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How much to share?

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I really like to open up with a guy that I find may be understanding and non-judgmental. I think it's one reason I like longer appointments because I get to know the guy better. If I am comfortable with somebody and trust them more, I'm a lot more likely to open up. Also, if the client is transparent about their life, that helps, too.

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Thanks Lee, and to all. This is very much how I envision things as I would want them to be. And, from what many of you have said, there is a principle that I always try and follow with all my interactions.

"What is said here, seen here, and done here, stays here."


If "here" is Daddy's Forum, the Friday Funnies are definitely meant for distribution.

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Gman, I'm sorry to hear about this experience. I cannot imagine that I'd be paying for the company of someone and he'd spend all his time hooked up on his iPhone. This is just plain rude, pay date or not.


Well said, but you are European and from a different generation.


Here guys under 30 have a A.D.H.D, the just can't stop being logged to facebook, twitting, etc.

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In my experience online at least, it appears that the men would prefer the escorts to look pretty and keep their mouths shut.


How much do you share? I don't know, it really depends on if what you say can be twisted and warped into some ridiculous political statement and then get reprimanded by leigh ;)


Don't give them your social security number, or any stories about your ex boyfriend. Don't talk about other clients. And definitely don't talk about other escorts (unless its a recommendation).

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By A.D.H.D. I think you meant "disrespectful fucks"


No, I wasn't insulting anybody.


It was just an observation and I don't think it's classy to say this kind of words even at a forum like this.


I think I should have said "some guys" instead of "guys", which sounds like all of them or a majority of them.


Next time just point it and I'll correct myself as I'm doing now and apologizing to all I may have offended.


Based on your reviews you don't belong to any bad category of escorts or guys your age, and you have a promising career and life in front of you.

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No, I wasn't insulting anybody.


It was just an observation and I don't think it's classy to say this kind of words even at a forum like this.


I think I should have said "some guys" instead of "guys", which sounds like all of them or a majority of them.


Next time just point it and I'll correct myself as I'm doing now and apologizing to all I may have offended.


Based on your reviews you don't belong to any bad category of escorts or guys your age, and you have a promising career and life in front of you.


I know you're not disrespecting people. I simply find it hard to refrain myself from speaking out against such plain rude behavior. Even worse - clients tolerate it!!


I think you misunderstand me -- I personally believe that escorts who allow their cell phones be the priority for one second are being incredibly disrespectful to the client. The ONLY time I will EVER touch my cell phone is if I have accidentally forgotten to turn it off.


Also -- In the south there is this notion that if someone is doing something you don't like, you claim that they have ADHD, medicate them, and move on. see:


But, for the record: I'd much rather be told that I'm a "disrespectful fuck" rather than that I am permanently brain damaged and have a mental disorder -- that'd probably just be me though ;)

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hey wisconsinguy, I really like your question. I’ll tell you what I share and how I handle questions that I don’t want to answer. and I’ll tell you what I hope to get from clients.


what I share - as much as possible. I firmly believe that connection is not just staring into each others eyes during That Moment; connection is also about communication. I am happy to tell my situation as people want to know. it’s not uncommon for me to be ask questions about how I got into escorting, or what my background is, and I tell people as honestly and directly as I feel comfortable.


and yet, as an escort, I have a few rules and limits (haha, don’t worry guys, there’s only a few!) I’ll leave the physical ones out for now, but in terms of conversation, I do not want to give out certain information like my last name, the names of my family members; the names of the schools my kids go to, and where my house is located. yep, I’ve had all of those questions. there are two other things I could add to this list but even mentioning what they are is something I’m not comfortable doing publicly (on this thread). I realize this all sounds rather esoteric, but I guess what I’m trying to do is illustrate that there really are just a FEW things that I don’t want to talk about.


why don’t I want to talk about them? It’s not that I’m a private person, it’s just because I want to limit my own risk regarding set up operations, blackmail, coercion, or stalking. luckily, I’ve only had the last category, unluckily, it’s happened more than once - and I’d like to think I’ve now learned from it. two escorts that I’m friends with - both known on this board - have also been stalking victims. in addition to stalking, blackmail and coercion are very real threats to ‘scorts. a young woman I’m working with now is dealing with a serious coercion situation, and a good friend of mine was set up when he was escorting several years ago.


so if I get asked something like “where does your child go to school?” I might say something like, “ahhhh... that’s one of Those Questions... I’d like to take a pass on that, ok?” then I’ll list out those few other things I don’t want to discuss, but also make it clear that I love sharing all sorts of other things, and let my client know that it’s really just because of escorting, and nothing more. usually the person who asked will be fine with that. pushy people who push me on these are reminded a second time... if they persist after, that, I need to make some decisions as to whether I want them to continue to be in my life.


the comments people made about escorts talking about their trips was interesting to me. as a general rule, I try not to bring up my trips, or the great time I had with other client last week. sometimes clients do want to hear that sort of stuff - “what was the craziest thing you ever did in an appointment?” “tell me about a really hot time you had with another client” etc. in that case, well, I really don’t fare well with those questions but that’s because I start to feel like a trained monkey.


I might as well also take this opportunity to tell you what I don’t like CLIENTS to discuss with ME. ...hope that’s ok...


it’s really only one thing. I find that it sort of breaks the mood when clients talk on and on about some other time, with some other escort. or if they keep mentioning all the escorts they’ve seen, when we are together. I am not saying clients have to keep their mouths shut about talking with me about their other sessions, I just find it can easily become “a little too much.” FYI, I also don’t particularly like hanging around escort colleagues when they talk on and on about their client sessions, too. as jgoo put it so well, there’s a fine line to this sort of talk, and one needs to know how to stay on the right side of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I May Need To Apologize...


I have no idea why I contributed my initial post in this thread. I was just re-reading it- and while it's true, it really has nothing to do with the topic the OP started. I wonder if there was another thread I thought I was responding too. I unfortunately can't blame being under the influence as it's been years since I was drunk- and I don't use other mind altering substances aside from caffeine.



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