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Disclosing STD Test Results

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That's the dumbest question in the world. Anyone who either escorts or hires an escort, and doesn't assume his partner might be carrying STDs is an idiot. I would be very afraid of anyone that stupid. You never know what he might do. And, incidentally, the two times someone with HIV is most highly contagious are: (1) in the end-stages of AIDS, and (2) in the first several weeks after infection, when the HIV antibody test is typically negative.


Exactly! That's why a 'clean bill of health' that's more than a day old is basically meaningless.

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I have never asked a client their HIV status but I have met guys over the years who because of their lifestyle could have been HIV positive. I know it's wrong but a very stick thin guys in his late 50's with a gaunt face who's totally bottom does make you think sometimes. It's human nature to wonder at these things.


I am asked regularly if I get tested, I have only once been asked for proof of my status after a panicking client phoned me 3 weeks after an appointment convinced he had gonorrhea of the throat, caught from me. I told him it wasn't possible as I had been checked out in the previous few days. He asked for a copy of the results (which I didn't have) and so I referred him to Nicky, my personal sexual health advisor at my local clinic who deals specifically with sex workers. He continued to text and email me to the point of harassment until I had to threaten him with the police.


2 weeks after our final correspondence, he emailed me and apologised. The police threat gave him a wake up call and he realised how badly he had behaved. He contacted Nicky, did tests and was completely clear. He said he was sorry and said he may see me again in the future. I told him I wouldn't see him again as the whole experience was barbaric and booking escorts was really not something he should do if he would put them through all that stress. I never heard from him again.

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Tom, I've been escorting for a few years now. Have never asked a client for std results. I think it's bull! No reason for it. Maybe this guy bare-backs mostly?? Is all I could think of. If not then he might just be a bit too phobic to be in this business. I have been with and still see regular clients who I know are positive. I use a condom when fucking only, never when sucking on anyone. I test frequently and have never been asked by a client for an std test result as a precondition to meeting.

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Adam -- When you are seeing clients you know are HIV positive, do you suck them without a condom? I know the risks of transmitting HIV are much lower when having oral sex, but it can happen. So it seems like a bad idea to blow a guy if you know he is HIV+. Clients say they assume every escort they see has HIV or some other STD (and escorts say the same thing about their clients), but the vast majority of us do not use condoms for oral sex. Maybe we look at the risks and determine that we are willing to gamble, but if I knew for sure that a guy had HIV, I would not be able to suck his dick without him wearing a condom. I'd be too worried to enjoy it.


Part of my risk analysis is knowing that few of the escorts I see actually have HIV. Even if escorts have STDs at a higher rate than the rest of the population because they have more sex partners, I know statistically that a relatively small percentage are infected. Because that is part of my analysis, I don't really always act as if every escort I see has an STD. I never engage in anal sex without a condom, I do not insist that the escort wear a condom for oral sex.

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  • 7 years later...

I’m reviving this thread after eight years to ask a question about disclosure when one person learns that he may have had an STI during an encounter.


I have a regular provider, but after having not seen him since early August, arranged to meet someone new on Halloween. I’d recently been tested, including throat swabs, in late September and had no issues. I also saw no one between the test and Halloween. I thought the new provider was odd, but overall we had a pleasant encounter, and we parted on seemingly good terms.


About a week after Halloween, I noticed some throat discomfort and congestion after some COVID panic, decided it was likely a cold or a reaction to the shift in weather and treated it as such, primarily with Vicks and lozenges. Nevertheless, the sore throat was persistent for another week and I have a low-grade headache and am perpetually cold. I happen to get on Rentmen and notice that there’s a new review for the provider I saw on Halloween and that it’s a negative one. Curious, I convince the Rentmen servers that I live in Canada, and see that there’s a narrative. The reviewer alleges that the provider passed gonorrhea to him while the client had been fellating him. I reach out to the client and ask for more information, including when he met with the provider. Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to give dates beyond saying it was “recently” and that he’d just finished his own two-week sabbatical.


According to the client, during an attempt to schedule a second encounter, the provider told him that had pain in one testicle and had urinated blood, and the client suggested that the provider see a doctor. Shortly afterwards, the client said he had similar symptoms. When the client follows up to try to book again, the provider discloses that the doctor thought it was gonorrhea.


With these details, some things during my meeting with the provider became clearer. For example, he’d excused himself to use the restroom twice in two hours for the better part of ten minutes, but mentioned that he’d been unable to urinate.


The morning, I’m off to urgent care where I’m prescribed antibiotics and within a day of taking them, my sore throat is gone.


On the whole, if everything the client told me is true, I suspect that the provider met with me shortly after beginning treatment or shortly before he learned that he may have contracted gonorrhea. He hasn’t contacted me to mention that there may have been a problem and I’m wondering if it’s unreasonable for me to expect him to.

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I’m reviving this thread after eight years to ask a question about disclosure when one person learns that he may have had an STI during an encounter.


I have a regular provider, but after having not seen him since early August, arranged to meet someone new on Halloween. I’d recently been tested, including throat swabs, in late September and had no issues. I also saw no one between the test and Halloween. I thought the new provider was odd, but overall we had a pleasant encounter, and we parted on seemingly good terms.


About a week after Halloween, I noticed some throat discomfort and congestion after some COVID panic, decided it was likely a cold or a reaction to the shift in weather and treated it as such, primarily with Vicks and lozenges. Nevertheless, the sore throat was persistent for another week and I have a low-grade headache and am perpetually cold. I happen to get on Rentmen and notice that there’s a new review for the provider I saw on Halloween and that it’s a negative one. Curious, I convince the Rentmen servers that I live in Canada, and see that there’s a narrative. The reviewer alleges that the provider passed gonorrhea to him while the client had been fellating him. I reach out to the client and ask for more information, including when he met with the provider. Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to give dates beyond saying it was “recently” and that he’d just finished his own two-week sabbatical.


According to the client, during an attempt to schedule a second encounter, the provider told him that had pain in one testicle and had urinated blood, and the client suggested that the provider see a doctor. Shortly afterwards, the client said he had similar symptoms. When the client follows up to try to book again, the provider discloses that the doctor thought it was gonorrhea.


With these details, some things during my meeting with the provider became clearer. For example, he’d excused himself to use the restroom twice in two hours for the better part of ten minutes, but mentioned that he’d been unable to urinate.


The morning, I’m off to urgent care where I’m prescribed antibiotics and within a day of taking them, my sore throat is gone.


On the whole, if everything the client told me is true, I suspect that the provider met with me shortly after beginning treatment or shortly before he learned that he may have contracted gonorrhea. He hasn’t contacted me to mention that there may have been a problem and I’m wondering if it’s unreasonable for me to expect him to.


Did you get tested for STDs before starting the antibiotics? If so, did you test positive for anything?

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About a week after Halloween, I noticed some throat discomfort and congestion after some COVID panic, decided it was likely a cold or a reaction to the shift in weather and treated it as such, primarily with Vicks and lozenges. Nevertheless, the sore throat was persistent for another week and I have a low-grade headache and am perpetually cold....

...I asked the doctor whether she wanted me to be screened to confirm and she said it wasn’t necessary.

Your thought regarding this possibly being Covid-19 was rational and not panic. Oral gonorrhea symptoms, when present, do NOT include congestion, or, except extremely rarely, headache, nor do they include chills. Although it's too late at this point to be swabbed for Covid, I would suggest that about a month after your symptoms began you get an antibody test to see if you had and got over Covid.


"The main symptom of oral gonorrhea is a sore throat but up to 90% of individuals infected may have little or no symptoms.

These symptoms of oral gonorrhea are the same for men or women and usually occur a few days after oral contact (about 7 to 21 days )with a partner's genitals or anal area when the partner is infected with N. gonorrhoeae. People with oral gonorrhea usually do not transmit the disease to others, but it can occur in some instances. Most investigators state that kissing does not transmit the disease as the bacteria apparently do not infect the tongue or mouth. However, it is possible to transmit the disease if the bacteria in the pharynx are transmitted to other objects by direct contact (for examples, fingers, penis, or sex toys) and then the objects touch other body areas such as genitals, anal/rectal areas, or the eyes. This type of oral transfer of bacteria occurs infrequently. In general, symptoms of oral gonorrhea are either mild or not present and are markedly different from vaginal, penile, anal, and eye or disseminated gonorrhea."

Although "expedited partner treatment" is considered an acceptable practice, and is legal in most states, if you actually went to the doctor the standard of care would have been to test you. Now you'll never know. EPT actually became legal fairly recently in California (but was commonly done if the clinician felt the partner was unlikely to come in).





And, of course, it's possible you contracted BOTH Covid-19 and GC (or a simple cold and GC) from the encounter....

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When I was an escort, i always asked if they had been tested and what the results were but I never asked to see a copy of the test. I did share mine often, and I had a few guys send me a screenshot of theirs, unprompted. As a client, no one has asked for a copy of mine, but it certainly wouldn’t offend me if he did. It suggests to me that he takes his health seriously. You can always block out your name and personal info on the test if keeping your identity private is a concern. I don’t see the harm.

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Covid tests are pretty useless, for the most part, if you're talking about negative results. Those rapid DFA tests are only 70% sensitive. If you can get a PCR test result in 24 hours, that's 90% sensitive, but these tests are just a snapshot, so any test over 48 hours old is of very limited benefit. What DOES comfort me is a positive test that's over 14 days old but less than 6 months old. Although not foolproof, that's much more comforting to me than a 4-day old negative Covid test. It's thought that 3 days before symptoms begin is when you're most contagious. I have honed in on those who've recovered, especially in the last few months.

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I didn’t. I asked the doctor whether she wanted me to be screened to confirm and she said it wasn’t necessary.

She’s an idiot. Antibiotics for a “sore throat” is very 1980’s medicine....at best.

Swab for strep. Swab for GC/chlamydia is there is reason for concern.

Treat based on the results.

You most likely got antibiotics for a viral illness, that would have gotten better in 2-3 days no matter what you did.

Any more most specific diagnosis of an STD is a wild guess at best, and quite honestly not fair to the escort.

Unless you got a shot in the ass and 4 pills to swallow all at once (and I’m willing to bet $1,000 that you didn’t) then you didn’t get treated for GC/chlamydia pharyngitis. You got “I’ll give you antibiotics if you give me 5 stars on my review“ AKA Shitty Medical Care.


Get a new doctor.

Stop being a hypochondriac.

Don’t blame the escort when you get a cold.

Grow up.

Class dismissed.

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Unless you got a shot in the ass and 4 pills to swallow all at once (and I’m willing to bet $1,000 that you didn’t) then you didn’t get treated for GC/chlamydia pharyngitis. You got “I’ll give you antibiotics if you give me 5 stars on my review“ AKA Shitty Medical Care.


I assumed he did, in fact, get the shot in the ass and the 4 pills (or packet). If he didn't, then yes, that doctor is horrid, because he wasn't even treated for GC, which was the real concern.

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What does a clean bill of health mean? It's not worth more than the paper it's written on. So, OK, you have a document stating that you were in good healht last week. Who did you fuck this morning?


Always act as we're both Positive is absolutely right!

I agree. I have tested negative for everything and usually let my escort know. Do you get some that tell you they are taking prep?

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The std test thing... the instant u have sex all your std tests are useless. An escort who did 100 clients since his last std test cannot claim that std are ok...

Stds.. get it, get treated, get over it


Imagine if he rimmed all 100 clients as part of the "basic sex" you demand from them.


Some behaviors are way riskier than others. Fortunately now with PrEP BB is no longer an act of madness yet it exposes top and bottom to other treatable diseases that most of the times as pointed by @Unicorn have no symptoms.


I agree. I have tested negative for everything and usually let my escort know. Do you get some that tell you they are taking prep?


is not only taking it but as pointed by @Benjamin_Nicholas in another thread sometimes young men forget to take the pill every day...

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