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Handling money

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Im still green and not completely comfortable with handling money, how do both parties involved handle the handover?


In the past, money was on a surface somewhere out of the way but within sight.


I know a lot of clients say "deliver the service then pay", but escorts have a stake in making sure they arent getting ripped off.


This work is the most challenging to navigate than just about anything else I can think of.

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I have to assume all you gentlemen are referring to hourlies, something that I have not so far done. I am certainly willing to do them but not had a "quality" opportunity to do so as yet. For longer engagements, there are other considerations, for instance, the airline fare or travel cost as well as "other" "fixed" costs. To me what that generally means is that after I pay for and provide an airline ticket and advance some place for us to stay, the fee paid will be forthcoming at the end of the engagement and not before. No envelope or "flashing of cash" involved.


I think these are different situations and I am willing to assume that both have different parameters. :)


Best regards,


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Francois, the best way to not get ripped off is to screen your clients. If they sound shady, don't go. I've never had a client rip me off.


I completely agree with Xander on this, Francois…I have been hiring escorts for about one and a half years so far (perhaps not as long as many clients here on the forum) and not one of them has asked or expected the fees upfront or even a discreet envelope on the table. I am always very careful to completely vet each man I hire before I ever even contact him by googling his phone number, making sure he has at least a few positive reviews, etc.


Even though my less than memorable hires have sometimes seemed disconnected with me or completely about their own gratification, not one has ever asked me to “show me the money” at the beginning of our appointment. My hires tend to be 2 hour sessions because I am seeking the BFE and one hour seems too short to get to know the escort before I get to know them in the biblical sense!


Just as I always check out any escort of interest before I contact him, I think a smart escort should try to do the same. Google the number the client gives. Check the M4RN flagged clients list if you have a M4RN escort account. I know there are many clients right here on the forum that view an escort’s request for their fee upfront as a warning flag that the session may end up in some way unsatisfactory.

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among other things, discreet discussion should occur during pre-meet negotiation about how the money will be paid.....both escort and client need to come to an agreement so that money is not at all discussed at the meeting (a big no-no)....for those new at this, as always, never mention money and sex in the same chat....you're paying for time only....

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If they rip you off....




that black list keeps growing...


thanks for that.


Another thing about money is to be sure it's being discussed prior to meeting. Sometimes I've allowed clients to BS about this, that and the 3rd and not even bring up a concern for my rate. It was no surprise that they either flaked or didn't show up.

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I would have to agree with TruHart1. I have been hiring for about 3 years and have never done anything except give them an evelope as I was leaving....never had any escort suggest that they preffered anything else....


I sometimes would have preferred to have been tied up and beaten for it but never requested that scene (at least not from an escort)...;)

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i always try to make sure the rate is clearly agreed upon in advance. once that's done, i think you let it go until the session is over. expecting the money in advance is a good way to tell your client you don't trust him. handing money over in advance—for a particular sexual return—is also supposedly the way cops entrap escorts. best to be very clear: you are charging for your time, by the hour, and until that's been delivered, you have nothing to charge for. in my years of escorting, only once did this become a problem. also: NEVER count the money in front of your client unless he asks you to. again, it says: I DON'T TRUST YOU. it's not classy. if you find that he's paid you less than agreed upon, send him a text and say that, or return to his place. in my experience, 99.9% of clients are honest, decent human beings who will treat you well if you treat them well. beware of the guys who call from restricted and blocked number: NEVER ANSWER. there's my two cents anyway...

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NEVER count the money in front of your client unless he asks you to. again, it says: I DON'T TRUST YOU. it's not classy. if you find that he's paid you less than agreed upon, send him a text and say that, or return to his place. in my experience, 99.9% of clients are honest, decent human beings who will treat you well if you treat them well.




So a guy is going to take advantage of my trust by short changing me and I'm supposed to text him or return to his place, which is probably a gated condominium or a hotel door with deadbolt by telling him he short-changed me? Or, what if some unscrupulous provider who was given the correct amount turns around and says the client was off when really he just chucked the other half in his pocket? It just sounds like too much drama. Better to just risk being un-classy and counting it right then and there. There's been times I've been shorted and called them out on it, right then and there.


Here's one tonight, non-escort related. I had just sold a table to a woman who came to my place. She gives me the money. $2. I look at it and give it back to her saying, "you only gave me $2" She was embarrassed, having mistakenly switched the 2 20s and the 2 dollar bills in her pocket. Eventually we did exchange the correct amount. However, had I been too cautious about counting the money and quickly set it down or let her 'hand me an envelope' without looking at it, I'd of given away a $69 table for $2 and feel like a god damn idiot.

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i always try to make sure the rate is clearly agreed upon in advance. once that's done, i think you let it go until the session is over. expecting the money in advance is a good way to tell your client you don't trust him. handing money over in advance—for a particular sexual return—is also supposedly the way cops entrap escorts. best to be very clear: you are charging for your time, by the hour, and until that's been delivered, you have nothing to charge for. in my years of escorting, only once did this become a problem. also: NEVER count the money in front of your client unless he asks you to. again, it says: I DON'T TRUST YOU. it's not classy. if you find that he's paid you less than agreed upon, send him a text and say that, or return to his place. in my experience, 99.9% of clients are honest, decent human beings who will treat you well if you treat them well. beware of the guys who call from restricted and blocked number: NEVER ANSWER. there's my two cents anyway...


Couldn't agree more.




So a guy is going to take advantage of my trust by short changing me and I'm supposed to text him or return to his place, which is probably a gated condominium or a hotel door with deadbolt by telling him he short-changed me? Or, what if some unscrupulous provider who was given the correct amount turns around and says the client was off when really he just chucked the other half in his pocket? It just sounds like too much drama. Better to just risk being un-classy and counting it right then and there. There's been times I've been shorted and called them out on it, right then and there.


Here's one tonight, non-escort related. I had just sold a table to a woman who came to my place. She gives me the money. $2. I look at it and give it back to her saying, "you only gave me $2" She was embarrassed, having mistakenly switched the 2 20s and the 2 dollar bills in her pocket. Eventually we did exchange the correct amount. However, had I been too cautious about counting the money and quickly set it down or let her 'hand me an envelope' without looking at it, I'd of given away a $69 table for $2 and feel like a god damn idiot.


The point Tom was making was about class and appearing to be distrustful. A lot of clients don't want to return to some one they don't feel trusts them. Handing me an envelope? Yup, I am going to open it and pull the cash out and stick it in my pocket. This gives me the opportunity to make sure it is in fact cash but also get a rough estimate that it is the correct amount. Most of my clients are comfortable enough with me, because of the image I project when I am with them, that they are okay pulling their wallet out and counting the cash in front of me and counting it themselves.


Another trick, keep second wallet and your real one in your bag. Keep your crap loyalty card or whatever in your fake wallet but no cash or anything of value. When you are paid thank him, pull out your fake wallet and fan out the cash a little to make sure it is all there and stuff it in the wallet. Go to the elevator, pull the money out of your wallet and stick it in shoe.


I have only been ripped off once... I have been shorted a few times and most of those times were honest mistakes and the client made up for it the next time they saw me or asked if there was a paypal where they could send me some cash.


Be creative, I am sure there are ways you can discretely count the money without making your client feel bad. Also, never ask or pay upfront. You are just asking for a new pair of bracelets.

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Guest countryboywny
NEVER count the money in front of your client unless he asks you to.


As a client, it's my preference to have the escort count the money to make sure that no mistake was made. I've seen too many threads from escorts who complain that a client shorted them $20 or $40 and assume it was intentional..

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So a guy is going to take advantage of my trust by short changing me and I'm supposed to text him or return to his place, which is probably a gated condominium or a hotel door with deadbolt by telling him he short-changed me?


you get to decide how you want to present yourself in every encounter. i've made a lot of mistakes over the years and hope i'm not coming off as a know-it-all, but i'll continue to share my $.02 worth. yes, you can choose to appear hungry, counting every dollar to make sure that you weren't shorted $20. but really, anyone who runs to the board to complain about a $20 or even $40 shortage is a hustler, not an escort. here's the difference: an escort makes good money. he knows he makes good money. he is confident and professional. he doesn't need to count that money—or, at least, he will never appear as if he needs to count that money. when shortchanged, he will pay it forward. you are building a business, not hustling for cash. keep your eye on the end-game, not the short term.


i was once taken for $1,500.00. yes, that's FIFTEEN HUNDRED. i went to the board to explain how that was possible, how it happened, and to warn others about it. but i didn't whine about it. i didn't make myself into a victim about it.


if you are hungry, then get another job until you can support yourself by escorting. in the mean time, project confidence and professionalism.

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...but really, anyone who runs to the board to complain about a $20 or even $40 shortage is a hustler, not an escort.


I think a little perspective is in order. If a client shorts me $20 on a $200/hr appointment, that's six minutes. Six minutes of my time was wasted. I'm not really concerned with six minutes.


Also, one thing that never fails to impress me is seeing that a positive attitude isn't local, or regional, but universal. I am not from a big city and this is my first time living in one. It can be intimidating, and I like seeing escorts from large metro areas like NYC and LA treat clients with a familiarity that's allegedly reserved for small towns in the South. It's a quality that I respect in people like Tom and Rod.

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you get to decide how you want to present yourself in every encounter.


There it is.


As a client, on first encounter I always have the amount out in plain sight. I know more about you than you do about me; I am happy to shift the risk entirely onto my side of the equation. Never got bit in 10 years of hiring, from this.


...Then broader point comes to mind: The more each party exudes trust toward the other (sorry the pre-cum imagery!), the better the encounter. And the relationship.


Back to Tom's statistics: If you bank that so many more of us are of good will than not, we will all win.

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you get to decide how you want to present yourself in every encounter. i've made a lot of mistakes over the years and hope i'm not coming off as a know-it-all, but i'll continue to share my $.02 worth. yes, you can choose to appear hungry, counting every dollar to make sure that you weren't shorted $20. but really, anyone who runs to the board to complain about a $20 or even $40 shortage is a hustler, not an escort. here's the difference: an escort makes good money. he knows he makes good money. he is confident and professional. he doesn't need to count that money—or, at least, he will never appear as if he needs to count that money. when shortchanged, he will pay it forward. you are building a business, not hustling for cash. keep your eye on the end-game, not the short term.


i was once taken for $1,500.00. yes, that's FIFTEEN HUNDRED. i went to the board to explain how that was possible, how it happened, and to warn others about it. but i didn't whine about it. i didn't make myself into a victim about it.


if you are hungry, then get another job until you can support yourself by escorting. in the mean time, project confidence and professionalism.


I agree 100% here. I have never had an escort count the money in front of me. I have also never put the money in an envelope either. In almost every instance that I can remember, I have handed the money to an escort. I always use 100's, that way the escort can just visually see what I am handing him and ball park the figure in his head. I always count the money just before hand it to him to make sure that it is all there. I never ever count it in front of him, I think that is tacky, but do it in the bathroom or if I am seated at a table, I will count below the surface.


Once I hand him the money, I always tell him how much it is, verifying the agreed upon amount and then tell him how much I tipped him, and yes, I always tip. They always just put it in their pocket, or many many times the escort will just tell me to put it on the counter.


As Tom says, you only have one chance to make an impression, blow that, and you will unlikely see that client again. I have had escorts blow the encounter by being rude or inconsiderate just coming out of the gates...go figure. The real pros know the game and play it well.

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I agree with what Tom said and have something to add. If you operate on the assumption everyone is out to shortchange you (and this works on both sides of the equation) you will feel shortchanged, regardless whether you actually were shortchanged. Someone calculated that a shortage of $20 on a $200/hour appointment was the equivalent of giving away six "free" minutes and, therefore, a waste of your six minutes. If you and the client took 47 minutes to play and cum and took seven minutes to clean up, for a total of 54 minutes, and he pulled out ten $20 bills and removed one, how would you react? Alternatively, would you inform the customer that you were reducing the fee by $20 because you finished six minutes early?


My suggestion is to do a sanity check on the fee (by feeling it) and then count it later. Like Tom said, you are selling an image and an experience. You have to ask yourself what kind of experience are you trying to sell.

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I always have the fee counted and hidden before the meeting. I also set aside some extra tip money in the same location from which I can easily add into the fee. Sometimes I add on to the fee. Sometimes I don't. I have never paid upfront and never will. Near the end of the session I either hand the escort his fee (in an envelop if it is over 1G) or place it on a table if the escort is showering, dressing, etc.


I don't care if he counts in front of me or not. Most do not. I don't think any less of him if he does. If a client gets bent out-of-shape about that, then he may be hyper-sensitive about alot of things. You'll fall out of favor eventually, so don't sweat it either way. Bottom line....this is escorting. There is no right way, just preferences.

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would you inform the customer that you were reducing the fee by $20 because you finished six minutes early?


After I made my post about the "wasted" six minutes, I thought this exactly. I have a client who I used to see for an hour. An hour dwindled down to 45 minutes. Sometimes 30. He was always antsy to see me because I was the highlight of his week. The fee never changed and he never questioned the time. The last time I saw him before I moved, something bad had happened and he called he and wanted me to come spend an hour. Four hours later, I finally left. I was more than happy to be there for him and the time spent was irrelevant.

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Thanks for sharing. I commend you on your actions, being there for someone, regardless of the situation or the circumstances under which you knew each other is a testament to your humanity. Paying for someone's time and services can be tricky sometimes, but I have never felt "shortchanged" in any situation I have been in and am usually pretty generous about the situation too, thus have never "shortchanged" anyone either. As in any business situation, doing the right thing usually works out best for everyone involved.


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I always have the fee counted and hidden before the meeting. I also set aside some extra tip money in the same location from which I can easily add into the fee. Sometimes I add on to the fee. Sometimes I don't. I have never paid upfront and never will. Near the end of the session I either hand the escort his fee (in an envelop if it is over 1G) or place it on a table if the escort is showering, dressing, etc.


I don't care if he counts in front of me or not. Most do not. I don't think any less of him if he does. If a client gets bent out-of-shape about that, then he may be hyper-sensitive about alot of things. You'll fall out of favor eventually, so don't sweat it either way. Bottom line....this is escorting. There is no right way, just preferences.


I think we (both clients & escorts) end up doing what we're comfortable with, based on a combination of our personalities and our experiences. Some people don't really care what the other person thinks; some people here are concerned with how they look or how the other person feels. Some of us want to be liked, some of us don't really give a damn.


If you've been short-changed by clients more than once or if escorts have failed to deliver after taking the money upfront, then it's reasonable to adjust your practices based on that experience. Your view of human nature probably influences how quickly you make the changes.


I generally have the money lying out in plain sight - and usually fanned a bit so that the escort can see most of it. Only once has that proven a bad choice, when the escorts literally took the money & ran. With my regular guys, I may not bother to put the money out. With new guys, I'm aware of the fact that neither of us knows the other.


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