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What if he really means it?

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A problem that I'm encountering early in my "client" career is that I've been so conditioned to not believe any compliment that an escort gives me or at least to question it. I've been assured by many that this is just part of the business. So, how do I tell if he really means it? A case in point: I've been to an escort who has told me often that I'm special. Well, at first, I just "knew" that he tells everyone this. Finally, I said something like "it's ok. you really don't have to say these things to me". He seemed to get offended and said that he wouldn't say it if he didn't mean it. So? I'm already so conditioned that I just can't seem to believe it when he says these things. How do I tell?

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You can't so take it all with a grain of salt and don't worry about it. There is simply no point in confronting the escort unless you have seen him several times and know him quite well. Many of us are not comfortable accepting compliments of any sort from anybody. I fit into that category and recognize that the fault is mine and that it is just the way I am.

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You may be special, you may not be special, but what you don't want to do is read too much into a nice comment. The minute you convince yourself that the lines of escort/client are being crossed, your 'relationship' has nowhere to go but downhill and you are headed for heartache.


I offer this advice and take it if you want to or ignore it. As long as you are paying for someones companionship (+++) you are nothing more than a client. Don't overanalyze it, don't stress over it and most importantly don't fall for him because you will be the one who gets hurt in the end.

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Many of us are not comfortable accepting compliments of any sort from anybody. I fit into that category and recognize that the fault is mine and that it is just the way I am.


This is actually the issue here, not that escorts have you wondering whether any of their compliments are sincere. As an escort, I compliment clients. Here's a myriad of reasons why: I'm getting paid for my company. I want them to feel good and associate me with a positive time. It's a nice thing to say. It's a way to fill up time. It's a conversation starter/maintainer. It's a psychological "trick" that allows me to focus on something desirable so I am able to have a good time myself. It's actually the truth.


No, you're probably not the guy I would choose for myself if I had the option. But that's a whole different story. That doesn't mean that I don't genuinely like you, or what you're doing with your tongue, or that we have a dynamic I really enjoy, or that I like your shirt/hairstyle/sense of humor. Take a compliment at face value and assume they're being genuine—and if you think they're being fake—keep their mouth full so you don't have to listen to it anymore. :)

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I have to agree that the compliment was most likely genuine. Something you did or some way you acted made him feel good to be with you enough to let you know he appreciated it. It probably doesn't mean anything serious, but if it does he has your contact information to let you know that it does.

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In my experience as a client, I think that most compliments I receive from escorts are genuine. They don't compliment me on things I know to be false. If he tells you that you have the biggest cock he's ever seen, he's probably not telling the truth. If he tells you that your tongue/ass feels good, he's probably telling the truth. If he says he likes your eyes or legs, assume he's being honest.

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I never thought I'd see a bigger ***** than myself.

I've never seen a bigger w.h.o.r.e.


I hope to never see one.


But I can tell you here and now,


I'd rather be than see one. http://smileyshack.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/smooning_woman_mooning_100-100.gif

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I find that the more specific a complement from someone is, the more likely it is to be true and therefore to have some value.

"You are special" Well aren't we all. General comment doesn't really mean much. Requires a thank you and moving on.

"You are a kind person. Just today I noticed you helping that woman who dropped her purse on the street and I noticed you going in and buying that homeless man a sandwich. I admire your efforts" More likely to be true and also speaks volumes about the escort and his attentions to you.

"You have good taste" A thank you.

"You taste good" follow by his swallowing your hard dick and caressing it with his tongue for 20 minutes. Well I think the difference is obvious.

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I encounter this quite often and certainly hope that if I take the time to compliment someone that I am with, that they both believe me and accept the compliment!

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I remember once a number of years ago I hired a very well known escort. I say him and he had a great time....afterwards he told me was nervous coming to see me since it had been so lony since he had anyone outside of his regulars and what a great time he had.


I was going to write a review since he was really good...but another review about him hit this site before I could write my review and it seems he said the exact same thing to that reviewer.


So I smiled to myself and knew that he was using that same line over and over and over.

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I remember once a number of years ago I hired a very well known escort. I say him and he had a great time....afterwards he told me was nervous coming to see me since it had been so lony since he had anyone outside of his regulars and what a great time he had.


I was going to write a review since he was really good...but another review about him hit this site before I could write my review and it seems he said the exact same thing to that reviewer.


So I smiled to myself and knew that he was using that same line over and over and over.


Just trying to understand what you are saying here. You met an escort, had a 'really good' experience, but in the end wound up feeling negative about your experience because you felt his compliment was not sincere ( i.e. part of a routine) he uses on multiple clients? Interesting. Would you have felt more positive about your experience if the 'compliment' was never given or was the 'compliment' (at the time when you thought it was sincere) the reason you felt it was a good experience to begin with?

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Well, PB, this is because you insist on turning the lights out all the time - no one ever gets to see just how big it really is. Once you get over this photophobia of yours (fear of light) and leave the lights on, they'll probably be listing you on the special client review sites written by escorts in the know. You know - the one that is the mouthpiece of the secret escort cabal that meets every other Thursday for lunch and to discuss the clients of the previous 2 weeks. Then it will be just a matter of time before the word gets out and we start reading about your exploits on restroom walls through the tri-state area. No wait, let's think BIGGER! Escorts will be taking out ads promoting you in Times Square! Soon you'll be on the cover of People magazine!


(Please don't take offense - my mind is just on overdrive as I get ready to go work out.)

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The experience was excellent and when I found out that he used an exact line with another client it "made me smile" as I said in my original post. It did not give me a negative feeling nor did it change the experience for me.


At the time he said it I thought he was sincere and when I found out differently it didn't phase me one way or another. As you mentioned it was just part of his routine.


The experience was very positive and highly, sexually charged....his remarks did not affect me one way or another

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Thank you all for your input and the healthy dose of reality. For now, I'll accept what's said at face value, but I won't attach any significance to it.


That seems a bit of a paradox to me- accepting but putting no significance to it. While an escort can and may often tell the truth- I'd say the average client shouldn't take any more heed of it than a pleasant talk about the weather- it's a space filler The client needs to keep in mind that an escort who said what he was really thinking all the time- may have few clients and be out of business relatively soon.



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