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A few questions on flying in an escort for an overnight appointment

Decatur Guy
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I've never flown an escort in for an overnight appointment, but I am contemplating it. I have a few questions if y'all don't mind answering them (escort and clients, please).


PLANE TICKETS: This is my biggest question. How does that work? If the client pays for the ticket, how do you put someone else's name on it? How do you know when to book arrival and departure times? Has anyone just let the escort arrange it all and then pay for it? How would that work?


I've never bought an airline ticket for anyone but myself, so I don't how it works. Plus, I always assume most escorts use "working names" that aren't their real names. How do they get through security if a client buys their ticket for them?




What's the general "overnight" time frame?


Does the clock start ticking the minute an escort arrives at the airport?


Have escorts ever stayed in the client's home?


What about the issue of hiring someone you've never hired before. There are a few guys I have in mind for this, but I can't really see flying them to me for a two-hour "test drive" and them flying them back again months later. I would obviously hire only well-reviewed escorts and do some extensive phone conversation before shelling out ticket money. What have been your experiences with this?


That's a lot of questions -- feel free to address just some of them if you don't feel like writing an essay. I'm most interested in the plane tickets stuff. I thank everyone in advance for any insights you have -- from the escort POV and client POV.

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Decater Guy, lots of questions so I will try to answer a few I am familiar with as I have often flown guys in.


PLANE TICKETS: I often buy tickets for escorts (using one of my go-to services for tickets or directly from Frequent Flyer programs). If the escort has agreed to travel to you, generally he knows you (and trusts you) and he will give you his legal name (name on his ID) which has to be exact for the ticket in these days of Homeland Security. I never agree to mail the guy the money -- to many threads here on guys who were burned by that.


In Negotiating a fly-in you are obviously hiring the guy at least for an overnight and so I generally fly them in in the late afternoon and leaving the next day around noon. I also tell the escort up front the time frame I am using - he might want to fly in earlier or leave later -- it is a dialogue.


Once I purchase the ticket I can instruct the airline to send him the E-Ticket or it is sent to me and I forward it to him (the former - sending it directly to him with a copy to me is easily done when doing this with an agent -- and for clients needing this, this method still protects your anonymity to some extent. If you use a blind e-mail (that is, not your personal one, but one you use when hiring, as I do, then it is best to have the eTicket sent to YOU and then before forwarding it to the escort, make sure you edit out your real name and credit card (last digits) before forwarding it to him.




I discuss all the questions of timing with the escort - many of the better guys out there have a different price range when being flown in; they understand this is a different dynamic. It is definitely not expected that the clock starts ticking once he arrives (e.g., "OK you are in the car, take your clothes off and suck me as we drive to my place!") [OK admit it, some of us would like that scenario!}


On contacting a guy for this kind of arrangement, I "suggest" an arrival time and departure time (so... he knows up front the length of the visit). I then suggest how we can spend the time (activities, dinner, sightseeing, come cultural event or sports event, shopping, time by the pool or on the beach, time taking a nature hike, time at a gym etc...). In other words, I let him know what activities are available, ones I would also be interested in pursuing with him, and he can make suggestions too as I look on this as a wine and dine event - entertaining the escort as much as he would be entertaining me. It also helps him to pack the proper clothing (so that he does not come with only a jock and speedo and you are planning a night at the opera). I also have been the one to suggest some clothing options ("hey, sexy, how about you bring along that hot underwear from your photo; or that leather harness etc...") I have found that many escorts appreciate the fact that you "noticed" their fashion sense.


If this is all planned ahead of time, from the moment he arrives at the airport until the moment he leaves, I find we are BOTH more relaxed and at ease. He knows what I am expecting; and I know what he has agreed to up front. I go so far as to suggest times for more intimate activities, such as "Once you arrive and get settled, we can take the time for a quick session together; quick shower together; welcome massage). Most escorts are very tuned to this and know what to do and do it very naturally and easily. Do let the guy have some quiet time to himself when he arrives to use the bathroom, freshen up, rinse his mouth, whatever before flinging him on the bed.


Biggest thing, Decatur, is to KNOW the escort before you invest in flying him in. Dozens of threads have been written over the years warning others about disastrous encounters where you and the escort were never on the same page and the time together went by in tortuous slow motion. If you and he have chatted (phone calls are great), exchanged a lot of information, or better yet, already spent an hour or two together, this all falls into place.


Once you have the schedule of events lined up - you gently can say, "I know your overnight fee is $.... So for this trip, what would you consider a fair payment?" Of course, I have higher respect for escorts who, when you first mention you are considering flying them in, will write back and say, "To fly me in, my fee is $... for one day, two days, etc...).


Good luck!

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Guest countryboywny

Adriano is right on. I will add that booking air travel is very easy. Some escorts prefer to book their own travel and I reimburse the travel and their fee after they have arrived. (of course, these guys are guys that I already knew and they trust me) One time I hired an escort and since it was the first time we met, he preferred to book his own travel. He simply went on his preferred airline website, put his ticket on a 24 hour hold and gave me the eticket code. I then called the airline with the code and paid for it with my credit card. Most usually though, I have a comfort level with the guys I hire and they don't mind giving their real name for me to book. They know I'd never betray their confidence.

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just make sure you know the guy and will have fun together - though you say it's logistically difficult, a pre-meet of a couple hours can really make a difference before planning a longer meet....don't micro-plan every last minute - at times, just hang out and take it easy....give the escort a couple or three hours each day on his own to do personal errands, return phone calls/emails, etc....

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just make sure you know the guy and will have fun together - though you say it's logistically difficult, a pre-meet of a couple hours can really make a difference before planning a longer meet....don't micro-plan every last minute - at times, just hang out and take it easy....give the escort a couple or three hours each day on his own to do personal errands, return phone calls/emails, etc....


I've done this long enough now that I think I trust my instincts on that score -- selecting the right escort. However, all of this said, I'd still rather fly to the guy if he's in the right place.

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Guest countryboywny
Great points guys! I'm a firm believer in a pre-travel meet/session if possible before a trip. I'd rather have the client 100% comfortable with a long adventure after having met me than be unsure going into it. But a phone call before is also a great alternative! :)


I just gotta get up to TO! :)

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I've never flown an escort in for an overnight appointment, but I am contemplating it. I have a few questions if y'all don't mind answering them (escort and clients, please).


PLANE TICKETS: This is my biggest question. How does that work? If the client pays for the ticket, how do you put someone else's name on it? How do you know when to book arrival and departure times? Has anyone just let the escort arrange it all and then pay for it? How would that work?


I've never bought an airline ticket for anyone but myself, so I don't how it works. Plus, I always assume most escorts use "working names" that aren't their real names. How do they get through security if a client buys their ticket for them?




What's the general "overnight" time frame?


Does the clock start ticking the minute an escort arrives at the airport?


Have escorts ever stayed in the client's home?


What about the issue of hiring someone you've never hired before. There are a few guys I have in mind for this, but I can't really see flying them to me for a two-hour "test drive" and them flying them back again months later. I would obviously hire only well-reviewed escorts and do some extensive phone conversation before shelling out ticket money. What have been your experiences with this?


That's a lot of questions -- feel free to address just some of them if you don't feel like writing an essay. I'm most interested in the plane tickets stuff. I thank everyone in advance for any insights you have -- from the escort POV and client POV.




Great advice about having previous experience with an escort first before flying them to you.


I have flown both flown escorts to me or both me and an escort separately to a vacation destination. My own standard is to book and pay for the escorts flight but only with either mileage or non refundable non-changeable tickets. Yes you get burned and Yes it sucks when it happens. Sometimes its intentional and sometimes it isn't (like a delayed flight missing a connection or a cancellation for bad weather). It's even worse when you buy a fully refundable ticket and the escort cashes it in and keeps the money.


NEVER prepay their travel (i.e. cash advance). If they aren't willing to trust you enough with their personal information needed to book a flight, then why do you want to trust them.


As to costs and what it covers you may have to do some (evil word here- negotiation) or at the very least conversation. I don't think your time on the clock starts the moment he leaves his home, checks-in, lands, or anything like that. At least I have never come across anyone that insisted on 8 hours flat from the second he walks out of his front-door. I did have 1 New York based escort close to that ;)


Otherwise nothing else really to say, except I prefer to have the same standards of trust established before inviting escorts to my actual home. Several have stayed over, and yes, they stayed in my home for anywhere between a night and a couple of days.


In general I prefer hour appointments because overnights that involve travel can often wind up as a stressed escort, jetlagged, thrust into a strange new environment, and forced into your timetable which may be very different than his normal routine (if he is even willing to try and adapt to your routine).

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One time I hired an escort and since it was the first time we met, he preferred to book his own travel. He simply went on his preferred airline website, put his ticket on a 24 hour hold and gave me the eticket code.


I have done this as well. And it isn't that unusual. Professionally, when flying someone in to interview for a position with my company, my administrative assistant books the travel for the candidate and pays with my corporate card.

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Great advice about having previous experience with an escort first before flying them to you.


I have flown both flown escorts to me or both me and an escort separately to a vacation destination. My own standard is to book and pay for the escorts flight but only with either mileage or non refundable non-changeable tickets. Yes you get burned and Yes it sucks when it happens. Sometimes its intentional and sometimes it isn't (like a delayed flight missing a connection or a cancellation for bad weather). It's even worse when you buy a fully refundable ticket and the escort cashes it in and keeps the money.


NEVER prepay their travel (i.e. cash advance). If they aren't willing to trust you enough with their personal information needed to book a flight, then why do you want to trust them.


As to costs and what it covers you may have to do some (evil word here- negotiation) or at the very least conversation. I don't think your time on the clock starts the moment he leaves his home, checks-in, lands, or anything like that. At least I have never come across anyone that insisted on 8 hours flat from the second he walks out of his front-door. I did have 1 New York based escort close to that ;)


Otherwise nothing else really to say, except I prefer to have the same standards of trust established before inviting escorts to my actual home. Several have stayed over, and yes, they stayed in my home for anywhere between a night and a couple of days.


In general I prefer hour appointments because overnights that involve travel can often wind up as a stressed escort, jetlagged, thrust into a strange new environment, and forced into your timetable which may be very different than his normal routine (if he is even willing to try and adapt to your routine).


some of this rings true, some doesn't. all depends on the guy, his reviews. you can reliably see more than a handful of escorts out there who are known for this kind of appointment without much fear of problems.


it'll cost you, but what you're getting are escorts who specialize in it

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Q:PLANE TICKETS: A: I have clients buy me tickets all the time. I give them my passenger information and they book the ticket and send me the confirmation information. Having the client buy the ticket assures me that they are serious about using my services. It is a trust issue on both ends but one that you must take.



Q: What's the general "overnight" time frame? A: My "overnight" is basically 8pm to 8am but if flying me in for an overnight it starts when he picks me up or has arranged transportation until I leave back to the airport the next day.


Q: Does the clock start ticking the minute an escort arrives at the airport? A: I am pretty easy on that. It basically starts when the plane lands until it takes off again...


Q: Have escorts ever stayed in the client's home? A: Yes, I do all the time. I am open to that as the client has put out the expense of flying me to see them and I really do not care where we go... their house or hotel room...


Q: What about the issue of hiring someone you've never hired before. There are a few guys I have in mind for this, but I can't really see flying them to me for a two-hour "test drive" and them flying them back again months later. I would obviously hire only well-reviewed escorts and do some extensive phone conversation before shelling out ticket money. What have been your experiences with this? I tell guys to 1.) check out my escort reviews, 2.) check out my website and 3.) call me with any questions or concerns as many times as they need to feel good about it...


That's a lot of questions -- feel free to address just some of them if you don't feel like writing an essay. I'm most interested in the plane tickets stuff. I thank everyone in advance for any insights you have -- from the escort POV and client POV.

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Hey DG,


You've got some great advice here, so I'll just chime in with my opinions and preferences from my own escorting experience:


PLANE TICKETS: This is my biggest question. How does that work? If the client pays for the ticket, how do you put someone else's name on it? How do you know when to book arrival and departure times? Has anyone just let the escort arrange it all and then pay for it? How would that work?


My preference is to book and pay for my own plane tickets, then get reimbursed. Then we don't get into the whole ID and identities issue - it just seems a lot cleaner and easier. I'll then send a pdf of the confirmation, with or without my name blocked out depending on how well I know the guy. Some guys will want to take care of reimbursement ahead of time, and paypal is good for that, but I'm OK waiting til I get there. I've never been burned with a trip being canceled and losing my money. Upon arrival you could hand the escort a separate envelope with the plane fare inside, which I think represents a "good faith" start to the trip.


What's the general "overnight" time frame?


As others have said, that's best agreed on beforehand. Some guys base overnights on 8 hours, others 12 hours. Given you'll be having transit time to the airport and download time, just lay out the time frame specifically. Chances are it won't be a tidy 8- or 12-hour timeframe so just say what the start and finish times would be. Then ask him what the fee would be for that specific amount of time together.


Have escorts ever stayed in the client's home?


It depends on your preference. Odd as it may seem, I'd say perhaps as much as 1/3 of the time the client has said he prefers to sleep alone, so will arrange separate accommodations elsewhere. Some guys love having another man in their bed and will want to have the escort spend the whole night together, but don't feel awkward if your preference is to be alone as you sleep and you'd just assume the escort be somewhere else. The escort will not be offended with either scenario, and I can assure you they have encountered this before so will not be fazed either way.


about the issue of hiring someone you've never hired before. There are a few guys I have in mind for this, but I can't really see flying them to me for a two-hour "test drive" and them flying them back again months later. I would obviously hire only well-reviewed escorts and do some extensive phone conversation before shelling out ticket money. What have been your experiences with this?


Go the "fly and drive" route and visit him in his city for the test drive. The costs will probably come out about the same (give or take a rental car or so), and if you're like me it will be a little adventure. If you do well together, then have him come back to you in the future.


Alternatively you can go the route of asking "do you have any plans to be in ___________ (city)" and if he does, you can do your test drive then. I'd met some of my best clients when someone from a city I'd already been planning to go to (such as Atlanta... he he) asked if I was planning a trip sometime, and it was enough for me to decide to go ahead with the trip. However, some guys don't do much travel, and others might get irritated since in effect it transfers the travel costs to the escort. But in my experience, I've had great trips to Atlanta, New York, and Sacramento (of all places) where a client inquired about travel plans, and even with me covering my own travel costs I was able to make the whole thing work with other business I was able to do during the trip.

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Hey Decatur Guy,


As with most questions regarding escorts the answer to this question is "It depends". We all have different ways to deal with this situation but if you are considering a well reviewed escort who has experience travelling, he will be able to answer clearly to all your questions.


...all depends on the guy, his reviews. you can reliably see more than a handful of escorts out there who are known for this kind of appointment without much fear of problems.


it'll cost you, but what you're getting are escorts who specialize in it


Some young, inexperienced kids will offer you really low rates for travel because they are excited and have no idea of what travel might entail. Some of them might not know how to deal with a situation like this and your session might end up compromised. Go with the pros. Especially if you are investing that much time and money on it.


You can both let the escort book his flight (My personal preference) or you can book it yourself. I prefer to do it because my schedule changes really abruptly all the time so I like to have absolute control over my schedule. (If you book the trip, then only you can make changes on it.)


I normally collect my fee and the airfare at the end of the session, unless it is a long trip to a foreign country, in which case I prefer to get a portion of my fee at arrival so that I don't have to use my cards for spending money. If you are dealing with consistently well reviewed escorts I would assume it is okay to pay in advance. It is all up to you.


Overnight sessions vary. The most common in a 12 hour period, with some sleep. The clock doesn't start ticking anywhere, it's not a bomb. =) You two should carefully consider what flights to book, which will give you a clear idea of his arrival and departure. He is charging you for companionship, which means that the minute you two are together, he is providing what he was contracted for. Depending on where you are, how long it took him to fly there and what activities you have planned, you two should be able to agree on something satisfactory.


I have stayed at many of my clients' homes. Sometimes for long periods, sometimes even while some of my client's friends also stayed there. If there are areas of the house that you want to remain off limits, mention that to your escort. We have a lot of experience understanding people's privacy an respecting it. This is our job, to be as close and intimate as wanted, while being non intrusive. If at any time you need your space back, tell you escort precisely that and arrange a little break. It's all about communicating. We have heard it all, we have seen it all, and we are there to create a relaxed, fun, sensual time for you.


As for flying in escorts that you don't know, I would say go ahead as long as his travel reviews are consistent. I have met many, many clients for the first time at the start of a long trip together or a long stay at their place. Only once the session didn't pick up. I offered to leave without any remuneration but he asked me to stay. He said he was feeling really sad and needed company. It happened once, in perhaps a hundred plus trips. If you hire a professional travel companion, you will get a seasoned guy who knows how to behave in most situations and will be focused on you.


Don't worry much about it. It should be a fun and relaxed process. Chose a couple guys, let them know what you have in mind and see how the chemistry unfolds on your communication. Don't book anyone before speaking on the phone, and once you make up your mind and book, stop worrying. He is a professional. He will deliver.


Best of luck, and hope you have a wonderful experience!

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Guest countryboywny


Regarding the "ticking clock", I don't worry about minute by minute rate structures. When I approach an escort for a travel appointment I just let him give me his rate once we know the flight arrangements. For instance, if it's a weekend thing, he'll know what day and time his flight leaves and what day and time he will return home, then he just gives me his rate and we're good. No worrying about when the clock starts and stops.

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One thing about the ticket is that you need their real name and birth date. The guy who took me to Nantucket told me that his (non p4p) travel companion's real names were often totally different from the ones they gave him. And of course, many people are tempted to add a few years to their birthdate, but that will mean they won't get through security.

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Of course, letting the client book the ticket implies giving away your full name and DOB. As we've seen in the past by testimony from other Forum members at the time the TSA started collecting secure flight data, some escorts lie about their age by not just "a few years".


many people are tempted to add a few years to their birthdate, but that will mean they won't get through security.


"An air ticket does not show the DOB, when you go through security the TSA agent would only check your government issued photo ID which shows your DOB, but since it's not shown on the ticket, there's nothing to check against. The DOB is only required in order for the airline to check each passenger against the no fly list, because people could have the exact same name as a terrorist, the DOB is added to make sure there is no confusion."

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my practice has always been for the client to make all the arrangements. That way there is no deposit or pre payment or even reimbursement expected. I look at the ticket purchas in advance as full deposit and a guarantee against cancellation of the appointment. Yet cancellations still happen even with a paid ticket. guy chickens out or picks someone else .

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One more round of thanks to the escorts (some of whom I've hired before on a non-fly-in basis) who answered as well clients. Thanks to you all for sharing your procedural wisdom.


A special shout-out to Chris Eisenhower and Nate Bruno, who gave up phone time to answer a ton of questions about this and other subjects!

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Just your experience? So, you've shipped in escorts for your pleasure and occurred dangerous situations? Interesting. Perhaps, Mikey, there are many escorts out there who are only planning to be in the game for a short period and don't feel comfortable providing their information to clients they don't know. I have been told by many of escorts who have been approached for overnights or trips and provided their personal information only to have the "client" runaway with the information and never follow through. Before warning the community, perhaps you should think that not everyone's circumstances are your own. At your "said age" you should know better. As always, of course, we appreciate your educated input.

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Personally, I'm not sure why someone would want to commit to an extended date with an escort with whom they've never met. While I have flown in many of working guys, it's always been with guys I've met before. I wouldn't risk the time or the money on someone I might not have chemistry with. If I'm REALLY hot for a guy in a distant city, I usually fly to them and book a couple of hours. If all is magic, I extend the appointment or book them again the following night. Worse comes to worse, I'm usually in a city where there's other options. Paid or not :)

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