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Public Shaming of the John, Part Deux : Austin Wolf

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What matter most is the actual encounter. Austin Wolf gave me one of the most memorable experience you could have with an escort then it was worth it! I'll definitely want a second encounter!

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While clearly this was a malicious person who jerked the Escort around and deserved to be flagged, my concern with sites like that would be that there's no opportunity for a rebuttal or to defend your position.


Since joining this site I've read stories about less than reputable Escorts using false photos or very dated photos to advertise. What happens when this type of scenario unfolds and the hirer refuses to go through with the session, escort gets mad and blacklists them for a fabricated reason? Flash forward and this person attempts to hire a reputable escort and his number comes up; he could be the sweetest person in the world and now can't hire.


I do like that this site allows both parties to state their version of events so that people can draw their own conclusions. Most of the time in reading reviews where there was a disagreement I start to form an opinion and then read the escort's take on the events and it completely changes my mind.


My hope is that these sites are truly used judiciously and not as a weapon. I almost wish there was a way for escorts to report back on really good clients too, so that it might help assuage the uncertainty of meeting a new client.

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Guest Starbuck

This thread got started because an escort suggested to his Twitter followers that they “gang up on this dude” who hired him and sent him to a fake hotel. The escort posted personal information—including a photo and a phone number—that allegedly belong to the “dude.”


Yesterday, nearly six months after the last post, the thread was revived by someone who waited three hours for that same escort to show up for an appointment before he realized he’d been stood up. Three days after the missed appointment, he heard from the escort, forgave him, continued trying to hook up with him and—after only a year—met the escort, and—for only $100 extra—got him to bottom.


What an interesting juxtaposition of different approaches to people who waste your time.

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This is a knife that cuts both ways, and when one party starts using weapons of mass destruction, ultimately, everyone is going to be hurt. The idea that clients - real clients - can't appreciate the feelings that Dave describes is unfair and a bit self-centered. There's an opposite and equal experience on the other side, too, so the truth is that any person of good will is vulnerable, not just escorts. The reason that Daddy's Reviews have become the standard is that Daddy, with all of his rules and regulations, tries to vet all the material before publishing so false and unfair accusations can be limited and open for rebuttal. People aren't outed and escorts can't be summarily mischarachterized. I personally think that escorts have a moral obligation to make their status known to their clients, and when some are constantly saying that there are many positive guys out there having unprotected sex with unknowing clients, it makes me nervous, but I've come to understand how indiscriminate talk about this is also dangerous to all of us. In a world that increasingly observes the incredible impact of a suicide bomber, do you guys seriously want to establish a precedent in which any dissatisfaction, whether legitimate or not, provides a lethal outlet for that upset? What is inevitable is that the nukes will be used for relatively minor disagreements and before long, both client and escort will be destroyed. I understand the way Austin felt because we've all experienced that in one form or another. The complete loss of control is infuriating and the intensity of the resulting rage is similar to what fuels crimes of passion. Resist. I'm suggesting that this technique not be used NOT necessarily because it's wrong, but rather, because it's ultimately more dangerous to the pro escort than anyone else. I've had escorts that don't show or cancel at the last minute because they got a better gig - makes me just as crazy as Austin felt, but that's part of the deal when and if I choose to hire an unknown. I'm not an escort, but from where I sit, there are many advantages for successful professionals in this business. Unfortunately, this is one of the more significant costs of doing business, and resorting to these options is going to be a mess.

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My apologies...I hadn't read PDR's post from yesterday. There's not much else to say...referring to my post above, I'd like the escorts to ask themselves a few questions...do you still think that clients can't feel what it's like? More importantly, try to imagine PDR getting angry the time he was left waiting for 3 hours and sent out a well followed blast to his followers saying "Gang up on Austin - here's his number, send him appointment requests, flood him". In fact, maybe the guy who stood him up was stood up by Austin. Still want to go this route? And just once, I'd like to hear an escort's response to this side of this stuff. Austin is a big name and by all reports, extraordinary. When he posted, Dave and Killuan were right there with support and comnentary about what it's like to be stood up. We're all in this together.

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This is something of a two-way street. I have been "stiffed" by escorts before. Traveled, shown up on time, only to knock on a door where no one is. My first thought has been that something bad has happened to the escort. For this reason, I make every effort to reach them and find out what happened. Then I take it from there. Unfortunately, the escort has not always been responsive. Then, it's a line through that name. I know it isn't quite the same thing at all for me vs. a person trying to earn a living from escorting, but it makes me feel better to make every allowance for the chance that it was a legitimate problem. I would never publicly "shame" anybody. That's just me.

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Some of these threads are so fascinating here. I read about the experiences of people on both side of equation and am supportive of both depending on the circumstances.


It's not necessary for me to imagine being the escort or the hiring person, and having this scenario unfold, because it's more than sufficient for me to just be "a human being" and have an event occur like this where someone discarded you as if you didn't matter and weren't important enough to be bothered with...


As I embark on this journey I really do believe that I will limit myself to an extremely small number of men with whome I can continue to build memories. My first experience wasn't stellar, but at least he showed up, was friendly, and conversive; I probably would have never tried again if I was "stood up" and had to go to my prepaid luxury spa for two trip alone on our first "date."


My experience with my second companion solidified my faith that these experiences can be both meaningful and enjoyable; I'd rather have quality over quantity to be certain, so if I find a few charming men with whom I enjoy meaningful interactions; I'm going to quit while I'm ahead and focus on giving them lots of repeat attention.

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This thread got started because an escort suggested to his Twitter followers that they “gang up on this dude” who hired him and sent him to a fake hotel. The escort posted personal information—including a photo and a phone number—that allegedly belong to the “dude.”


Yesterday, nearly six months after the last post, the thread was revived by someone who waited three hours for that same escort to show up for an appointment before he realized he’d been stood up. Three days after the missed appointment, he heard from the escort, forgave him, continued trying to hook up with him and—after only a year—met the escort, and—for only $100 extra—got him to bottom.


What an interesting juxtaposition of different approaches to people who waste your time.

Thank you for your intelligent analysis!

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This thread got started because an escort suggested to his Twitter followers that they “gang up on this dude” who hired him and sent him to a fake hotel. The escort posted personal information—including a photo and a phone number—that allegedly belong to the “dude.”


Yesterday, nearly six months after the last post, the thread was revived by someone who waited three hours for that same escort to show up for an appointment before he realized he’d been stood up. Three days after the missed appointment, he heard from the escort, forgave him, continued trying to hook up with him and—after only a year—met the escort, and—for only $100 extra—got him to bottom.


What an interesting juxtaposition of different approaches to people who waste your time.


As someone who knows very little about Mr. Wolf, I agree with PDR: a very intelligent analysis, Starbuck. I also am indebted to Mr. Drakker for this take in this thread. However, I hestitate to say that either side is right or wrong until I know more about Austin Wolf in future threads. That would not be fair (see Chris Eisenhower's post).

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Home > Reviews > USA > NY > NYC > Austin Wolf


Phone: 917-951-8510

Email: rentaustinwolf@gmail.com


It's not my place to invite Austin to a thread. It's either the OP's, or any client who wants to know further information about the topic of the thread. It is my place to comment that he should be at least notified that the thread exists and invited to comment on it, considering that many other threads have contained comments about whether or not a client (or an escort) has been notified that they are being discussed, and allowed to give their own account or at least defend their behavior.

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Wasn't aware of that protocol, Chris - actually thought it was a public Forum that included both escorts and clients providing insight and perspective on an ongoing topic. To my mind, if I was an escort and a fellow escort was being discussed, I would think it would be my responsibility to let my colleague know. But no worries, though I do not know Austin and have only heard and read the same positive reviews about him that others have, I sent him an email and invited him to take a look. Obviously, clients are reluctant to get in the middle of this for fear of being targeted, so I'm including a copy of my email to him so there can be no confusion as to it's neutrality. To be clear, I am not accusing anybody of anything. I am simply inviting him to participate as per another escort's suggestion:


Dear Austin:


Another escort suggested that you be contacted regarding a public thread referring to you on Daddy's forum entitled "Public Shaming of the John, Part Deux: Austin Wolf"


Initially, when the thread was first begun last year it was in response to you being stood up by some unknown potential client and your subsequent Twitter blast encouraging others to "gang up" on the offender by providing his telephone number. A discussion ensued in which many offered opinions about the relative merits and problems inherent in this "public shaming" approach that culminated in someone identifying himself as one of your current clients, (PDR), reactivating the thread by alleging that despite how good the time with you had ultimately been and (hopefully) will be in the future, that in fact, you had been guilty of standing this particular client up in much the same way that you had been stood up by others.


The issues are pretty clear and discussed in detail. All felt that you deserved an opportunity to respond and either explain or deny the circumstances as they have been presented. I hope you are well.



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Just received the following response from Austin:



I'm not the best at "forums", all seems so chaotic. Best advice. Never engage. I'm good at what I do and very nice to nice people. I'm still busy so think I'll just keep on that track


Thanks for the email though. It's good to stick together.



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So now we have a Twitter post by Austin encouraging people to "gang up" on some guy that screwed him, a report from someone who identifies as a current client and member of the Board and points out that Austin stood him up in the exact same way. Further, Austin was invited to participate and/or comment, and chooses not to, so to my mind, that confirms PDR's account.


Would love to hear from all the escorts that piled on and thought shaming the scammer was a good idea. Where are all the pithy comments now? You guys still think WMDs are a good idea?


There are people of good and bad will on both sides of escort/client interactions. It's the nature of the service industry, so all you can do is maximize your chances of avoiding the scammers and less considerate among us. Neither client nor escort gets to take the high road. But trust me, going down this shaming road is not good for anybody.

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Hah! Not sure If you're right - now that I look back on my note, by saying that "Another escort suggested..." It may have seemed that way - trust me, I really labored to make sure that that note didn't have any valence. For what it's worth, I thought Chris was wrong when he suggested it wasn't up to him to contact Austin despite the fact that he had posted on the fact that Austin hadn't been invited in. The last thing I'll add is that there is something odd about an escort who finds Twitter rage comfortable, but any intelligent discourse on here to be chaotic. Again, if you can handle ganging up on somebody on Twitter, you should be able to either acknowledge or deny the current client's accusation.


But most interesting is the fact that once again, whenever there is an issue that highlights concerns related to escort's business practices, the escort world goes silent. This is in stark contrast to clients who will frequently chime in on both sides of the aisle. Everybody wants to whine about clients that screw with them but nobody wants to look at the issue bilaterally. Where's Juan on this issue? No clever jokes from Killuan? Chris?


I have no idea what the future sue is. I've never stood anybody up, and have never really been stood up myself. Regardless, I have had disagreements with escorts and the idea of one of us resorting to anything like public shaming or use of the "bad john" lists, makes me cringe. It should be off the table for anyone other than in a circumstance where someone's life is in jeopardy.

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Austin Wolf is a nice guy, if 1 hour of session is good enough to gauge a person's personality then I would say I was lucky to be one of his clients. Down to earth person, made me feel like we are just friends and we never discussed what had happened a year before. I remember now his words after our session. "If you told me you are Asian, you didn't have to wait this long. I have a "thing" for Asian guys." I hope this won't cause any stirring up of ideas again! lol. When we went out, he even introduced me to his ex bf Tyler Wolf waiting outside and said this guy chased me for a year and we'll do a three way session when we come back here in LA! Guys when we hire escorts, we wanted to fulfill a fantasy and if that fantasy is fulfilled then that's what matters!

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Look, everybody s entitled to their perspective. From where I sit, this guy and His buddies went nuclear when someone stood him up. Though I don't agree with the tactics, I certainly understand the affect. But that said, this is also, by your report, a very inconsiderate guy who, in addition to screwing you in the exact same way he resented being screwed, was so self involved that he bragged to his friend that "this guy chased me around...." If that's OK with you, then I'm glad you found him, but for me, it's a non-starter. More importantly, there's something offensive about the other escorts piling on. People compartmentalize. And I guess it is possible to be a great lover In bed and a poor and inconsiderate businessman. For my nickel, I'd look for the guy that combines both attributes as there are plenty out there.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm always tickled by the intensity of the response that escorts have to being taken advantage of, as if that experience is unique to them. Dave's presentation of the horrors of being hired, followed by the prep and ultimately the disappointment of being sent to a bad address would be easy for most clients to understand because they're often dealing with the other side of that equation, whether it be the spotty responsiveness, poor communication, dishonesty or not showing up has been discussed and beat to death here. The nature of the service industry, whether you're an escort or physician is such that a certain percentage of experiences are going to be a problem. Clients have an advantage in the sense that we have access to review sites that can be reassuring, but not foolproof and certainly that precludes sampling new men as Jawjatek has written about so vividly. I've heard only the best of things about Austin Wolfe, but have never met him. What concerns me has less to do with his understandable outrage. Instead, I'm troubled by the message that "This guy hurt me and now I want my people to destroy him". That's different from an alert to ther escorts or even a sharing of the upset - that's dangerous and can't possibly be good for business or our mutual community. I get it, but it's too reactive, and ironically, will work in reverse. On a positive note, Dave is an iconic peach and a breeze to deal with...but for what it's worth, I know exactly what disappointment feel like.


in all professions we deal with creatures like that, my heart goes to all legitimate escorts who want to give a client a wonderful bf style experience.


don't worry, pricks happen to all of us!

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