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Escort/Clients Thoughts on Encounters with "Older Clients."

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Morning all:

Thanks to those that responded to my question about LTR's. Insightful and funny. However, this time on a personal note, disheartening. In one of Mr. jjkrkwood's responses, he made the comment, "No one is looking for is looking for guys, with liver spots, balding heads, and sagging assess." From what I have read from reviewers, this is a big part your revenue? The guys in 50+ are ones with a few more funds in their wallets? Although I'm part of the baby boomer crowd. Having gone through male menopause, I believe, like many of us, we were left with a healthy level of estrogen. This aging population will continue to be a big part of a Escorts career. I also firmly believe that this age group has a lot to offer. Even if it is just for an hours encounter. Most of us, just LIKE Escorts, have gone thorough many personal wars to get to the survival stage of our lives. We have a lot to share with each other on a humanitarian, sensual, and erotic stage. Unfortunately, it sounds like many Escorts view this age group, is something simply to have to deal with. P.S. My butt is starting to sag just a little, could use a little Botox on the forehead, but nothing else sags or looks wrinkly.

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Well healthguy, I am really unwilling to comment on what jj said, because I am sure that whatever the opinion, positive or negative he will say that is not what he meant. I would ask him to clarify, if what he said bothers you. I can only give you my opinion. I disagree with anyone who makes the sweeping generalization that escorts are only into older guys for the money. Over the last 10 years or so I can recall countless stories of younger guys who where with older men and in the cases that I personally know of most of the time it was the younger guy who brought home the most bacon. There is not the time nor the space to write all of that here. jj himself told only yesterday of being hit on by a much younger guy, and I believe as the story went, the guy was really hot and was sincerely into older men. I hired an escort a few years ago on a regular basis, on and off for several years and his bf was older than me, and I know for a fact that the escort was the bread winner in the relationship.


I do want to be clear here, I have no doubt that the majority of young escorts are there for the money, however you do make a good point, we as babyboomers do have a lot to offer besides our experience between the sheets. I am a bit of a gym rat myself, and no BS when I hit the gym, it is all serious stuff, but for someone who has passed the double nickel mark, I get hit on and cruised quite regularly. Certainly enough to make me walk with a little spring in the ol step.


Yesterday in the forum, I recounted a story that happened to me years ago, when I was only 40 and tried to make 'the deal' with a young escort in his 20's, when he found out that I was only 40 he told me that he was only attracted to guys over 60, and he would only go home with someone in that age group. Age is only part of who we are, like the guy who is a chubby chaser, I don't get that at all, or the guy who loves twinks. You see healthguy we are all different and each of our tastes vary greatly. Well that is enough from me, so be well for now and stop stressing about something that you have no control over. regards, BVB

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I just need a clarification on your part. You state: "I disagree with anyone who makes the sweeping generalization that escorts are only into older guys for the money." You then state: "...I have no doubt that the majority of young escorts are there for the money." Again, from what I have read on reviews, the majority of clients are professional gents who may be a bit out of shape, have a few scars, or this issue vs that. I take note of your comment on control. I am very well aware of control issues, agree with you, and it would take pages for me to fill everyone it about that.

Thanks for you time, and I do read your entries and enjoy them! Rand

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If you think about it , every job or career we are in pays a salary. So we are in it for the money. But that does not stop us from enjoying our jobs ( most of the time anyway ! )


As most escorts are clear to state, money is exchanged for time only. So the logical extension is that those of us who work and exchange their time for a salary are all wh**es :) (my apologies for using the pejorative term for an escort but it seems to fit better).

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Healthguy, I didnt mean to offend you or anyone of the older generation, but I AM one of those older people, as are most of my friends. Yes, I read reviews and have noticed like you that alot of clients tend to be in our generation. I would speculate that it is because of the difficulties meeting guys we are attracted to in the Real world. Escorts that we hire are usually manisfestations of our fantasies and inner desires, and are often guys that we would NEVER meet in real life in our waning years. Also, there is alot of game playing and unknowns now that "hooking up" usually tend to be internet based, and some people, like myself DONT wanna deal with that.

For those that can afford it, hiring escorts is a simple, no nonsense way of satisfying "our needs"... And most escorts train themselves to be able to accommodate ANY type of client and make you feel special. Isnt that what everyone wants, to feel special and loved ? Of course its not real love, but love for the moment. A much better alternative than cruising your dream guy and being rejected. If you havent noticed, society is NOT kind to the elderly . If you read most of BigValboys posts, he tends to surround himself with "beautiful people" that seem to have the charmed life. Therefore he may not be aware of the pitfalls of us mere mortals. It would be interesting to note what his opinion would be if he did not spend hours at the gym, keeping himself in shape and Hot, so that he can be "hit on" alot. I am certain his post would be quite different. To clarify, I meant what I said. We may have experience, wisdom, knowledge and such as the "older" generation, but NOONE sees that at first glance. What they see is OLD, and for many, that is a deterent....

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Healthguy, I didnt mean to offend you or anyone of the older generation, but I AM one of those older people, as are most of my friends. Yes, I read reviews and have noticed like you that alot of clients tend to be in our generation. I would speculate that it is because of the difficulties meeting guys we are attracted to in the Real world. Escorts that we hire are usually manisfestations of our fantasies and inner desires, and are often guys that we would NEVER meet in real life in our waning years. Also, there is alot of game playing and unknowns now that "hooking up" usually tend to be internet based, and some people, like myself DONT wanna deal with that.

For those that can afford it, hiring escorts is a simple, no nonsense way of satisfying "our needs"... And most escorts train themselves to be able to accommodate ANY type of client and make you feel special. Isnt that what everyone wants, to feel special and loved ? Of course its not real love, but love for the moment. A much better alternative than cruising your dream guy and being rejected. If you havent noticed, society is NOT kind to the elderly . If you read most of BigValboys posts, he tends to surround himself with "beautiful people" that seem to have the charmed life. Therefore he may not be aware of the pitfalls of us mere mortals. It would be interesting to note what his opinion would be if he did not spend hours at the gym, keeping himself in shape and Hot, so that he can be "hit on" alot. I am certain his post would be quite different. To clarify, I meant what I said. We may have experience, wisdom, knowledge and such as the "older" generation, but NOONE sees that at first glance. What they see is OLD, and for many, that is a deterent....


Re-reading JJ's response here, I find myself nodding in agreement.


I am - like I assume many here are - over 55, pushing 60. A decade or so ago (now more likely 15 years ago) I went on a wild and fun health kick, lost lots of weight, went to the gym almost daily for 2-3 years, was more toned than I had been in years, and a few times in the gym (definately not a gay-friendly place) was hit upon by either younger or equal aged guys in the sauna (great for my self-esteem and ego). It was at this stage, I began frequenting some of the best-known gay saunas in Germany and Holland, and had some amazingly great experiences (again mostly with men my own age, but every now and then with a guy half my age or less, but definately over 21 -- many from Central and Eastern Europe (ah, those Albanian and Bulgarian merchant marines, and those Czech, Hungarian and Romanian construction workers).


I did discover as I became friends with about 4 or 5 that, although I was 15-20 years older, we were able to connect on various levels (sexual and emotional), and as conversations got more and more personal, I realized that - for some of them - I was the antithesis of the male figures in their lives (I was not a mean, distant, sometimes violent and brurish judgemental figure who had a very negative impact on their teen and early 20's years). I found that for some of them, the most satisfying sex was more cuddling -- even if I carried some extra inches and punds on my waist -- I was, in a real sense, the "daddy" figure they never had (or the positive one they desired). Some here will cringe at this, some others may think it borders in kinky incestuous play, but on a deeply psychological level, there is something to this, especially among young men who grew up with no truely positive masculine or father figures in their life.


So, yes, I pay for the guy's time etc... and I use such means to meet a guy because I am not going to simply at this stage walk into a bar and find a guy (especially for "free") very easily. And if, on some level, I can also fulfill something in him, I feel that is a fair trade. Two or three uys have been seeing me (or more, I have seen them) for over a half-dozen years. Each of them fits into this scenario in one way or another.


Many will not meet us long enough to see what WE bring to the encounter (wisdom, knowledge, empathy, experience..) but for those few who do experience this with s, it can become a very mutually enriching experience.

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My age and the effects of aging definitely have played a major role in my trend of hiring escorts starting two years ago or so. I can and do find guys who want to play for free, but it's getting more difficult and time consuming.


The other reason is that escorts tend to be more sexually adventurous and know how to combine safe play with some wild play. I just trust them more not to fuck up an intense, rough scene, which I like time to time. When I'm just in the mood for some good, ol'-fashioned oral, I usually go the free route. That may change in time too ...

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Damn this is a fascinating topic. I started hiring escorts ten years ago at the age of 61. Frankly I wasn’t slightly interested in hiring guys my own age. Additionally I was and still am interested only in guys with well worked-out gym bodies. Over the last ten years I have NEVER had a really bad experience with any of the escorts I have hired. I am convinced that the principle reason for this is that I am ALWAYS polite, clean, respectful, and pleasant. I am also genuinely interested in escorts and enjoy their company out of the sack as well as in it. Over the year’s two escorts, I initially hired purely because of sexual attraction, most definitely on my part, have become friends. Neither of these guys lives in my city so we keep in touch by phone and email. They phone and email me as often as I do them. We talk about their outside financial interest, their family problems, our political interests and all the other mundane topics friends talk about. When they are in town we get together both on and off the clock. If sex is involved, I pay if not we go Dutch. Now do I think this is common – certainly not!

I have hired dozens of escorts and have achieved this type of relationship with only two.

Great escorts are NOT judgmental they deal politely and passionately with all the clients who hire them. My experience leads me to believe that there is a elite group of great escorts, a VERY large group of mediocre escorts, and a small group of really poor escorts.

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My experience leads me to believe that there is a elite group of great escorts, a VERY large group of mediocre escorts, and a small group of really poor escorts.


Brilliantly put, Epigonos. I completely agree.


Yes, I have become friends with at least a half a dozen of the guys I've hired. I've communicated with 6 of them this week alone. As with Epigonos, we talk about my life, their life, families, pets, news of mutual friends, forum news and discussions and lots of other things. Sort of like I do with other friends.

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I just need a clarification on your part. You state: "I disagree with anyone who makes the sweeping generalization that escorts are only into older guys for the money." You then state: "...I have no doubt that the majority of young escorts are there for the money."

Well good evening Rand,


The reason for the seemingly inconsistency in the statements is that I have noticed from some posters on this site that many will talk in sweeping generalizations, as if to say that each statement is an absolute. Many have said here before that they believed that all escorts do not care about being friends with there clients and if not for the money they would not be there. I completely disagree with that theory. I did go on to say that a majority of escorts do feel that way, but certainly not all. I have countless stories of not only escorts but younger guys in general being friends with older guys in and out of the bedroom and on numerous occasions providing services for free, asking nothing in return.


Just as some of my friends love the 'chubby chaser' or some of my friends who like not only 'twinks' but young guys that are really very thin, Two friends of mine who just moved to PS do the whole 'daddy bear' scene. So my point I think is that we are all different and while it is easy to catagorize and place people in neat little boxes, it is mostly, I find impossible to generalize about any of this, though many do. Hope this clarifies for you...anyway, be well my friend, BVB

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Thanks BVB,

And to JJ, for clarification. Epigonos, nicely stated. Plus everyone that has replied, much appreciated. It it always a good thing when my soul gets renewed. I can say thus far, and this is only based on this site, and rentboy's site,

there are very few of the gents out there that I would sub group in "wh---s." I'm sure they are out there, but maybe I'll be lucky and not meet them. I'm not looking to hook up like the siamese thing. However, I never try to bypass meeting/connecting with someone that is funny, bright, caring, civil, and fits my definition of sexy. If that's what some of these encounters brings to both me and "my" escort, how good is that!!! Take care all, have a good week. Rand

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If you read most of BigValboys posts, he tends to surround himself with "beautiful people" that seem to have the charmed life. Therefore he may not be aware of the pitfalls of us mere mortals. It would be interesting to note what his opinion would be if he did not spend hours at the gym, keeping himself in shape and Hot, so that he can be "hit on" alot. I am certain his post would be quite different.


All of us as we age look at life differently. Many have decided that the aging process is a given, and that there isn't anything any of us can really do about it. Many feel that the extra pounds, sagging ass and bad teeth are just part of it all and that they will just have to do the best they can with what they have. I know people who accept their bad backs, bad knees, aches and pains and complain about how old they are,but then seem saddened and bitch about how no one ever hits on them anymore, but won't take 5 min out of there day to do something healthy. You will find no sympathy from me. I don't feel that way about this aging process and never have. The 'pitfalls of mere mortals' are only pitfalls if you look at them as such.


I won't apologize for the time I spend at the gym or try and pretend that I am not reaping benefits from it all. Yes I am retired and therefore very blessed to have my days free. So yes, I spend a couple of hours a day at the gym, eat extremely healthy, and try to surround myself with like minded individuals, that look at life as the glass half full, not half empty, and don't bitch and complain about every little thing in life. All of this takes extra work, takes a mere fraction of my life. The pay off I have found is tremendous. The time I spend is not so that I can get 'hit on' but rather to maintain a productive and healthy life. Being 'hit on' was an added bonus and quite a surprise to me when it began to happen. And my posts would not be any different if I was not 'in shape'... age for the most part is a state of mind. Many members have pm me and complained about their weight and told me how unattractive they have felt, and that paying for sex was the only way they could be intimate with someone, but when I try and give advice, what I got in return were excuses. So each to his own.. do what you will, but you could not pay me to change my life.

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You can make excuses for anything in life; even for Life itself. Bottom line is that people spend hours in the gym, and on cosmetic procedures simply to look good so they can be accepted by the general public and be attractive to people they are hoping to connect with. Yes, health may come into play, but all this other blah, blah, blah stuff is just a mask for obvious Vanity. Not that Vanity is a bad thing, to a point. But when you combine Vanity with obsessions of status and label and name dropping, you have an entirely different Breed of person. Of course, this all may seem quite normal to that individual living the life, THEIR life, but it really isnt representative of a general public.....The fact that a person may complain, yet not take advice from a person who may have NO connection at all to THEM doesnt indicate that the person should be looked on as merely a "complainer" who doesnt really want to better their life. Again that is a narrow and general conclusion made by people who maintain they are against generalizations. I believe that in order to truly understand a person, you need to "walk in their shoes"... Otherwise you are just an outsider "guessing" at what their experience is, based on your own, which is NOT "apples to apples".....

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Median age of my clients is 50. I have never discriminated because of age and I do not ask for a clients' pics. In general the sex is better the older the client is (because of experience) but there are, or course, exceptions. At my age and stage in my career i also now cater to alot of younger clients as well who seek an older brother or young daddy type experience. These calls are WAY fun but kind of wierd in the sense that some of these young studs are smokin hotties. Now I am supposed to be the PRO and be able to hold off and outlast them but with some of these cuties is is increasingly harder to do. True embarrasing confession here: Last week in Miami I had one like this and it was good-really good. I tried to hold off as long as I could but I pulled out and popped on his chest 10 minutes into topping him! The whole scene was less than 20 minutes so I offered to waive the fee and apologigized like a nervous bridegoom on his wedding night. The client laughed, refused my offer and paid me (including a nice tip) . His comment was that he was glad I was into him. hopefully my answer has been helpful and honest

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I put my time in at the gym and I watch what I eat (and this is not a recent development for me - I have always been into health and fitness). Nevertheless, I know that guys write me off because I am older - there's no getting around it. But there are also still enough guys who see something appealing when they look at me. But it is definitely harder and the pickings are slimmer than they were twenty years ago. So it's always nice to be taken for being younger than I really am, and the virtue of the non-escort experience is that it feeds my ego. The good escorts get me past my own insecurities so that I can look past the dollars I'm shelling out and be in the moment (if only for the moment) and enjoy it while it lasts.

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I put my time in at the gym and I watch what I eat (and this is not a recent development for me - I have always been into health and fitness). Nevertheless, I know that guys write me off because I am older - there's no getting around it. But there are also still enough guys who see something appealing when they look at me. But it is definitely harder and the pickings are slimmer than they were twenty years ago. So it's always nice to be taken for being younger than I really am, and the virtue of the non-escort experience is that it feeds my ego. The good escorts get me past my own insecurities so that I can look past the dollars I'm shelling out and be in the moment (if only for the moment) and enjoy it while it lasts.


Now THAT, my dear man, is a REAL and HONEST perspective on this Topic. Thank you.

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The good escorts get me past my own insecurities so that I can look past the dollars I'm shelling out and be in the moment (if only for the moment) and enjoy it while it lasts.


I've always said it's about the fun, not the money. The money is nice, but I won't see clients that aren't fun as well. The best clients I've ever had almost always skew older—they have more to talk about, they know what they're doing, and most importantly—they're appreciative.

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I've always said it's about the fun, not the money. The money is nice, but I won't see clients that aren't fun as well. The best clients I've ever had almost always skew older—they have more to talk about, they know what they're doing, and most importantly—they're appreciative.


Max, you are so Right. I am always extremely appreciative when my chosen escort allows me to suck him off, and takes my $300. Makes my day EVERY time....

And if I get a pat on the Head, I'm over the Moon !

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Max, you are so Right. I am always extremely appreciative when my chosen escort allows me to suck him off, and takes my $300. Makes my day EVERY time....

And if I get a pat on the Head, I'm over the Moon !


I think if we met you'd be pleasantly surprised, since I tend to blow expectations of the "money-grubbin' ho" out of the water.


And I tend to be the sucker, not the suckee. (slurp)

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The "Pops" crowd IS the market for rentboys, and, the more successful rentboys know how to work it. Always keep in mind that "escorting" is a vocation not an avocation, it is a business. . .


Thats what I'VE been saying since my very FIRST day here..... And the most successful business people always know what THEY need to do to keep their existing clientel and bring in NEW recruits...

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It doesn't take long for an escort or any promiscuous person to discover that youthful looks is not a reliable indicator of good sex.


Every now and then I log on to a hookup site to go play and I don't bother to look or load the pictures until after I've read the profile. Now don't get me wrong I do enjoy beauty and I enjoy jacking off to porn of really beautiful guys. But for actual in the flesh playing? I'll take a good attitude anyday.


I heard Ol' Blue eyes singing while I was on hold during a phone call today:


Don't you know that it's worth every treasure on earth

To be young at heart.

For as rich as you are, it's much better by far

To be young at heart.


And if you should survive to 105,

Look at all you'll derive out of being alive!

And here is the best part, you have a head start

If you are among the very young at heart.



Morning all:

Thanks to those that responded to my question about LTR's. Insightful and funny. However, this time on a personal note, disheartening. In one of Mr. jjkrkwood's responses, he made the comment, "No one is looking for is looking for guys, with liver spots, balding heads, and sagging assess." From what I have read from reviewers, this is a big part your revenue? The guys in 50+ are ones with a few more funds in their wallets? Although I'm part of the baby boomer crowd. Having gone through male menopause, I believe, like many of us, we were left with a healthy level of estrogen. This aging population will continue to be a big part of a Escorts career. I also firmly believe that this age group has a lot to offer. Even if it is just for an hours encounter. Most of us, just LIKE Escorts, have gone thorough many personal wars to get to the survival stage of our lives. We have a lot to share with each other on a humanitarian, sensual, and erotic stage. Unfortunately, it sounds like many Escorts view this age group, is something simply to have to deal with. P.S. My butt is starting to sag just a little, could use a little Botox on the forehead, but nothing else sags or looks wrinkly.

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