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A Discount For A Regular Arrangement

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Great question. I give discounts for everyone. In this economy I try to look at it realistically. I give discounts for multiple hours, overnights, weekends and week clients. If I have seen the client before I give a discount on top of that. If I have not seen a client before then how do I know whether or not he will be come a regular client so if he is just booking an hour I don't give a discount on that. All in all I get about a 75% repeat ratio for all the clients I get so hopefully I am doing something right!


That makes sense, but also...since you said that I also wanted to mention that here in the US, especially as it seems among independent male escorts...is that we don't usually offer 15 minutes, or 30 minutes appointments like I would imagine places like the brothels in Europe have. Not saying I would offer them here, but in places where it's more common they probably have a wider market range


I had someone come to me yesterday and ask for a discount. Now, I don't go throwing them out there (especially after being a former sales closer LOL), but depends on the scenario. Anyway, all I have to say is that I would have felt slightly guilty to take my full rate because it was probably more of the simpler appointments I've had to do.

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I think people asking for a discount or special consideration is a fact in almost every aspect of life in the US. Especially in a situation where everything is not quite legal ie wherein taxes may be missed, there is some room for negotiation possibility. You do not have to play the game but when clients may be in short supply, the game may get more attractive. I for one, don't bargain. However I once had an ongoing relationship with a very sexy escort. When he came to my neck of the woods, he would frequently stay at my home and then head out in my car to meet other clients. We frequently went out to dinner on my tab and many times at night, he would show up at my bedroom door with nothing on but a smile and ask if I wanted him to come in. Well that smile and that body could have easily broken my bank so sometimes I would say no and other times I would say yes and there were a few times I would say, can't afford it but if there is a half price special I could handle that. Most times he would balk a bit and come in, occasionally he would call it a night and others he would smile a knowing smile and one could almost read him thinking: half a loaf when people are starving is not so bad. To a client that does this on the first encounter, I, as an escort would say, thanks but no thanks. Call again when you can afford me.

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I for one, don't bargain. However I once had an ongoing relationship with a very sexy escort. When he came to my neck of the woods, he would frequently stay at my home and then head out in my car to meet other clients. We frequently went out to dinner on my tab and many times at night, he would show up at my bedroom door with nothing on but a smile and ask if I wanted him to come in. Well that smile and that body could have easily broken my bank so sometimes I would say no and other times I would say yes and there were a few times I would say, can't afford it but if there is a half price special I could handle that. Most times he would balk a bit and come in, occasionally he would call it a night and others he would smile a knowing smile and one could almost read him thinking: half a loaf when people are starving is not so bad.


Maybe I misunderstood your relationship. He stayed at your home for free, used your car for free, and you often took him out for dinner; and sometimes, when he felt like it, he offered you a half price special?

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I see an escort all the time who after we had seen each other a few times insisted I give him less than his usual fee. Maybe it was because we had great sex almost every time we were together. Or maybe because he knew it would keep me a regular customer. I hope it was the first but it could have been the second. At any rate, I always tip really well because I know he could make more money if he charged his regular rate for the time we are together. It makes me feel appreciated in a weird way.

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I see an escort all the time who after we had seen each other a few times insisted I give him less than his usual fee. Maybe it was because we had great sex almost every time we were together. Or maybe because he knew it would keep me a regular customer. I hope it was the first but it could have been the second. At any rate, I always tip really well because I know he could make more money if he charged his regular rate for the time we are together. It makes me feel appreciated in a weird way.


So the way I see it, EITHER way he ends up making the same amout of money, so we are back to square one. Then what is the point of the thread? I thought it was for the client to end up paying LESS in the end.....

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Everyone likes a bargain but few like to cheat another or be cheated by another. Therefore, if I am offered a rate of $150 for a $200 experience and receive same, I can then tip the $50 and both of us can feel satisfied with a reasonable deal. I didn't save any money but I did not HAVE to pay the tip, either. This kind of thing is what I consider the "process" of a business deal and that is what is happening, isn't it? However, as described above, we each got to satisfy the "emotional" aspects of doing business which can be very important.


Of course, as delineated in this thread, there can be many variations of the "same" experience with many different physical and mental results. Your experience may vary.


Best regards,


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So the way I see it, EITHER way he ends up making the same amout of money, so we are back to square one. Then what is the point of the thread? I thought it was for the client to end up paying LESS in the end.....


if the tip is less than the discount, or if the client would tip in addiiton to the regular charge, then he still spends less.

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A man after my own heart. You are amazing!



The thing is gcursor, this work isn't about taking, it's about giving and people forget that. Giving guys a good time, giving guys confidence, giving guys an outlet they may not have, giving guys a discreet liaison. Taking along a bottle of Moet Chandon is me giving them a big hug for spending a lot of hard earned cash on me. These days with half the worlds economies are facing bankruptcy, that money is hard earned bloody cash to a lot of people and so it shows to them that I appreciate the fact that they picked me over and above someone else.


It sounds silly too but I even take along plastic champagne flutes from the supermarket because when a guy is in a hotel he usually only has the small glassware provided by the hotel. Champagne should be sipped from a flute not a stumpy tumbler LOL

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I'll add to the others that it's a combination of both real and symbolic savings. Gestures like the champagne are thoughtful, don't represent a huge amount of money, but make someone feel special. Bringing along the flutes is a big part of it because it shows you're thinking of the other guy and what his needs are.


I don't usually cut my rate but instead when I want to offer a discount will usually offer more time for the base rate. So a one-hour appointment with a regular extends to two hours, or an evening rate becomes an overnight. Or like Steve I'll throw in some extras like a CD or book I think the guy will like, or in one case I gave a newbie bottom a dildo because I knew he'd be too shy to buy one for himself. For my longest-running client I book and pay for the hotel room, which substantially cuts into my fee but I've seen the guy so long it's worthwhile. But these are things that develop over time with regulars - I couldn't justify paying for the hotel room for a first-time client, but for a regular with an ongoing relationship it makes sense.

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I don't think that's the purpose. What matters here is how the person feels about it. I see it as a win-win situation.[/color]


This makes me think of a radio ad I've been hearing lately for a new B of A credit card. You get 1% back on all purchases, 2% on groceries, and 3% on gas (or something like that). Once you do the calculations, unless you spend a LOT the amounts are truly trivial, and if you end up financing the balance for even one month you probably wipe away any gains. But it gives the feeling of getting a deal, and people like to feel like they get a deal.


And I'm not immune. Though I won't be getting the B of A rewards credit card, I've gone to CVS more times than I'd want to admit with some type of discount coupon they've sent through email. This coupon is special for me, right? :-)

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Maybe I misunderstood your relationship. He stayed at your home for free, used your car for free, and you often took him out for dinner; and sometimes, when he felt like it, he offered you a half price special?
Yes I allowed him to stay at my house and use my car without a quid pro quo. i had the space, I had an extra car and I liked having a hot looking guy around the house for a few days. Sex wasn't part of the deal. When sex was involved, it was at his standard rate except when he decided that he wanted to give me a discount. I have a friend who is a dentist. I do not go to his office expecting a discount, even if I picked up the tab at dinner the night before. if he does give me a discount, I thank him for his consideration.

BTW, I have not hired this particular escort in several years as he moved away, but we are still in contact and should he come to my area or I to his, we get together for drinks or a meal. Recently, when he was in town on other than escort business, he stayed at my home for a night.

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Yes I allowed him to stay at my house and use my car without a quid pro quo. i had the space, I had an extra car and I liked having a hot looking guy around the house for a few days. Sex wasn't part of the deal. When sex was involved, it was at his standard rate except when he decided that he wanted to give me a discount. I have a friend who is a dentist. I do not go to his office expecting a discount, even if I picked up the tab at dinner the night before. if he does give me a discount, I thank him for his consideration.

BTW, I have not hired this particular escort in several years as he moved away, but we are still in contact and should he come to my area or I to his, we get together for drinks or a meal. Recently, when he was in town on other than escort business, he stayed at my home for a night.


If I were subsidizing a big portion of my dentist's business expenses, I would hope he would offer me a business discount, at the very least, especially if I considered ourselves to be in an equitable friendship.


You don't mention whether or not you stay with the escort when you're visiting his area, but I would guess that you don't. I would also guess that you usually pick up the dinner tab when you're in his area, as well. If I'm mistaken, I'm sorry.

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If I were subsidizing a big portion of my dentist's business expenses, I would hope he would offer me a business discount, at the very least, especially if I considered ourselves to be in an equitable friendship.


You don't mention whether or not you stay with the escort when you're visiting his area, but I would guess that you don't. I would also guess that you usually pick up the dinner tab when you're in his area, as well. If I'm mistaken, I'm sorry.

While I don't stay at his home, I have been offered a chance to stay there but I can afford a hotel and prefer it. As for dinner, he is more the let me get lunch type while i usually get dinner. He usually offers at lunch, which i accept and dinner which I usually say I will take the bill. This is more a matter of financial security. When i visit my brother in law, I always pick up the bill. He is struggling financially and I am not, so why wouldn't one do that. I also have a friend who recently sold his chain of supermarkets for about $36 million dollars. I do not recall the last time I picked up a meal bill when he was present, though I do offer. I think an equitable friendship is one in which both parties respectfully and non-judgmentally contribute what they can to the relationship and its interactions without figuring out who had the House Salad and who had the Key Lime Pie.

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I think an equitable friendship is one in which both parties respectfully and non-judgmentally contribute what they can to the relationship and its interactions without figuring out who had the House Salad and who had the Key Lime Pie.


I tend to agree with you, Purplekow. I learned this from a wise man several years ago who basically said the same thing.


The key words here are 'mutually', 'respectfully' and 'contribute' ... unlike Lindsay Lohan at an All-you-can-snort buffet.

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I gather that for some men, hanging out with escorts or pursuing some sort of freindship relationship is also part of the ongoing Fantasy of Escorts, and they will do ANYTHING to achieve their goal. PK isnt harming anyone, and seems happy with his arrangement with his "friends", so it seems fine to me, although it does seem he is getting the shorter end of the stick, to me...... I believe the true test in any relationship is to see if it continues once someones wallet is closed and the favors and perks Stop.... regardless of what the balance is..... I find that people can usually justify something away, but its not the way they REALLY feel. It just SOUNDS better..... (before you start attacking me, I also said I found no harm done in PKs actions, and was only offering my GENERAL opinion on a subject) .

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JJ if you read my posts on this thread, you will note I never said that the escort in question was my friend. We dont spend the holidays or call each other on our birthdays or share a social circle with whom we have a history of companionship and colleagiality. We have a courteous business relationship and a strong acquaintance. I don't know his parents, how many siblings he has nor his voting record. I do know how he looks in red briefs, (amazing) how he likes his steak, medium and how to reach him if I am in Florida. I am not offended when he comes north and doesnt stop by to say hello and I do not feel an obligation to let him know when I am near his home, though sometimes I do. I have friends, not many, but a solid core of people I know and care about and upon whom I always can depend for support and companionship and consolation. In these relationships, giving and taking are on an as needed basis.

I then have a variety of other people in my life, such as this escort, with whom I have a good time, can spend a nice evening and with whom I can feel comfortable. These people do not rise to the level of friends, but they are in my life. As to who is getting the shorter end, I feel no obligation to balance the bill in these relationships either. I also don't balance my check book down to the penny and have been known to go out without every hair in place. So perhaps it is that making sure the the i in interpersonal dotted and the t therein crossed is not a big deal for me. I appreciate you have different priorities and as gracious as your post was in allowing my harmless self delusions to continue or perhaps not self delusions but facades to others, I think I have a fairly strong grip on the important ideas and beliefs in my life, and a stronger grip on those people I want sharing my last days This escort is not one of those, but though it has been a few years since I have hired him, if at some point he offered me a freebie or a discount, I would welcome it but I would not expect it, which I believe brings us back to the point the OP was making.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree—once a month is not "regular," it's more "occasional." The clients I give discounts to are all regulars, multi-hour appointments, and nice guys to boot. And every one of them have actually increased the amount they give me—without me asking.


Someone recently tried this tactic with me—in essence, asking me to "audition" at a significantly reduced rate to see if I was worth what I was requesting, on the promise that the next go-around would be at my regular price if I passed muster. This was done under the guise of a favor, as the client would be "giving me regular business" that I needed to have. I told him I'd be happy to consider his request, and if I had any full-price clients who wanted to book the same time, his appointment would be canceled.

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