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Thoughts on withdrawing a recommendation of an escort. . .

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I would withdraw a recommendation of an escort in the event his behaviorial and personality disorders had progressed to a point that an association with him would be "dangerous", that is, if he was given to self-destructive behavior which might impact, indirectly, on a client, or, if he was exhibiting episodes of "narcisstic rage" which could cause the client bodily harm; if he was engaged in criminal activity directed against fellow travelers, for example, "hustling" or "sweetheart" scams, and, lastly, if he had engaged, on a "regular" basis, in unprotected sex with a client or "lover" who was HIV, AIDS or HEP positive, and, the definition of "unprotected sex" being an act similar to "sitting on it".

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I would withdraw a recommendation of an escort in the event his behaviorial and personality disorders had progressed to a point that an association with him would be "dangerous", that is, if he was given to self-destructive behavior which might impact, indirectly, on a client, or, if he was exhibiting episodes of "narcisstic rage" which could cause the client bodily harm; if he was engaged in criminal activity directed against fellow travelers, for example, "hustling" or "sweetheart" scams, and, lastly, if he had engaged, on a "regular" basis, in unprotected sex with a client or "lover" who was HIV, AIDS or HEP positive, and, the definition of "unprotected sex" being an act similar to "sitting on it".


Is this hypothetical, or are we supposed to guess which of your several 'recommendations' this refers to? Is a review forthcoming?

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The post was prompted by a recent inquiry made of me as to a man who had given me as a reference to a potential client. The inquiry gave me cause to reflect upon the inherent, and, sometimes, "hidden", dangers in retaining an "escort" or "rentboy". Had somesome undertaken to "sound the alarm" on Andrew Cunanan, that the lad had "gone over the edge", any number of lives could have been saved. For myself, I do not "hire" unless the "trick" has been introduced to me by referral from a trustworthy source, and, interviewed by me in a public setting, that is, luncheon or dinner, and, yet, I recognize that my "vetting" process is not a "fail safe" thing.

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Whan that Aprill, with his shoures soote

The droghte of March hath perced to the roote

And bathed every veyne in swich licour,

Of which vertu engendred is the flour;

5 Whan Zephirus eek with his sweete breeth

Inspired hath in every holt and heeth

The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne

Hath in the Ram his halfe cours yronne,

And smale foweles maken melodye,

10 That slepen al the nyght with open eye-

(So priketh hem Nature in hir corages);

Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages

And palmeres for to seken straunge strondes

To ferne halwes, kowthe in sondry londes;

15 And specially from every shires ende

Of Engelond, to Caunterbury they wende,

The hooly blisful martir for to seke

That hem hath holpen, whan that they were seeke.

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Whan that Aprill, with his shoures soote

The droghte of March hath perced to the roote

And bathed every veyne in swich licour,

Of which vertu engendred is the flour;

5 Whan Zephirus eek with his sweete breeth

Inspired hath in every holt and heeth

The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne

Hath in the Ram his halfe cours yronne,

And smale foweles maken melodye,

10 That slepen al the nyght with open eye-

(So priketh hem Nature in hir corages);

Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages

And palmeres for to seken straunge strondes

To ferne halwes, kowthe in sondry londes;

15 And specially from every shires ende

Of Engelond, to Caunterbury they wende,

The hooly blisful martir for to seke

That hem hath holpen, whan that they were seeke.


DG, have you been spending more time with RB4 than you are admitting to ?

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Whan that Aprill, with his shoures soote

The droghte of March hath perced to the roote

And bathed every veyne in swich licour,

Of which vertu engendred is the flour;

5 Whan Zephirus eek with his sweete breeth

Inspired hath in every holt and heeth

The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne

Hath in the Ram his halfe cours yronne,

And smale foweles maken melodye,

10 That slepen al the nyght with open eye-

(So priketh hem Nature in hir corages);

Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages

And palmeres for to seken straunge strondes

To ferne halwes, kowthe in sondry londes;

15 And specially from every shires ende

Of Engelond, to Caunterbury they wende,

The hooly blisful martir for to seke

That hem hath holpen, whan that they were seeke.


If you take out the line numbers, you might have done this from memory. When I was in high school ([a] public; before dinosaurs roamed the Earth) - this was a required "memory selection". Everyone had to memorize it to graduate.

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If you take out the line numbers, you might have done this from memory. When I was in high school ([a] public; before dinosaurs roamed the Earth) - this was a required "memory selection". Everyone had to memorize it to graduate.


I took a Chaucer course in college & we had to memorize it there. Sadly, I now remember only the first couple of lines.

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Ditto here with the Chaucer course - had the memorize the entire first part for English Lit (major) and then... take a semester in Middle English on top of it.


Now -- how did we go from the topic of "Thoughts of withdrawing a recommendation" to waxing eloquently on one of the cornerstones of English literature?

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Yes anyway! I must have gone to a more enlightened high school (public) (after the dinosaurs roamed), but for some reason we didn't have to memorize this - not that there would have been anything wrong with that - a little memorization can be a good thing. We at my school had to learn Portia's "The Quality of Mercy" speech from The Merchant of Venice. But I (and this thread) digress - let's get back to the subject at hand, dishing the dirt on one of our boys and withdrawing a recommendation, etc. Please, OP, post on and enlighten us. I come here for informational purposes only (plus a little salacious humor from time to time), don't keep me (and the rest of us enquiring-minds-want-to-know-type guys" in suspense. As I've said to my share of guys in the past, "Don't tease me, Baby."

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I have had occasion to reconsider some positive comments I made about an escort, not a review but a general positive discussion. I think now that he earned the initial positive comments and that any negative comments are likely coming as a result of a unique interpersonal encounter and so I never retracted the initial reports. Now some time later, it seems that I was prudent in my actions and the negative comments would have been out of proportion to the offense. I must admit when I see the escort named on escort of the year ballots, I feel like I did get shortchanged.

So my advice on the this, think long and hard and wait a week and if you are still desirous of retracting your positive words, do so. Time has the ability to tone down the venom of excessively harsh comments.

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I have had occasion to reconsider some positive comments I made about an escort, not a review but a general positive discussion. I think now that he earned the initial positive comments and that any negative comments are likely coming as a result of a unique interpersonal encounter and so I never retracted the initial reports. Now some time later, it seems that I was prudent in my actions and the negative comments would have been out of proportion to the offense. I must admit when I see the escort named on escort of the year ballots, I feel like I did get shortchanged.

So my advice on the this, think long and hard and wait a week and if you are still desirous of retracting your positive words, do so. Time has the ability to tone down the venom of excessively harsh comments.


Besides time being about 6 months since I saw a particularly nice young man: the longer I think about our encounters, the more I realize that I have been, not ripped-off, but short changed. But no reviews have been posted. Perhaps I noted the "SHORT CHANGE" at the time but did not realize it for what it was.

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Its funny how the "retards" always support each other on this Forum.... Robber, pay them No mind. Your motivations and intentions are always Honorable.


Retards? Really? Guess you haven't heard that it is just as offensive to those in that community as it would be for a straight to call you a fag. As a father of a special needs child (he is in the autism spectrum), I certainly support their call to stop the use of that loaded word. Just as the video I posted against the use of the phrase "that's so gay", the use of the word retards must stop.

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Retards? Really? Guess you haven't heard that it is just as offensive to those in that community as it would be for a straight to call you a fag. As a father of a special needs child (he is in the autism spectrum), I certainly support their call to stop the use of that loaded word. Just as the video I posted against the use of the phrase "that's so gay", the use of the word retards must stop.


Personally, I prefer "developmentally delayed." It gets a little weird for kids over 18, though. "Cognitively challenged" is, perhaps, an acceptable alternative, although it all-to-often is applicable to their so-called "normal" cohort.

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I have had occasion to reconsider some positive comments I made about an escort, not a review but a general positive discussion. I think now that he earned the initial positive comments and that any negative comments are likely coming as a result of a unique interpersonal encounter and so I never retracted the initial reports. Now some time later, it seems that I was prudent in my actions and the negative comments would have been out of proportion to the offense. I must admit when I see the escort named on escort of the year ballots, I feel like I did get shortchanged.

So my advice on the this, think long and hard and wait a week and if you are still desirous of retracting your positive words, do so. Time has the ability to tone down the venom of excessively harsh comments.


Purplekow, this is excellent advice.


I too have in the past had some amazing encounters that felt perfect at the time; once the glow wore off though, and reading what the escort did or achieved with others, I felt a bit short-changed; but then it could be individual chemistry or something else.


When I have discovered a guy I highly recommended has changed (and let's admit it, some guys do, thanks to drug use, experimenting with steroids, and just being "developmentally challenged" - which I may not have picked up on immediately, if this is noted, I will usually send a private message to the escort himself or more often private message someone here who asks me about him. This happened recently with one guy, and I had a lively exchange (no acrimony at all) with another poster here as I had to personally put distance between me and an escort I highly recommended... it happens.


I met one guy in Las Vegas about a decade ago; he flaked on me during a date (literally disappeared with some lame excuse and did not return calls for hours). He had a brief porn career, and was really HOT in bed though, so I was willing to be patient. Later he met me, apologized for the scene that had occurred, and we spent a nice 2 hours in bed. I stupidly began to think with the third eye and not my brain, and flew him to NYC for 5 days -- which were 5 days of sheer torture. He was really a child in a man's body, petulent, moody, unable to focus, constantly pretending to be asleep when I wanted to have some fun (and here I had flown in across country, paid him a daily fee, bought him tickets to theatre, movies, meals, gifts...). Finally another escort friend showed up unexpectedly in NYC (he is European), abandoned by a client after a bad cruise (sounds like a soap opera here). I put him up in the same hotel in NYC where I was with this disaster. He had come complete with a diving wet suit from the cruise that had to be hung out and stunk up his bathroom so... he moved to my suite with the other guy. We managed to have a great time together - while the original boy in man's flesh slept on the day couch for the last two days. I could not wait to get rid of this guy. Heard sadly he was busted for drugs and imprisoned -- sad because I realized that he was very challenged mentally and the idea of him behind bars was/is abhorent. Looking back now, I realize he was autistic, but I knew little of that at the time (having lived many years in Europe and not hearing so much of this).

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Retards? Really? Guess you haven't heard that it is just as offensive to those in that community as it would be for a straight to call you a fag. As a father of a special needs child (he is in the autism spectrum), I certainly support their call to stop the use of that loaded word. Just as the video I posted against the use of the phrase "that's so gay", the use of the word retards must stop.


Lee, with all due respect to YOUR situation, we can really make a case to ban ANY word in the english languaage from being used. There will always be people that can take offense to a certain word, however that word often describes perfectly the sitaution or person with which it was used for. Not to further justify MY usage of the word, but if you consider WHO I was speaking about, you might realize the PERFECT fit in its context... Searching my soul (YES, I have one), I cant think of a more perfect word in this case. I also tend to think that if the owrd was used by any of your friends on this site, or by your escort buddies, you might have let it slide, but because its me, it needed to be Chastised. I accept the repremand and do apologize if you were offended.

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Having "been there, done that", you have my sincere sympathy in your experience. Please believe me that if the referenced escort is incarcerated in a facility offering the therapy for his behavorial and personality disorders which he requires, he is better off than being "on the street". In dealing with a "rentboy" or "escort", always keep in mind, that, unless you are licensed, you are not qualified to be a social worker; and, if you attempt to act in that capacity without proper qualification, you do the rentboy and yourself a disservice.

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Searching my soul (YES, I have one), I cant think of a more perfect word in this case.


Idiot, jackass, moron, imbecile, twit, mental midget, dolt, nincompoop. Just to name a few.


It's called a thesaurus. Try it.





I also tend to think that if the owrd was used by any of your friends on this site, or by your escort buddies, you might have let it slide


You are certainly wrong there. I would call out ANYONE who uses terms such as that. I have had disagreements with an escort or two who have used the wh#re word to describe themselves. i don't like it and I let them know that.


Maybe I'm more sensitive to derogatory remarks than others. For me, when a consensus is reached among a disadvantaged or minority group that a certain word is offensive to them, it is incumbent upon everyone to try to honor that wish. This is especially true since we are members of such a group and have to endure the negative terminology directed at us. It's called courtesy and respect. And simple human decency.



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