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Why are Ohio and Indiana callers so full of shit?

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From UrbanDictionary.com [/color]


I'm Batting 1,000

A Baseball term used for sex. This term means you've had anal sex with every partner you've ever been with.

"I've only had anal with one person." "Really? I've gotta say man, I'm batting 1,000."


uh it's a baseball term to this old guy :)




re, joey: maybe if he spent less time feeling sorry for himself, pulling out the victim card, he'd do better as an escort and spend less time pissing and moaning. hope he takes some of this advice hes getting.

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From UrbanDictionary.com [/color]


I'm Batting 1,000

A Baseball term used for sex. This term means you've had anal sex with every partner you've ever been with.

"I've only had anal with one person." "Really? I've gotta say man, I'm batting 1,000."


source: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=I'm%20Batting%201%2C000


While that is true, what I mean to say is that every client from Ohio I've ever met has been a very positive experience.

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re, joey: maybe if he spent less time feeling sorry for himself, pulling out the victim card, he'd do better as an escort and spend less time pissing and moaning. hope he takes some of this advice hes getting.
jimboi, I'm with you on that. He who has work doesn't have time to bitch about the work or the quality of client. He who has no work, can either bitch about no work (the easy way), or get to work finding work (the road less traveled). Anyone who bitches as much as JB, cannot possibly be as successful as he is claiming to be. There is just no way I can be convinced that he's financially successful simply because I cannot believe he is successful at keeping his attitude in check in a one-on-one meeting. He does not keep his attitude in check while posting to a message board, the majority of whose members are his best prospective clients.


It's just too incongruent for me to believe.

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He who has work doesn't have time to bitch about the work or the quality of client. He who has no work, can either bitch about no work (the easy way), or get to work finding work (the road less traveled). Anyone who bitches as much as JB, cannot possibly be as successful as he is claiming to be. There is just no way I can be convinced that he's financially successful simply because I cannot believe he is successful at keeping his attitude in check in a one-on-one meeting. He does not keep his attitude in check while posting to a message board, the majority of whose members are his best prospective clients.



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ok, that was cute in the other thread, but using it twice is over kill


folks can talk about joey's attitude because he invites the conversation. maybe it gets him business. I'm sure someone is turned on by a angry black guy with a huge chip on his shoulder

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I've been many times to Ohio (Columbus, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Dayton). I've also been to Indianapolis/Indiana several times.


I don't remember any bad experiences or clients that Joey describes.


What gives?[/color]


So the hell what? What does that have to do with me? You and me are 2 different races of people, 2 different ages from 2 different countries...so we are nothing alike in any shape or form. You discredit what I've experienced just because you haven't.


Listen...if you don't know, you need to know and stop playing ignorant. Everything in this country is not equal opportunity. The gay community in America has ALWAYS portrayed Black escorts/entertainers/actors in a different bracket than everyone else. This is why I talk about all the time how much better off I would be in other countries. Canada, Australia, Scandinavia, France, Amsterdam...the list goes on. Hell, I could probably even make it in Mexico or South America as I am seeing an increasing amount of Hispanic clients lately. I'm not saying this out of my own words. This is from people I've spoken to who have left America and/or worked abroad.


I had a client from your country...Brussels/Belgium, who hired me couple weeks ago. He took a taxi all the way from downtown to my place, paid well, and left. Meanwhile, most people locally complain about how far I am when they have a car, or won't bother to simply take the newly built light-rail to my street and I'd offer them a ride from the station, which I offered this client.


The issue with places like Indy and Ohio and many 'eastern' states is the crime rates are high, there's alot of low-income minority hoods, lots of amateur escorts from the 'hood' that have created a certain image of Black escorts...so when someone like myself goes there, they automatically get met with resistance because of their experiences with so and so. Clients are distrustful, and some have even developed a sort of stereotype about us...and you here it on here ALL THE TIME. How backpage and adam4adam mostly advertises Black thugs, etc.


I know an older White guy who is quite wealthy himself...but he never needs to pay for it. He lives in Harrisburg, PA and Miami, and has poor Black guys all the time asking him for money. But, he just gives them a place to stay and throw some food at them, and that's it. He's even found a live in guy from the Bahamas to clean his place. And that same scenario can be found over and over elsewhere. He doesn't even have to pay because there's always another desperate, needy guy right around the corner. I can't live my full potential in a country where that's so prevalent (as it pertains to the rentboy industry). I need to be somewhere that hasn't created 'bad parts of town' that are mainly occupied by the race I'm marketing as . Going state to state doesn't work as well because it's still within the country.


Still don't believe me? Don't take my word for it:

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You and me are 2 different races of people, 2 different ages from 2 different countries...so we are nothing alike in any shape or form.


Listen...if you don't know, you need to know and stop playing ignorant. Everything in this country is not equal opportunity.


The gay community in America has ALWAYS portrayed Black escorts/entertainers/actors in a different bracket than everyone else.


This is why I talk about all the time how much better off I would be in other countries. Canada, Australia, Scandinavia, France, Amsterdam...the list goes on. I'm not saying this out of my own words. This is from people I've spoken to who have left America and/or worked abroad.


The issue with places like Indy and Ohio and many 'eastern' states is the crime rates are high, there's alot of low-income minority hoods, lots of amateur escorts from the 'hood' that have created a certain image of Black escorts...so when someone like myself goes there, they automatically get met with resistance because of their experiences with so and so. Clients are distrustful, and some have even developed a sort of stereotype about us...and you here it on here ALL THE TIME. How backpage and adam4adam mostly advertises Black thugs, etc.




Celebrate DIVERSITY!

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GRASS IS NOT ALWAYS GREENER, yadda yadda yadda


Steven....Steven please. You can refrain from use of cliches with me. You come to the states all the time. So obviously, the grass must be greener somewhere. Sometimes, it doesn't matter how well you water the grass...if the grass is growing in silt or clay or under the shade of a tree, it's not growing to grow for crap. Obviously, you've found it to be of benefit to not simply work the same pasture, but go across the pond to another pasture.


And besides, who wants to just munch on grass when they can go someplace where there's oats and barley? The fattest cows don't just graze on grass, they get fed grains too. I want to be that fat cow (ok, maybe 'massive bull' sounds sexier). Not the antelope picking thru sage brush.



JoeyBryant...... just please "SSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" yourself, if even a remote chance


Why because the truth hurts? That's not going to work on me, I apologize.



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The fattest cows don't just graze on grass, they get fed grains too. I want to be that fat cow (ok, maybe 'massive bull' sounds sexier)







Comprehending Robert Fulghum's remarkable quote: (from multiple sources)


"I absolutely love Robert Fulghum for his ability to pack such profound notions into such simple statements, and this quote is a great example. It is a favorite for the two crucial truths it voices. One would be to stay present. So often we are living in the past or living in the future, saying “things will be great once such and such happens. ” Time spent looking forward or looking back at the past ultimately means that we are missing out on soaking up the current moment. Basically, wherever you are, be there fully. The second truth would be that life is what you make of it. It is often tempting to want a different situation, surrounding, or experience than the one we currently find ourselves in. However, ultimately, we cannot control much of life but can control how we chose to react to it and what we will chose to do with it. Tend to the grass wherever you may be."


"Perhaps the greatest human task is the acceptance of reality. Psychoanalyst Melanie Klein viewed this as the cornerstone of mental health, contentment, inner security, and peace of mind. Buddha said, “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”


Psychoanalysts will always have a job because so many human troubles involve the preoccupation with having another life, a different life, a better life somewhere else. But the idea that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence is just a myth. When we allow ourselves to be persecuted by the belief that we do not have enough, we become depressed, anxious, envious, and greedy. We deny the goodness of our lives and lose focus and hope.


We can’t have someone else’s lawn, castle, or life. We can only have our own. If we can accept that, then we can begin to develop it, to improve it, and to grow it. Robert Fulghum, an American author famous for his collection of essays titled All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, wrote, “The grass is not, in fact, always greener on the other side of the fence. Fences have nothing to do with it. The grass is greenest where it is watered. When crossing over fences, carry water with you and tend the grass wherever you may be.”


So, what are some ways we can tend the grass on this side of the fence, on this side of the world? There are a lot of things we could stop doing. We could stop complaining and stop comparing. These are easier said than done and, at times, we may feel our self-expression stifled, but consciously trying to stop complaining can be a move towards a more positive outlook. Nobody wants to be around a constant complainer anyway."


Tend the grass, Joey. Tend the grass wherever you may be.

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Steven, thanks for posting that. I like Fulghum's quote a lot, and I will keep that in mind.


But FWIW, the two statements, "The grass is always greener on the other side" and "the grass is greenest when it's watered," are not mutually exclusive. The idea that what other people have sometimes looks better (because we don't see the downside) remains true.

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Steven, thanks for posting that. I like Fulghum's quote a lot, and I will keep that in mind.


But FWIW, the two statements, "The grass is always greener on the other side" and "the grass is greenest when it's watered," are not mutually exclusive. The idea that what other people have sometimes looks better (because we don't see the downside) remains true.


I agree with your statement that what other people have looks better because we don't see the downside. I would add that what other people have can look better because they take better care of what they have than we do of what we have. I think this applies to the OP.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Starbuck

24 astronauts were born in Ohio ... also, the Wright brothers ...


Hmmm ... makes you think. So maybe the answer to the OP's original puzzlement about why the men of Ohio don't follow through with him is that they have better things to do. Just a thought.

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Thank you for sharing. Sorry you had such unfortunate experiences!

Have you been to http://www.blacklistjohns.com? If they were very bad, you can list the offenders there and help other professionals avoid the trouble.


When you scout out new locations now, do you do test ads and inquiries to find out what the people are like?

When I wanted to work in Lancaster, PA for a week, I put up some ads on Craigslist and the forums. Got some bites, but they sounded ALOT like what you experienced.

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Sorry to resurrect this, and I have long family ties to Ohio, but I think this is certainly worth considering





lol...that's cute. So I assume that means people DIDN'T want to be in Ohio, right?





Thank you for sharing. Sorry you had such unfortunate experiences!

Have you been to http://www.blacklistjohns.com? If they were very bad, you can list the offenders there and help other professionals avoid the trouble.


When you scout out new locations now, do you do test ads and inquiries to find out what the people are like?

When I wanted to work in Lancaster, PA for a week, I put up some ads on Craigslist and the forums. Got some bites, but they sounded ALOT like what you experienced.


I have heard of a few blacklist sites, but haven't quite yet signed up for them yet. I usually tend to just add people to my cell services block list if they really turn out to be flakes.


I do put up test ads and do inquiries. But, with OH and IN I don't generally run into those kinds of things in most cities. Sometimes stuff like deposits tend to run em off pretty quickly too. There's 1 guy I see near the other side of Lake Michigan...and have met with maybe 2 or 3 times, but he's also flaked on me 2 or 3 times. I know he's going to flake when he doesn't get around to sending the deposit...in which case I don't bother.

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I think you made a mistake staying on the phone with the guy for a half an hour. I think the longer a guy stays on the line, the less likely he is to make an appointment. When I first started, an experienced escort told me that if a guy doesn't book an appt within five minutes of calling, he's not going to. I've found that is generally true. You were sort of giving him "phone sex" for free -- especially when he started bragging that he could cum 4 or 5 times and that he'd give you $100 for each. That to me sounds so unrealistic that I'd consider the call more of a joke than anything. If they just keep talking about sex, I tell them to call me on my phone sex line via Niteflirt:


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If they just keep talking about sex, I tell them to call me on my phone sex line via Niteflirt:



Since the purpose of this thread has been fulfilled, from your site:


"I demand to be worshipped like the MUSCLE GOD that I am!"


Like any self respecting feline, I prefer to BE worshipped. KThnx. :)


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