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So few escort responses to this category

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you can speak your mind without being a turd. guys I see don't post here for that very reason. why post in a forum that drags you down? I don't blame them.


Hey Jimbo, these guys were not posting LONG BEFORE I ever arrived here, so if the lack of posts was due to negativity, it wasnt coming from ME.....


Heres a lesson: as you travel thru life, you aint gonna Like everyone you meet, and you aint gonna PLEASE everyone you deal with...


You think I'm a turd ? I can live with that cause I in turn think alot of guys here are "fucked up".... Its really a moot point. Just carry-on with YOUR business and ill carry-on with mine.

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Guys guys guys.....don't forget Daddy was kind enough to install an "IGNORE" feature on the board to de-escalate these tensions. Everyone's right to express an opinion is valued and safeguarded, but the ignore feature reminds us that not everyone's opinion is worthy of our time and attention.

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Hey guys,


I think I'm in the mood of adding some politeness to a thread again.

Mark had a very valid remark. If a client answered a question of another client, and the answer is exactly what I would have given, then for me there's no reason to repeat what has already been said.

Do I mind it if a client answers exactly what I would have answered? Nope not in the least.


JJ, Mark just mentioned a very valid excuse for not posting .... Sorry dude .....


Sincerely, Anton.


Anton, with all due respect, You and I have been down this hostility road before, and we dont see eye-to-eye on many things. Marks excuse may have been valid to Him, and to YOU, but it wasnt to ME. As you know, when I want to Post, I Post, and dont blame others for dissuading me. Lets just agree to respect each others opinions here, keep the Peace, and move on. Lets not form battle grounds. I am sure there are people on this site that would agree with my POV as well. The majority opinion is NOT made-up of the FEW that choose to be vocal here.

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Hey JJ,






Then what are those:








(Actually, and now that you mention it, who's ignoring the questions from another poster here?)










Btw, a number of these remarks were addressed to me, but I didn't really feel affected with most of them. Most often I respectfully ignored the remarks.


Sincerely, Anton.


GOOD, keep ignoring them because clearly there must be a language barrier, or you just dont know WHAT the meaning of "degrading and insult" are.

I am from NYC, and if I wanted to be insulting or degrading, I wouldnt be saying that shit. Those are mild comments for your information, and really no different from the crap thats been hurled at me. You obviously didnt want to accept my olive branch to keep the peace and not draw battle lines, so when ever you are ready, Bring it on Baby....

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Dear JJ,


I have been asking you a number of questions, and sometimes even critical questions, but always in a polite way. Unfortunately you haven't been able to answer those questions. Maybe that's what your problem is?


But more important, What Mark wrote was not an "opinion" or a "point of view" but more a fact. If a client writes something before Mark chimed in, then there's no sense for Mark to repeat something that already has been written.


Regarding your request to "move on". If you can only respond by saying "Poor excuse for not posting ..." to other valuable members of this board, then I cannot honour that request.


With best regards, Anton.


It should have been clear to you that I choose to ignore your questions based on the fact I felt they have no bearing on anything other than your request, which I didnt feel I needed to honour as it would ONLY serve to keep our dispute going.


Whether Marks comment was his opinion, point of view, or fact (for him), I did not agree and was perfectly within my right to say so. Or are disagreeable comments somehow "banned" from this site ? I didnt get that memo. I guess we are both people who like to have the last word, hence the reason you cant drop this. Ill just get comfy and wait for your next reply.

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Guys guys guys.....don't forget Daddy was kind enough to install an "IGNORE" feature on the board to de-escalate these tensions. Everyone's right to express an opinion is valued and safeguarded, but the ignore feature reminds us that not everyone's opinion is worthy of our time and attention.


Excellent point. Now, where is that "panic button" ???? Seems to me all the hunters lie and wait for me to say something so they can pounce. And if the ultimate goal is to shut me up, then they are really going about it the "wrong way"..... I'm just sayin...

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Thanks deej for inserting a pause in the action! Hopefully the detour on this thread has been aborted. Getting back to the original topic, there's no doubt that escort posts have an impact on hiring decisions for the clients who participate here. I have hired alot of guys over the years because I noticed a thoughtful and/or intoxicating post on the board. An escort who skillfully handles this promotional avenue can enhance his marketability to a client. Likewise, I can think of 4 escorts right off the top of my head that I would never hire, because of things they wrote in the annals of Hooville. They may be great guys personally, but my big sex organ (the brain right?) is just limp whenever I think of them. :(

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You think I'm a turd ? I can live with that cause I in turn think alot of guys here are "fucked up".... Its really a moot point. Just carry-on with YOUR business and ill carry-on with mine.


no no. I didn't say you were a turd. I was making a generalized statement.


what's happening now in this message is a good example of why more escorts do not post here. A lot of underlying hostility. much of the time it feels like certain posters just wait until they can gnaw on something and then go on and on and on. With some, it's become their sad, comical persona, but with others it's just mean spirited and bitter.

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Deej-- very good pill. Some need to take it. In the dosage pictured. And multiple pills. TID. And a two week course of treatment. At least.


I've been on this forum for a bit over a year. I've had over 3600 posts. You can count the number of disagreements I've had with people on one hand and still have the majority of your fingers unused. Most disagreements with me end up with me receiving a PM from the member thanking me for "disagreeing without being disagreeable". You can do it, you know?


This place has become like a home to me and to see the level of hostility and animus as is displayed on this thread sickens me. This is why many escorts no longer post here or post only the most non-disagreeable things here. And driving escorts away from this place hurts guys like me who have gotten to know many of these amazing men through this forum. I have never hired from an ad on RB, RM, M4RN or other sites. It is through their reviews and their actions here that I have come to know and establish relationships with these men. I have over a dozen escorts listed on my friends list, and some I have not even hired (I would if they came to DC -- take that as a hint Juan and Raul). These relationships have helped me grow and learn a lot about myself. I don't hire simply for the sex -- it's the relationships I establish. They help me grow and learn about myself. I am a much better person today because of my relationships with these men. And by driving escorts away from these forums because they fear being attacked deprives me of one of the avenues I have to learn about them. It deprives future men like myself that opportunity.


Telling someone to blow it out their ass may be thought of as mild in NY, but perhaps it's attitudes like that why some NYers are held in low esteem around the country. It is not necessary. It's counterproductive. And it needs to stop.


This attitude is also driving posters away. Like JJT, I try to stay away from the politics forum as much as possible because it's the one area where there does seem way to much personal venom for me. I got sucked in once and avoid it like the plague. But as long as it stays there, fine. But if this is what is to become of these forums, many people will stay away. And again, people like me -- people of revel in the relationships built among the forum members I have become friends with -- lose.


I don't want to stifle anyone's opinion. All that need be done is to disagree but do it politely and civilly. Be opinionated all you want. State your opinions as strongly and as forcefully as you want. But attacking others is NEVER acceptable. Tact and discretion and civility and basic human decency to others are not weaknesses. To the contrary. They show strength of character. And that is never a bad thing.

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That chill pill is a good prescription for everyone.


If you feel there is an offense that requires moderator action, feel free to click the "Report post" icon in the lower left corner of the offending message.


I remind everyone there is no rule against having an opinion.



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Dear Deej,


I will qualify your last post as a response to my question, which means I'll be back and posting agan. Sure, there's no rule against having an opinion, but that wasn't the question I had asked you. Just for the record, the question was :


I do appreciate your response to the question I asked, NOT to something I didn't ask. In addition, I also asked that question to YOU. I suggest that you don't hide behind the moderators here.


I the meanwhile another question arose. When I show JJ a number of expressions that he posted recently, expressions I find degrading and insultting, JJ answers "I am from NYC, and if I wanted to be insulting or degrading, I wouldnt be saying that shit."


HOWEVER, if others on this forum write things to JJ that aren't even half as bad, JJ starts whining and complaining that people are hostile and attacking him.


I'd appreciate your response to that as well.


With best regards, Anton.


And Hence, this is a clear example of the Fucking problem. Give it a Goddam REST already Anton. Your persistence on receiving "answers" is ridiculious now, and bordering on Laughable. I owe you NO explanations, and dont have to justify my comments to you. YES you were hostile before, and you are clearly hostile now. Whether you continue to post or not doesnt interest me one bit, so threatening not to post until you receive answers didnt work on me. It encourages me to stay silent just to Shut you up. CASE CLOSED !

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Dear MiamiLooker,


With all due respect, TOS violations or not, JJ can't just post anything here, pretend that that's just how they do it in NYC, but then start whining and complaning if he gets a NYC-style answer back.

If he wants to post here the way they do it in NYC, then he must be prepared for an answer "the way they do it in NYC".



WHO says I cant Anton, YOU ? Permit me to laugh in your face now.... You must be kidding, or stoned ?

The only thing I complained about was not being given the respect to have an opinion, and give it here, different or otherwise, while you all demand to have YOUR say . Noone has EVER been respectful of my opinions, yet they expect me to be respectful of theirs. Quite a different thing. I dont even think anyone even really READS what I write, they just see my name and immediately jump on it with disdain. And of course this forces me to defend myself and my stance on the issues I comment on. You can see it anyway you want, but I am telling you how it is.

If you read back on any or ALL of my posts, you will routinely see the drama always starts when someone takes offense to my opinion or comment, and voices their disgust. Human natures forces you to defend yourself, but you all feel I have no right to do so because my opinion is NOT the popular one. any mature, RATIONAL person would be able to see that, but you are all so filled with hatred that your mind only works one way when it comes to me. I do receive support from members privately, who are afraid to publicly post in defnese of me for fear of being added to your Witch hunt. And I have also learned that for the few who DO support me publicly, THEY have received mail questioning their actions, and advice that they cease and desist. How cheap and mean is that? Any normal person would just chuck this shit and say Fuck you all, but I am not THAT person, and refuse to be run off. And I have just taken that giant CHILL PILL so i will be asleep real soon.

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Pools and summer vacations do go hand-in-hand quite nicely.


OK, this would be the 54th post so... What's the over/under on 65?


Too few?


Do posts used to set up the betting pool count?


Do I get a mulligan if Daddy goes on vacation?


It's all so complicated.:p

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Since so much of what an escort supplies is a form of fantasy for the client, is it any wonder that more guys don't weigh in here? After all, if you establish an identity here, you may be making it harder for a client to shift into fantasy mode when he has read what someone has actually written about something that seems truthful or sincere. It becomes harder to objectify someone when you begin to know them. And yet I have enjoyed reading posts here from the few working guys that do post - makes me see them as more human and real. But then, fantasy isn't all that important to me.

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I would like to place an order please


Hi...yes...I would like to place an order...


Yes I would like 4 cartons of CHILL pills. I would like 3 F**KED up suppositories, 8 TGIF nicotine patches and 42 individual orders of Happy Minute Meals.


When can I expect that to be delivered?


Looks big enough to serve as the crust of a rather large pizza. Mushrooms and green olives, please.
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