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What would you do? Question to both clients and escorts....

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If I were one of the clients that had to cancel an overnight at such short notice, I'd rather present it as postponing (and rescheduling to another convenient date) than canceling it altogether. It's how you present it I suppose: deferred payment vs. losing the overnight fee altogether.

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Hi Peter


It's the same all over. I don't know what guys get out of timewasting us working boys. It's happened to me countless times. I don't tour very often as I am quite blessed with regular work at home which keeps me busy but it's very annoying when they do it. The thing is, if you out these people or make a smart remark on a thread they reply or create then you're seen as the black sheep and that's not fair. I posted about a regular client I seen over here in England a few days ago, where he'd stood me up for an 11pm appointment outside a hotel in the pouring rain because he was too busy getting drunk with work colleagues. Even the regulars piss about.


I do think it's quite unfair that the more opinionated you are, the more arrogant you come across and it's the "clients" on here that think that way, but it's ok for escorts to be slated and pulled to bits, that seems perfectly acceptable. I am opinionated and will certainly tell any clients who step out of line and refuse to see them again. You can't be in this work and not be opinionated, we get messed around so much.


I am sure you seen a number of lovely guys on your trip who made up for the odd tosser (and tosser is what they are) messing you about. If there was a system for reviewing clients then one or two people would be in for a nasty shock indeed.

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I could say so much. My recent thread on , "The Death of Common Courtesy," and also the one concerning the epidemic of cancellations have some valuable info on this I think.......Well, glad to see a response from client # 1. That is what this forum is all about and why I chose to stay here. It is very helpful! Let me relate a similar story from September in Atlanta: In my first 3 tours there I met a particular client each time at my hotel for amazing 2 hour sessions. He ate chocolate off my body!!!!! great client! anchor client in Atlanta. He sat up his next session and cancelled in advance due to his mom's sickeness and eventual death. no problem and he would be in touch. He was and booked for my next visit but he needed a day earlier than my arrival date so I changed my travel schedule just to accomodate him. The time for the appointment arrived on , i think, monday at 10 am and he was a no call, no show. I waited an hour cause of atl traffic and still no call no show. I called and left a nice are you ok message. I emailed and texted. Just like Peter not mad at all just concerned and/or worried for my clients' safety. So I went on with my busy week in atl and never heard from him. Upon returning to Florida I discussed the situation with my boyfriend and we concluded the client either died or had an accident. No other explation since this guy was crazy about me and did not want to damage our friendship. A month passed with no word. I called once just to see if he would answer. nothing. Upon my next week in atl I called again and he answered and his answer was stunning: His 30 something year old son had died of a drug overdose.......Immediately I let him know I was not mad and that even though I coulod not relate to his pain I am a trained therapist because in my ministerial training I majored in psych/counseling. We talked about 20 minutes and I did my best to keep him from doing something stupid and hurting himself. He has not been able to see anyone professionally (as an escort) since that I know of. He remains one of my favorite clients and I consider him a friend. You never know why someone no shows/no calls as this thread proves.... To client #1 I wish you good health so the rest of us can find out just how good a client you can be...hint hint! http://www.rentboy.com/mikey9nola1 "I'm not about the clock, I'm about the cock!"

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one puzzling thing????


how do we explain the logging in to daddys after the appointment time???? I don't mean to play detective here but I am just asking the question.....splain Lucy...splain....just seems to me if you can log in to daddys you could have contacted Peter to cancel and/or reschedule. In the case I described there was no smoking gun and no evidence.

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Although escorting IS a business that certainly should command respect and courtesy, the continued comparision to doctors and lawyers is ludacrous. They havent spent YEARS in school training nor spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on education. Nor do their expenses include

exorbitant mal-practice insurance. So to say a cancelled escort appt should be paid for is debatable. Surely if its a last minute cancellation, some compensation should be made the escort for his time, but if enough notice is given, Surely NOT. Cancelled appts are a part of ANY business enterprise, so lets get REAL here. You can quickly tell if a pattern of cancellation develops with a client and then the escort can decide whether he wants to pursue a business relationship with that person. Otherwise Shit happens, so its the professional escort that knows how to deal with it without whining.

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I don't know what guys get out of timewasting us working boys. It's happened to me countless times.


There are many reasons why some guys will waste an escort's time. Unfortunately, the beast has its nature and I don't see that changing.


1. No matter how many times you see the word "respect" here, many guys who buy won't respect you. Period. They may fuck you. They may enjoy their time with you. They may even come back for more, but they will never truly respect you.

2. Some guys feel they can treat you any way they wish because they have the money. Hence, the "power."

3. An orgasm lasts maybe 12 seconds. A horny guy can jack off in 6 minutes (or less). Sexual satisfaction can be fast and fleeting, depending on your state of being horny and self-discipline. Some guys won't wait for their appointment. Some guys lack mental discipline. They can't wait because they have to get off NOW. Some escorts know this. Some escorts say, call 24/7. Some say, you have to book in advance. If you book in advance, some guys can't keep their hands off their cock. In the meantime, they cum, maybe twice or more, and then the reality of spending hundreds, when they are no longer horny, sinks in.


These are just a few reasons. There are many more.


The only thing is: I really would not say a bad word against these gentlemen


Well, you're in one camp, while other escorts are running to the "bad client" websites, posting cell phone numbers. How is a client supposed to second guess anyone's behavior in this business? Contempt runs in both directions.


If you cancel in advance you do not need to explain why. I would never ask a client why (and will never understand escorts who do that... Why does that matter to the escort anyway, right? ) and I would never ask a client why he cancels even if he cancels it 10 minutes prior to our meeting. He canceled and an escort can't do much about it... it is in the game and escorts should accept that!


You should also be able to accept receiving no explanation when a client doesn't cancel and is a no-show. No one has a crystal ball to explain all that cannot be explained. You were lucky that one of your clients confessed on this thread. You should never expect an explanation, and I wouldn't invest too much energy in thinking about the why. You're a curious fellow, and there's nothing wrong with that.


People die. People fall prey to an accident. People get robbed. People change their minds for no reason. Life is full of random acts and selfish people. I agree, it's comforting to get an explanation, but explanations are never guaranteed. I try to never think about the things I cannot control. Life is too short.


If someone doesn't return my phone call and my email within a reasonable time frame, I move on with life.


I've never canceled on an escort. For that matter, I've never canceled a massage appointment, legit or otherwise. I'm not an inconsiderate customer. If something happened that prevented me from showing up, I would eventually make contact to explain and rectify my behavior, that is, if I am capable. Not everyone is capable.


On a recent trip to L.A., I arranged to meet with someone new. I communicated with him at least 2 weeks in advance by email. When I arrived in L.A., I sent him my cell phone number. We were scheduled to meet 4 days later. 20 minutes late, I looked at my cell phone to see if I had any missed calls. 35 minutes late, I opened my laptop, already packed, to check my email. There was his email, saying he had a last minute emergency and could not make it. OK, so why didn't he call? Did he assume that I would be attached to a computer 24/7? Did he assume I could read emails from my escort-only cell phone? Did he not call because he wanted to dodge a "live" conversation with me? I have no idea why he didn't give me the courtesy of a phone call. I don't care, either. I moved on and went to dinner with a friend.


It takes two to tango. Sometimes the dance goes nicely, other times it doesn't work out so well. Such is life.

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I make every effort to give a seven-day notice of cancellation, and, I expect the same courtesy from the rentboy. In the event of a "last minute" cancellation, that is, less than forty-eight hours, I will "pay up" on the session. However, I make certain that any rentboys who comes to me on a professional basis is apprised of the "rules of the game" from the beginning of our association.

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I make every effort to give a seven-day notice of cancellation, and, I expect the same courtesy from the rentboy. In the event of a "last minute" cancellation, that is, less than forty-eight hours, I will "pay up" on the session. However, I make certain that any rentboys who comes to me on a professional basis is apprised of the "rules of the game" from the beginning of our association.


We are already aware that EVERYTHING about YOU is unique Robber, and that is part of your charm....

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I opened my laptop, already packed, to check my email. There was his email, saying he had a last minute emergency and could not make it. OK, so why didn't he call? Did he assume that I would be attached to a computer 24/7? Did he assume I could read emails from my escort-only cell phone?


There are some downright low life escorts about. Last year I was abroad for two weeks in Turkey and a regular of mine emailed me about an appointment the following week. I would still have been in Turkey so I passed him the number of another local escort and I also emailed the escort to tell them I'd recommended him to "Dave". Everything went ahead and both he and the other escort thanked me. I wasn't around and so I wanted to help out my regular. A few months later, back in town, he booked me and said "Beware of your friend, he offered to undercut you by £60 on a 2 hour appointment if I booked him in future".


My client is self employed himself and wasn't interested in such an under hand way of conducting business. He said the appointment went great but his attitude at the end appalled him. Needless to say, my escort friend has never been offered anymore referrals.

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There are some downright low life escorts about.


I try to be careful about attributing a negative character to someone, especially an overly-dramatic characterization. I would not consider the L.A. escort in my story to be a "low-life." I don't play in the gutter, and I never hire someone who has no established reputation.


The fact is, the L.A. guy has stellar reviews, highly recommended by a show biz friend. The escort did write to cancel. I don't think the escort ever realized I didn't get his email cancellation until 40 minutes into the appointment time. I don't think the escort knew I had already packed my bags for my return trip home. I suspect the escort assumed I could retrieve emails on my cell phone. Escorts have no way of knowing that I keep a separate cell phone (it is not a smart phone) for anonymous encounters.


When emergencies occur, shit happens. I wasn't angry or sexually frustrated, at least not for long. I don't care enough about sex to allow these things to matter. I may try to see the guy in the future. We'll see.

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Although escorting IS a business that certainly should command respect and courtesy, the continued comparision to doctors and lawyers is ludacrous. They havent spent YEARS in school training nor spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on education. Nor do their expenses include

exorbitant mal-practice insurance. So to say a cancelled escort appt should be paid for is debatable. Surely if its a last minute cancellation, some compensation should be made the escort for his time, but if enough notice is given, Surely NOT. Cancelled appts are a part of ANY business enterprise, so lets get REAL here. You can quickly tell if a pattern of cancellation develops with a client and then the escort can decide whether he wants to pursue a business relationship with that person. Otherwise Shit happens, so its the professional escort that knows how to deal with it without whining.

Sorry, JJ, I was speaking more of the Professional Escort who exchanges his time, personl and skills for money. There is a valid comparison between any professional with training, practice, education and residency be it doctor, lawyer or escort. Simply because the society hasn't opened up professional regulation of one of these fields does not make the Professional Escort less professional. He's dedicating himself - mind, body, soul and finances - to his career just like any other professional. But when the 'slated hour' has passed, he's out the dough because he'd reserved his time for a no-show client.

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Sorry, JJ, I was speaking more of the Professional Escort who exchanges his time, personl and skills for money. There is a valid comparison between any professional with training, practice, education and residency be it doctor, lawyer or escort. Simply because the society hasn't opened up professional regulation of one of these fields does not make the Professional Escort less professional. He's dedicating himself - mind, body, soul and finances - to his career just like any other professional. But when the 'slated hour' has passed, he's out the dough because he'd reserved his time for a no-show client.


INS - I certainly agree with your point regarding time, but I still think its naive of you to compare an escort to a doctor or lawyer, who has spent vitually years in school, residency, apprenticeships etc. Yes escorts do have a very specific skillset, they have to be able to read and deal with people, balance time and personalities, work under conditions that may not be appealing, and PERFORM.... But to equate this to the training of other professionals like doctors, lawyers, judges, or even plumbers is just downright Silly.... Many escorts have no advanced education and received their training on the streets. The lucky ones have received their training as "kept" men. Come on now, even you should be able to see a difference here. ? That doesnt mean they shouldnt be treated with the same respect afforded other professionals. But everything in perspective.

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I try to be careful about attributing a negative character to someone, especially an overly-dramatic characterization. I would not consider the L.A. escort in my story to be a "low-life." I don't play in the gutter, and I never hire someone who has no established reputation.


I realise that, it wasn't aimed at him it was a generalisation

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Silly me. I assumed a professional was a person who is paid to undertake a specialised set of tasks and to complete them for a fee.

INS - I certainly agree with your point regarding time, but I still think its naive of you to compare an escort to a doctor or lawyer, who has spent vitually years in school, residency, apprenticeships etc. Yes escorts do have a very specific skillset, they have to be able to read and deal with people, balance time and personalities, work under conditions that may not be appealing, and PERFORM.... But to equate this to the training of other professionals like doctors, lawyers, judges, or even plumbers is just downright Silly.... Many escorts have no advanced education and received their training on the streets. The lucky ones have received their training as "kept" men. Come on now, even you should be able to see a difference here. ? That doesnt mean they shouldnt be treated with the same respect afforded other professionals. But everything in perspective.


With thanks to Wikipedia...

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Silly me. I assumed a professional was a person who is paid to undertake a specialised set of tasks and to complete them for a fee.


With thanks to Wikipedia...


Like I said in closing: Everything in Perspective. All are professional in what they do and how they operate, but the comparison is not apples to apples.. A blind person could see that.


A doctors missed appt could mean another ILL person didnt get medical attention he needs. An escorts missed appt means another clients boner or asshole doesnt get satisfied. Silly me to think there was a difference.

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INS - ... but I still think its naive of you to compare an escort to a doctor or lawyer,... But to equate this to the training of other professionals like doctors, lawyers, judges, or even plumbers is just downright Silly....

Like I said in closing: Everything in Perspective. All are professional in what they do and how they operate, but the comparison is not apples to apples.. A blind person could see that.
Silly, silly, naive me. I better call the ophthalmologist for an appointment, quick!
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Hi Peter


It's the same all over. I don't know what guys get out of timewasting us working boys. It's happened to me countless times. I don't tour very often as I am quite blessed with regular work at home which keeps me busy but it's very annoying when they do it. The thing is, if you out these people or make a smart remark on a thread they reply or create then you're seen as the black sheep and that's not fair. I posted about a regular client I seen over here in England a few days ago, where he'd stood me up for an 11pm appointment outside a hotel in the pouring rain because he was too busy getting drunk with work colleagues. Even the regulars piss about.


I do think it's quite unfair that the more opinionated you are, the more arrogant you come across and it's the "clients" on here that think that way, but it's ok for escorts to be slated and pulled to bits, that seems perfectly acceptable. I am opinionated and will certainly tell any clients who step out of line and refuse to see them again. You can't be in this work and not be opinionated, we get messed around so much.


I am sure you seen a number of lovely guys on your trip who made up for the odd tosser (and tosser is what they are) messing you about. If there was a system for reviewing clients then one or two people would be in for a nasty shock indeed.


Thank you for all your answers... now I will try to respond to all of you.


SteveEscort: As you said, I have met tons of people who made up for the "odd tosser"... I enjoy my work for this exact reason! I love that I meet people from various backgrounds and financial situation. I love the fact that you can always learn from everyone (regardless of age, financial situation or their background) if you are open and willing to listen. I really do not run into bad situations (knock on wood) and that is why I am still doing what I am doing.


Mikey9nola: Thanks for your post. Yes, I have just read that thread, well put! I hope we can meet up for a drink next time we happen to be in the same town :) Best Regards to you!


jjkrkwood: "Surely if its a last minute cancellation, some compensation should be made the escort for his time, but if enough notice is given, Surely NOT. " You are right theoretically. Actually, I got a last minute cancellation numerous times and never ever pursued for any financial compensation ever. Only a few times I was offered a cancellation fee but I have never ever taken it. The general truth is - even though you are correct - sometimes I lose money because I have to turn down others but as many of you put it very well, that is in the game and I am totally fine with that. Plus I do not like free money and even if a client cancels on me last minute, I would never take his money because I literally did not provide any service to this person, it just feels weird to take his money by not doing anything. If it is a tip after a great session, I take it and thank it because then I feel that I actually did something to earn the extra. Thanks for your post too!

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There are many reasons why some guys will waste an escort's time. Unfortunately, the beast has its nature and I don't see that changing.


1. No matter how many times you see the word "respect" here, many guys who buy won't respect you. Period. They may fuck you. They may enjoy their time with you. They may even come back for more, but they will never truly respect you.

2. Some guys feel they can treat you any way they wish because they have the money. Hence, the "power."

3. An orgasm lasts maybe 12 seconds. A horny guy can jack off in 6 minutes (or less). Sexual satisfaction can be fast and fleeting, depending on your state of being horny and self-discipline. Some guys won't wait for their appointment. Some guys lack mental discipline. They can't wait because they have to get off NOW. Some escorts know this. Some escorts say, call 24/7. Some say, you have to book in advance. If you book in advance, some guys can't keep their hands off their cock. In the meantime, they cum, maybe twice or more, and then the reality of spending hundreds, when they are no longer horny, sinks in.


These are just a few reasons. There are many more.




Well, you're in one camp, while other escorts are running to the "bad client" websites, posting cell phone numbers. How is a client supposed to second guess anyone's behavior in this business? Contempt runs in both directions.




You should also be able to accept receiving no explanation when a client doesn't cancel and is a no-show. No one has a crystal ball to explain all that cannot be explained. You were lucky that one of your clients confessed on this thread. You should never expect an explanation, and I wouldn't invest too much energy in thinking about the why. You're a curious fellow, and there's nothing wrong with that.


People die. People fall prey to an accident. People get robbed. People change their minds for no reason. Life is full of random acts and selfish people. I agree, it's comforting to get an explanation, but explanations are never guaranteed. I try to never think about the things I cannot control. Life is too short.


If someone doesn't return my phone call and my email within a reasonable time frame, I move on with life.


I've never canceled on an escort. For that matter, I've never canceled a massage appointment, legit or otherwise. I'm not an inconsiderate customer. If something happened that prevented me from showing up, I would eventually make contact to explain and rectify my behavior, that is, if I am capable. Not everyone is capable.


On a recent trip to L.A., I arranged to meet with someone new. I communicated with him at least 2 weeks in advance by email. When I arrived in L.A., I sent him my cell phone number. We were scheduled to meet 4 days later. 20 minutes late, I looked at my cell phone to see if I had any missed calls. 35 minutes late, I opened my laptop, already packed, to check my email. There was his email, saying he had a last minute emergency and could not make it. OK, so why didn't he call? Did he assume that I would be attached to a computer 24/7? Did he assume I could read emails from my escort-only cell phone? Did he not call because he wanted to dodge a "live" conversation with me? I have no idea why he didn't give me the courtesy of a phone call. I don't care, either. I moved on and went to dinner with a friend.


It takes two to tango. Sometimes the dance goes nicely, other times it doesn't work out so well. Such is life.



Well, you're in one camp, while other escorts are running to the "bad client" websites, posting cell phone numbers. How is a client supposed to second guess anyone's behavior in this business? Contempt runs in both directions.

Well, I can not really talk about "others" only about myself and I would never post anything specific about these gentlemen. That is just not how I do my business. I believe in talking it over and you can see, 1 out of 2 has already been resolved and caused a happy ending. I believe in these methods...


I think if a person schedules an escort, CONFIRMS the appointment and then no show and do not give any response then the escort DOES deserve at least an explanation... This is my opinion and I am pretty sure that most of the people on this forum thinks the same way, but if you are on a different opinion please let me know.


"If someone doesn't return my phone call and my email within a reasonable time frame, I move on with life."

That is what I did. I never tried calling/texting/emailing him ever again, since I would consider this harassment which is not my style (if someone does not want to meet me, then I would never force a meeting with that person) and I - thanks God - have a busy life enough not to do things like that.


BTW, life is great ! ;)


Best Regards!

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Well, I can not really talk about "others" only about myself


You missed the point. Trust is the issue. It is extremely difficult, almost impossible, to fully trust someone you barely know.


and I would never post anything specific about these gentlemen.


How do you define "specific?" Frankly, IMO, stating that both customers post on this forum was too specific for me. As a customer, I felt uncomfortable with your post from the very first sentence.


I believe in talking it over and you can see, 1 out of 2 has already been resolved and caused a happy ending.


Nudging, hinting at, guilting, coercing, talking it over, stroking — I don't care what you call it — jgoo into a public confession made you "happy?" Or was it jgoo stating that he "acted like an inconsiderate asshole" that provided the "happy ending" you were seeking?


I believe in "talking it over," too. But there's an appropriate way to handle private matters that exist between a customer and you.


I find it absolutely astounding that so many escorts do not know the fundamentals of expert customer service. Respect is not a two-way street in the service industry. And if you truly want to be successful, you better learn to suck shit up and grow a thicker skin.


I think if a person schedules an escort, CONFIRMS the appointment and then no show and do not give any response then the escort DOES deserve at least an explanation...


Who on earth would argue that you, or anyone, doesn't "deserve" an explanation in a situation like this? Deserve does not mean demand. Deserve does not mean it is appropriate to guilt a customer into a public confession. Which, IMO, is exactly what you did here.


This is my opinion and I am pretty sure that most of the people on this forum thinks the same way


I don't care if the majority here think the same way. That does not spell intelligence to me. If the majority of people believe escorting is wrong and immoral, would you feel pride or shame?


BTW, life is great !


I'm happy for you.

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I find it absolutely astounding that so many escorts do not know the fundamentals of expert customer service. Respect is not a two-way street in the service industry. And if you truly want to be successful, you better learn to suck shit up and grow a thicker skin.


I don't think you can make justifiably make absolute pronouncements like that. It sounds like you you are saying that those in a 'service industry' do not merit respect, but perhaps you only mean they cannot claim it or should not expect it?


I think all of us as individuals make our own choices with regard to whom we give respect, and have the right to expect it in return unless there is cause for otherwise.

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Oh my :)


You missed the point. Trust is the issue. It is extremely difficult, almost impossible, to fully trust someone you barely know.




How do you define "specific?" Frankly, IMO, stating that both customers post on this forum was too specific for me. As a customer, I felt uncomfortable with your post from the very first sentence.




Nudging, hinting at, guilting, coercing, talking it over, stroking — I don't care what you call it — jgoo into a public confession made you "happy?" Or was it jgoo stating that he "acted like an inconsiderate asshole" that provided the "happy ending" you were seeking?


I believe in "talking it over," too. But there's an appropriate way to handle private matters that exist between a customer and you.


I find it absolutely astounding that so many escorts do not know the fundamentals of expert customer service. Respect is not a two-way street in the service industry. And if you truly want to be successful, you better learn to suck shit up and grow a thicker skin.




Who on earth would argue that you, or anyone, doesn't "deserve" an explanation in a situation like this? Deserve does not mean demand. Deserve does not mean it is appropriate to guilt a customer into a public confession. Which, IMO, is exactly what you did here.




I don't care if the majority here think the same way. That does not spell intelligence to me. If the majority of people believe escorting is wrong and immoral, would you feel pride or shame?




I'm happy for you.


You missed the point. Trust is the issue. It is extremely difficult, almost impossible, to fully trust someone you barely know.

So trust is the issue? (Not to me). When I go out to see someone for the first time THEORETICALLY there is already a trust between me and a client. Since we (escorts) do not get paid up front, I trust my client that he will compensate me in the end. There has to be a basic trust before the meeting takes place, otherwise the escort should find himself another job. SO I have to disagree with you on this!


How do you define "specific?"

How do I define specific? Phone number, username, email address ...etc. These are specifics... Just because he posts in the forum ? That's specific to you? WOW... Specific means that people know exactly and can identify the person I am talking about... Can you? There are 3,796 registered people on this forum... If you know who I am talking about then please accept my biggest compliments!!!! ;)


Nudging, hinting at, guilting, coercing, talking it over, stroking — I don't care what you call it — jgoo into a public confession made you "happy?" Or was it jgoo stating that he "acted like an inconsiderate asshole" that provided the "happy ending" you were seeking?

Well... To answer your question, yes he made me happy. And the reason why is because I got to know that:

1.) He is OK!

2.) I did not do anything to contribute to this event. Feel free to re-read my first post, it was created to further educate myself if I could have done something differently or better and not to throw dirt on others.. no need to expect the worst thing at all times (especially not if it is S-P-E-L-L-E-D out clearly)


I find it absolutely astounding that so many escorts do not know the fundamentals of expert customer service. Respect is not a two-way street in the service industry.


I think most of my clients would disagree with you. Trust me, if I do not know anything about customer service I would not survive in this industry... I am very happy that I am surrounded by a lot of people who I look up to and that we teach each other different things... but since you think that there is no respect between a client and escort, I think it is very unnecessary to prove my point to you /and others can easily confirm that (both clients and escorts)/


And if you truly want to be successful, you better learn to suck shit up and grow a thicker skin.

Let me ask you something... Does this writing of yours spell intelligence to you? No need to answer this one, it was a rhetorical question


Deserve does not mean it is appropriate to guilt a customer into a public confession.

I did not make anybody do anything. I did not force out a confession from anyone... He did it on his own by his own free will!


I don't care if the majority here think the same way.

OK ;) But if you are on the freeway and all the cars start honking and coming towards you, try to think a little bit... maybe you are on the wrong side of the road and not the other drivers are the crazy ones ;)


If the majority of people believe escorting is wrong and immoral, would you feel pride or shame?

Well, according to a survey even in Canada where prostitution is legal with certain restrictions, most of the people think it is wrong, immoral and do not support it. But they still get by...

To answer your question: I feel good, thanks ;)


All in all, this was a happy forum with happy people... Too bad we got some negative wave here, but that is all right... we are all different and there is nothing wrong with that...

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Respect is not a two-way street in the service industry.


It sounds like you you are saying that those in a 'service industry' do not merit respect


I am definitely not saying that.



but perhaps you only mean they cannot claim it or should not expect it?


Precisely. Claiming it and expecting it can have destructive consequences for business owners in the service business. Some escorts seem to have difficulty grasping this concept. If you want to welcome destruction, or any negative perception (which to me is the same thing), you are free to run your business any way you see fit.


And, of course, if you're content with the results, then so be it.

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