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"Off Duty" Escort Hookups

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Thanks again to everyone who has commented in this thread. When I made the original post, the experience was less than 24 hours old, and my head was still spinning; I was having trouble processing the whole thing.


I can now see this as a great adventure, with a few lessons learned. For me, this thread exemplifies how great this forum is, and an excellent little anonymous community we have here.

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I’ve had a similar hustle pulled on me before. Not once, but twice. The first time was a hustler in Montreal. The second time by a Florida-based escort with well over 50 positive reviews. Had I found myself in your situation, would I have seen this coming? I don’t know. I’d like to think I’m older and wiser, but I may just be older.

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Guest Starbuck
I’ve had a similar hustle pulled on me before. Not once, but twice. The first time was a hustler in Montreal. The second time by a Florida-based escort with well over 50 positive reviews. Had I found myself in your situation, would I have seen this coming? I don’t know. I’d like to think I’m older and wiser, but I may just be older.


Miami, that was a good post. We all like to think that age and experience keep us from getting conned--and they do help--but as long as we let ourselves be open to others on a trusting human level, we're vulnerable. And when I think about that, it seems to me that there are worse things than vulnerability. If we are always wary of one another, always suspicious or skeptical or on guard, too afraid to risk being hurt, what else can't we feel?

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I didn't get a chance to post on this thread earlier, although I followed it with interest. I agree with MiamiLooker: you were hustled or tricked. Whether guys #2 and #3 showed up intending to hustle you (probably the more likely scenario, given #2 inviting #3 along; it could also have motivated his friendliness) or made the decision to do so later on is unclear, but they may have thought your text left enough wiggle room and your inebriation and horniness would enable them to score some money at what all admit us a very nice rate -- if you'd agreed to hire. But how could you without knowing the rate? Their reasoning -- that you should have known -- is too bogus for words. It's like saying "oops, my dick slipped in -- my bad!" in the context of consent to sex, as opposed to hiring.


But it's also true that this area is fraught with pitfalls, and it may be more simply to always assume it's a hiring situation unless the escort expressly says it's not. Bravo for sticking to your guns and not caving! I think the $100 "cabfare" was a sensible compromise.


Also, I don't think Gar1eth was too harsh in his assessment that these men weren't your friends. Perhaps that should guide you with respect to future contact and interaction.

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When I made the original post, the experience was less than 24 hours old, and my head was still spinning; I was having trouble processing the whole thing.

I'm with you there. I'm king of hindsight - days after something upsetting happens, I know EXACTLY how I should have handled it. Right at the moment? Nah.

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So, my question for everyone, but especially escorts, is this: since I knew these guys were escorts, was I wrong to believe that they were just horny and looking for fun? Or, were they wrong to assume that I was hiring them even though we had never explicitly discussed it, or discussed rates?


I'll answer this from the perspective of 2 therapists: 1) me, fake therapist, 2) Tiger Devore, my ex-therapist


1) Yes, and yes.


You were wrong, because at best you tolerated ambiguity, and at worst you promoted it. I say that based on a number of things you say in the thread, but I'll pull out one specific phrase, which I assume is the actual language from the text: If you're hoping that tonight will go a certain way, let's talk about it now. That can be interpreted a lot of ways, as people responding to your question have made clear. Sounds like the escorts interpreted it as meaning: after you're drunk, we'll have sex, and then we'll talk about the fact that you should pay us $400.

They were wrong, for the same reason. If they expected to be paid $400 to have sex with you, they should have said that upfront. Again, assuming you are telling it as it happened, and it sounds like you are, the fact that they said, "You should pay us $400" implies they knew this, and they were relying on either guilt or gratitude or both, as opposed to a verbal agreement, to get money out of you.


Either way, I think you should conclude that this wasn't about a "budding friendship," it was about a bulging wallet.


2) For several years in SF my therapist was Tiger Devore, a psychologist who counselled a lot of sex workers. I had a similar situation, and I'll tell you what happened and what he said.


A client paid me for several days of my time (and more) in San Francisco. We both seemed to have a great time, and he said he'd like to get together again, and may also have said (honestly, I don't recall) that if I ever needed a place to stay if I traveled to the city he lived in, I could stay with him. At some future point, I was traveling to the city he lived in, and I contacted him (client # 1) and suggested we get together "off the clock." I also had various appointments (for pay) with other clients during this trip. The day I arrived, I was surprised to find out that he lived in a one bedroom apartment, with one bed, which I think he made clear in some way we were going to be sharing. We spent the afternoon together, until I had to leave for an evening call with a client (client # 2) that always hired me for a few hours. I told client #1 I expected to be back by a certain time, and if I was going to be late, I'd call. To my surprise, client #2 wanted to extend the appointment to an overnight, and offered to pay me more money to stay. I told him I couldn't, because I was staying with a "friend" who expected me back at his place. I went back to client #1's place, we stayed up for a while bullshitting, then went to bed, at which point he started to do things that made it clear he expected to have sex with me. I freaked out and said I thought we'd agreed I was staying with him "off the clock." He said he knew that, and he thought "off the clock" meant we would have sex, he just wouldn't be paying for it. That basically ended the party. I left the next day and have never seen or been in contact with the client again. One footnote is that I subsequently learned the client had a similar "misunderstanding" with another escort. In honestly I don't remember the details, but basically the other escort was emphatic. He viewed this client as a menace and never wanted to have anything to do with him again.


Tiger was my coach to go over exactly this kind of stuff with, and when I asked for his advice I am pretty sure I described all this in a tone of righteous indignation. From my perspective, I'd made it clear that this was time "off the clock" upfront, and I'd even given up an opportunity to make more money in order to get back to the other client's place when I said I would. Tiger basically ripped me a new asshole. His main point was one he kept pointing out to me time after time: most people are not clairvoyant, so the only way they are going to know what is going on in my mind is if I state it, in as explicit and detailed a manner as possible, with as little room for ambiguity as possible. He was right, which is why I said above I think you and the escorts were both wrong. I should have told the client that "off the clock" meant "no sex," but I didn't. The reason I brought up the point about the other escort is that I also feel like both the client and I had hidden agendas. I can't say for sure, but my conclusion, fair or not, is that he had a pattern of manipulating exactly this kind of ambiguity. I decided I was also manipulative, because my agenda was at least in part I was looking to get a free place to crash to save money on a hotel room.


I've never repeated this mistake. This misadventure took place over a decade ago. Since then, the kind of "off the clock" understandings I've developed with clients can best be characterized this way: "the sky's the limit." In order to work, and not leave anybody feeling burnt, I think what's important is that they are made upfront, mutually, and explicitly, with as little room for misunderstanding as possible.


The final thing I'd add is that as a rule of thumb, if you have to wonder whether your relationship with an escort includes a "budding friendship," it doesn't. Friendships take time, and every client I know who has become friends with "work associates" in their own line of work has confirmed this to me. That also provides a huge fallback, because if you are friends, even if there is a misunderstanding, which there have been a few times, you have a safety net of trust to fall back on.

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I've been following this thread from the get-go, and find my thoughts diverging from clients and escorts both. So here's my take.... IF I were Escort #2, before even reading your Saturday text, what do I know for certain? 1) I had a great, platonic time with you and my friend Friday night. 2) You hired my friend Thursday night, and you paid him for his services. 3) It's Saturday night, and now you're looking for some alone-time with ME. I've just received this text from you:

I respect your work, and I don't want to play games.

If you're hoping that tonight will go a certain way, let's talk about it now. Otherwise, I'm assuming that we're getting together to pass some fun time with good company, and I'm happy to buy a bunch of drinks.

First off, you mention my work. This leads me to confirm in my mind this is a work-related call, just like my friend and you last Thursday. You respect my work and dont wanna play games? Great! We're getting down to brass tacts now, you want to talk business.... If I'm hoping things will go a "certain way" we should talk about it? I'm getting a little confused. What way? Are we negotiating sexual expectations now? Talk about what exactly? YOU brought it up. YOU haven't expounded on it, so unless I say otherwise, I guess we're both assuming a fun, laid-back, spontaneous scene? I guess that's it, tho it's a little murky around the edges. Otherwise, you "assume" we're getting together to have a "fun time" with good company, and have some drinks.... He must be one of those guys who uses euphemisms like "fun" or "play" for sex. Or maybe he really DOES want to go out drinking? Or is he embarrassed cause he's hitting me up behind my friend's

back and feels guilty cause... I mean, I know he paid my friend for sex, even tho it was supposed to be a "massage", so I guess he's too shy to come out and just say it.... I'll admit, I'm a little confused i... Maybe I'll bring the bf along for moral support.

"Well yeah sure. If you wanna have sex, that's cool too.. Whatever you like."
To me, that sounds almost like an offer to have sex
for free

I choose to find it very plausible that our connection lead to some sexual attraction. As an example, I'm pretty sure that if I ever manage to hire Juan Vancouver, he'll find me hotter than hell, somehow. :)

Allright then, moving on..... As to Escort 2's quote: in my experience, "Well yeah, sure, and if you wanna have sex, that's cool too, whatever you like", is NOT an offer of free sex. In escort-speak, it's a very polite, (not so gentle) reminder that altho we may (or may not) "just" be having drinks, if this IS the sex hook-up I think it is, but neither of us wants to call it that, I'm a professional sex worker, remember? I KNOW you remember, you reminded me yourself! AND there's the Thursday precedent, so i KNOW you're not some naive babe-in-the-woods........Lastly, I throw in the Juan Vancouver reference bc I think it speaks to a state of mind and points out some contradictions. First off, you say Juan would GENUINELY enjoy having sex with you if you paid him. I dont know Juan, I've never met him, but having read his thoughtful posts I'm certain you are correct! IF, as you say, you paid him. BUT you're certain Escorts 2 and 3 were genuinely enthused to sleep with you without pay? There seems to be a certain "magical thinking" quality running thru both your imagined Juan tryst and the Saturday Night Experience....... For me this isn't about "older vs. young and pretty" but about perception. I was attracted to older men when I was 16, and remain so to this day. I've spent unpaid time with clients i've had on-going connections with, and my clock-watching skills, up to this point, remain negligible. But the escorts' "Well yeah, sure, and it you wanna have sex, that's cool too, whatever you like," has a subtext that's painfully clear to ME. I daresay any ESCORT reading that line would agree. By contrast, my escort POV de-construction of the original text was offered as just one of many "alternate universe" takes of what may have been going on, was fun to write, and offered ideas (as opposed to facts) that I didn't think had yet been considered in this thread...... Having said that, I'm sincerely sorry this turned out the way it did, and I don't mean any disrespect in my analysis. Misunderstandings suck. But I don't think these guys were out to take advantage of you. If they were, since there were 2 of them and 1 of you, and you were sloshed, at the very least they're cerainly not very competent strong-arm men. IF that had been their intent, I imagine the results of the evening would have been far messier.
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Being new to all of this, I haven't had enough interactions to come across the "off the clock" situation. I really can't see myself hiring a guy that I didn't find intellectually, emotionally and conversationally stimulating so, to me "off the clock" means hanging out, talking, getting coffee, etc. whatever we had planned to do on a platonic level. If they spent the night at my place, I surely wouldn't expect sex, but would probably be pleased to no end, if they cuddled with me. :) That being said, I think it's a testament that both people simply enjoy "being" around each other. Good stuff.

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I appreciate your comments, and they give me the perspective that I was hoping for when I made my original post. After all of this discussion, my biggest takeaway is that I should have been more direct in my communication with Guy#2. When I said:

I respect your work, and I don't want to play games. If you're hoping that tonight will go a certain way, let's talk about it now. Otherwise, I'm assuming that we're getting together to pass some fun time with good company, and I'm happy to buy a bunch of drinks.

I was too concerned with keeping the conversation polite, and I didn't want to emphasize that the guy is a whore (excuse me for using the kind of language now that I was trying to avoid). I should have said:

I respect your work, and I don't want to play games. If you're hoping that I'm hiring you tonight, I shouldn't waste your time: I'm not hiring tonight, and I'm not interested in hiring after a night out drinking. Otherwise, I'm assuming that we're getting together as friends, and I'm happy to buy a bunch of drinks.


It's also worth mentioning that there was quite a bit more context, including a lot more text messages, that I didn't include in the original story (it would have been a novel). He definitely knew that I wasn't hitting him up behind his friend's back, because I invited Guy#1 out on Saturday night, also. As an additional point of context, our plans to meet up on Saturday night were never solid... I told him generally where I'd be, but we never agreed to a time.


As far as I'm concerned there are a few things that need to be agreed upon in order for a hire to take place: pricing (which was never discussed), time and duration (which was never discussed), desired activities (which was never discussed). With none of these ingredients, and no word from them that they were "starting the clock," I think I was reasonable to not understand that I was expected to pay.


Further, let me revisit the question of whether the escorts were "genuinely enthused to sleep with you without pay." In my opinion, at the time, since they hadn't mentioned otherwise, it was a reasonable possibility. Do I now believe that was true? No. But, at the time, in the context of the events, I don't think that I was unreasonable to accept that it was possible. I know that escorts do hook up when they're not working. I know that some people are into guys that are considerably older than they are. I felt like we had hit it off, and had some kind of connection. So, I'll definitely accept some responsibility for the misunderstanding, but I don't accept the idea that I "should have known" that they were charging, simply because they were young and hot, and have been known to charge before.


Having said that, I'm sincerely sorry this experience turned out the way it did, and I don't mean any disrespect in my analysis.


Thanks, and I appreciate your analysis, even if it hurts a little.


But I don't think these guys were out to take advantage of you. If they were, since there were 2 of them and 1 of you, and you were sloshed, at the very least they're certainly not very competent strong-arm men. IF that had been their intent, I imagine the ultimate results of the evening would have been far messier.


After nearly a week to think about this, I'm inclined to agree that they didn't intend to take advantage of me. And, contrary to several opinions here, I think that the evening we spent together on Friday was genuinely friendly, without any agenda more nefarious than some free drinks. I ended up with a great adventure and a story to tell, but clearly, with two of them, and one of me, it could have ended up "far messier."

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Guest Starbuck
First off, you mention my work. This leads me to confirm in my mind this is a work-related call...


corndog politely mentioned the young man's work to clarify that the invitation was NOT an offer to hire, but an invitation for a "fun time," "good company" and "drinks" -- essentially THE SAME FUN TIME that was platonically enjoyed the night before, thus establishing a precedent for what corndog intended and expected.


If the young man was only interested in seeing corndog "on the clock," he had an opportunity to say so in advance ...


I respect your work, and I don't want to play games. If you're hoping that tonight will go a certain way, let's talk about it now. Otherwise, I'm assuming that we're getting together to pass some fun time with good company, and I'm happy to buy a bunch of drinks.


No professional arrangement was made and the evening proceeded in the most casual way imaginable -- no time frame for anything, not even a certainty of seeing each other until the young man shows up around midnight with his boyfriend. And I'll just quote Chris Eisenhower about that because, to my mind, he perfectly articulated the bottom line to this whole situation...


...You don't invite your friend along for a free dinner or drinks and then protest about how you were under the impression that it was business and not pleasure. This is really unfortunate because it casts a pall over the whole idea that you can separate business and pleasure and enjoy each other's company over a coffee or some wine post-playtime without a punch card being a white elephant in the room.
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That's the problem with "off the clock". So many ambiguities depending on the escort.

Would I like to hang out with an escort and be platonic friends? yes. I like to live my live vicariously through my friends :p

Would I have images going through my mind of me licking the escort all over while I'm dripping hot fudge all over him? hell yes.

Would I assume we are going to have sack full of monkey angry wet cats in a sack sex? No.

Would I have sex with an escort "off the clock" if he made the first move, erm mer gerd yes!!

Would I make the first move on an "off the clock" escort? No. I am way to shy for that.

Would I want to sleep in the same bed as the escort? are you kidding me? no. Get away your body heat is roasting me alive. I need my personal space raaaawwrrr :p

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corndog politely mentioned the young man's work to clarify that the invitation was NOT an offer to hire, but an invitation for a "fun time," "good company" and "drinks" -- essentially THE SAME FUN TIME that was platonically enjoyed the night before, thus establishing a precedent for what corndog intended and expected.


If the young man was only interested in seeing corndog "on the clock," he had an opportunity to say so in advance ...




No professional arrangement was made and the evening proceeded in the most casual way imaginable -- no time frame for anything, not even a certainty of seeing each other until the young man shows up around midnight with his boyfriend. And I'll just quote Chris Eisenhower about that because, to my mind, he perfectly articulated the bottom line to this whole situation...

I have had social evenings with escorts "off the clock". Usually they have extended the relationship beyond the client escort realm first. After a session at the escorts home, I have asked: I am going to grab a bite to eat, if you wish to join me, dinner is on me. It has always been clear in my mind that I am asking them if they would like dinner and that this is not a hired service. There has never been any repercussion from this. No one has ever asked for money. However, I am thinking I need to be blunter in these invitations in the future. It does seem there there is not a more polite way to say: I am going for dinner now. If you would like to join me, I will pay for dinner, but this is not a professional interaction, so I will not be paying for your time. I guess this is preferable to Mr Kesslar's situation of looking for a free room and getting offended when the client tries to make free come with a price.

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To me, all of this expects too much of the client/escort relationship. One of the great advantages of the client/escort relationship is that it is self-limiting - you enjoy him, you pay him and you forget about each other. But, I suppose, if your agenda includes something other than a few great hours with the man of your choice, that is also one of its biggest disadvantages. It seems that the misunderstanding came about as a result of expecting too much of the client/escort relationship.

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Guest Starbuck
To me, all of this expects too much of the client/escort relationship. One of the great advantages of the client/escort relationship is that it is self-limiting - you enjoy him, you pay him and you forget about each other. But, I suppose, if your agenda includes something other than a few great hours with the man of your choice, that is also one of its biggest disadvantages. It seems that the misunderstanding came about as a result of expecting too much of the client/escort relationship.


This, to me, is a reasonable notion, a possiblity of something that might happen ... but it didn't happen in this particular circumstance because corndog was never a client of the escort. He'd met him, socialized with him, liked him and knew the young man worked as an escort, but he never made a decision to engage his services as such.

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This, to me, is a reasonable notion, a possiblity of something that might happen ... but it didn't happen in this particular circumstance because corndog was never a client of the escort. He'd met him, socialized with him, liked him and knew the young man worked as an escort, but he never made a decision to engage his services as such.


I think it would be more likely to get unpaid time with an escort that you were meeting for the first time. Someone you knew and had been paying wouldn't have wanted to upset the established course of dealing. Somebody brand new might actually have been out for the night and off the clock. Steven really nailed it in pointing out all the ambiguity of the scenario, and the fact that neither party acted to resolve it, each possibly hoping it could work to his favor. I wouldn't want to have to resolve it and so would avoid situations where it could come up. I have avoided socializing with escorts beyond hiring them and it keeps things simple. I did have breakfast not long ago with an escort. It was not on the clock and I treated. It was thoroughly enjoyable and started me thinking that I might allow the boundaries for the escort/client relationship to expand a little.

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I did have breakfast not long ago with an escort. It was not on the clock and I treated. It was thoroughly enjoyable and started me thinking that I might allow the boundaries for the escort/client relationship to expand a little.


Here's another anecdote that comes from way out in left field but I think is interesting in the context of how we view this formula of time + money = fun sex with escort.


Years ago a client asked me to meet him in a hotel lobby, have a drink, and then go to his room. I assumed he wanted to first check out the merchandise and I was prepared to be told, "Sorry, ain't my thing." I showed up in the hotel lobby bar and he was having a drink. I assumed the next step is he'd order me a drink and we'd talk. Instead, he gulped down his drink and said, "Why don't we go to my room?" When we got to his room, he said very little, the clothes came off, we did something sexual, and within maybe 10 or 15 minutes we'd both cum. I honestly don't remember what we did, and at the risk of sounding insulting, it was unmemorable.


My rule is if you are paying for 60 minutes, I stay for at least 60 minutes, so I stayed and we bullshitted. He told me an anecdote about how he was out at a bar the night before, met this hot younger guy, started getting to know him, and at some point the hot younger guy informed my client that he was an escort. My assumption is that the younger guy probably hit on the client because he was looking for a potential paid hook up, but of course there's no way I could know that. The punch line that really blew my mind is this. The client told me that it was really a shame that the younger guy hadn't told him he was an escort upfront, because he thought the guy was hot, and would have hired him, but by the time he knew the younger guy was hireable, he knew way too much about him to be able to enjoy having sex with him.


Something like that has happened to me only once in 15 years, and honestly I really just don't get it. There is a cool documentary called "That Man: Peter Berlin" about Peter Berlin, the 60's gay icon, where he talks about the fact that (if I recall right) his whole goal was to put out a seductive image, and that really after that first few seconds of seduction, it was all downhill from there. Anybody reading my long-winded posts probably can guess that is the opposite of the way it works for me. For me, the best part is usually what comes after the initial seduction.


We're all different, and whatever it is, it always keeps changing. But at least on the front end, ambiguity is usually the enemy, not the friend. And ambiguity is not the same as seduction, which is the friend, in some mysterious way.

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With me it goies

. The client told me that it was really a shame that the younger guy hadn't told him he was an escort upfront, because he thought the guy was hot, and would have hired him, but by the time he knew the younger guy was hireable, he knew way too much about him to be able to enjoy having sex with him.



I would say that that was because it wasn't supposed to happen between them. With me it can go either way. Sometimes I think a man is hot, but after I've chatted with him, I lose interest. But that's how it's supposed to happen. It just means he's not for me, it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with him. Then sometimes, the more I know about somebody, the more interesting he becomes. That means that he and I might be a good match.


Sometimes the spell doesn't break until after you've had sex. I brought a guy home once. We hadn't spoken much, I was very attracted to him and we had great sex. That encounter has always stood out in my memory as one of my better ones. We were talking afterward, and he told me that he collected sets of salt and pepper shakers, that he had just decided one day to start collecting salt and peppers, and that he had hundreds of them. I thought, "Oh dear, I wish I'd known this before, I never would have let it go this far." I got him out of my apartment as fast as I could without being rude about it. Never saw him again.

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I got him out of my apartment as fast as I could without being rude about it. Never saw him again.


At the risk of getting this further off the topic of "off duty" escorts and turning this into porn, here's another anecdote about one of my "off duty" adventures that worked out exactly the opposite, in terms of the impact of words.


I was in a sauna in Rio about a decade ago playing around and this tall, muscular, young dark-skinned stud grabbed my hand and without saying a word pulled me into one of the little cabins. We spent what I'll guess was an hour going at it. It was one of the most memorable one-off sexual adventures of my life. We were kissing and sweating all over each other, and most of the time his big cock was inside my ass and it was both sensual and gentle and sexy and pounding and it all ended with both of us covered in sweat and cum, and neither of us having uttered a word. And part of what was so hot about it to me is that I had in my mind this idea that this guy may be dumb as hell, and may not speak a word of English, but he is this strapping, sexy dark-skinned virile stud who just turned me into his tender white fuck hole.


I was just glowing and dripping, and he leans into me and kisses my ear and in perfect English says, "We're melting." I'd already cum several times, but the words actually melted me, emotionally.


Needless to say, I had fun. The next day my buddy [the escort Bill, rest in peace] and I went back to the same sauna and I saw the same guy who fucked me, sitting in the lounge, reading the English language version of the Wall Street Journal. I thought, fuck! - this is so hot. I was tempted to try to seduce him into doing it again, but it was such a perfect experience, and given that I didn't live in Rio I figured there was no future to be had, even as fuck buddies, so I just let it go.

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At the risk of getting this further off the topic of "off duty" escorts and turning this into porn, here's another anecdote about one of my "off duty" adventures that worked out exactly the opposite, in terms of the impact of words.


I was in a sauna in Rio about a decade ago playing around and this tall, muscular, young dark-skinned stud grabbed my hand and without saying a word pulled me into one of the little cabins. We spent what I'll guess was an hour going at it. It was one of the most memorable one-off sexual adventures of my life. We were kissing and sweating all over each other, and most of the time his big cock was inside my ass and it was both sensual and gentle and sexy and pounding and it all ended with both of us covered in sweat and cum, and neither of us having uttered a word. And part of what was so hot about it to me is that I had in my mind this idea that this guy may be dumb as hell, and may not speak a word of English, but he is this strapping, sexy dark-skinned virile stud who just turned me into his tender white fuck hole.


I was just glowing and dripping, and he leans into me and kisses my ear and in perfect English says, "We're melting." I'd already cum several times, but the words actually melted me, emotionally.


Needless to say, I had fun. The next day my buddy [the escort Bill, rest in peace] and I went back to the same sauna and I saw the same guy who fucked me, sitting in the lounge, reading the English language version of the Wall Street Journal. I thought, fuck! - this is so hot. I was tempted to try to seduce him into doing it again, but it was such a perfect experience, and given that I didn't live in Rio I figured there was no future to be had, even as fuck buddies, so I just let it go.


That's a sexy story. Thank you for sharing it.

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