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What are some things you look for, to determine how likely someone is to book?

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Although this is similiar to some other things I've recently talked about, I wanted to separate a comment someone made in another thread because this isn't just about cities right now:


I know if I were in the business (at 66 perhaps I won't be!) I would need to have a pretty healthy capital base to hazard going to a place with nothing but internet ads and a few vague phone calls working for me.


I just can't get this post out of mind. Because, it basically says internet ads and inquiries aren't enough to bother going on a trip. Well, it's a starting point. It's the basic essentials that one has to have. Ads, and interest. But, how can you tell if those emails and phone calls are going to pan out?


These past 2 weeks away from home, have just really made me re-evaluate the way I do things. It started from day 1 of my tour. Two separate emails. 1 repeat client and 1 new client. You'd think, atleast 1 would show up. Neither one showed up. This is after several text and/or email exchanges. I got the best room in the hotel, and no one showed up that day.


This no-show behavior has been going on and off for the past 16 days in 3 different locations. It happens everytime anyway, but I haven't had to talk about it lately because it hasn't been on this level. My phone inbox overfilled throughout the course of my visits with over 2,000 messages (I keep them archived, in the event I have to reference a past conversation to see if they've gave me hard time in the past). I can't even go into every individual instance where someone called me, asked when I'll be in so and so...and then just bailed once I arrived. Or made tentative plans, keeping me glued to my cellphone...only to come with some ridiculous excuse later.


The 2nd part of this, is say you had X amount of dollars. You could use that amount to take care of essentials at home...and then be left hanging until your next pay day/client/etc. Assuming you look busier out of town than locally. Or...you could use that X amount of dollars for the tour which looks to be profitable. Which one do you do? I've done both. Sometimes for better, or worse. But, this past month I did just that...and ended up late on a bill. I had the money for the bill before I began the tour. All I needed was the 1 or 2 client to book me, and I would have simply used that to make-up for the tour costs. Nope. I had to take money that was reserved for that bill to pick up the slack from their not following thru with what they requested. Eventually, I made back the money to pay that bill, but with all the people who didn't live up to the agreement, it took so much out of what I earned. I like to spend what my clients give me wisely. I feel like I'm not using it wisely, when I have to essentially gamble...because I think I'm investing, but really just wasting. That is the #1 thing that burns me up. Because I work hard to sustain myself...and people who bullshit me and play games, are essentially trying to take that away from me. In the form of hotels and travel expenses...and then them not showing up.


I know you all are tired of hearing it, but I'm tired of talking about it too. I don't want to be in an airport on a Friday night recapping and trying to figure out what went awry. It's a shame that a few bad adam's apples have to overcast the good guys. There's no reason my finances have to be messed up because peope who are just lonely and want to have someone to talk to, wants to play games. And someone will say, "well hairdressers and lawyers have to deal with it too, just suck it up'. But hairdressers and lawyers can be toyed with from the comfort of their office or salon and don't travel to see people who are just inquiring. I'm sure there's exceptions, but speaking generally. People can just play games at their own will, mess up someone's finances...and dust their hands off like it never happened. Meanwhile, I'm the one who has to take the loss. Websites can't give an answer, they just want their money every month. They never address it.


The reason why I don't post this on a blog or email someone individually...is because I want everyone to know. We guys generally won't talk about it, because we like to be made to feel wanted and 'highly desired'. And talking about it we are concerned, will tarnish that. But, when you see people retire, see people leave the business, wonder why guys aren't traveing to your area...think about what I'm saying. Don't beat me up, because it's not my fault. We need to figure out why people are making plans and not going thru with them. Why they contact traveling guys, say "call me once you get here", and let the phone go to voicemail. And more importantly, forget about why. What can one do to guard themselves? Deposits...you know I won't hesistate. But, I've had genuine good clients not agree to deposits. So it's simply not a universal solution.

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is this a generational / "millenial" thing? I had a massage "tentatively" booked for 7:15. At 3.30 I was sent a note, "I'm sure you've surmised that I don't have an open slot this eveing." I want to point out to him that me, late of the Boomer Bunch, expect confirmations AND regrets, not just confirmations.


I really do think it's a cultural thing with the different generations.

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is this a generational / "millenial" thing? I had a massage "tentatively" booked for 7:15. At 3.30 I was sent a note, "I'm sure you've surmised that I don't have an open slot this eveing." I want to point out to him that me, late of the Boomer Bunch, expect confirmations AND regrets, not just confirmations.


I really do think it's a cultural thing with the different generations.


Maybe so. Or maybe mental illness has taken over the human race as we know it.


In less than 24 hours writing this, 3 more people...who were actually really good previous clients, did it to me again. Talked the talk, but didn't spend the Ben. Not for any earth-shattering reason, just neglecting all together to bother putting much of any effort in keeping their word. At this point, all reasoning and mercy is out the window.


I fantasized today about how it would be to be the bad guy one day. You know, when I decide to eventually retire, and get even. Turn the tables so to speak. Let clients book me and not show, send them to bogus apartment units and hotels...take money, and then walk away with it...basically just be plain evil. But, I can't see doing that having any positive impact on me, even if I retire with 3 months left to live. I think it takes a certain type of mental disability to do things like that and feel gratification in doing so. I just have to hope they come across someone less savory than me, to do the dirty work. Not that'd I'd ever wish harm on anyone, but I believe to some extent these unsavory clients know what they are doing. They want somebody to beg for money and be at their mercy. it's a control thing.


On a serious note, I believe good prevails over evil, in all of us i'm just wondering if perhaps these guys are obsessing over me too much, and just want to chat with me, but can't for whatever reason, part with the money

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Well they sure as hell don't act like that when they're blowing my phone up with texts day in, day out. How low could it possibly be?


I think i'm going to start charging for texts, emails and calls after a certain allotted free amount. If after a predetermined amount of texts/chat they want to continue to chit chat beyond what's reasonable to make an appointment, they'll have to pay a fee which will allow continuous text and talk for 1 week. It would only apply to newbies or those who have a track record of inconsistencies. That way I can rest in peace and not drive myself crazy.


I just turned 26 last week. Screw the nonsense, it's time to put this game into maximum overdrive equipped with brembo brakes and the vented rotors. The games are over buddy.

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I think it is more the digitizing of the escort business makes it more like pornography for many guys. It used to be street hustlers, newspaper escort ads, and phone escort agencies. You had to be serious to engage. Or at least you were more likely to be serious if you picked up the phone to call.


But now, with all the various escort advertising sites and personal escort sites, it's more like interactive pornography. Guys see these sites with all these photos and ad copy that is detailed. They can contact the escort and enjoy the fantasy of meeting him, without having to do so. It's almost like phone sex or cyber sex for those guys.


It's like on hookup sites where guys will say they want to meet up, but vanish as soon as it comes to actually meet up. It probably occurs more to escorts than it does to the average a4a user, but it's the same sort of thing. It's guys getting off on the prospect of meeting up, rather than anyone who was ever serious about meeting up.

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I think it's just stunning the number of people these days who are so cavalier about saying they'll show up for something and simply don't.


I've been concerned before that escorts think I'm cybersexing/fucking with them because I have contacted out-of-town escorts sometimes months and even years before I was able to finally connect.


I think my first contact with Tom Isern in NYC was at least 18 months before I finally was able to swing it. But I was very upfront from the start that I was from out of town, not able to fly him in and it would be awhile before I'd be able to get there. Same deal with NateSF, and others.


So far, they seemed to have been able to see I was sincere and not using them for phone sex, jacking off, etc. But for every upfront, sincere client, I bet you have two or three screw-offs. I feel for you guys. (And I've had escorts pull that crap on me with last-minute cancellations on pretty flimsy grounds -- on the other hand, I've had a couple of pricey encounters where I wish he had done that instead of giving me a lukewarm experience).

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I have eliminated most of the time wasters from my practice, but a few still get through from time to time:






I hope the observations in these two blog entries help you in some way.


Oh wow! I'm very impressed with what you wrote. Even people not in the business can pick up some good tips. Good job and thanks for sharing! :)

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I think it is more the digitizing of the escort business makes it more like pornography for many guys. It used to be street hustlers, newspaper escort ads, and phone escort agencies. You had to be serious to engage. Or at least you were more likely to be serious if you picked up the phone to call.


It's like on hookup sites where guys will say they want to meet up, but vanish as soon as it comes to actually meet up. It probably occurs more to escorts than it does to the average a4a user, but it's the same sort of thing. It's guys getting off on the prospect of meeting up, rather than anyone who was ever serious about meeting up.


That's a good point. I suppose I'm in this 'new age' era of virtual bullcrap. Yes it's safer, better tracking, more discreet, and efficient...but at the same time it's so widely available...and accessible, people can do what they want over the phone and get away with it. You don't get to text the escort agency about everything leading up to the appointment.


As for hookup sites...there's 2 sides of that I contend with. 1 is the escort me, and then the other is the looking for a boyfriend me. Sites like a4a only seem good for escorting when you're local and there. Using it for escort travel, it's like a magnet for every lurking time-waster in whatever city I go to. I won't even bother with that for future plans anymore. As far as dating goes...I don't use a4a for that, but what often happens is you meet lots of people...but it rarely goes beyond 1-3 dates and then the bullcrap starts pouring out (sick/work/emergencies/drama/excuses).


I think it's just stunning the number of people these days who are so cavalier about saying they'll show up for something and simply don't. I've been concerned before that escorts think I'm cybersexing/fucking with them because I have contacted out-of-town escorts sometimes months and even years before I was able to finally connect.


Yeah, that's the thing. Sometimes someone can 'seem' like they aren't serious when they actually are. That's why I try to treat every correspondence as so it were. But, I can only do so much when it's playing a game of duck, duck, goose and seeing who's going to jump up and go for it.


And I understand if a client backs out because of personal choice. I'm not just talking about getting 1 phone call from someone who says they want to book, and don't. I'm more referring to guys who beg you to come to town, ask when you're coming, tell us to call them upon arrival...and then disappear. Or clients we've met before who keep communication regularly, or contact you a couple of times and don't show.

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I have eliminated most of the time wasters from my practice, but a few still get through from time to time:






I hope the observations in these two blog entries help you in some way.


They did...great blog post. I had a good laugh too.


The one where you mentioned obsessive communication, I went ahead and posted on my ads about my new pre-appointment 'communication' rates for new or non-local clients. That way, if someone wants to talk, get to know me, or sext before an appointment, I won't prevent them from doing it...but at the same time, it'll put off the ones who just like to do it with no intentions of actually booking.


And if it doesn't seem to get thru...my number block feature will so come in handy. I don't have time to be answering texts all times of the morning from people who live 2 hours ahead of my timezone , who I've never met and probably never will meet.

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Hey guys,

My thing is 3 text messages or emails maximum before a phone call. Anything more than that, the guy is getting a free joy ride while gazing at your adverts. In my first response I kindly request a phone call from the prospective client. This leads to 3 types of responses.

1. Radio Silence where I never hear from them again.

2. Myriad bullshit excuses why they can't call - i.e. "my boyfriend is here..."

3. They call to book an appointment.


If it's #3 and you can tell by the way they're trying to steer the conversation that they're either willing and excited to commit to a time/date & place for an appointment with you, or they just want to have a chat with the pics online. You can usually tell within the first 10 seconds. If they just wanna chat I explain to them that I have a regular client trying to reach me on the other line & could they call me back later.

So that's my Schtick. Dealing with time wasters is part of the self-promotion. It would be great if Daddy started an agency so wouldn't need to mess with them. ;-)

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