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Special Good Friday/Easter edition!


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For the benefit of the folks in other parts of the country, some of the pictures in the first section were taken at

a recuring easter-time "Hunky Jesus Contest" sponsored by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence in San Francisco.


I gotta say that, even though *all* of my best ancestors are Jewish, and even though I am a bleeding heart liberal,

even I find some of what the SPI do disturbing, but that's likely intentional on their part....

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Let me apologize for this dissertation (diatribe, rant) right up front. My only excuse is that I’m a former art history teacher. The history of artistic representations of Christ crucified is interesting to say the least.


The Romans used crucifixion as a form of execution only for the lowest criminals. Those individuals to be crucified were stripped naked (an importation point later) and either nailed or tied to a cross and left to die. An important point to remember about Christ is that he was a carpenter and had thus performed hard physical labor during the first thirty years of his life. That type of work would have created the body of a man not that of a twelve year old boy or a eunuch. During the first centuries in which Christianity was spreading throughout the Roman Empire Christ was NOT portrayed on a cross because of the criminal association with that form of execution. He was portrayed as the Good Sheppard fully clothed standing amongst a flock of sheep.


By the time of the fall of Rome and the descent of Western Europe into the Middle Ages the stigma a representing Christ crucified had dissipated, HOWEVER, the very thought of representing him naked had become unthinkable. It was also during this period that Christ’s body segued into that of a twelve year old boy or a eunuch wearing a loin cloth.


Male nude sculpture came back into vogue during the Italian Renaissance; however, the representation of a fully nude Christ was still highly controversial. The only Renaissance sculptor willing to portray a fully nude Christ on the cross was Michelangelo – surprise. That statue still exists and can be seen not in the Vatican collection but rather on the altar of the Church of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva in Rome near the Pantheon. Unfortunately Christ is no longer nude. Long after Michelangelo’s death the prudes in the Vatican were offended by the portrayal of Christ’s genitals and a bronze loin cloth was added.


I have a born again religious nut of a nephew who absolutely loved the Mel Gibson film The Passion of Christ. On day I became weary of hearing him expound on how historical correct the film was. He was shocked when I asked him if, Jim Caviezel, the actor portraying Christ was circumcised. He immediately wanted to know why I asked and how he could possibly know if Caviezel was circumcised or not. I smugly informed that Christ was a Jew and would thus have been circumcised and that if the film was really historically accurate he would have been naked on the cross. He sputtered for a moment and then answered that Caviezel wore of loin cloth at which point I smiled sweetly and said well then the film wasn’t historically correct was it.


I apologize again for the diatribe.

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Like BVB I found the initial section somewhat disturbing at first. However, I am not one to be a hypocrite. My years in parochial school were in essence my introduction to S&M, and in more ways than one. In addition, to the stations of the cross there were the ubiquitous stories of martyrdom and torture. Though for some reason the history of the Spanish Inquisition was curiously overlooked. Of course that did not stop the good sisters and later brothers from practicing certain aspects that were learned from said inquisition. So yes, along with my innate curiosity regarding S&M, my catholic education certainly fostered any inclinations that I had along those lines. In fact I first learned what a flogger was (not to mention a Saint Andrew's cross) as an innocent child sitting in a classroom wearing the requisite school uniform terrified not to do anything that would not displease any of those frustrated good sisters.


At any rate, I must thank Epigonos for his thoughtful and actuate post setting the record straight regarding crucifixion. From what I saw of the previews of that movie it did not look totally authentic to me either. Regarding crucifixion and its depiction in art, I can only add that often the nails were shown as placed in the palm of the hand when they were in actuality placed in the wrist so as adequately to support the weight of the victim's body.


One more point as touched upon by Epigonos, I spent my freshman year at a catholic high school before thankfully transferring to public school. The brothers, many of whom I am sure were gay, certainly stressed that Christ having done heavy manual labor up until the age of thirty, would have not only been quite muscular, but a tough hombre as well. I can still see the lust in the eyes of my religion teacher as he described the well-developed brawny body of Christ enduring his intense flogging at the hands

of the Romans.

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Matt Oregan....very nice!.....he reminds me a bit of deceased actor Brad Davis ("Midnight Express").....




Brad Davis was a very good Actor who passed way to soon as many others have! There is definitely a resemblence with Matt Oregan...

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Truly, tacky and tasteless!!!!!!!!!


This particular string is in rather poor, read that BAD, taste.


Of course this is in bad taste. Hard to figure which is worse, the posting or the fact that I scrolled through the whole thing hoping to find a really hot Jesus. Thing about viewing things done in bad taste, one has the ability to leave and not return to that subject. So, in the end, if one views something which offends, one should move on.

This is not a site which is likely to find impressionable viewers incapable of protecting themselves and therefore in need of supervision.

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