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Well, that's the point I was making. Don't see it as competing on price. It's a difference in markets. Guys charging $250-300 in the big cities, are also (hypothetically) paying $1,000+ a month for an apartment (and that's probably just a room and a kitchen on basement level). I, on the other hand...am not paying that where I live, so it's not life and death to charge those rates (not saying it is for them either). The reason why those places are as they are, is because the clients are making more money, and the escorts have to spend more money. People in Denver aren't making DC salaries, so just because I choose to tweak rates a bit, is was never a statement about quality or competing on price. I also mentioned earlier that in SF the other week, I was able to make at or beyond my askings. Getting a price isn't really an issue out there, but of course you're going to spend more trying to get it. Especially living there. Fortunently, each time I've found ways to work around the hotels and as last time...everything I had was outcalls (Which I find so odd, but suits me fine since it's rarely more than 3 miles distance).




Will you refrain from meddling and trying to hypothesize stuff that you aren't even interpreting correctly? First of all, I said nothing about getting upset at a client, or anything about a sexual act. I don't have to break down or explain anything. Here's a suggestion: Get a life, mind your business and don't worry about what how I'm handling mine.


You can name-drop all the other escorts you choose...but guess what? I respect and have met all of them except 1 or 2. They've met me too and they don't think any less of me. I have gone to the bigger cities and commanded the higher rates just as any of the other guys have. In Philadelphia, I didn't have to ask for tips. In DC, I had 0 cancellations It's really not too different from 1 guy to the next. Unless you're a spokesperson or agency managing the 'top tier' guys as you put it, sounds like you're overly obsessed. And I doubt any of the guys you mentioned need you to tout their name about in an unrelated thread. As good as they are, they don't need you.


Clearly, you can't think for yourself...and probably have nothing to offer, so you have to use a 3rd party to put me down. Very creative.


Dear Joe...


More than anything else, I'm continually struck by your ability to consistently and routinely sabotage yourself without any insight into your process whatsoever. We've now gotten to the point where there's actually entertainment value in everything you post - like an SNL skit about a crazy escort ranting and raving about the unfairness of people in Denver not wanting to pay NYC rates, among other things. And for the record, I have never even met Juan, so if I somehow implied any more of a relationship than one based on his consistently articulate and insightful contributions to the Forum, I apologize. I do, however, know the others and though I doubt that they are struggling in business, if they were, they would have the sense to keep it to themselves and try to figure it out without blaming clients.


Now, lets get back to your points....


1. In addition to repeatedly telling me to mind my own business, you mention that I've misinterpreted your statements when I suggested it was both wrong and illegal to charge different amounts for different sexual acts, right? Well, Joey, tell me what I'm missing. Here's your quote that I responded to:


"We were doing something we hadn't't done before...I asked for more. I was able to get it but he made me feel bad for asking"


OK, here's your opportunity, Joey...what did I miss because this sure sounds like you were charging for specific sex acts? How exactly did I misinterpret your words? When you say you never mentioned a sex act, what does "we were doing something we hadn't done before" mean? And when you said that the client "tried to make you feel badly", is that not fairly close to being upset about it?


2. When you say that I should stop meddling, has it occurred to you that by posting on a public forum you invite commentary, by definition? Are you familiar with "If it's too hot, get out of the kitchen"?


3. I'm hardly an "agency managing the top tier guys", but if everything goes so well for you on the road (which, again, is not my recollection of your previous posts), why not move to one of those areas? There are thousands of reasons for different rates and attitudes across the country, but your accusatory tone in regard to the people of Denver choosing to spend less goes against every basic business principle ever written. Perhaps after your rant you should pick up Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations" and learn a little about markets.


4. Fortunately, we agree on something: the big guys certainly don't need me to toot their horn.


5. Forgive me, but what the hell are you talking about when you say that I've used a third party to put you down? I appreciate your compliment on my creativity, but have absolutely no idea what you're saying (that, of course, is not unusual, but this time I can't even work backwards and come up with anything)


6. Other than a couple of college kids, nobody I know is paying $1,000 or less in NYC (Manhattan) unless they have multiple roommates. Most are spending about a third of their income on their rent alone, and yet on any given day for $200 an hour plus multi hour discounts, I can easily find 10 fabulous, well reviewed guys. Obviously, others charge more, but again, that's how the marketplace works. Trust me, the people you make sing will pay for the privilege unless they can get a similar experience for less. Why all the vitriol about the clients in Denver? Just like you, clients are free to "take it or leave it". If they are "leaving it" more than you would like, figure out why. If cultural, then either move or shut up. If you decide, after spending sometime looking at yourself, that it's something you're doing, then correct it, and then shut up. Again, the markets will find you...


7. And in regard to "thinking for oneself", I will acknowledge that you are a true master. I'm pretty confident that nobody else could possibly put your argument together. You truly are someone who thinks for the self!


8. Given #7, you may want to get some advice from someone not having your issues that you can tolerate criticism from. Truth is that I'm not sure if your problem is in your expressive style or belief system, but either way, you need to find some peace, move or change jobs.


9. Lastly, I'm also struck by your absence of support on these boards. Obviously you must have some regulars and certainly we can all agree that you've been in the game for a time...where are all the clients that know you in a different way? The clients that can speak to the fact that despite your provocative posts, you really are different on a date. Seriously, I'm interested in hearing about that and their understanding of what the hell this is all about...this is not sarcastic...I'm really curious.


That's it for my meddling today...



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I don't need to STFU despite how much you or the escort tries to intimidate me. You won't ever know what action I have or have not taken or why or why not. I think the real villains out there are people like you who want every person to go out there and hire or "play the game" as you call it thinking if they advertise somewhere other than craigslist and have any reviews on daddys that they are safe and secure and when they fart rainbows shoot out of their asses.
Yeah, ya do. You think that trash talking on an anonymous site is going to solve your problem? You think that lowering expectations of other readers who see you may have had a bad experience with a 'highly-rated escort' who you protect by not reviewing, not reporting to the advertising company and not calling the police. Honey, IF he pulled the scam on you, he's going to pull the scam again and again until someone reports him in one of three or so ways: call the police, write a review or notify the advertising company - until then you're just a facilitator (a real villain, too) in his next scam while bitching about him anonymously here just proves you're a real villain rather than helping to end his scams. So yeah, STFU!, if you are unwilling to do something about it. And yes, quit bitching until you've done something pro-active about it. And watch whom you want to call a villain cuz I'm angrier than you are that you got scammed, assaulted, and blackmailed. And I'd have done something other than post anonymously about the well-reviewed escort/criminal.


FYI, I look at each advertiser on all web pages with a doubtful eye. I prefer well-reviewed escorts on Daddy's Reviews. I've hired those on Rentboy, Rentmen and M4RN sites. And I've been the first time reviewer on some guys I deemed to be of high-value. So keep your rainbow farts to yourself, you must have nasty laundry.

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So you're fine with guys who lie about their status? you're a classy one.


even if you're using rubber, shit happens and things can get messy. wouldn't it be nice to know the escort you're sleeping with is HIV-


As for my own companions, I've seen the paperwork on a couple baby, so bring it on you angry turd

Jim, I know Photoshop real well. I can have all the evidence you need to prove I'm HIV- in about an hour. Looking at documentation without verifying with the source of those documents is MEANINGLESS. A guy's status is always a trust issue - so go gently into that sweet night believing what your consort wants you to know about his HIV status - either he's honest or he's got paperwork proving he's a liar, too. Scanning and altering medical documents is mere child's play.


Sorry to lay a trud on your false sense of security but if you look at HIV paperwork to verify a partner's status, you could just be buying into his deceit. Always practice SAFER SEX.


Frankly, if I want to know a guy's status, I'd go with him to be tested, watch the test and read the results with him.

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are folks that cheap that they ignore the warning signs of how dangerous CL is? use your goddamned brain


hire with good reviews. it's damned simple. if a guy has 30 great write ups, it's likely you'll be giving him positive review #31

Turd? HUH? Would you be speaking of the brain attached to the end of the pee-pee or the one located behind the eyes and between the ears?


Sorry to shit on your escort's paperwork, guess you were using the little one in the game of rational thinking.

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This thread looks like it's turning ugly. I'm sorry it got so far off the OP's track. And I'm not helping with this post but I feel a need to respond. So before it gets locked…


9. Lastly, I'm also struck by your absence of support on these boards. Obviously you must have some regulars and certainly we can all agree that you've been in the game for a time...where are all the clients that know you in a different way? The clients that can speak to the fact that despite your provocative posts, you really are different on a date. Seriously, I'm interested in hearing about that and their understanding of what the hell this is all about...this is not sarcastic...I'm really curious.


My forum handle is associated with having favorable encounters with Joey. There's review on file and previous postings that can be searched via my handle.


I've had enjoyable encounters with Joey and been treated with utmost respect - I don't believe that is faked.


It was previously suggested that I see him again and write a second review. I will see him again. However, I'm not sure that another review written by me (which would only be my second) on him would be of benefit. There's a forum thread on that very subject - just search my postings.


It does seem that almost any comment made by Joey automatically elicits a negative response. He has many detractors here. I am not one of them. Yes, he could be more politically correct - but he also has valuable insight to offer to the forums.


We've privately communicated about a variety of subjects. I'll offer my willingness to act as a sounding board if he wants a second opinion prior to making a post. But Joey is a big boy - and I'd likely be too conservative in suggested wording in regards to the point he wants to get across - so he will probably do as he will.

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Turd? HUH? Would you be speaking of the brain attached to the end of the pee-pee or the one located behind the eyes and between the ears?


Sorry to shit on your escort's paperwork, guess you were using the little one in the game of rational thinking.



my my, don't we have an angry old bird here :)


and it took you two separate responses to get your point across. I'm honored

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Call the police, write a review or notify the advertising company - until then you're just a facilitator


I am coming back to this thread with as much care as I can because I think in spite of his effusive candour which I lack, Instudiocity presents a really valid point. How often, because we are ashamed, because we are afraid, because we think it to be merciful or forgiving we often decide not taking trespassers to justice. In this specific case I can imagine (forgive my speculation) that you might be afraid of taking this guy to the authorities because hiring an escort in itself is not entirely legal, but I do agree with the fact that not exposing this criminal (If in fact a crime was committed) is just leaving more men vulnerable to his wrong doing.


Silence, in a way is complicity. Even if you yourself have been a victim.


I have to say that I have cringed a little at Instudiocity's fervour and florid language but I believe that he actually means well. I surmise that by reading this:


I'm angrier than you are that you got scammed, assaulted, and blackmailed. And I'd have done something other than post anonymously about the well-reviewed escort/criminal.


I too, feel rage and indignation that someone might have taken you for a ride. It's very sad. But I don't want to add insult to injury keeping you contemptible after you went through this experience. I just want to add my voice in saying that I hope you will take the necessary actions to stop a criminal.



On an entirely different note:


if I want to know a guy's status, I'd go with him to be tested, watch the test and read the results with him.


It's even worse than that. If I want to know a guy's status I'd have to place him in solitary confinement for a couple months, THEN take him to get tested and remainwith him until the results come.


Frankly... ain't nobody got time fo' dat! Thank you condoms, without you we would have one very boring (or very dangerous) life! =)

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Dear Rowdy..,I'm actually happy to hear that given what sounds to me like general disdain for many clients that in his perception have done him wrong. The only thing I take exception to is the implication that people are eager to pounce on him and that somehow he deserves a break. I view some of his posts as quite insightful, but a troubling number aren't just crazy, they're nasty and devaluing, too - including this recent one where he upped his agreed upon fee in the middle of a session after "doing something new", and then takes pride n it. Glad it was good for you but hard for me to reconcile the cavalier manner in which he takes these provocative positions. As you say, he's a big boy and I for one think it's not your jb to manage his pathological narcissism.

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Sorry to lay a trud on your false sense of security but if you look at HIV paperwork to verify a partner's status, you could just be buying into his deceit. Always practice SAFER SEX.


Frankly, if I want to know a guy's status, I'd go with him to be tested, watch the test and read the results with him.


+1 Mr. InStudioCity


You just gave a PSA (Public Service Announcement) to the M-F here, and Mr. JimBoi will try to ream you a new one.

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I am coming back to this thread with as much care as I can because I think in spite of his effusive candour which I lack, Instudiocity presents a really valid point. How often, because we are ashamed, because we are afraid, because we think it to be merciful or forgiving we often decide not taking trespassers to justice. In this specific case I can imagine (forgive my speculation) that you might be afraid of taking this guy to the authorities because hiring an escort in itself is not entirely legal, but I do agree with the fact that not exposing this criminal (If in fact a crime was committed) is just leaving more men vulnerable to his wrong doing.


I don't know DTB's particular situation. But if a guy is closeted, blackmail can threaten both his relationship with his family and his livelihood. (A homophobic boss can easily find a seemingly legit reason to fire someone.) I don't know what I would do if faced with that situation.

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Jim, I know Photoshop real well. I can have all the evidence you need to prove I'm HIV- in about an hour. Looking at documentation without verifying with the source of those documents is MEANINGLESS. A guy's status is always a trust issue - so go gently into that sweet night believing what your consort wants you to know about his HIV status - either he's honest or he's got paperwork proving he's a liar, too. Scanning and altering medical documents is mere child's play.


Sorry to lay a trud on your false sense of security but if you look at HIV paperwork to verify a partner's status, you could just be buying into his deceit. Always practice SAFER SEX.


Frankly, if I want to know a guy's status, I'd go with him to be tested, watch the test and read the results with him.


Excellent point, and an eye opener for me. I have never thought of it in those terms. I have asked, but never asked to see documentation, but your point goes further and is important to note, "Always assume someone is HIV+ because in the end we just don't really know the truth, unless we do as ISC suggests, and who would realistically do that in a hire situation.

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Sorry to lay a trud on your false sense of security but if you look at HIV paperwork to verify a partner's status, you could just be buying into his deceit. Always practice SAFER SEX.



If the escort goes through efforts to lie about his age, and photoshop his pics, you can bet he'll do the same for his HIV paperwork.

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Frankly, if I want to know a guy's status, I'd go with him to be tested, watch the test and read the results with him.


I think that some people are confusing an escort with a long-term partner in a romantic relationship.


I have no problem with doing the test, but as far I've done it together only with my ex-boyfriend.


No client has ever asked me to visit the clinic and do the test together. And even if he asked me, I would still require the use of condoms.

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Freshfluff, since sexual orientation is not a protected class unless you're lucky enough to live in a state that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation or until if and when the Supreme Court gets its act together an employer can fire you simply because you are gay; they don't even have to pretend its for another reason. It sucks but lots of states protect dogs (not that I'm not all for protecting animals) more than they do gay people. :(

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I think that some people are confusing an escort with a long-term partner in a romantic relationship.


I have no problem with doing the test, but as far I've done it together only with my ex-boyfriend.


No client has ever asked me to visit the clinic and do the test together. And even if he asked me, I would still require the use of condoms.

Thanks for clarifying my point Steven, yes, I was speaking of a sex partner not a long-term relationship partner.


Juan Vancouver made the point too that to be absolutely sure of anyone's HIV status, you have to do the tests multiple times and you've got to have the person virtually locked up so that you can know with certainty that they aren't engaging in risky behaviors during the incubation period.


I don't know what I did, other than being my very direct-opinionated self, to piss JimBOY off, but so be it. I've often read him incredulity as he posts of his boy toy BN, and wondered what drove others made about his infatuation. Now I'm on the receiving end of his venom. Hasn't changed my opinion much.

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I don't know DTB's particular situation. But if a guy is closeted, blackmail can threaten both his relationship with his family and his livelihood. (A homophobic boss can easily find a seemingly legit reason to fire someone.) I don't know what I would do if faced with that situation.


I sued....I was the first in my companies history to do so. It took two years, and when all was said and done...they wrote me a nice fat check. I have never felt so empowered, sitting across from bosses who had laughed at me, and dimissed me as something less than, as the lawyers debated the final amount.

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I sued....I was the first in my companies history to do so. It took two years, and when all was said and done...they wrote me a nice fat check. I have never felt so empowered, sitting across from bosses who had laughed at me, as the lawyers debated the final amount.
Thank you brother for your leadership.


But you left out the part where every afternoon you enjoy a Bombay Sapphire Happy Hour courtesy of your former bosses... He who laughs last laughs BEST!

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Thank you brother for your leadership.


But you left out the part where every afternoon you enjoy a Bombay Sapphire Happy Hour courtesy of your former bosses... He who laughs last laughs BEST!


Well you're damn right. Rarely a time goes by that I don't raise my glass and thank the bastards.. Thanks for the compliment ISC....have a great weekend.

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I sued....I was the first in my companies history to do so. It took two years, and when all was said and done...they wrote me a nice fat check. I have never felt so empowered, sitting across from bosses who had laughed at me, and dimissed me as something less than, as the lawyers debated the final amount.


Yes!! http://www.boytoy.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/thumbsup.png With any luck, those bosses also had to undergo some sensitivity training. http://www.boytoy.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif



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I don't know what I did, other than being my very direct-opinionated self, to piss JimBOY off, but so be it. I've often read him incredulity as he posts of his boy toy BN, and wondered what drove others made about his infatuation. Now I'm on the receiving end of his venom. Hasn't changed my opinion much.


I can almost see you flipping your hair as you typed that ;)


the way I have responded is not venomous in the least. I never swore (as you did). I am keeping it cool and will continue to.


now glutes under his new not improved screen name of rapscallion is something else. I just like to screw with him cause I know he rises to the bait like a well trained seal.

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I can almost see you flipping your hair as you typed that ;)


the way I have responded is not venomous in the least. I never swore (as you did). I am keeping it cool and will continue to.


now glutes under his new not improved screen name of rapscallion is something else. I just like to screw with him cause I know he rises to the bait like a well trained seal.


What Hair? I never could flip!


goddamned brain right you didn't use profanity.


And STFU is an exclamation, reducing it to fuck was all your doing.


And if you're so familiar with Sir Glutes and his writings, you'll also be familiar with his never agreeing with me, ever! He was never an ally of mine, mostly taking the opposite position. He was asshole to my top!:o


rapscallion might be a previously banned poster, but I have my doubts that Sir Gloats has reappeared. I also believe there's not enough tribute Gloats could pay Daddy to repeat his performances. I do admit rapscallion sounds familiar, but he's no where near the ASS Sir Glutes is.

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I do admit rapscallion sounds familiar, but he's no where near the ASS Sir Glutes is.


give him time and his obsession will peek out, as it has already. compulsion that sad rarely just goes away on its own


as for u and me, I think we ended this tiff with a smile. muy bien, as we say in texas :)

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