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I really, really tried.... really....

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Did You Ever Watch The British Comedy Coupling?


When Okie passes away, what will happen to his many "private" videos featuring these escort orgies?


Great show--but there was an episode --probably number 2 or 3 where Susan is going out with the friend of a co-worker. The co-worker is Jeff--a strange nervous type guy. The new boyfriend is Steve. Susan, I believe, wants to know what kind of guy Steve is and how well Jeff knows him. Jeff replies that he and Steve are "porn buddies". Susan asks if that means they are gay. Jeff replies no--that the dutiies of a porn buddy--in the event of Steve's death--as broken up as Jeff will be about it--he will put that aside--race over to Steve's flat and clear out all Steve's porn before his parents get there. Susan says --what to throw it away--and Jeff replies that he gets to keep and watch it--that is the perk of being a "porn buddy".


So in the spirit of fellowship that permeates this Forum. I am going to sacrifice my rigid moral character and offer to be Okie's porn buddy. Broken up as I will be at his passing--I will throw myself bodily into his domicile--to clear out his stash videos (? DVD's) before his relatives and friends arrive.





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I must say I love (I really do -- no sarcasm) this particular aspect of message boards -- threads like this that somehow take on a life of their own. Sort of like the Golem: even though none of the participants particularly likes it after a while, it just won't die.


(Kudos to daddy for not yanking the Scroll of Life out of its mouth in this case at least.)

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Rock hard being a regular contributor here I find it hard to believe you would not have known. Okie has mentioned on the board several times and in his reviews about being a cancer survivor. I am appalled by the number of comments made regarding his potential death and something he has already had to face. It is in extremely bad taste, cheap and uninformed.

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Rock hard being a regular contributor here I find it hard to believe you would not have known. Okie has mentioned on the board several times and in his reviews about being a cancer survivor. I am appalled by the number of comments made regarding his potential death and something he has already had to face. It is in extremely bad taste, cheap and uninformed.


I wasn't aware of that.


I don't know how old is okliehomo but there's one thing we all have in common, sooner or later we'll die. I don't think a lot of you are under 50, we've all started feeling excited about getting closer to Social Security and Medicare if Ayn Rand's fanatics don't get rid of it.


I'm sure we've all have thought about who to leave what, if we don't spend all of our money hiring escorts.


Thinking "what if" is part of our Anglo-Saxon way of thinking. Wondering what would happen to a "collection" after we are gone matters too.

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ha, had to look at the thread title to remember what it was supposed to be about just now....


very much agree with AdamSmith's post just above....


Okie is a tough guy....Midwesterners (Southerners??) are not delicate and I know this "death" talk will not faze him....

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Great show--but there was an episode --probably number 2 or 3 where Susan is going out with the friend of a co-worker. The co-worker is Jeff--a strange nervous type guy. The new boyfriend is Steve. Susan, I believe, wants to know what kind of guy Steve is and how well Jeff knows him. Jeff replies that he and Steve are "porn buddies". Susan asks if that means they are gay. Jeff replies no--that the dutiies of a porn buddy--in the event of Steve's death--as broken up as Jeff will be about it--he will put that aside--race over to Steve's flat and clear out all Steve's porn before his parents get there. Susan says --what to throw it away--and Jeff replies that he gets to keep and watch it--that is the perk of being a "porn buddy".






As I recall, the first episode of the original British Queer As Folk begins with friends 'de-gaying' a deceased friend's home before his parents can find the porn, sex toys, etc.

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ha, had to look at the thread title to remember what it was supposed to be about just now....


very much agree with AdamSmith's post just above....


Okie is a tough guy....Midwesterners (Southerners??) are not delicate and I know this "death" talk will not faze him....


May I say that Midwesterners and Southerners always count with FEMA's help.


The thread was/is about EOY winner Tristan Baldwin not showing up for Okie's orgy videos 3 times and threatening him about not saying anything about it on this forum or else...


Is not clear if Tristan left a dead horse head on Okie's bed while he was snoring his way through the night.


Another guy called Okie a "sick individual" because of filming his encounters with escorts and Tristan a brave young man because "just saying NO" to Okie's "prima nocte" style Ranch/Castle initiation ritual.


I'm a libertarian, I don't judge what you consensually do in your bedroom. We are all here talking about escorts, let's don't be hypocritical.


As someone said on here:


"Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice (3 in this case and also threat me about telling about the other 2 times you fooled me already) shame on me".


I think Okie needs to get over his "tristancrush" and try not to attempt to hire him a 4th time...


Daddy, close this "she says, she says argument" (someone said that on her too).

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May I say that Midwesterners and Southerners always count with FEMA's help.


The thread was/is about EOY winner Tristan Baldwin not showing up for Okie's orgy videos 3 times and threatening him about not saying anything about it on this forum or else...


Is not clear if Tristan left a dead horse head on Okie's bed while he was snoring his way through the night.


Another guy called Okie a "sick individual" because of filming his encounters with escorts and Tristan a brave young man because "just saying NO" to Okie's "prima nocte" style Ranch/Castle initiation ritual.


I'm a libertarian, I don't judge what you consensually do in your bedroom. We are all here talking about escorts, let's don't be hypocritical.


As someone said on here:


"Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice (3 in this case and also threat me about telling about the other 2 times you fooled me already) shame on me".


I think Okie needs to get over his "tristancrush" and try not to attempt to hire him a 4th time...


Daddy, close this "she says, she says argument" (someone said that on her too).


What if a tornado goes through Okie's Ranch and spreads all his videos over the Bible belt?


Let's close this or call the FBI to know the truth.

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Rock hard being a regular contributor here


Please, feel free to define "regular." I feel lucky if I take a shit once a day. "Regular" is not a word I would use to describe my contributions here.


I find it hard to believe you would not have known.


And thank goodness I feel no compulsion to prove my honesty on this board. I NEVER give a shit who thinks I lie. My skin ain't that thin, and I have said countless times, "I hate liars." And I can assure every reader, I don't hate myself.


Okie has mentioned on the board several times and in his reviews about being a cancer survivor


This may be true. He may have written it "several times." I don't recall it. I NEVER read every word here. I don't have that kind of time, even if I have the interest. I have never been one to cling to Okie's writing the way other members do. His life choices are not mine.


Furthermore, a cancer "survivor" is not the same thing as someone announcing their last round of chemo, and their projected date of death from cancer next week. The words "cheap" and "bad taste" on this board are LAUGHABLE. I will NEVER forget the guy who uses those words to make a serious judgment.


And finally, the "joke" wasn't Okie's death. The joke in my post is his "lie" to the escorts. This board attracts too many with poop for brains.

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Speaking of lying, who in the sex-for-money industry doesn't lie? Other than the music industry, I know of no other business that uniformly employs uneducated and unscrupulous people.


when i look back over the last couple of years, some of the greatest kindnesses shown to me have been from my fellow escorts. i remember the night a few years ago when i got word that my mother, who was in the midwest, would be dead within 24 hours and that i should get home the next morning. i was completely traumatized trying to pull everything together to leave for an indefinite period of time. another escort (who was staying at my place in new york) was in the next room ordering and paying for the round-trip airline tickets to send me home. he didn't ask permission. he didn't ask to be repaid. he simply did it. he is not only a kind, thoughtful person who doesn’t “lie,” he has a degree in engineering.


i remember the weekend i faced putting my deeply-loved dog to sleep. it was scheduled for monday. david-sf was in washington dc that weekend. he changed his flights and travel arrangements so he could come to new york to be with me and support me. over the years i've known him, i've come to know this: there are only a few people in the world i can trust more than david.


i've lived with escorts for years. my first escort roommate used his earnings to lift his family in south america out of poverty, to build his mother a duplex home so that she would have a safe neighborhood to live in and income from the rental. he has a degree in accounting. my second escort roommate was the loving father of two teen-age children and very active in a 12-step program where he has the following reputation: you get into trouble, he's there. he's there for you no matter what. he has a background in publishing. i know another escort here in new york who was trained as a dentist, but finds that he can make more money and that he prefers the life of escorting. i've known many escorts who are kind, thoughtful, honest and good people. many are often highly educated. so imagine my surprise when reading rockhead's incredibly caustic remarks about escorts in the recent thread about the new escort of the year. he writes:


"Speaking of lying, who in the sex-for-money industry doesn't lie? Other than the music industry, [here comes the good part:] I know of no other business that uniformly employs uneducated and unscrupulous people."


i had to do a double-take when i read that. UNIFORMLY “employs” uneducated and unscrupulous people. a conversation about the ways in which escorts and clients may or may not feel compelled to lie relative to law and shame and social sanction—that might be interesting, and i’m sure it’s been discussed to some degree. but the blanked condemnation of the entire escort “industry”—one that uniformly “employs” (as if there’s an “employer”) “uneducated” and “unscrupulous” people? i won’t claim to speak for all my fellow escorts, but on behalf of the ones i love and respect and care about, and from me to you, rockhead: go fuck yourself!

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My apologies to the board for the temporary hijack...


Dear Tom Isern,


Ever since I got to know the real you many years ago, I prefer to fuck myself than ever spend one penny on the services you offer. Your narcissism and contempt are clearly evident to me in everything you write. You intentionally distort because that's a game you love more than yourself or any of your avocations.


It's no surprise to me that you took what I wrote, without fully understanding or caring about the context, and used it to serve your vain need to rail against something, ostensibly me. I hope you feel better now. It can't be easy living in your shoes. I honestly no longer care if you use me for your punching bag.

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Lying is not always a bad thing…


For any other reader who cares about my story, my 40-year history in business, it's the performers I care about most. And in this context, I see the escorts as the performers. If you're not a performer and you wish to do business with me, then you certainly have more to prove.


Unless you are a star talent and riding high, you better learn to lie with conviction if you wish to survive in show business. I tell no secret when I say this business, with all its arms and tentacles, is filled with control freaks who are determined to control you. There is always someone demanding something from someone, promising this or that in exchange for something greater. Give, give, give until there's little else left for you.


The smart, experienced talent learn, a good white lie can save you, and save your sanity and integrity, especially when you're trying to do business with a control freak, who happens to be an uneducated asshole who has no moral backbone.

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Dear Tom Isern,


Ever since I got to know the real you many years ago, I prefer to fuck myself than ever spend one penny on the services you offer. Your narcissism and contempt are clearly evident to me in everything you write. You intentionally distort because that's a game you love more than yourself or any of your avocations.


It's no surprise to me that you took what I wrote, without fully understanding or caring about the context, and used it to serve your vain need to rail against something, ostensibly me. I hope you feel better now. It can't be easy living in your shoes. I honestly no longer care if you use me for your punching bag.


Please explain the context that makes your remark, "Other than the music industry, I know of no other business that uniformly employs uneducated and unscrupulous people." less insulting than it appears to be.

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I want to apologize to Okie in case he thought I was making fun of his previous illness or current state of health. I probably shouldn't have made my comment about Coupling. It was just that the comment about the videos put me in mind of that episode.



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Please, feel free to define "regular." I feel lucky if I take a shit once a day. "Regular" is not a word I would use to describe my contributions here.




And thank goodness I feel no compulsion to prove my honesty on this board. I NEVER give a shit who thinks I lie. My skin ain't that thin, and I have said countless times, "I hate liars." And I can assure every reader, I don't hate myself.




This may be true. He may have written it "several times." I don't recall it. I NEVER read every word here. I don't have that kind of time, even if I have the interest. I have never been one to cling to Okie's writing the way other members do. His life choices are not mine.


Furthermore, a cancer "survivor" is not the same thing as someone announcing their last round of chemo, and their projected date of death from cancer next week. The words "cheap" and "bad taste" on this board are LAUGHABLE. I will NEVER forget the guy who uses those words to make a serious judgment.


And finally, the "joke" wasn't Okie's death. The joke in my post is his "lie" to the escorts. This board attracts too many with poop for brains.


I think you drank too much coffee this morning, no need to lower the level of this forum or to take things in such a personal way.

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when i look back over the last couple of years, some of the greatest kindnesses shown to me have been from my fellow escorts. i remember the night a few years ago when i got word that my mother, who was in the midwest, would be dead within 24 hours and that i should get home the next morning. i was completely traumatized trying to pull everything together to leave for an indefinite period of time. another escort (who was staying at my place in new york) was in the next room ordering and paying for the round-trip airline tickets to send me home. he didn't ask permission. he didn't ask to be repaid. he simply did it. he is not only a kind, thoughtful person who doesn’t “lie,” he has a degree in engineering.


i remember the weekend i faced putting my deeply-loved dog to sleep. it was scheduled for monday. david-sf was in washington dc that weekend. he changed his flights and travel arrangements so he could come to new york to be with me and support me. over the years i've known him, i've come to know this: there are only a few people in the world i can trust more than david.


i've lived with escorts for years. my first escort roommate used his earnings to lift his family in south america out of poverty, to build his mother a duplex home so that she would have a safe neighborhood to live in and income from the rental. he has a degree in accounting. my second escort roommate was the loving father of two teen-age children and very active in a 12-step program where he has the following reputation: you get into trouble, he's there. he's there for you no matter what. he has a background in publishing. i know another escort here in new york who was trained as a dentist, but finds that he can make more money and that he prefers the life of escorting. i've known many escorts who are kind, thoughtful, honest and good people. many are often highly educated. so imagine my surprise when reading rockhead's incredibly caustic remarks about escorts in the recent thread about the new escort of the year. he writes:


"Speaking of lying, who in the sex-for-money industry doesn't lie? Other than the music industry, [here comes the good part:] I know of no other business that uniformly employs uneducated and unscrupulous people."


i had to do a double-take when i read that. UNIFORMLY “employs” uneducated and unscrupulous people. a conversation about the ways in which escorts and clients may or may not feel compelled to lie relative to law and shame and social sanction—that might be interesting, and i’m sure it’s been discussed to some degree. but the blanked condemnation of the entire escort “industry”—one that uniformly “employs” (as if there’s an “employer”) “uneducated” and “unscrupulous” people? i won’t claim to speak for all my fellow escorts, but on behalf of the ones i love and respect and care about, and from me to you, rockhead: go fuck yourself!




Please show me the narcissistic parts of this comments, specially compared to your self righteous statement: "Speaking of lying, who in the sex-for-money industry doesn't lie? Other than the music industry, I know of no other business that uniformly employs uneducated and unscrupulous people".


I think you could do better things in your life than spending time hiring and writing about "uneducated and unscrupulous people".

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