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What would you do? Question to both clients and escorts....

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Hello Gentlemen,


I will have two stories and I would like to ask both clients and more experienced escorts of what you would do if you were my situation? I am going to publish these 2 stories not to bring down anyone (it will be anonymous anyway) but for me to learn how to do my job better as an escort.


1.) I have met a client via this website, he hired me for an overnight in Vegas, we had a lot of fun (both in and out of bed) and we clicked really well. Later on I got a very nice review from him and lots of praises on the forum. He told me to let him know if I ever come to the East coast. I went there last April (New York more specifically) and anytime I plan a trip I contact people from this forum first who requested it/me. So he was happy that I am coming and we set up an overnight appointment. We were suppose to meet at 8pm until the next morning/before noon. Time went by, it was 8pm and I did not hear from this client. I called him three times (ringing, no answer, left one voicemail). Then I sent him a text message asking if we are still on (no answer). Then I emailed him and also sent him a PM on Daddys (no answer). I guess I do not have to tell you guys how busy NYC can get, especially for a visiting escort and I turned down 4 people that evening because I had a confirmed appointment. Then 3 hours later when I logged in to the forum, I saw that he was online 1 hour ago. (?!) So I tried to call him again (no answer). At that point I was sure that we are not going to meet... I sent him another PM and an email that basically said:

- This is me, we suppose to meet and I cancelled on clients but that is OK, I just wanted to ask you that if you can not keep an appointment please cancel it so we can avoid inconveniences in the future and was just basically asking him what happened that we could not meet? A truly friendly email, not aggressive, not arrogant, just feeling sorry that we could not meet... He is still active and very much alive on the forum though I have never ever heard from him... At these times I am not mad at all and truly do not care about the loss I suffered by not meeting anyone on that evening, more like that feeling that I just still do not know until now what happened and how I contributed to this client-escort relationship to "end?" like this...


2.) There was a client on this forum who regularly write reviews (just like #1) and very active on the forum. He really wanted to meet me and we set up an appointment way in advance. He PMd me and gave me his phone number and told me that we can contact on that number (did not know his email). He confirmed an appointment with me for 6pm at his hotel for an hour and he told me that he will check in by 2pm though his room is not guaranteed until 4pm. So I was waiting and waiting, then it was 5pm when I figured I should check upon him and sent him a text message to the number he has given to me (no answer). At 6.30pm I got a text message from a number with a totally different area code even, quote: "Sorry, we must have got our signals crossed". Then I sent this person a message that I do not understand this whole message and ask him to explain... (got no response at all!)... I was kinda thinking that this is the person with whom I suppose to meet but I still was not sure... so since I got no answer for a good 15 minutes, I called the number. He answered and he either hung up or the phone got cut off. So I redialed the number again and it was the person I suppose to meet and he told me that he can not hear me and that he will get to a quiet area in about 10 minutes. So I said OK and hung up. I was assuming that since I have been trying to get ahold of him like crazy, he will at least call me back when he gets to that quiet area. But no calls... And I figured I am not going to harass him with my calls since I have been texting, emailing, PM-ing and calling him numerous times. But got no calls on that evening from him. (Of course in the meantime I turned down 2 people - I know I could have only met one person but you get what I am trying to say here). So the next morning I sent him a detailed PM on this forum asking him about what happened ( I really just wanted to know, plus I know it exactly that there is always 2 sides of a story...), got no answer. So I sent him a text message to this new phone number telling him that I wrote him a PM message (long to text the entire story I figured). I got a text message back 3 hours later stating that he is sorry but he does not have internet access but I (!) can call him at 10.30am because he will be in the quiet area. I felt weird calling him this many times, it really felt like I am begging for this guy to meet me and that is not my style (not my style to keep calling people multiple times especially not after trying this many times) but OK... I called him and try to get an explanation really... Besides a sorry (and I know you will read this: I am not mad at you at all!) I got nothing much and I HAD TO ASK HIM if he wanted to get together still? He said that he will be in town for today and tomorrow ( I am booked up with a client for 2 days now) so I told him that unfortunately we will not be able to meet since I am with someone for 2 days now.


End of story... sorry they were long stories but I just wanted to write down everything so that you can respond... What would you have done differently? I am really curious... I really feel like that I did everything to the best of my knowledge to make things work and still clueless how better I could have done this... Your inputs are appreciated! Have a great day to all of you!

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It is really annoying and I guess you could call it an occupational hazard. I think you handled both cases really well. There should be a facility for escorts to review clients so that other escorts can be warned about clients like these.

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It is really annoying and I guess you could call it an occupational hazard. I think you handled both cases really well. There should be a facility for escorts to review clients so that other escorts can be warned about clients like these.


Thank you very much for your input. The only thing is: I really would not say a bad word against these gentlemen, because I have met person #1 before and he really was a great guy. Person #2 although I have not met (yet), he writes reviews, many people like him on the forum, was really excited to see me and sounded extremely genuine too. That is why I said that I really do not want to give anyone a bad name at all (plus they are reputable clients ;) ) but to further educate myself of how I could have done things better.

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Common courtesy




I'm not sure if you could have done anything different in either case that would have resulted in a good outcome. Let's face it, some guys out there can be real inconsiderate assholes! There was a recent thread on this forum that addressed "the death of common courtesy" which would apply here.


I deal with the public on a daily basis, I'm a Realtor, and often times feel that I am used and abused for my expertise. Not as much as a thank you or "I'm sorry things didn't work out", let alone an offer for compensation. Believe me, I've had plenty of "no shows" as well. Over the years that I've been in the business, I've developed a bit of a sixth sense about some "potential clients" and proceed with particular caution in those cases.


There are, however, situations with extenuating circumstances. A prompt cancellation and brief explanation are always in order, again . . . common courtesy.


Unfortunately, I have been on the wrong end of this stick in two situations, and it was with the same working guy! In one case, I had a last minute cancellation of a real estate closing and didn't have the ready funds for the appointment. I called to cancel as soon as I was aware of the problem, about four hours before our scheduled overnight. I was new to hiring at the time and made the monumental faux pas of asking if we could meet as planned and I could pay him once the funds were available. This was to be my first meeting with this gentleman, mind you. Needless to say, the suggestion wasn't well received.


The second time I had to cancel (with the same wonderful gentleman), I had scheduled an overnight, as my wife was going to be out of town. Her plans changed slightly and was lagging behind schedule. When she finally walked out the door, I grabbed a quick shower, my bag and hit the road. Things were going as planned until I approached my escort's apartment building and realized that I had left my cell phone (with his #) at home. After several attempt to grill the front desk staff in efforts to identify my guy, I gave up and sped home at 90 mph to call my, by now furious, escort in an effort to explain my plight. I can't blame him in the least, I'd really be pissed if the roles were reversed.


The story does have a happy ending, though. After some thorough explanations and apologies on my part and some gracious acceptance and forgiveness on his, we still see one another professionally. You know who you are, thanks so much for forgiving me. :)


I didn't mean to turn this into a novel, Peter. I think all that you can do is operate on your gut instincts and follow up with a confirmation earlier in the day of your appointment. From a client's perspective, a "Hey____, just checking in to confirm . . . " would be welcomed and not perceived as being "pushy".




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Speaking as a client, neither of these men gave a reasonable explanation for the cancellation and lack of communication. I am not sure any explanation is a reasonable one when one person is looking forward to an event, either for the fun or the paycheck, and the other cancels with what seems to be little regard. I have come to prefer no explanation. A simple call informing me that the meeting cannot be completed period and a request to reschedule if that is appropriate. I find that I never really believe the escorts reason for cancelling. This leads to my feeling angry and more upset about the cancellation. That is not to say that there are no reasons for cancelling, just that, my disappointment feeds a distrust about the reason. This being so, it is hard for me to rescheduled an escort if he cancels on me without at least offering another date at the time of the cancellation. While this may have more to do with me than with the escort, I don't think I am alone in feeling this way.

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Thank you!




I'm not sure if you could have done anything different in either case that would have resulted in a good outcome. Let's face it, some guys out there can be real inconsiderate assholes! There was a recent thread on this forum that addressed "the death of common courtesy" which would apply here.


I deal with the public on a daily basis, I'm a Realtor, and often times feel that I am used and abused for my expertise. Not as much as a thank you or "I'm sorry things didn't work out", let alone an offer for compensation. Believe me, I've had plenty of "no shows" as well. Over the years that I've been in the business, I've developed a bit of a sixth sense about some "potential clients" and proceed with particular caution in those cases.


There are, however, situations with extenuating circumstances. A prompt cancellation and brief explanation are always in order, again . . . common courtesy.


Unfortunately, I have been on the wrong end of this stick in two situations, and it was with the same working guy! In one case, I had a last minute cancellation of a real estate closing and didn't have the ready funds for the appointment. I called to cancel as soon as I was aware of the problem, about four hours before our scheduled overnight. I was new to hiring at the time and made the monumental faux pas of asking if we could meet as planned and I could pay him once the funds were available. This was to be my first meeting with this gentleman, mind you. Needless to say, the suggestion wasn't well received.


The second time I had to cancel (with the same wonderful gentleman), I had scheduled an overnight, as my wife was going to be out of town. Her plans changed slightly and was lagging behind schedule. When she finally walked out the door, I grabbed a quick shower, my bag and hit the road. Things were going as planned until I approached my escort's apartment building and realized that I had left my cell phone (with his #) at home. After several attempt to grill the front desk staff in efforts to identify my guy, I gave up and sped home at 90 mph to call my, by now furious, escort in an effort to explain my plight. I can't blame him in the least, I'd really be pissed if the roles were reversed.


The story does have a happy ending, though. After some thorough explanations and apologies on my part and some gracious acceptance and forgiveness on his, we still see one another professionally. You know who you are, thanks so much for forgiving me. :)


I didn't mean to turn this into a novel, Peter. I think all that you can do is operate on your gut instincts and follow up with a confirmation earlier in the day of your appointment. From a client's perspective, a "Hey____, just checking in to confirm . . . " would be welcomed and not perceived as being "pushy".





Dear ChiTown,


Thank you very much for the detailed answer. Yes, I know exactly what you are talking about developing a sixth sense about certain people. But both these gentlemen wrote a very professional email when they got in touch with me (and of course I have met the first guy previously). I can count on my one had how many no shows I have had since I have been an escort.. (literally, I think I have had about 4 since mid-2008). But I am never furious... OF course it would have been better if I do not have to turn down business for no-shows, BUT as zeyfur put it really well, we call it an "occupational hazard"... or as I say: It is in the game! ;) And there is nothing wrong with that... and trust me, if these 2 gentlemen are not part of this review/forum site, I would have been like: OK, just 2 unknown guys from somewhere... but what I could not compute is that these are 2 gentlemen who are real residents on both the review site and this forum and still this happened and I did not know why... I still think I did everything I could but I figured it is better to ask people (escorts or clients) who are not involved in it, maybe they see things differently than I do. :)

Thank you for your response and have a wonderful day!

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Peter, this is not meant as a criticism--I think you behaved appropriately--but as a possible partial explanation. I don't know the ages of the clients, but most of the problems seem to be connected with complicated communication technology, and older men are often just not as good at dealing with that as an experienced young escort--and they might not be comfortable admitting that. For instance, I recently missed an opportunity for an appt. because I didn't have my cell phone turned on at a critical time, din't know how to read a text message, and didn't have access to a computer.

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Speaking as a client, neither of these men gave a reasonable explanation for the cancellation and lack of communication. I am not sure any explanation is a reasonable one when one person is looking forward to an event, either for the fun or the paycheck, and the other cancels with what seems to be little regard. I have come to prefer no explanation. A simple call informing me that the meeting cannot be completed period and a request to reschedule if that is appropriate. I find that I never really believe the escorts reason for cancelling. This leads to my feeling angry and more upset about the cancellation. That is not to say that there are no reasons for cancelling, just that, my disappointment feeds a distrust about the reason. This being so, it is hard for me to rescheduled an escort if he cancels on me without at least offering another date at the time of the cancellation. While this may have more to do with me than with the escort, I don't think I am alone in feeling this way.


Hi purpleknow,


Thanks for your post.

"Speaking as a client, neither of these men gave a reasonable explanation for the cancellation and lack of communication."

The problem is: There was never any cancellation.... They never told me that we are not meeting...


From an escort perspective, I usually have 2 grounds for cancelling an appointment (as ChiTown does it: AS SOON AS I am aware of the change plans!):

- If I get sick /catch a cold, have fever...etc./ (in which case I can not offer another appointment since I do not know when I get healthy again)

- If someone hires me for an extended travel for a week, two weeks or more.... At those times (as every escort - I am sure - would do) I cancel on 1 and 2 hour appointments. And since I do not know when that person is going to be back in Las Vegas (since no one stays here for weeks or months) I can not offer a different date for an appointment. In these cases I usually tell them that: I am cancelling the appointment, the reason, when I am going to be back (in case the person comes back or still here) and that I hope that I will get to meet him in the near future then it ends up with me, asking my client if I can refer him to another provider.


Best Regards!

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For the defense of #2, I forgot to mention that when I was able to talk to him over the phone he explained that the number he gave me was a google voice number that is why he did not receive my text message as he can only see it when he logs in to his gmail account.

Peter, this guy is blowing smoke up your skirts!!


I use Google Voice and it sends an instant text message to the physical cell phone that is registered with that Google Voice number. In fact, that's exactly how I communicated with the last escort I hired on 02 January. He sent text messages to my Google Voice and it showed up instantly on my cell phone.


Personally, I think you handled both situations well. And, please, let me know when you travel to either of my homes in SLC or PDX. Would love to see you again.

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Dear Charlie,


Thanks for your post as well. I understand the "possible explanation" but this person I am sure is aware of the technology since he set up a google voice to his own phone number and he told me over the phone how it works, so he is clearly aware of it. But if you set up a meeting with an escort for a specific time and you check in, do not you share your room number with him? You wait until he texts/PMs... then 30 minutes after the appointment you just send him a text message that you had your signals crossed? Then make him call you multiple times and do not follow up afterwards... ?! Once again, I am not mad, it is just weird and I really do not understand... Everyone nowadays knows how to call an escort over... There are - indeed - people who do not know how to read/write a text message and there is nothing wrong with that. In this case just call your escort and tell him your room number, that is all ;)

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Peter, this guy is blowing smoke up your skirts!!


I use Google Voice and it sends an instant text message to the physical cell phone that is registered with that Google Voice number. In fact, that's exactly how I communicated with the last escort I hired on 02 January. He sent text messages to my Google Voice and it showed up instantly on my cell phone.


Personally, I think you handled post situations well. And, please, let me know when you travel to either of my homes in SLC or PDX. Would love to see you again.


OH MY!!! OneFinger!!! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN??? Oh my, I still remember you from San Francisco :) Great to hear from you! Absolutely, I will let you know! :) Would be fun to see you after this long time!

About the topic: I did not know that google voice forwards the actual text message to the physical phone. He told me that he can only get the text message once he logs into his gmail account and that he does not have internet when he travels. Then I really do not understand what was going on... Probably there is something totally different behind this whole thing that we will not know the answer for... But that's OK! I am happy that you wrote me :)


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Well perhaps this is not the best thing or brightest thing to do, but I am coming out to everyone here to say that I am the first guy Peter is talking about. I do accept full responsibility for my actions/inactions and accept that I have acted like an inconsiderate asshole. I do owe Peter a full explanation and apology and will do so off line but I think there is some value to put myself out there and give some sense of what went wrong from my end. I do want to say that I have the highest regard for Peter and feel he is one of the greatest guys I have ever met, which makes this whole situation even more awkward and difficult. Perhaps this is a way to make myself feel better about the situation as it has been bothering me for some time by not living up to my own standards I set for myself and others. But it is more than just words that makes the difference and I will figure out a way to make up the loss, even though I fully believe that is not the issue Peter is concerned about.


Peter did everything he could have to contact me and to get some idea as to what happened so I am not sure he could have done anything differently. Anything I may say can seem like bs or just an excuse but I do hope that I can have some benefit of the doubt. In my situation, over a period of about five months starting right before our meeting I went into the hospital two times for extended stays. It was sudden (taken by ambulance both times) and frankly I was totally out of it for an extended time with no focus on my commitments or responsibilities. The recovery at home was slow and there was just so many things that got put on hold, then the backlog of things had to be dealt with. I should have given a higher priority to giving an explanation and apology but it was difficult to do at the time and as time went on it just got more difficult to deal with. I am glad that Peter brought this up as I convinced myself that perhaps it was water under the dam for him and I should just let it drop but now I understand that it is never too late and it is always appropriate to apologize for something done that slights another person.


Again, I know the above may be seen as somewhat self serving but I do want to express my sincere feelings about this situation and a complete picture of what happened. What I could have done and should have done is clearer to me and I hope I have learned a valuable lesson. Be certain that I feel the highest regard for Peter as I mentioned earlier and he is a special person in my eyes.

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As a client, if I cancel an appt in a respectable and courteous amount of time, I dont think I owe any specific explanation since you, the escort can make up the time with other clients. The 2 scenarios given by Peter are probably typical of experiences many ecsorts have has with "inconsiderate" and selfish clients who view escorts as an expendable commodity for their own entertainment. Its unfortunate, but every job comes with its downsides. I commend Peter on his persistence in trying to reach the client to make sure the appt was a no-show before booking other clients. I am not sure I would have been so accommodating, viewing the client in the wrong and having tried to reach him once, twice, with no success, I would have written it off and made other plans. This is an issue of respect and manners, and I believe you should treat people as they treat YOU... If your gut feeling is you are being handed a sack of bullshit, trust your gut, Its usually Right.... Escorting is a business, and time is valuable, however some clients just cant be educated.

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Well perhaps this is not the best thing or brightest thing to do, but I am coming out to everyone here to say that I am the first guy Peter is talking about. I do accept full responsibility for my actions/inactions and accept that I have acted like an inconsiderate asshole. I do owe Peter a full explanation and apology and will do so off line but I think there is some value to put myself out there and give some sense of what went wrong from my end. I do want to say that I have the highest regard for Peter and feel he is one of the greatest guys I have ever met, which makes this whole situation even more awkward and difficult. Perhaps this is a way to make myself feel better about the situation as it has been bothering me for some time by not living up to my own standards I set for myself and others. But it is more than just words that makes the difference and I will figure out a way to make up the loss, even though I fully believe that is not the issue Peter is concerned about.


Peter did everything he could have to contact me and to get some idea as to what happened so I am not sure he could have done anything differently. Anything I may say can seem like bs or just an excuse but I do hope that I can have some benefit of the doubt. In my situation, over a period of about five months starting right before our meeting I went into the hospital two times for extended stays. It was sudden (taken by ambulance both times) and frankly I was totally out of it for an extended time with no focus on my commitments or responsibilities. The recovery at home was slow and there was just so many things that got put on hold, then the backlog of things had to be dealt with. I should have given a higher priority to giving an explanation and apology but it was difficult to do at the time and as time went on it just got more difficult to deal with. I am glad that Peter brought this up as I convinced myself that perhaps it was water under the dam for him and I should just let it drop but now I understand that it is never too late and it is always appropriate to apologize for something done that slights another person.


Again, I know the above may be seen as somewhat self serving but I do want to express my sincere feelings about this situation and a complete picture of what happened. What I could have done and should have done is clearer to me and I hope I have learned a valuable lesson. Be certain that I feel the highest regard for Peter as I mentioned earlier and he is a special person in my eyes.


Dear jgoo,


You are SO SWEET!!! Thank you very much... that makes me feel 1000X better now... For a long time it bothered me a lot... not the actual fact that we did not meet on that night or the loss, but the fact that I do not know what happened. You were obviously not in a car crash or anything tragical happened because you logged into the forum 2 hours after we suppose to meet and that is what bothered me that I must have done/said something wrong... It is just NOT KNOWING why something went sideways... ?! This was just one of those things where you simply could not figure out what happened?

I really DO hope that by now you are feeling better and your health is back on track! That's the most important thing!!!


Apology is accepted, I am very happy that everything is OK now! Sometimes we get super busy and our priorities get messed up (I do not mean: meeting me as a priority but to cancel an appointment but never talked to me anymore). But I am very happy for you (and proud) because it takes courage to come out and you did. We are on good terms and I was never mad at you, simply did not understand what was going on....?! As I mentioned in the post, I really had a great time with you so if there is a chance in the future, I would be happy to spend more! :)


Thank you once again for this post, it meant me a lot!!!

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As a client, if I cancel an appt in a respectable and courteous amount of time, I dont think I owe any specific explanation since you, the escort can make up the time with other clients. The 2 scenarios given by Peter are probably typical of experiences many ecsorts have has with "inconsiderate" and selfish clients who view escorts as an expendable commodity for their own entertainment. Its unfortunate, but every job comes with its downsides. I commend Peter on his persistence in trying to reach the client to make sure the appt was a no-show before booking other clients. I am not sure I would have been so accommodating, viewing the client in the wrong and having tried to reach him once, twice, with no success, I would have written it off and made other plans. This is an issue of respect and manners, and I believe you should treat people as they treat YOU... If your gut feeling is you are being handed a sack of bullshit, trust your gut, Its usually Right.... Escorting is a business, and time is valuable, however some clients just cant be educated.


I agree. If you cancel in advance you do not need to explain why. I would never ask a client why (and will never understand escorts who do that... Why does that matter to the escort anyway, right? ) and I would never ask a client why he cancels even if he cancels it 10 minutes prior to our meeting. He canceled and an escort can't do much about it... it is in the game and escorts should accept that! Thank you very much for your post too!

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Two Good Men




It's funny, I was just thinking to myself, "Peter's going to hear from this guy", before I read your post.


You have reaffirmed my belief that most of us are basically good, thanks. As I said, there are sometimes extenuating circumstances that enter into the picture. It's apparent that, due to your health issues at the time, you were indeed "out of it" and that your normal good judgement was compromised.


Peter, I admire you for having the balls to address the issue here on the Forum. jgoo, I admire you for manning up to your mistake and apologizing. You are both good men, I don't think that it's ever too late to apologize.



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It's funny, I was just thinking to myself, "Peter's going to hear from this guy", before I read your post.


You have reaffirmed my belief that most of us are basically good, thanks. As I said, there are sometimes extenuating circumstances that enter into the picture. It's apparent that, due to your health issues at the time, you were indeed "out of it" and that your normal good judgement was compromised.


Peter, I admire you for having the balls to address the issue here on the Forum. jgoo, I admire you for manning up to your mistake and apologizing. You are both good men, I don't think that it's ever too late to apologize.




Who would have thought that this will turn out as a happy topic :) It is never too late to apologize, I agree and I appreciate jgoo that you did this. It made me feel a lot better!

Who knows... maybe #2 will write when he goes home and sees this ?! :)

Gotta go now, good day to all! :)

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For lack of hearing anything from the two clients you describe I will assume you have related both situations accurately. If that is indeed the case and if I were you I would simply write both clients off. If either one or both should call to arrange a future appointment I would politely apologize and claim to be BUSY. I would continue to follow that procedure until they came to understand that I was no longer interested in meeting.

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Speaking as a client, neither of these men gave a reasonable explanation for the cancellation and lack of communication. I am not sure any explanation is a reasonable one when one person is looking forward to an event, either for the fun or the paycheck, and the other cancels with what seems to be little regard. I have come to prefer no explanation. A simple call informing me that the meeting cannot be completed period and a request to reschedule if that is appropriate. I find that I never really believe the escorts reason for cancelling. This leads to my feeling angry and more upset about the cancellation. That is not to say that there are no reasons for cancelling, just that, my disappointment feeds a distrust about the reason. This being so, it is hard for me to rescheduled an escort if he cancels on me without at least offering another date at the time of the cancellation. While this may have more to do with me than with the escort, I don't think I am alone in feeling this way.


While I can empathize with you, I can't help but thinking your energies would be better spent trying to set up another appointment, during which I would either provide the worst experience imaginable or (if you're lucky enough) get paid first and then walk out the door stating: "thanks, we're settled up."

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If you have to cancel an appointment, how many days are appropriate notice. Should you be responsible for any of the fee? What if the escort requests the fee anyway?
As soon as you know you have to cancel seems logical. If it's day of the appointment you might consider paying part of the fee, if not all of the fee, but you should at least attempt to rebook the appointment. Since the contract is for "Time", if you prevented the escort from booking other appointments, wouldn't you consider paying all or part of the fee?


How about your doctor, lawyer or priest? Would you stand them up and not expect a charge for the hour?

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As soon as you know you have to cancel seems logical. If it's day of the appointment you might consider paying part of the fee, if not all of the fee, but you should at least attempt to rebook the appointment. Since the contract is for "Time", if you prevented the escort from booking other appointments, wouldn't you consider paying all or part of the fee?


How about your doctor, lawyer or priest? Would you stand them up and not expect a charge for the hour?


Doctor: Yes.

Lawyer: Yes.

Priest: Say what?


I once spent 13 hours taking care of a patient who was receiving a liver transplant. I ran into her about three months later, and she asked if I could forgo my fee. I did NOT say "Lady, I spent 13 hours over the middle of the night keeping you alive. I don't care if you send in a dime a week or less, no interest. But don't blow my time and expertise in my face." As I remember, I said I would refer it to my accountant.

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