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Daddy's Niche

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I wonder if this site isn’t a niche market for both the escorts and clients who use it. It is an incredible resource. Most of the clients who participate here are older and are usually experienced at hiring escorts. They have the financial resources to hire escorts and like to make hassle free arrangements. Most of us like escorts, enjoy their company, and treat them with the respect dedicated professionals deserve. I know a couple of escorts who rely completely on their reviews here to meet new clients and have ceased advertising all together. On another thread Nate mentioned the Palm Springs weekend. That weekend would NEVER have come about had it not been for this site. That weekend certainly allows escorts to mix socially with potential clients and connect with fellow escorts. It also allows clients to do exactly the same thing with other clients. I find it extremely rewarding to meet other guys who share this rather unusual hobby. It is so nice to speak openly about hiring and know that the fellow clients will understand exactly what we are talking about.

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Very nicely put Epigonos.


I stumbled across this site over a decade ago -- just when it really began - and it has been a place I go to when I wonder about a potentially new escort, or when I have questions about something that occurred in the hiring process. I have enjoyed the freedom of expressing oneself generally in a non-threatening manner (aside from the few nasty episodes of ad hominem attacks that occasionally occur).


I feel a twinge of jealousy with those clients who can attend various social events that mix escorts and clients such as the Palm Springs weekend, or gatherings in Chicago or DC or other such places. Not yet ready to step across the line from anonymity to a more public life, but I appreciate the advice, the support, and the wisdom of so many clients and escorts who participate here. And yes, there are quite a few here I would enjoy meeting for a drink or a dinner - and hopefully that can happen sooner than later.

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I wonder if this site isn’t a niche market for both the escorts and clients who use it. It is an incredible resource...

It has been a wonderful resource for me. I've seen ads on other sites for guys that I would hire in a minute IF they were reviewed on this site. I rarely hire someone that isn't reviewed here.


I have had an occasional disappointment with an escort reviewed here. But, it's been a rare occurrence.


And I, too, have enjoyed meeting other clients and sharing their experiences.

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As someone who feels that maybe I've gotten more out of this site than anyone else in such a short period of time, I completely agree with you Epigonos. Between the DC Luncheon, Palm Springs weekend, a trip to NY for Tomcat's birthday (where I met quite a few forum members), plus a few other trips to places simply to meet friends made here, I know I've personally met at least 30 or more forum members in the last year.


Epigonos, as I mentioned on another thread, I remember so well the conversation with you and Tomcat on Oliver's patio last year about our "unusual hobby" (as you so brilliantly put it). That weekend was certainly an important one in my transition from closeted, married man to out and proud gay man. I didn't go into that weekend planning on hiring anyone new out of it. And yet, 3 different escorts that weekend became friends and have since been hired. And I will see all 3 of them in the next two weeks as well. I know there were connections made between clients and escorts at the DC luncheon that wouldn't have taken place without that social gathering. And as Nate mentioned on the other thread, the networking between escorts also helps them immensely.


The men I have met here, both escorts and clients, have helped me drastically reshape my life. These gatherings we have had have been an important part in making that connection that has allowed me to make these changes. They have also brought together other men who would not necessarily have ever met.


For the most part, the frequent posters here are the type of clients most escorts love to have. We are a bit older, maybe have a bit more around the midriff, and aren't the sexy young guys that they would meet on Grindr or Manhunt. But we are the reliable clients that make their life easier. We don't waste their time trying to make appointments we will not keep. We appreciate what they do for us. We are concerned that they have a good time with us, that their wishes and needs are met as well. We do give them the respect a dedicated professional deserves. And in return, I know in my case at least, they have let me in their lives, as friends. And I know it is that way for others as well. For me, they have served as mentors, teachers, advisers and confidantes as I go through my journey. They were the first to hear of my new bf. And in return, I hear of new jobs, new loves, families, friends, the adventures they have, and sometimes even serve as a sounding board as they occasionally bitch about the weird clients they must deal with. How they deal with some of the truly bizarre things they confront is completely beyond me.


And among the clients, I have formed my closest friends. When someone has a problem, we rally around them. When they find a new romance, we rejoice with them and share the excitement it brings. As they have been there for me with my issues (good and bad), we have as a group of friends been there for each other through outings, divorces, surgeries, illness, issues with children and parents, love, and new hope. True friendships, not artificial cyber-friendships, have been formed. Friendships that I know will last for many years to come. And in reading threads from others, the same has happened over and over again.


And none of that would be possible without this place. Yes, this is definitely an unusual hobby. But this place is so much more. We have opened ourselves up to countless possibilities. And our lives have been enriched beyond measure. This is a very special place, filled with very special men. And to Daddy, the admins and moderators, and Hooboy who started this place and whose legacy lives on, we all owe them a tremendous debt of gratitude.


And Adriano, my friend, should you ever decide to cross that bridge and can feel comfortable meeting in person, i would be honored to meet you anywhere we can.

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This site under Daddy's guidance has provided me a world that I feel comfortable in and am able to learn so much. The guys I have met (clients and working guys) are the most incredible group of caring people I have ever met in my long life.


To me, life without the Forum and its members would be atrocious.


The onlyl word I can think of is THANK YOU


Boston Bill

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Responding to the original post:


>>I wonder if this site isn’t a niche market for both the escorts and clients who use it.<<


I would say that's true. A niche in that I doubt the vast majority of clients are even aware of this site. And escort knowledge of the site is probably not as high as would we would like.


>>It is an incredible resource.<<


Definitely true. It has been very valuable to me. I may not post, or even log in often - but I DO look at the site postings regularly.


>>Most of the clients who participate here are older…<<


Probably true.


>>…and are usually EXPERIENCED at hiring escorts.<<


Certainly not in my case. But I'm probably atypical.


>>They have the financial resources to hire escorts…<<


I think there are more of us that would like to be less hindered by significant financial constraints than might be thought . But such is life.


>>…and like to make hassle free arrangements.<<




>>Most of us like escorts, enjoy their company, and treat them with the respect dedicated professionals deserve.<<


I would hope this is true. It certainly is for me. And I would hope that escorts would feel a bit more comfortable meeting with a new client that mentioned this site. All the more reason to mention its existence to those you hire.

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Epigonos, thanks for starting this thread. Reading it, I realized how different and special this site is, and why I remain attached to it. I enjoy hiring escorts. But when I took a quick mental scan of my life, I suddenly realized that this is the only place where I discuss that activity. My close friends know I hire because I don’t make any secret of it, but they don’t so that’s the end of that. Only here is hiring an ordinary event.


Every now and then I feel irritated when someone asks a question and the obvious answer is ask the escort. I think the next time that happens, and we know it will, this thread will make me pause. It’s not so much the question or the answer but the ability to ask it and have it answered that matters.

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To add something... Not2rowdy mentioned he was not sure how many escorts were aware of this site, and in my experience I have found this to be very true among the large amount of foreign-born escorts working in the US (NYC mostly).


If someone does a trace on my "reviews" of escorts (noting I used to review under two other names, and oddly often forget one of them but was something like world traveler -- and there were two of us with that monikor - I generally reviewed guys from Europe as that was my principle area of encounters (Holland, Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic and Russia).


I did review guys from the US too but often (sadly) found the encounters less stellar than the European ones.


When some of these European guys came to the US - I introduced them to this site, and often wrote reviews (based 100% on experience) to help them widen their client base.


Just last week, I had an amazing session with a mid-20's Brazilian in NYC (review has been submitted but will be in the long cue that occurs when Daddy takes his well-deserved time off each Dec-Jan), and I mentioned the site to him and he had never heard of it so I e-mailed him about it (and hopefully he and his hunky partner will now occasionally enter into dialogue here). I often do bring this up with a guy who has made a positive impression, and make a point of e-mailing them the web address of the site for them to either visit, lurk around or hopefully JOIN so that the on-going conversation can continue to spread.


I refrain from using the site to bash a guy (even if I give him a negative review, and admittedly I prefer not reviewing over doing a negative review). I only bring up a negative review here when I see a client whose name I recognize about to be burned (of course if someone pm's me, I answer honestly).


Like justaguy, for me this is the only place I have found where there is the ability to have a give and take with mostly clients, but also occasionally with the escorts themselves. I get to know clients whose taste(s) match mine (and vice-versa) and this had led me to discover and experience some amazing new guys in my travels.

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They have the financial resources to hire escorts and like to make hassle free arrangements.


The first part of this comment is not necessary true for many of us. On occasion, I remember comments by posters about having to save up for a couple of months in order to hire an escort. Which makes the second part of this comment so important!


Because some of us have very limited income and need to be very careful about hiring, this site is even more invaluable in helping us make wise choices.

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The first part of this comment is not necessary true for many of us. On occasion, I remember comments by posters about having to save up for a couple of months in order to hire an escort. Which makes the second part of this comment so important!


Because some of us have very limited income and need to be very careful about hiring, this site is even more invaluable in helping us make wise choices.


AMEN! While I have a good-paying job and never got laid off (knock on morning wood), I'm one of the many people left in limbo with the housing market collapse, so every dollar I put into anything other than mortgage service must be well-spent!

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The first part of this comment is not necessary true for many of us. On occasion, I remember comments by posters about having to save up for a couple of months in order to hire an escort. Which makes the second part of this comment so important!


Because some of us have very limited income and need to be very careful about hiring, this site is even more invaluable in helping us make wise choices.


So true. I've hired a lot of duds who I may have been able to avoid had I known of this site sooner. I've also dodged a couple bullets since posting on this site and since my finances are far from endless, the savings are appreciated.

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This site is a treasure trove of useful information for me--far beyond being my #1 guide for selecting which escorts to hire. Like others, I too am surprised how many escorts I've hired over the years have indicated they had no clue about this site until I mentioned it to them. However, the truly great ones (the best of the best) were all very well-aware of Daddy's site. Good for them!

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Most of the clients who participate here are older and are usually experienced at hiring escorts.


While I won't discuss the age range, I'd say that this site is visited by a large number of lurkers, future first-timers and people with little to no experience who are intrigued by this unusual 'hobby' and who are coming here to learn. Later some of them become active members and posters whilst others continue to lurk.

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While I won't discuss the age range, I'd say that this site is visited by a large number of lurkers, future first-timers and people with little to no experience who are intrigued by this unusual 'hobby' and who are coming here to learn. Later some of them become active members and posters whilst others continue to lurk.[/color]


A hobby is coin collecting or building model airplanes. HIRING is more of an obsessive "behavior" or fetish for some.

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