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A moral and ethical dilema

Michael Wayne
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hAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! OK, WELL, YES, there are morals and ethics in the escort biz. For one: keeping your word to a client! An example: I live now in a SMALL market (SW FLA) meaning there are some clients here but almost no REAL PRO ESCORTS. There was one before I moved here and so now we have 2. This scenario happens alot now ro me here: client books in advance and appt is definite for say 8pm. Others call for 8pm and I politely say I am busy so can we schedule for another day. Usually though NOW is when they want it and I understand that cause when you are horny you are horny -lol! Then original client cancels an hour before the date and I am left dateless cause the 2nd guy made other plans. So cause I kept my WORD I am out the money. I guess I am beginning to understand why so many of my peers DOUBLE BOOK IN CASE ONE OR THE OTHER CANCELS. tO ME THIS IS UNPROFESSIONAL- BUT, IN light of the epidemic of cancellations maybe it is not wrong................................................................Also: what makes a market a small market? few clients or few providers??? Also: given the extremely high cancellation rate (same day) perhaps those of us who prefer advance booking and notice should entertain more spur of the moment or walk up biz????? Anyway, finally, I find that when I tour on the road I get almost no cancellations at all but AT HOME whether in NOLA or South Florida there are so many as to drive you crazy. I think some clients (or potential clients) do not realize that we escorts ALSO HAVE A SCHEDULE and when a last minute cancellation comes it really messes things up. So, I guess, what I am asking is this: can being truly professional in this biz actually HURT the bottom line?

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Mikey, excellent point and this from a client who has unfortuinately had to cancel some appointments at the last minute (never the last minute, but about 6 hours prior).


I find when I am traveling, it is hard to hook up in advance brecause my schedule (meetings, luncheons or dinners, unscheduled get-togethers with friends) interfere with booking a solid block of time for an encounter with an escort. I prefer booking well in advance of the date, but more and more escorts prefer not doing that (for the very reasons you mentioned, of guys bailing on them on the day of the appointment, and they lose out).


I am also at an age (late 50's) when family issues interfere -- sickly parent(s), who have to suddenly be rushed to a doctor or ER, and as the unmarried (unatached) brother, I often have to be the one to up and run on a moment's notice.


In Europe in my hornier days, this was solved by the abundance of cities that had boy bars, or bars where lots of working guys hung out (with rooms to rent by the hour upstairs, or if the price was right, you took him to your hotel for a few hours or the night); or better, the infamous "Houses of Boys" in many cities in Germany, Austria, Holland and London that were around a decade ago (sadly many have disappeared). You could walk in anytime and generally find SOMETHING to hire right away.


Now, I limit my hiring to guys who come highly recommended and whose look (and prowess) match my own desires. I try to book them in advance as they are popular, but then when the date rolls around, something comes up -- then what? It is a moral and ethical dilema, as you correctly state. I try to be as kind and solicitious to the escort as possible - on a few occasions when I had to bail, I could convince the guy to stop by and see me and pick up at least 50% of his fee for my abrupt cancellation as I know many who accept the booking are figuring the income from the hour or two into their own monthly budget, and my cancelling upsets that -- sometimes pretty drastically.

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i just had to cancel my later-january nyc trip because my anchor (overnight) client decided to give the money he was going to spend on me to his niece for christmas. which meant, i had to then cancel my other shorter appts for that trip, because financially i cant justify making it. the whole thing makes me look unreliable, in my opinion - and i don't like that.


on the other hand, in my 8 years of escorting, i cannot remembering canceling an appointment due to something in my own life. and i am raising my kids - LOL. seriously, i know that people are busy and if they are making appointments with me, i prioritize honoring their schedules and their time. oh wait, i did cancel once: the day my dog died unexpectedly. i was a fukkin' wreck and called my client to cancel. luckily he understood - he is a dog lover.


during the last several weeks, i've been on a slew of cancellations. in addition to the client/niece xmas gift cancellation, a few weeks ago my tucson trip got cancelled because my client had a temporary reassignment for his work to another state.


and as some of you know, i have set up a webinar for people who hire, to learn about how to have the best possible experiences with their escorts. it's called BEST CLIENT EVER: Everything You Wanted to Know About Hiring Escorts* (*But Were Afraid to Ask). although the date was announced several weeks ago, now that i'm following up for the $50 payment from each participant, i have several of them saying they can't make it - and this is after i explained that "even if you can't make the live webinar, i am recording it, so by signing up for it you can view it on your own time later."


hence, a plug for the webinar: let me know if anyone not signed up for this would like to be - there are about 5 spaces open. i'd be happy to send you details on it.

am i frustrated about these cancellations? sure. is this enough to have me start double booking clients? hell, no. i live my life treating people the way i want to be treated. there will always be people who will not treat you the way you would like, Mikey. you need to stay true to yourself - in this case, stay professional - and let your "good" self shine through. quality people see quality, and they are the ones who treat it well.


Adriano46, it is admirable that you compensated 50% when you had to cancel. the gesture alone was significant. i've had clients who have cancelled and offered to pay me the entire fee, or half the fee. i've had clients who have cancelled but rescheduled in the same conversation, for another date a week away. and i've had clients cancel and say "don't worry, i'll call you again in the future..."


in my opinion, two of those actions are great - and one just denigrates the profession. i think some clients don't understand that by cancelling in an inappropriate way, they contribute to the cycle of frustration. they don't want the escort to cancel on them, but they feel it's ok to casually do so - often citing "well, escorts do it all the time!" yes, i've actually heard that and i think, well, i'm not one of those escorts. in the end, i may get burned with my scheduling or with money - but i maintain my integrity.

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Mikey, I can see why you are so successful (and a pro).


One of the guys I see weekly usually cancels or tries to reschedules about half the time as he is a busy student. I'm not crazy about it but I understand the rigors of school and can appreciate it. The times we have together are fun and intense. Sometimes I wonder whether he really needs the money or not!


I double book escorts back to back (one evening after another, not on the same day) when I travel in case one turns out

to be a dud or no show. I've never canceled on the 2nd one although I might be totally spent sexually...in those cases, I might ask for an erotic massage.

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i just had to cancel my later-january nyc trip because my anchor (overnight) client decided to give the money he was going to spend on me to his niece for christmas. which meant, i had to then cancel my other shorter appts for that trip, because financially i cant justify making it. the whole thing makes me look unreliable, in my opinion - and i don't like that.


Oh please. I wish I had an uncle who'd just drop $1,200 on me for Christmas :rolleyes: Never once in 24 years has an uncle even dropped 1/2 of that on me. Sounds like he was bluffing.


In fact, last Friday I met with a client and did something that I never did before: helped him wrap small gifts for several of his family members LOL. Part of me thought, "shouldn't he be spending this money on his family?" But as I was thinking it, he mentioned buying things in the past and it's not what they wanted. Buy yourself a present if it means that much.


Anyway, finally, I find that when I tour on the road I get almost no cancellations at all but AT HOME whether in NOLA or South Florida there are so many as to drive you crazy.


Same here, it's the whole 'He's not going to be here forever so I better make up my mind and book him' approach.


As for double-booking...it's so hard for me to do that. I actually did do it once, an incall client booked me but I think he was running late. I was in the car outside of my hotel, to head off to meet another client as his hotel. As soon as I started up, the incall client says he's here. DOH! So I felt worse for him to drive all the way. I had to call the outcall client and explain the situation.


A better way is to tell the client, "I'm booked for that time, but if my next client cancels, would you be available for me to call you by 830 pm?" That way no one is left hanging.

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Guest countryboywny

My feeling is that if I have to cancel an appointment at the last minute, then the entire fee is due to the escort. If I cancel with a week or two weeks notice, then if the escort has spent his own money on non-refundable travel then he is due the money he loses, plus some courtesy money. If the escort cancels our appointment at the last minute, for no good reason, no money is due him, no future appointments either. I usually only deal with escorts who I already know and who know me, so I don't ever see this as being an issue.

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If I break the appointment, I figure I owe him his entire fee (without tip). ...



Good god I wish more people thought like you. In the last couple months I have probably LOST more money than I earned because of client cancellations AFTER I had already rented cars, booked hotels etc. Seriously it has gotten me so depressed that I just don't even know what to do.

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... there are morals and ethics in the escort biz. For one: keeping your word to a client! ...So cause I kept my WORD I am out the money. I guess I am beginning to understand why so many of my peers DOUBLE BOOK IN CASE ONE OR THE OTHER CANCELS. tO ME THIS IS UNPROFESSIONAL- BUT, IN light of the epidemic of cancellations maybe it is not wrong


I believe you're talking more about Good Customer Service versus Bad Customer Service. This subject doesn't reach to the underlying Morals and Ethics of your business so much as your management of your practice.


... I try to book them in advance as they are popular, but then when the date rolls around, something comes up -- then what? It is a moral and ethical dilema, as you correctly state. I try to be as kind and solicitious to the escort as possible - on a few occasions when I had to bail, I could convince the guy to stop by and see me and pick up at least 50% of his fee for my abrupt cancellation as I know many who accept the booking are figuring the income from the hour or two into their own monthly budget, and my cancelling upsets that -- sometimes pretty drastically.


Now this is an ethical point - if you've blocked out time with anyone and then cancel the appointment in a time frame that means the person you've booked with cannot fill that time, your good morals will be demonstrated by your ethically handing over at least a part of the fee. But shouldn't you at least be willing to pay the whole fee if you've canceled so late that the professional is unable to re-book that time with someone else?


A better way is to tell the client, "I'm booked for that time, but if my next client cancels, would you be available for me to call you by 830 pm?" That way no one is left hanging.


If I break the appointment, I figure I owe him his entire fee (without tip). The only exception is when he's more than an hour late, in which case I simply cancel. That's only happened twice.
I think you're displaying your high morals by treating the professional ethically.
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So, I guess, what I am asking is this: can being truly professional in this biz actually HURT the bottom line?




I am far from being able to tell you or others what it is to be truly professional in this business; I have my own rules and ethical code very clear and I adhere to it fanatically. So far it has paid off to do so: I love my job, I enjoy it profoundly and leave every single interaction energized and wanting more.


Now, regarding your question, for me it is very simple. I realized long ago that the true currency that will help me determine my success in this profession is not the dollars I have in my pocket, but my reputation. If I am known to be reliable, to provide a satisfactory service, to have always nurturing and intimate interactions with everyone, I know that the dollars will keep rolling in. Regardless of where I am, if I bring my reputation, I will be able to cash in on it.


If I focus on the dollars, however, and choose to double book or take appointments against my gut feeling, (In fact there are many other mistakes that I could make if I were focusing on the dollars to measure my success), chances are that I may have some cash today, but by doing this I know I would be damaging my reputation and consequently, hindering my ability to make my career sustainable.


Sometimes I have to take some loses. When that happens, it hurts, but I take it like a man with a smile and as much politeness as I can muster, knowing that in the long run I love what I do and it always works out in the end.


Some of the clients that once cancelled or were incredibly difficult to book at first then became the most reliable, most delightful people I have ever met. It's really hard to know such things in advance, and by doing as much as I can not to fuck it up, I am maximizing my chances to meet with wonderful people starting with the right foot.


This has so far worked for me. Maybe years down the road I will berate the fact that I didn't focus more on the actual cash, but to be fully honest, I can't imagine that will happen.

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Some of the clients that once cancelled or were incredibly difficult to book at first then became the most reliable, most delightful people I have ever met. It's really hard to know such things in advance ...


This is so true. I don't double book, don't have appointments back to back, and keep my original appointments even if something more "lucrative" comes along.

In the long run MOST clients appreciate that even if some will never notice or care. Also some of my favorite clients started out very nervous or had bad luck with schedules.

When a client cancels I tend to turn the other cheek and just swallow any loss. Okay I may bitch here but we all have to let things off our chest somewhere right?


The last thing I want is a potential client to be afraid to book a future appointment.




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To clarify what I do in termsof compensation for a cancelled date:


1) If I already know the escort and this is a 2nd or 3rd meeting, I pay him the entire fee he has missed --- BECAUSE I know where I can send him the money.


2) If it is my first encounter, and it is at my hotel, and I am still there (as has happened), as I call to cancel the appointment (and this means literally the day before or same day as the appointment), I invite the escort, if he wants, to come buy and get the fee (in these cases, he is only coming from his home to the hotel -- not traveling from outside of the city). I generally try to be there to hand over the money directly (in one case, I offered the guy two excellent tickets to a Broadway play plus money for dinner for 2 rather than the fee, and he was grateful as he was not expecting anything, and now had a chance to take a friend out for a nice evening on the town for free). Once, when I came down with a flu and cancelled as my was literally crapping my brains out, the escort was very solicitous and came by to see how I wa doing - and I gave him 50% of the fee (only as I was unable to even make it to an ATM for more cash). He and I later hooked up for a big evening, and I gave him a tip.


3) The difficult part is when - as happened recently - a family crisis took place and I had to literally leave the hotel where I was staying, lose out on the money advanced to the hotel for 2 days in the process, and grab a taxi and train home a.s.a.p. I had no time to wait for the escort (I cancelled in the morning for what would have been an evening meeting, and he had a daytime job), and I had no idea here he lives, nor his real name anyway. This happened once before, I hired the guy later, and when I paid his fee I doubled it for the time I messed up his plans.


As I get older, unfortunately, I find that my time is not as free or as carefully planned out as it was years ago; in the economy today, things come up and meetings or conference calls are hastily arranged; or more to the point of many here, our relatives are elderly or we have family responsibilities that infringe more and more on our time (and our wallet). It is not at all odd to be asked by one of my nieces or nephews to help them financially - and I am embarrassed to admit, I also send out generous gifts every Christmas to some escorts - now retired - who are still friends, and whose services in the past I deeply appreciated. It may be only $250-$500 per guy (and they are about 6 or 8 these days) but t means sacrificing seeing new guys "in the flesh" by making this small sacrifice. This too happened recently when I was planning to hire a guy for an overnight at $1,000 -- and one of my past acquaintances needed some help. I chose to help him out -- and cancelled (postponed) my encounter to a time when I could make up the money I had now diverted.

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This is so true. I don't double book, don't have appointments back to back, and keep my original appointments even if something more "lucrative" comes along.

In the long run MOST clients appreciate that even if some will never notice or care. Also some of my favorite clients started out very nervous or had bad luck with schedules.

When a client cancels I tend to turn the other cheek and just swallow any loss. Okay I may bitch here but we all have to let things off our chest somewhere right?


The last thing I want is a potential client to be afraid to book a future appointment.





I concur—I don't "double book," because it gets too complicated and sure enough, appointments will end up overlapping. I've also done the "less money-more reward" appointment if 1) I know the client, and 2) it appears the "more money" client is also going to be a lot more effort. And yes, if a particular client has a history of not requiring a money shot—they go to the head of the line almost every time.


I also NEVER let clients know when I'm meeting with other clients during a particular time they have asked for—it's always: "I've got friends/family in town, and we're going to dinner, but I can probably meet before or after."


As far as integrity is concerned—I think integrity is great up to a certain point. But in all honesty, I've gotten screwed by my integrity more times than I can count, and with very few exceptions my clients (and sometimes would-be clients) were the ones screwing me. And not in the good way.


My suggestion to Mikey is this: have a backup plan, especially if something appears too good to be true or you're turning down a lot of appointments for the same slot. Either someone is fucking with you, testing you to see if you will adjust your rates, or some such. This is a business, not a morality contest—and one of the great things about escorting is that you can choose who you want to see, or not.

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Oh please. I wish I had an uncle who'd just drop $1,200 on me for Christmas :rolleyes: Never once in 24 years has an uncle even dropped 1/2 of that on me. Sounds like he was bluffing.


In fact, last Friday I met with a client and did something that I never did before: helped him wrap small gifts for several of his family members LOL. Part of me thought, "shouldn't he be spending this money on his family?" But as I was thinking it, he mentioned buying things in the past and it's not what they wanted. Buy yourself a present if it means that much.




Same here, it's the whole 'He's not going to be here forever so I better make up my mind and book him' approach.


As for double-booking...it's so hard for me to do that. I actually did do it once, an incall client booked me but I think he was running late. I was in the car outside of my hotel, to head off to meet another client as his hotel. As soon as I started up, the incall client says he's here. DOH! So I felt worse for him to drive all the way. I had to call the outcall client and explain the situation.


A better way is to tell the client, "I'm booked for that time, but if my next client cancels, would you be available for me to call you by 830 pm?" That way no one is left hanging.


I agree about the excuse, which sounds fabricated at best. I wouldn't have canceled the trip though—not if it involved canceling a cascade of other appointments because you're right: 1) it does make you look unreliable, and 2) you never know what might come along on that trip—you could have landed an unexpected appointment or two and that would have come close to making up, or even exceeding your overnight. Let me phrase it this way, without being a Debbie Downer—fuck your client, go have fun and make money anyway.

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The cancellation problem is a two-way street. Escorts also cancel on clients, even escorts with a very good record of keeping appointments. There may be good reasons the client has to cancel:


-- He's gotten a stomach virus, feels lousy and doesn't want to give it to the escort (it happens)

-- He's gotten called into work unexpectedly and can't refuse the boss, especially in this economy.

-- His car has broken down and he needs to use the hiring money to repair it.

-- Perhaps the client's BF has unexpectedly showed up in town and he's now caught in an awkward position.

-- Perhaps the client is tired from a long day of attending a sports event and is just physically wiped out.


Legitimate things do happen to cause planned meetings to go awry ... Not every client canceling on an escort is playing games, just as every escort canceling on clients is not playing games.

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The amazing thing to me is that people just don't even bother to call.

When I would be happy if they even just said: "Sorry something came up"


I'll assume it COULD be a family emergency or they have diarhea, whatever.

But at least I'll know. But instead so many I mean so many its embarassing have left me

actually waiting in the cold, or in a hotel lobby, or in front of my computer. No message, no answer to

my phone calls, or texts. And rarely do they offer even a portion of my fees or expenses.


The cancellation problem is a two-way street. Escorts also cancel on clients. There may be good reason the client has to cancel:


-- He's gotten a stomach virus (it happens)

-- He's gotten called into work unexpectedly and can't refuse the boss.

-- Perhaps the client's BF has unexpectedly showed up in town and he's now caught in an awkward position.

-- Perhaps the client is tired from a long day of attending a sports event and is just physically wiped out.


Legitimate things do happen to cause planned meetings to go awry ...

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The amazing thing to me is that people just don't even bother to call.

When I would be happy if they even just said: "Sorry something came up"


I'll assume it COULD be a family emergency or they have diarhea, whatever.

But at least I'll know. But instead so many I mean so many its embarassing have left me

actually waiting in the cold, or in a hotel lobby, or in front of my computer. No message, no answer to

my phone calls, or texts. And rarely do they offer even a portion of my fees or expenses.


Dude, I've had ONE client out of hundreds of appointments offer to make it up, and yes—I took him up on it. I've just gotten to the point now where I make clients confirm several hours before the appointment. They must have a contact number ("I'm discreet" doesn't cut it). I call their room to make sure they are actually there. I text them on the way and make them text me back. If one of these steps isn't followed, I don't leave my apartment until it is. And especially with the confirmation email—if they don't confirm by 10 minutes after the time agreed upon, I make other plans. These are actually steps I've picked up along the way from other escorts—I used to be a naive lass who showed up at one too many empty hotel rooms (or even worse, hotel rooms that had people, and not the right ones, in them).

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The amazing thing to me is that people just don't even bother to call.

When I would be happy if they even just said: "Sorry something came up"


I'll assume it COULD be a family emergency or they have diarhea, whatever.

But at least I'll know. But instead so many I mean so many its embarassing have left me

actually waiting in the cold, or in a hotel lobby, or in front of my computer. No message, no answer to

my phone calls, or texts. And rarely do they offer even a portion of my fees or expenses.


Unless someone is in a car wreck or in shock upon learning of a death of family, they should ALWAYS call.


Hell, I called and canceled an acupuncture appointment the day I had brain surgery and when I was in lots of pain. There are very few reasons one can't do that. I agree w. you.

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Frankly there are very valid reasons for canceling an appointment for both the escort and the client. I have canceled appointments a couple of times. In ALL cases the escort was local and I gave him at least a week’s prior notice. I have, in the past, been forced, because of circumstances, to cancel appointments with doctors, dentists, attorneys, etc., etc. As long a sufficient notice is provided I don't see the problem. Thus far I have never been forced to cancel an appointment with an escort for whom I had already purchased an airplane ticket. If that should ever happen I would certainly expect to forfeit the cost of the ticket. I recently had an escort cancel about four hours prior to our appointment. Yes I was disappointed but I know the guy and he certainly had a legitimate reason. Shit happens.

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Juan, once again, is spot on. Building your reputation is the way to go.


I strive to give escorts 24 hour advance notice if I have to cancel. However, stuff happens. One time, I was on my way to see an escort and I stopped by an ATM to get some cash. The ATM ate my card! I had no way to get cash. It was going to be my first time meeting him and I had to cancel at the last minute. I was sure he was thinking that I was messing with him so I begged and begged him to give me another chance. I got to see him another time, and since then, I have been one of his regulars for the last nine years.

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Oh please. I wish I had an uncle who'd just drop $1,200 on me for Christmas :rolleyes: Never once in 24 years has an uncle even dropped 1/2 of that on me. Sounds like he was bluffing.


sorry if i made it seem more extreme than it was (i left out the nephew - so since you are checking my rates Joey and you see it wouldve been 1200, i feel i need to be more transparent: maybe he gave her 600 and him 600. or maybe he gave them each 400 or 500 and still didnt have the funds to give me. this is what he wrote me, specifically:


"Sorry, but we need to postpone January 29 at The Pierre. I am crestfallen, but I decided at the last minute to give the money, instead, to my niece and nephew who were home from college over Xmas. So, we both go down in a good cause."

this man is a very good client and a very trustful person to me. yes, i'm not happy with what happened - but i do believe he is telling me the truth.

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Actually it sounds like neither of you will be going down in any sort of cause - good or otherwise. I'm sorry this happened to you (and the other guys who have written here - people should follow through with what they say they will do. A man's word should count for something - I know that sounds like out-take dialog from a Clint Eastwood or John Wayne flick, but nevertheless, it's true).

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If I break the appointment, I figure I owe him his entire fee (without tip). The only exception is when he's more than an hour late, in which case I simply cancel. That's only happened twice.


You must be the exception to the rule...since 90% of clients I hear from that have Phoenix or Tuscon area codes end up flaking out...horribly. One guy from Tuscon called me from Breck couple weeks ago, even giving me the address to the lodge he was at. I was ecstatic. Then texting me the morning of that he'd met someone off craigslist. I don't know what it is and 1 older guy I know in his 50s who isn't an escort has said the same. I would love to visit but that kinda scares me.


I also NEVER let clients know when I'm meeting with other clients during a particular time they have asked for—it's always: "I've got friends/family in town, and we're going to dinner, but I can probably meet before or after."


Nah, I always find that approach is worse. Then a client will say, "oh okay, well I'll call you another time I don't want to interrupt family/friends time." But when you say another client has booked, it's make them that much more interested and they think you're uber popular.


Thing is, I don't use that to sound popular; I only use it when it's true! And based on the tight time restrictions clients have told me about they've had to face this holiday season due to family, 1 mention of family may make them think: uh oh, obligations. When a client starts talking about family in town, I keep my options open.

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There may be good reasons the client has to cancel:


-- He's gotten a stomach virus, feels lousy and doesn't want to give it to the escort (it happens)

-- He's gotten called into work unexpectedly and can't refuse the boss, especially in this economy.

-- His car has broken down and he needs to use the hiring money to repair it.

-- Perhaps the client's BF has unexpectedly showed up in town and he's now caught in an awkward position.

-- Perhaps the client is tired from a long day of attending a sports event and is just physically wiped out.






--and more bull. Non of those are legitimate cancellation reasons.


Kidding! Maybe the car excuse and called into work is true (happens a lot to someone I know)...but the rest sound pre-meditated. BF's coming in out of town suddenly sounds iffy. Depends on when the notice came I guess. I've had clients call me an hour before an appointment after I just spoke to them 3 hours ago say they've come down with a life-threatening, contagious disease. Then a few months later hear of another escort being told the same thing. I'm sure if they were so concerned about not 'catching anything' we'd be wearing condoms for oral and dental dams for kissing.


sorry if i made it seem more extreme than it was (i left out the nephew - so since you are checking my rates Joey and you see it wouldve been 1200, i feel i need to be more transparent: maybe he gave her 600 and him 600. or maybe he gave them each 400 or 500 and still didnt have the funds to give me. this is what he wrote me, specifically:


LOL, I'm sorry. No I was comparing it to a general travel overnight rate. I was not picking at you, I was just like it sounded strange and compared it to what I'd imagine someone would tell me and I was answering as if.

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Good god I wish more people thought like you. In the last couple months I have probably LOST more money than I earned because of client cancellations AFTER I had already rented cars, booked hotels etc. Seriously it has gotten me so depressed that I just don't even know what to do.


Good grief. Sounds disheartening to say the least :(


The only time I've gone all out and rented cars is if the vacation was for me, and I had friends waiting for me. If I met a client or 2, it'd just be an expense taken care of. Most of the times, I can't afford to take an un-paid vacation so it's not often!


As risky as it sounds, when I travel I don't pre-book hotels and kind of just find deals as I go along. Sometimes, that's worked against me when everything's booked, but having been burnt in a select number of cities in previous years spending 4 days hotel and airfare/gas and getting nothing, I rather pay for things one or two days at a time. And with that city's money...not money I've made from home. Only a small amount of money from home get's spent in another city. If the other city doesn't get me enough clients to pay for the hotels, I'll leave...even if it means leaving the next day if the outlook is dim.


On my last trip to Canada, I knew where I wanted to stay, but I didn't want to book a damn thing until I made it across that border. Since I wasn't able to, I didn't lose hotel costs like I read articles of how many people denied entry in Canada did. So in the event they would, they wouldn't be getting a single penny of my American money.

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