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Super Lengthy Post: Q: How Do You Choose To Work With Someone????

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I want to know from rookie & seasoned escorts, the answer to the question above.


How do you work with someone? When do you say yes and when do you decline? What are your preferences & what are your disqualifications when working with other escorts?


Let me tell you a little about myself...


I refer to myself as a personal male companion.


I'm pretty old-fashioned. I do my job. I want all participants to have a good, clean, hot & hearty time. I like things to happen organically. That 'seen-it-or-say-it' porn stuff isn't my bag. I have strong hands. Lean body. Have worked hard to lose almost 80lbs since I was a 20 y/o. Lots of girth. Big thighs. Tiny flat ass. large Frankenstein skull. Size 12 1/2 feet.


I'm not into bare backing, club drugs, posing in little panties, spit, shit, piss, piles of asses coming at me at one time. Tickling does nothing for me. You can lick my feet for hours. Ain't going to make me cum. I prefer men freshly showered w/o cologne. Gives me a giant headache. Like poppers give me a headache or gross body funk gives me a headache. It turns me off.


Roller coasters, steaks, Pink Floyd and Scrabble give me a hard on.


I'll talk some aggressive country shit with a client, but calling an asshole a pussy, openly cracks me up. It kills the mood for me.



My philosophy is if I don't think I can do the job, someone more qualified should have the fee & the client. I'm a firm believer in no unsettling surprises for the client & no unsettling surprises for me in return.


What defines a surprise? When I show up and it's a party of men. When I show up and someone says they have a condom allergy. When I show up to work with another escort and I'm 'OR ELSED' e.g. we're not using condoms or we are smoking meth or 9 more guys are showing up...if you want to get paid, do it or else.


I leave 1000000000% of the time. Game over for this mule!


In the old days, I worked well with Aaron Scott in DC, the original Danny Cruz, the original Danny Nashville, guy named Steve in Dallas & a guy whose name escapes me in Vegas.


In each one of these meetings, met, did our job safely, shook hands & I went back to my life.


NO ONE ripped a client off or was high or didn't show or barebacked or bullshitted or expected to be friends or wanted to use me as promotion or wanted me to appear in their videos or wanted to be my drug dealer.


I did my job and I went back to my life. Call me if you need me again. Private & confidential. My only vices during any of these appointments...I may have had a Bud Light & smoked some weed. Hard as I party!!!


***Now, here's where things changed...a few examples w/o any names & bear in mind---I simply said yes to the appointment and waited for the date to be scheduled so I could arrive & do my job***


A) For years and years, various clients have asked me to work with an escorting Superstar. EVERY TIME, I have said "Yes, tell me when" EVERY TIME! Dude takes tons of photos of himself. Out of 500 photos, I have never seen his penis. I have never seen it soft, hard, full body, outline, in an ass, on his back or sunning on the beach.




Who here doesn't have a penis shot? WHO? And out of hundreds of photos?


All I know sexually is the few times he wrote in his blog about riding cock at some steam house in Chicago. And then folks called him out after no sex in his billions of reviews and BOOM, a couple of mildly sexual ones and I think he magically became a 7C THICK versatile.


So each time I agreed, my conditions were gotta use condoms, don't want him flapping his mouth on his blog and he has to shut up talking about himself and take some dick. Some straight up old fashioned man-on-man throw down. And I waited to hear back...


EVERY TIME & EVERY CLIENT there was an excuse year after year after year, time after time after time...he was afraid of actual genuine rock-n-roll with a man AKA his ass was gonna have to work instead of admiring himself in the mirror and yapping about it.






B) The guy mentioned above had a Robin to his Batman. One who he trained in the art. One who I believe eventually turned on him. I agreed to work with Robin. Same basic rules as before. My client sent him thousands upfront. Guy doesn't show up. I'm left to soothe an unhappy client for a weekend. Chin up and do my job. Because I didn't want my client to have a worthless experience. I knew he was dejected & was ready for a super hot threesome. Find out, Robin took thousands from several clients and disappeared. Time goes by, Robin resurfaces. Begs forgiveness. Agrees to meet one-on-one with my client. Stands him up again. Rips more people off in a second round.


WTF is going on ?!! LOL



C) Atlanta client wants me to meet with an athletic All-American type. This guy is educated & all safe & out to please the client. I say sure(same rules as above) Gives the client the runaround. But not before he takes the client for tons of money including not paying for something which the client really shouldn't have said "In my name, you make the payments...agreed?" OF COURSE HE DIDN'T KEEP HIS WORD.


Another Atlanta client was thinking of working out a threesome with me. As we discussed it, He remarked how the guy above was "OUT!" I asked why. He told me about his cheap cheap cheap raw videos and showed me the guy's two-handfuls of mugshots. SERIOUS CRIMES spanning eight years. And, he had ripped off one of my nicest, best guys.


WTF is going on??? But, I'm suppose to keep my mouth shut.



D) Washington DC client asks me to meet with West Coast Superstar. I say YES(same rules as above) Out of all these guys mentioned. he is the least my type. But I'll do it because I like the client. So I literally sit and wait until the date. Go on with my normal routine, it's on my schedule.


I begin receiving invites to sex parties. I'M NOT A SEX PARTY GUY! Except for New Orleans with a client, I haven't even been to a nighclub since '04. The small fee waived for cleaning supplies for first-times wasn't an incentive to make this my first sex house party.


BEFORE EVER MEETING THIS ESCORT, I receive an email. He had produced a promotional video for himself. In this video, he puts photos in a series of all the escorts who he has worked with. WE HAD'NT WORKED TOGETHER YET.


WTF is going on?


He wrote how some guys in the video were getting upset & he couldn't understand why & this video was hard to compile & it took a lot of work.




If I were to make a video to release as self-promotion and I were to use photos of Devon Hunter or Xander or Draker OR ANYONE, wouldn't you want to me to ask your permission BEFORE I made the video? I couldn't imagine being so bold & assuming!


SO, I wrote this guy and told him why I didn't want to appear in the video so there wouldn't be any speculation in the blogosphere.


He tells me to FUCK OFF in an email. And suddenly, he has no time for me because he is on his way to an overnight. I tried to call him and speak with him man-to-man. NEVER heard back. He was "too tired" to keep his appointment in DC with our mutual client. I kept the appointment.


And after EVERYONE saying this was the nicest guy...revealed to me....as long as he is making money for himself & you are saying yes to him. ANYTHING ELSE, she ain't having it!!!!! OH, and on this one, I'll bet my life that I have been low-lifed across the board, across the U.S.A.


Never met him.


In conclusion, I pose the question in the title. I don't want to rip off seniors. I don't want to deal with sketchy folks. I don't want the reputation that I promote evil. I want to have a fun, hot, simple, sexy time. AND GO HOME.


If I had wanted to appear in video, I would have accepted porn offers when the cash was much larger back in the day.


I'm not into the darkness, the cons, the manipulation, the deception of the internet 24/7.


I'm into i-Tunes & You Tube or Hulu.


I do my job--safely, sanely, securely. I shake hands. I say call me if you need me. I go back to my family and my friends and my speed of life.


I'm not trying to take anyone's clients or move in on anyone's sugar daddies.


I do my job. I go home.


And in the end, I suppose the only thing that knocked me down in the attack emails this week AND BROUGHT ME HERE TO THIS MOMENT, came from information thrown at me in those emails that I know I only told THREE OTHER PEOPLE and it hurts my feelings due to the viciousness.


ESPECIALLY given the fact that the emailer refuses to look at the COMPLETE twisted history of a specific person which speaks volumes. The guy who obviously fed him information and stands back stroking Mr. Bigglesworth.


I'M THE ASSHOLE! No one else. The throne is all mine


But, I'm a big boy. I'll get over it.


Thanks for your time & attention


I look forward to your answers.


PS Should an escort who enjoys working safely, sanely and securely, one who isn't PnP wasted or a barebacker or isn't totally insane or isn't trying to be the Queen of All He Surveys....NEED A TOP....AND, enjoys thick tasty Southern meat in this pie hole or that full fresh feeling from behind...SEND ME AN EMAIL...I'd love to work with you privately & discreetly.

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You're not the asshole. I enjoyed reading this and it just makes me even more disappointed that you've signed off on travel to Michigan any more.


Thank you so much! Hopefully, I'll make it up there again!


I love my industry. I have great clients. But I must say what started out this week as kinda malicious, has now just gotten kinda silly.


My new 'incognito email fan' has gone all BF Skinner on me(bf taught me about this guy a few years ago) especially since posting on 'Ask an Escort'


It's a barrage of: What's wrong with you? You have a problem? You are doing a disservice? You are harboring resentment? You are desperate? You are jealous? You obviously this or you obviously that. No one this or no one that. Over & over & over from a ghost IP address.


It's like...did you read anything I said? I'm expecting to read soon...NEIN, FRAU FARBISSINA HAS INSTRUCTED ME NOT TO...actually, I think I'll start auto-forwarding & totally ignore this guy.


I keep thinking, NO, I'm trying to evolve & participate in my community. I'm trying to make myself better & experiences clearer while explaining that I show up for the job instead of making excuses or pulling an angle or stealing or imagining or getting all fictional up in this piece....... & I'd love to work with other like-minded individuals.


Never has The Unknown Critic said: this is blankety-blank-blank from the MC. Instead, it's I'm watching you! So, I scan them & then forward them to seven different people.


And go on about my day/evening.


By the way, back to Michigan, y'all have some of the best cherries I have ever eaten in my life! That Olga's Burnt Onion sandwich is really good too!

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I had no idea anyone was badmouthing (bad-writing) you. I'm not even sure I know who all the escorts you were referring to unless one lives in San Antonio. From everything I know of you, your reviews always spoke of you being a man if your word and giving your clients a good time. We probably would have met a long time ago except for the fact that I don't hire 100% tops. Back when you 1st started advertising and I started hiring- I think I contacted you and found you weren't versatile. It was always disappointing to me that we weren't a match because I could tell you were a stand up guy. Nothing I have read over the years has changed that opinion.



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We do specialize in cherries (and I'm trying not to make any obvious jokes). And I had no idea until now Olga's was just a Michigan thing.


Anyway, I'm sure you realize this but there are always idiots at the end of any bell curve. You're out in public, you're sadly going to attract some of them. I won't say I would stop reading the emails from this fool, because I'd be tremendously amused by them, but I wouldn't take anything in them seriously.

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John, I haven't followed this thread closely so am not aware of all the issues but you seem to be disturbed about something. Shake it off; ignore it. I have admired you from afar for many years. You are and have always been such a class act and a strong individual, an asset to your profession. Don't let this bring you down. If the opportunity ever arises I plan to hire you in a heartbeat.

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Getting all gay Andy Griffith on it, I was trying to say...it's hard getting escorts to show up to appointments and be sexually responsible, it's always excuses & yammering. And, I've realized in my own twisted way...like doctors have decided the best medicine for Restless Leg Syndrome or insomnia is an intensive masturbation session, I think the cure for restless jawing escort bitches is a good ol hard man-on-man ass pounding. Would cut down on the viciousness, hysteria, psychosis and narcissism. Less time in the gym, less time admiring oneself, less time trying to have creepy bar sex or a quickie out back in the bushes sex or in gay costumes or just posing for applauding seniors, some dudes need to be gagging on a cock, then have a rock-hard dick opening up their asses to reset the brain/soul circuitry and come back down to Earth and be a man like the rest of us. Make them feel something again.


Dr. John is ready to operate(LOL, I'm so stupid!)

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Well finally decided to take the plunge and read your post. OK, it is a bit lenghty...lol... but it was worth every minute. Excellent post and thought process BTW. In the end, for me at least, Gman summoned my thoughts up nicely. I think he is spot on in his analysis of all that has been posted here. Just keep on being who you are and true to yourself and your clients, because half the people you meet are going to think you are an 'asshole' no matter what you do or say.

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Well finally decided to take the plunge and read your post. OK, it is a bit lenghty...lol... but it was worth every minute. Excellent post and thought process BTW. In the end, for me at least, Gman summoned my thoughts up nicely. I think he is spot on in his analysis of all that has been posted here. Just keep on being who you are and true to yourself and your clients, because half the people you meet are going to think you are an 'asshole' no matter what you do or say.


Very negative statement. I personally think there are a lot more than 50% working guys and hiring guys who think POSITIVE thoughts about each other and their experience.


Boston Bil

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Actually for me, I'll have to give that a 50/50 statement. Because there are tons of folks who will read reviews or stare at your photos or misunderstand comments, no matter how light-hearted they were meant to be, and send you emails out of blue that say, "I'll bet you think you are something don't you!" or "Obviously, you are an asshole!"


And I'm like 'ASSHOLE??? I'm having bowl of Cheerios or scooping out cat poop or trying to drag my ass out the door to the gym. WTF did I do??' Person has never met me or talked to me. Be like me sending that Byne's girl an email or tweet out of the blue..."LADY! What's wrong with you? You are an asshole!" I don't know her or her work or who she is(like really...I don't know her...NOTHING about her!"


Very negative statement. I personally think there are a lot more than 50% working guys and hiring guys who think POSITIVE thoughts about each other and their experience.


Boston Bil

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Because there are tons of folks who will read reviews or stare at your photos or misunderstand comments, no matter how light-hearted they were meant to be, and send you emails out of blue that say, "I'll bet you think you are something don't you!" or "Obviously, you are an asshole!"


And I'm like 'ASSHOLE??? I'm having bowl of Cheerios or scooping out cat poop or trying to drag my ass out the door to the gym. WTF did I do??' Person has never met me or talked to me.



That's funny STJ....I keep thinking of the member here who has a signature that says, "Remember Jesus loves you, but everyone else thinks your an asshole"...I laugh every time I see it." It was an excellent thread BTW, and my feeling still stands. I think you just have to keep moving forward in your life and let everyone else think what they will....Work only with those that you feel comfortable with and don't let those into your life that want to bring you down...best to you.

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I think I'm in love.



Wait... I think there was a question in there somewhere, and I don't see that anyone has answered it yet.


Okay, in four years I have done only one session with a second escort (that I can think of). That was in Boston, and it was awkward at best, because the boy was obviously a desperate college newbie who was ashamed of what he was doing. The only other time I can remember agreeing to do a three way with a second escort, it was in San Francisco, and the second escort kept saying he was 5 minutes away. I space my appointments out, in case there are problems starting/ending on time, but this boy was about to screw up my entire itinerary. 25 minutes after we were supposed to start he said he wasn't coming, then 10 minutes after that said he was in the lobby. I told my client I was not going to allow him into my room, since I had no idea what problems he would be bringing with him. We did a one-on-one, and I never met this second escort. I did try to travel with Sean Knight back in 2009, but our schedules never aligned (and to be frank, we're such different types I am not certain we would have been successful as a duo anyway... people into body builders wouldn't have wanted me as the second, and people into whatever I am wouldn't necessarily want Sean). Then Sean fell off the radar in 2011 or so, and has disappeared into the black hole at the center of the Milky Way. Recently I have tried to coordinate with Tyler Andrew in Atlanta, because we are pretty similar; however, scheduling has been difficult, because he has multiple careers he is balancing simultaneously. I'd be happy to work with him, but every time he gives me dates to plan around they change.


So, if I were still in the mood to consider trying to collaborate, what would I be looking for in a work buddy?

1) Reliability... constant, consistent reliability/honesty/trustworthiness/professionalism/discretion (which has to be proven over time, and which seems to be the bane of many working lads)

2) Parity... he can't be offering bareback foot fisting if I'm only offering vanilla with condoms. We have to have the same skills, the same interests, and the same fee (at least while we are in an appointment together). When he's away from me, his terms are his own.

3) Friendship... this requires a significant degree of trust, and pretty much means that we already have to have gotten to know each other prior to deciding to work together. Also, he would either have to be extraordinarily trusted by me to share my room/reservation, or else he would have to have his own hotel reservation and be able to host our collaborations in his room. I get a discount through a hotel employee, and if anything bad were to happen, my hotel friend could potentially get fired. No way I'm allowing anything unknown into that room and putting my friend's job at risk.

4) Reputation... I'm not trying to train apprentices. A collaborator would need to have an established identity, several good reviews, and a great deal of business sense and the level head to go with it.

5) Kindness... I do not choose to allow mean/bad/chaotic/disrespectful people into my life, and I am certainly not going to expose my clients to that type of nonsense, since I'll be judged by the company I keep. He'd need to be sweet, funny, friendly, and happy. I don't do darkness.


That's what I can think of off the top of my head.

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I did try to travel with Sean Knight back in 2009, but our schedules never aligned (and to be frank, we're such different types I am not certain we would have been successful as a duo anyway... people into body builders wouldn't have wanted me as the second, and people into whatever I am wouldn't necessarily want Sean). Then Sean fell off the radar in 2011 or so, and has disappeared into the black hole at the center of the Milky Way. Recently I have tried to coordinate with Tyler Andrew in Atlanta, because we are pretty similar; however, scheduling has been difficult, because he has multiple careers he is balancing simultaneously. I'd be happy to work with him, but every time he gives me dates to plan around they change.


4) Reputation... I'm not trying to train apprentices. A collaborator would need to have an established identity, several good reviews, and a great deal of business sense and the level head to go with it.

That's what I can think of off the top of my head.


lol, yeah I remember at one point seeing you and Sean postin here about traveling together. I wondered myself awhile back whatever happened to him. But, some people move on with their lives or what not. Some people do it for a little while to meet a goal and then drop off without announcing any 'retirement' etc. He gave me some really good advice though.


I personally wouldn't want to work with someone who is similiar to me. I can't see how that could even work. If I go out of town, why would I be working alongside a competitor whilst already competing with trying to set up schedules between clients? Athough it sounds silly, I'd even be jealous and wondering how he got a client and I didn't (and vice versa, the other guy could be thinking that about me). And what's the chance the client would be comfortable hiring 2 guys at a time? Not every client is into that type of thing. Sounds like too much extra distractons to me.


If I were to work alongside with someone, we'd have to both offer our own thing and only doing it to split travel costs. I don't even think sharing a hotel room would work because I don't like the idea of having to sit in the car for an hour or 2 not knowing what's going on in there. What I would need, is someone to organize my emails, arrange hotels, take care of the cat, etc. Or 1 guy can do incalls, the other outcalls. I don't know. I can do the corresponding. It's the other extra-curricular that tends to wear me out when I'm traveing. But, I just can't find anyone who's schedule is open enough, familiar enough with the business, or can travel alongside me and in my area.


This kind of work is best suited for loners...that is, those who choose to work alone. This isn't a group activity. For those who can find someone to work along with well, my hat goes off to you.

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lol, yeah I remember at one point seeing you and Sean postin here about traveling together. I wondered myself awhile back whatever happened to him. But, some people move on with their lives or what not. Some people do it for a little while to meet a goal and then drop off without announcing any 'retirement' etc. He gave me some really good advice though.


I personally wouldn't want to work with someone who is similiar to me. I can't see how that could even work. If I go out of town, why would I be working alongside a competitor whilst already competing with trying to set up schedules between clients? Athough it sounds silly, I'd even be jealous and wondering how he got a client and I didn't (and vice versa, the other guy could be thinking that about me). And what's the chance the client would be comfortable hiring 2 guys at a time? Not every client is into that type of thing. Sounds like too much extra distractons to me.


If I were to work alongside with someone, we'd have to both offer our own thing and only doing it to split travel costs. I don't even think sharing a hotel room would work because I don't like the idea of having to sit in the car for an hour or 2 not knowing what's going on in there. What I would need, is someone to organize my emails, arrange hotels, take care of the cat, etc. Or 1 guy can do incalls, the other outcalls. I don't know. I can do the corresponding. It's the other extra-curricular that tends to wear me out when I'm traveing. But, I just can't find anyone who's schedule is open enough, familiar enough with the business, or can travel alongside me and in my area.


This kind of work is best suited for loners...that is, those who choose to work alone. This isn't a group activity. For those who can find someone to work along with well, my hat goes off to you.


I actually know/hired a very very well known and popular escort on this site, that shall go nameless as I want to respect his privacy, but he told me very specifically that he will never work with another escort for some of the very reasons that you mention, especially when you talk about the third person being a distraction. He has said that he wants to devote 100% of his attention to the client and bringing in a third person, for him at least, is disruptive. He felt that creating a situation where all three people involved clicked in the bedroom is a difficult thing to accomplish.


We were all going to meet poolside before going off to dinner with a friend of mine first. I just mentioned that he would be joining us for dinner. He asked if the friend was another escort. I assured him that he wasn't. He then said that he does not do threeways or work with other escorts. It was fine as that was not my intent, but I thought his comments were interesting, as that was the first time I had heard an escort express concerns about bringing additional people into a hire.


I think Joey that you make some valid points, and respect the fact that you know yourself well enough to realize that certain situations just won't work for you...

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I actually know/hired a very very well known and popular escort on this site, that shall go nameless as I want to respect his privacy, but he told me very specifically that he will never work with another escort for some of the very reasons that you mention, especially when you talk about the third person being a distraction. He has said that he wants to devote 100% of his attention to the client and bringing in a third person, for him at least, is disruptive. He felt that creating a situation where all three people involved clicked in the bedroom is a difficult thing to accomplish.



We were all going to meet poolside before going off to dinner with a friend of mine first. I just mentioned that he would be joining us for dinner. He asked if the friend was another escort. I assured him that he wasn't. He then said that he does not do threeways or work with other escorts. It was fine as that was not my intent, but I thought his comments were interesting, as that was the first time I had heard an escort express concerns about bringing additional people into a hire.


I think Joey that you make some valid points, and respect the fact that you know yourself well enough to realize that certain situations just won't work for you...


I should mention...as I notice small town johns first post seemed to be about having a 3 way or 1 time encounter with another escort. I'm not sure if he was referring to steady long term arrangements. Now something like that is slightly different. In a situation like that which is arranged, that can be damn fun.


Which reminds me awhile ago a client of mine was looking for a 3rd on a future arrangement. Devon hunter was a nominee, but I was informed by my client that Devon wasn't into that kind of thing. That was a couple years back, but damn....it would have been nice. Maybe one day I'll talk him into hiring ace banner lol.

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I think I'm in love.



Wait... I think there was a question in there somewhere, and I don't see that anyone has answered it yet.


Okay, in four years I have done only one session with a second escort (that I can think of). That was in Boston, and it was awkward at best, because the boy was obviously a desperate college newbie who was ashamed of what he was doing. The only other time I can remember agreeing to do a three way with a second escort, it was in San Francisco, and the second escort kept saying he was 5 minutes away. I space my appointments out, in case there are problems starting/ending on time, but this boy was about to screw up my entire itinerary. 25 minutes after we were supposed to start he said he wasn't coming, then 10 minutes after that said he was in the lobby. I told my client I was not going to allow him into my room, since I had no idea what problems he would be bringing with him. We did a one-on-one, and I never met this second escort. I did try to travel with Sean Knight back in 2009, but our schedules never aligned (and to be frank, we're such different types I am not certain we would have been successful as a duo anyway... people into body builders wouldn't have wanted me as the second, and people into whatever I am wouldn't necessarily want Sean). Then Sean fell off the radar in 2011 or so, and has disappeared into the black hole at the center of the Milky Way. Recently I have tried to coordinate with Tyler Andrew in Atlanta, because we are pretty similar; however, scheduling has been difficult, because he has multiple careers he is balancing simultaneously. I'd be happy to work with him, but every time he gives me dates to plan around they change.


So, if I were still in the mood to consider trying to collaborate, what would I be looking for in a work buddy?

1) Reliability... constant, consistent reliability/honesty/trustworthiness/professionalism/discretion (which has to be proven over time, and which seems to be the bane of many working lads)

2) Parity... he can't be offering bareback foot fisting if I'm only offering vanilla with condoms. We have to have the same skills, the same interests, and the same fee (at least while we are in an appointment together). When he's away from me, his terms are his own.

3) Friendship... this requires a significant degree of trust, and pretty much means that we already have to have gotten to know each other prior to deciding to work together. Also, he would either have to be extraordinarily trusted by me to share my room/reservation, or else he would have to have his own hotel reservation and be able to host our collaborations in his room. I get a discount through a hotel employee, and if anything bad were to happen, my hotel friend could potentially get fired. No way I'm allowing anything unknown into that room and putting my friend's job at risk.

4) Reputation... I'm not trying to train apprentices. A collaborator would need to have an established identity, several good reviews, and a great deal of business sense and the level head to go with it.

5) Kindness... I do not choose to allow mean/bad/chaotic/disrespectful people into my life, and I am certainly not going to expose my clients to that type of nonsense, since I'll be judged by the company I keep. He'd need to be sweet, funny, friendly, and happy. I don't do darkness.


That's what I can think of off the top of my head.


Your thoughts are pretty damn thorough... more so than what I've probably given it myself. My very first three-way (with another escort) was basically a call out of the blue to which I responded with a "sure, why not?" I was just in the game and thought that's the way things operated. Fortunately it went well, and three-ways back then were quite sparse and infrequent. I ended up working on a regular basis with another escort who was very well-reviewed, and the funny thing was that neither of us was attracted to the other. At. All. We used to joke about it: "oh God, I have to fuck YOU again." It was one of the few times I really did escort simply for the money (and the always-hilarious Waffle House shakedown of what happened afterwards).


I actually had a number of three-ways with clients as an escort until a really bad one happened, which soured me on the whole idea. It was very hard to shake that one off, but I recently managed to with a partnered pair who, for me, represented what meeting up in that dynamic should be in every respect.


Oh and what's really funny is that years ago I tried a three-way with an unknown escort who had something bad happen to him on the way to meet up with myself and my client and we were both like: "yeah, right."


The exact same thing almost happened to me yesterday on my way to an appointment with two guys, and that was the first thing that popped into my head.

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Interesting thread, John. I had never realized how difficult this situation could be - escorts working together, that is. Guess I'm just too "Small Town" myself as far as attitudes go.


Loved the commercial injection, Steven. We could all use a some nuts from time to time.

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..... We probably would have met a long time ago except for the fact that I don't hire 100% tops. Back when you 1st started advertising and I started hiring- I think I contacted you and found you weren't versatile. It was always disappointing to me that we weren't a match because I could tell you were a stand up guy. Nothing I have read over the years has changed that opinion.






Trust me, there us nothing wrong with 100% top. I'm a client who is a bottom and Not vers. I may be in Atlanta in June. If so, I may look you up for some clean, safe fun!

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I personally like 3 and more ways and I can testify that it is difficult to set them up. I believe what you shared is very valid and you are not the first person I have heard these things from and I know many "superstar" escorts who refuse to work with anyone else for many of the same reasons regarding reliability. I have found that is best to ask the person you want to hire if they work with anyone and see if the other person is someone you would enjoy. I have also found that real life couples often work well for the type of scenes I like. :-)

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