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So few escort responses to this category

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I'd rather make less money but making myself 'unmarketable' or unattractive to someone, based on the truth of my responses. But then again, I'm a stubborn Polock who sells himself for money...so what moral soapbox am I standing on? LOL.


All I can say...is that karma is a mother in this world...that's one of the few things I've learned as I went from a young man, now heading into my 30's...so it's better just to be truthful...and if the dust flies and settles on YOUR side of the line in the sand...then great. If not, then it wasn't meant to be!

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A few years back an escort from this board (who shall remain nameless) contacted me privately following something I posted here. He wanted to write some made up story. I politely declined the offer and told him not to mention my name in any way. The amount of embellishment and 'fake'-ness can be astounding around here for someone who sees both sides of the mirror.

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I'd rather make less money but making myself 'unmarketable' or unattractive to someone, based on the truth of my responses. But then again, I'm a stubborn Polock who sells himself for money...so what moral soapbox am I standing on? LOL.


All I can say...is that karma is a mother in this world...that's one of the few things I've learned as I went from a young man, now heading into my 30's...so it's better just to be truthful...and if the dust flies and settles on YOUR side of the line in the sand...then great. If not, then it wasn't meant to be!


The problem with Truth is that most people cant handle the truth, become defensive when hearing it, and turn the whole situation around as if there is something wrong with YOU for speaking it.... They will call you rude, abrasive, cruel, whatever, without even listening to what you have to say because they are so intent on your words being WRONG..... For me, you can never go wrong with honesty and truth, but since I swallowed a couple of those massice Chill pills the other day, I am still groggy and cant be responsible for my posts now....

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The truth can be a hard thing to deal with, both from a client and escort perspective. As jj correctly points out, a lot of people can't handle the truth. An escort risks both losing a client as well as a potential bad review if they are too honest. At least with some (many?) Clients.



But for me, the truth -- full, complete, unvarnished, and yes a couple of times brutal -- is what I ask for, what I want, and most importantly what I need. This is a journey for me and I can't make changes and get better unless I get the truth on things that aren't right or aren't working. One encounter I had with an escort didn't go as well as hoped. But the escort never told me what it was. I had a mutual friend intercede to find out what the problem was. When my friend got back to me, what I heard was harsh and very difficult to accept. But after a day or so of brooding about what I was told, I realized he was right: something needed to change. And so i've been working on it since. Without that bitchslap of truth i'm not sure I would have been ready for a bf, let alone been able to keep one. Now, with the changes i've made, I have a man I love and want to spend the rest of my life with as my bf. In many ways, I owe the relationship that will shape the rest of my life to that. That bit of brutal truth I got from the escort. It was hard for him to give it and hard for me to hear it. But he will have my undying gratitude for letting me know what I need to know to make the changes in my life that makes the rest of my life happy and complete.


My main, go-to escort and I have what is, I'm sure, an unusual agreement. He calls the shots on all of our sessions. Whatever he wants to do is where we go. On the condition that he always tell me the complete and honest truth to everything. Whether that be a question I ask or something that I don't ask but need to know. I have gotten so much out of this arrangement. Without the truth, I can't make changes that not only make my time with him better for both of us, but make my "real" life better.


A lot of escorts have told me clients say they want the truth but then can't handle it. There is no doubt that the escort can be in an awkward and uncomfortable position at times. But there are guys such as myself out here who not only want but need that truth. My life is vastly better because of encounters and my relationships with my escorts. I know I would never have had the confidence to endure coming out without it. The truly great escorts can sometimes change men's lives for the better. I am blessed to have quite a few guys in my life like that. Discerning which clients can't handle the truth from those of us who really do want it is hard. No doubt. But for men such as myself, your ability to do that can change lives.

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I agree with the gist of what Nate_SF said. I don't think it's so much people being worried about losing business as it is not wanting to be bothered with arguing and debating and then get told, "you sure are shooting yourself in the foot and killing your business" when someone says something that doesn't rub right with another. Like seriously? The whole world is reading Daddys? Many people barely keep up with current events (or are too busy keeping up with current events) to be paying that much attention to. Many clients are in busy relationships, jobs, etc. I don't believe the majority are using it so much to the point that we have to come in here suit and tie and a McDonald smile.


After a long, hard (no pun intended) day of advertising, traveling, and making people feel good about themselves...not many people have the patience to come in here and get put down. It's like damn, I could have felt better on my own!


On the flip side, when things get too hot; remember it's just technology. It's easier to close the computer, read another forum and forget about it for awhile. It's that simple. And nobody is going to approach you in person and say, "so, about what you said on Daddys the other day..." May happen once every few years LOL. Matter of fact, it's easier to speak your mind in person because people don't really like confrontations and tend to agree with everything you say LOL.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Since I began on the Forum, there have been so many interesting and pertinent questions posed to ESCORTS in this category, but very few escort responses. Their responses would be very helpful to clients and other escorts in developing good times together.


I've only just found this forum after being told by a client yesterday (when he re-booked) that he'd submitted a review on it from an appointment we had earlier this month. Review not appeared yet but I've managed to find my way around the site. I am more than happy to answer any questions

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welcome to the forum steve! the coffee machine is over there ; doughnuts and bagels should be here shortly so help yourself



I've only just found this forum after being told by a client yesterday (when he re-booked) that he'd submitted a review on it from an appointment we had earlier this month. Review not appeared yet but I've managed to find my way around the site. I am more than happy to answer any questions
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  • 2 weeks later...
You're an Escort, it dont matter what you say or how you say it, They'll still LOVE you. I'm just a big ol pain in the Ass,,,,,


yes, jjkirkwood, you are. and that's why i rarely get on this forum. it's your attitude that makes the forum experience so, um, unpleasant. i don't care to waste my time (and yes, reading 99% of the crap you write IS a true waste of my time). so back to the original question of why we don't contribute more? i think you guys should have the answer by now.


i want the forum experience to be a nice experience for me. a place where i can grow, learn, share, and laugh. i dont want to be fighting on this thing all the time. and i dont want to have to shout to be heard.


as a fellow new yorker, kirkwood, i feel sorry for you, with regards to your attitude. using boxes to define yourself is no different than putting people in boxes, which ultimately is the root of ageism, fattism, sexism, racism, and other types of discrimination. ultimately, i had to leave new york city to learn that there's a certain "old school" new york attitude that implies new yorkers are the best, the smartest, the most up to date, etc - and fuck all to the rest of the world.


my advice to you would be to consider - for a moment - that the way you are might be the reason for your anger. and dude, don't tell me that you're not angry. i think you have significant anger at escorts, some anger at people who hire escorts and are happy about it, and deep rooted anger at yourself.


aside from the kirkwood vitriol, this was an interesting thread. the chill pill joke was cute, but also significant - sometimes people do need a little help to calm down. and i think Nate made some excellent points.

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Considering the preachy shit YOU post, you should have stayed away. As I leanred from another member here, EZE, blah,blah,blah. I will discount and dismiss your post, afterall, you ARE and escort and I have NO respect for you. There I said it. Happy now ? I think you have let all your clients glowing accolades go to your head. They are happy with you, good for them, they are getting their hard earned monies worth. As for me, I wouldnt give you a second look nor one cent of MY money !!!! (PS - PLEASE all of you Rockin supporters, DONT send me hate mail, I am merely responding to his post in a way I deem appropriate). Rockin, if you want to be absent from this site, YOUR choice, but dont go and pin that shit on me. I highly doubt little ole me is the one thing keeping you from visiting here, but /i take it as a compliment if I DO.....PEACE

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Referring back to earlier posts in this thread - people who use the line "you can't handle the truth" are seldom telling it. Sometimes they think they are being truthful, but they fail to acknowledge that their personal reality distortion fields are operating on overdrive and their perception is simply not the reality.

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Referring back to earlier posts in this thread - people who use the line "you can't handle the truth" are seldom telling it. Sometimes they think they are being truthful, but they fail to acknowledge that their personal reality distortion fields are operating on overdrive and their perception is simply not the reality.


I tend to agree; the statement usually means 'I know you won't accept MY VERSION of the truth'.

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Referring back to earlier posts in this thread - people who use the line "you can't handle the truth" are seldom telling it. Sometimes they think they are being truthful, but they fail to acknowledge that their personal reality distortion fields are operating on overdrive and their perception is simply not the reality.


Leeper, dont most people live in their own little World and believe what they believe ? Just because someone doesnt agree with someone elses view, doesnt mean that persons view is distorted, but that is usually the justification that is given . Peoples opinions, views and truths are often as diverse as they are; no 2 will be exactly alike, and what it boils down to is deciding what side of the fence you choose to be on.

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