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Online research and survey

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You are invited to participate in a confidential research survey seeking to give a voice to the psycho-social needs and experiences of male and female online escorts. This study will explore trauma, the positives and negatives of the lifestyle and seeks to give voice to any community services for which the online community are in need of. This is your opportunity to be heard! Completely confidential and non-judgmental. In order to participate: You must be currently offering SFH online Be 18 years of age or older. You will need internet access to participate. You will complete 2 surveys online which should take no more than 30 minutes of your time depending on the length of your answers. If you would like to participate, please go to: http://www.mmrc.com Password is: ***** (send me a PM for the password) Please do not participate if you feel you are in any danger by participating. If you are in danger please call 911 or The National Trafficking Resource Center 1-888-3737-888. If you are a minor being forced to prostitute please call 1-800-4-A-CHILD to get help. Thank you for your participation! Earn a $50 Visa gift card WG/SFH/Escort Research Project.

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How are you so lucky to get all of this b... s...? I went to the site, and my computer immediately told me that it was unsecure and that I should immediately delete it from my computer. I guess there is no end to ways to make live miserable for folks. This is certainly a scam of the "highest" order.


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This is certainly a scam of the "highest" order.


I respectfully disagree. Don't trust everything your "computer" says.



This is a confidential research experiment to examine mental health issues and personal experiences of male and female prostitutes. Research is completely confidential.


In order to participate you must have exchanged a sexual act for money or material needs in the last 90 days and be 18 years of age. By completing this form you are agreeing to participate in the study. Please read the Informed Consent form carefully before deciding to participate. Below the consent form you will find a brief assessment which measures Post Traumatic Stress and a questionnaire that will ask you for details about your personal experiences in the lifestyle. Please be as detailed as possible in your responses. Do NOT participate if you are under the age of 18!


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Argosy University, Southern California Informed Consent Form


Please read this consent agreement carefully before agreeing to participate in this study. Please note that you must be 18 years of age or older to participate.


Title of Study: Exploring the psychosocial needs and PTSD symptoms of online male and female prostitutes.


Purpose of the Study: This research study is being conducted by Michelle Campbell at Argosy University, Southern California to determine the psychosocial needs and trauma symptoms of male and female sex workers who advertise online.


What you will do in this study: You will be asked to complete a questionnaire and online assessment. This involves answering a series of questions. Questions will include details your personal experiences in the sex industry, any history of trauma, and your perceived psychosocial needs.


Time required: The study will take approximately 20-40 minutes to complete.


Risks: This research study is designed explore the personal experiences of online sex workers and any trauma that may have resulted from this line of work or prior to working in the sex industry. Participation in this research project may evoke some unpleasant thoughts or emotions. You will be provided referrals to community services. You may also contact the researcher in an emergency. It is recommended that you do not participate in this research project if you fear you will be harmed in anyway by a pimp or trafficker. It is recommended that you complete the online survey and assessments in a private setting to ensure confidentiality.


Benefits: All participants who provide an email and complete both surveys will be awarded a $50 Visa gift certificate which can be used with any company that accepts Visa. It will be delivered electronically to your email. It is hoped that your participation will help researchers learn more about any needs of online sex workers as well as how technology has changed the profession. The results of the study could assist community agencies in improving the lives of online sex workers and possibly change existing stereotypes of the profession. Disclaimer: Visa gift certificate will not be awarded for incomplete or fraudulent data. You may only participate one time or your data will be considered fraudulent.


Confidentiality: All information provided will remain confidential and will only be reported as group data with no identifying information. All the information gathered from the study will be kept in a secure location and only those directly involved with the research will have access to them. You will be identified by subject number only. If you choose to contact the researcher and self identify yourself for any reason, it will be kept confidential by the researcher. If for any reason you self-identify yourself to the researcher and report child abuse, elder abuse, wanting to kill yourself or someone else, or that you are being held against your will, the proper authorities will be contacted by the researcher.


Participation and withdrawal: Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. You may withdraw from the study at any time without penalty and this will not affect your current or future relations with Argosy University, Southern California. You may withdraw by ending the survey and the study will be stopped. Email the researcher if you do not want any part of the survey you completed used in the study.


Researcher Contact: If you have any further questions after participating from this study, please contact me at (828) 619-0616 or swstudentresearch@gmail.com


Whom to contact about your rights in this experiment: This study is conducted under the supervision of Dr. Paul Greenberg from the Argosy University, Southern California, Department of Psychology. He can be contacted at (619) 321-3000 or Paul Greenberg pgreenberg@argosy.edu you can contact the Chair of Argosy University, Southern California Institutional Review Board, Aldwin Domingo at adomingo@argosy.edu or 601 South Lewis Street, Orange, California, 92868 or (714) 620-3804.


* required fields


* What is your gender? Male - Female

If male do you consider yourself a Transgender? Yes - No


Instruction to patient: Below is a list of problems and complaints that veterans sometimes have in response to stressful life experiences. Please read each one carefully, put an "X" in the box to indicate how much you have been bothered by that problem in the last month.



Not at all


A little bit




Quite a bit




* Repeated, disturbing memories, thoughts, or images of a stressful experience from the past?


* Repeated, disturbing dreams of a stressful experience from the past?


* Suddenly acting or feeling as if a stressful experience were happening again

(as if you were reliving it)


* Feeling very upset when something reminded you of a stressful experience from the past?


* Having physical reactions (e.g., heart pounding, trouble breathing, or sweating) when something reminded you of a stressful experience from the past?


* Avoid thinking about or talking about a stressful experience from the past or avoid having feelings related to it?


* Avoid activities or situations because they remind you of a stressful experience from the past?


* Trouble remembering important parts of a stressful experience from the past?


* Loss of interest in things that you used to enjoy?


* Feeling distant or cut off from other people?


* Feeling emotionally numb or being unable to have loving feelings for those close to you?


* Feeling as if your future will somehow be cut short?


* Trouble falling or staying asleep?


* Feeling irritable or having angry outbursts?


* Having difficulty concentrating?


* Being "super alert" or watchful on guard?


* Feeling jumpy or easily startled?


Not at all


A little bit




Quite a bit





Qualitative Interview Questions


* What race do you identify with?



* How did you become involved in prostitution?



* How old were you when you became involved in prostitution?



* Did you ever run away from home before age 18? Yes - No


* How long have you been involved in prostitution?



* Where do you meet clients?



* How do you feel about your work as a prostitute (what are the negatives and positives)?



* Describe any mental or physical problems that have resulted from your experience?



* Do you use any recreational drugs? Yes - No


* Please describe any history of physical, sexual abuse, sexual assault, or rape BEFORE you started prostituting.



* Please describe the gender of the abuser/rapist and their relationship to you e.g boyfriend, neighbor, stranger, uncle.



* Please describe any history of physical assault or trauma AFTER starting prostituting?



* Have you witnessed physical assault or death to others while in the life style?

Yes - No


* Have you ever had a near death experience or felt that your life was threatened as a result of prostituting? Yes - No


* Has anyone ever helped you turn tricks for example, a pimp, madam, or boyfriend?



* Is any one currently helping you? Yes - No


* While prostituting, do you manage your own money? Yes - No


* While prostituting, does anyone help you manage your money? Yes - No


* Has anyone helped you in the past? Yes - No


* Do you feel that you can freely leave the lifestyle? Yes - No

Why or why not?



* Are you aware of any current agencies or groups that offer support services?

Yes - No

Please list.



* Have you received any assistance from these services? Yes - No

Is there anyway these services could be improved?



* Do you feel there are enough services in the community to meet your needs?

Yes - No - Not Sure


* Have you received any type of mental health or drug treatment? Yes - No


What mental health or community based services would you like to see offered to individuals who prostitute in your community?

Drug Treatment


Transitional services to get out of the life

HIV/STD testing

Peer support groups for those in the life

Peer support groups for those transitioning out of the life

Education and employment services

Rescue services

Other Please explain



* Many services are faith-based programs, how do you feel about receiving services from a faith based program?


* Email (Necessary to receive your $50 gift certificate)


Agreement: The purpose and nature of this research study has been explained to me by the researcher and I agree to participate in this study by beginning the survey. I understand that I am free to withdraw at any time without any penalty. By starting the survey, I am agreeing to participate in this research project and stating that I am 18 years of age or older. I am aware that I can print a copy of this consent form for my own records.

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