptable (agree with what Juan Vancover wrote above).

For the record, I appreciate what JuniorNYC has written and would probably make an exception for him -- he came here and asked a direct question. I like that..a lot.

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Junior there is a middle ground between the natural progression accumulation of reviews which is slow and earned and the type of review accumulation which resembles a Ron Popeil infomercial. As nice way to approach it, is to ask the client if they are familiar with Daddy's reviews and if not to suggest they peek in. You are not asking them directly to review you, but you are opening a door for a review which might not otherwise be opened. You seem like a grounded young man and I intend to check out your ad. The hot as fuck comment here did not hurt either. Good luck and good loving.


Nice ad but did not see any wiggle room on the top so we are unfortunately not a match. Would still have loved an ass picture in the ad even though that is not you preference, plenty of bottoms love a muscular ass and might enjoy seeing the engine that drives the piston.

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Juan's assessment is spot on. But DAYUM, he let us have it honey. However, I have a different perspective on asking for reviews. I don't really feel it's like asking for a compliment, which is where I disagree slightly. Why? I'll explain...


If a client is complimentive during the session, you already got the compliment. When I ask for reviews, it's simply asking them to put it on paper. I'm one of the guys who's reviews come in slowly. But, as we know it, there aren't a ton of men of color escorts who have a book of reviews...but I've come to realize it's nothing personal.


So, with that said...some people do good to ask for reviews. I'd say about half of my dozen or so reviews were asked for. And I wouldn't even say "asked". More like, "presented". And I don't ask every client. I can very often sense if I should ask for a review or not. If I spend a lot of time with a client where it's like a relationship, I won't ask them. It just feels too predictable. If the client is very new to escorts/men, I also won't ask. They're probably not comfortable with the world knowing of their indiscretions.


But if someone is still thanking me half-way out the door, then I'll send a link for them to write a review. Most times it works...but truth be told, I only start asking when I'm noticing a gap of time between reviews. I personally feel reviews are like love letters, and if regular recommendations didnt just verify and differentiate the reals from the fakers and scammers, and help clients feel comfortable that other people have good experiences. I'd never ask for them.


Bad reviews are hard on the soul. But even though we're not products, every business/hotel/product gets one eventually. I FINALLY got a bad review removed from one site after 3 years. I think every site should allow a bad review to be removed after a predetermined amount of time, especially if good reviews followed. In my case, a new owner took over and granted my request.

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I love writing reviews, although I don't write many. All of them have been positive. My bad experiences with escorts have always involved either a personality dissonance or a discovery that, despite careful views of their profiles and pictures, escorts sometimes just don't work out too well. By that I mean that they deliver what they promise, but we just turn out to be not a great match. I would not write a negative review based on either of these factors. They are my own issues, not the escorts'. I wish them well and move on. And, these experiences have been few. I have been asked for reviews and have happily complied. A few times I have sensed that the escort is plying his service quietly, and might not want a review, and I have not written one. I don't mind being asked. The point is, if escorts are happy and successful, it will result in happier times with them. I like to try to be on the best side of that equation.

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Bad reviews are hard on the soul. But even though we're not products, every business/hotel/product gets one eventually. I FINALLY got a bad review removed from one site after 3 years. I think every site should allow a bad review to be removed after a predetermined amount of time, especially if good reviews followed. In my case, a new owner took over and granted my request.

From the client's perspective, do you think the bad review was justified?

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From the client's perspective, do you think the bad review was justified?


With that in mind should good reviews be pulled too?...If all reviews are properly vetted with diligence then let them stay as if they were just written...Truth never expires....If you believe the bad review was false that challenge should happen right off....

I have read some very glowing reviews that are just laughable from day one...but never challenged...and some lousy one too...The gravitas is up to the owner/editor to get them right and have no bias..that happens most times..but not all times....I know for a fact that a few sites have favorites and their reviews are cherry picked..I won't name them....but we all know which sites we trust..

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I take reviews with a grain of salt, they are just one piece of the puzzle. However, when the number of reviews appears excessive, say 50+ or even 100+, regardless over what time period, I find that a bit of red flag. It looks and feels like a car with 100,000 miles on the odometer! My preference is to work with newer, up and coming talent.


I have never written a formal review, nor have I been asked to do so by an escort. I do express some opinions and recommendations on this board and on the muscleservice.com website. Sometimes I make more candid remarks in a PM with fellow board members when I receive a private inquiry about a specific escort or masseur. Over time, I have built up a small network of contacts with other clients, some of whom I have actually met, and we compare notes among ourselves. I find that works much better than relying on the public reviews.

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... I love writing reviews, although I don't write many. All of them have been positive. My bad experiences with escorts have always involved either a personality dissonance or a discovery that, despite careful views of their profiles and pictures, escorts sometimes just don't work out too well. By that I mean that they deliver what they promise, but we just turn out to be not a great match. I would not write a negative review based on either of these factors. They are my own issues, not the escorts'. I wish them well and move on. And, these experiences have been few....


I'm glad to see someone else feels this way - likewise I have refrained from posting a negative review in cases where there just wasn't any chemistry due to the fault of neither of us. If someone posts a board query "has anyone had experience with Person X" I don't mind sharing via private message that I had a "Blah" experience but am certain to include the context.


I mention this because I have a sense that there is a school of thought that every experience, good or bad, should be manifested in a formal review and I'm not sure that "mediocre - would not hire again" is fair. Am I imagining this? Anyone thing every encounter should be reviewed?

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I mention this because I have a sense that there is a school of thought that every experience, good or bad, should be manifested in a formal review....Anyone (think) every encounter should be reviewed?


No - not every encounter should be reviewed.


I have only written a few reviews. Only one is posted on Daddy’s. Others, under different names, are posted on various escort and massage sites. They are all positive reviews. It takes two to develop chemistry. Thus, I would probably not write a negative review unless I felt fraud or danger to others might be involved.


I have also responded, via PM, to various provider inquiry threads on this site.


But not all providers even want a review. And I will respect that.


In some cases they have concerns about the “visibility” of a Daddy’s review. They would prefer not to have such a “permanent” record on file. In most of these situations the provider has another job(s) outside escorting or massage.


A few times the provider has initiated the subject of submitting review. That is typically a turn-off to me. I will choose if I want to make the offer to submit a review. I will seek their input on where they would prefer a review to be posted. I maintain full authorship.


Just my personal methodology but my reviews are not based on a first meeting. If, and I repeat if, I write a review it will because the escort/masseur has repeated memorable performance worthy of arranging subsequent session(s).

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I'm glad to see someone else feels this way - likewise I have refrained from posting a negative review in cases where there just wasn't any chemistry due to the fault of neither of us. If someone posts a board query "has anyone had experience with Person X" I don't mind sharing via private message that I had a "Blah" experience but am certain to include the context.


I mention this because I have a sense that there is a school of thought that every experience, good or bad, should be manifested in a formal review and I'm not sure that "mediocre - would not hire again" is fair. Am I imagining this? Anyone thing every encounter should be reviewed?


It’s not realistic to think that every encounter will be (or should be) reviewed. But it seems to me when the site first began, most of the reviews were written to inform clients of the good, bad and mediocre. Now, there seems to be a lot more reviews that have evolved into little more than promoting a favorite escort.

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Hey guys,


I'm fairly new at escorting. I've been doing it since the end of June, so a little less than two months now. It's been an incredible experience so far, and I've enjoyed meeting every single one of my clients. I've received quite a bit of positive feedback from them as well. One client gave me a warm review on RentMen.com. I have a few repeat clients as well that I'm developing a good relationship with. I've yet to get any reviews here, though. My sense is that if I continue doing what I'm doing the reviews will come naturally. Is that how it normally happens or do those with multiple reviews on this site ask clients to post them? I honestly don't feel entirely comfortable asking for a positive review the way it would be inappropriate to ask for a tip. Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.





If we lived near one another, I'd be happy to schedule a session and conduct an "interview". :cool:

You reeled me in with all that "amazing" kisser talk in your ads. ;)

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