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So few escort responses to this category

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Since I began on the Forum, there have been so many interesting and pertinent questions posed to ESCORTS in this category, but very few escort responses. Their responses would be very helpful to clients and other escorts in developing good times together.


I have spoken to a number of escorts about this and they generally agree, but feel that their responses might not sit well with certain clients and/or escorts and therefore backfire on their business. I totally agree that this would be a major concern for these guys. Is there another avenue that can be developed that will allow their input without the potential of negative business results


Boston Bill

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Since I began on the Forum, there have been so many interesting and pertinent questions posed to ESCORTS in this category, but very few escort responses. Their responses would be very helpful to clients and other escorts in developing good times together.


I have spoken to a number of escorts about this and they generally agree, but feel that their responses might not sit well with certain clients and/or escorts and therefore backfire on their business. I totally agree that this would be a major concern for these guys. Is there another avenue that can be developed that will allow their input without the potential of negative business results


Boston Bill


The ONLY avenue would be for people to develop Open minds, and allow and accept opinions OTHER than there own without hostility or repercussion. My experience here has seen a very narrow viewpoint, with differing views oft resulting in major disputes. surely this would not benefit a "working guy", and I can respect they want to keep low profiles. I doubt the trend will turn. People are not willing to be OPEN. Its a power play, and usually a bully tactic.

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Over the years, there have been repercussions for some providers who just tried to be "real" in their comments. Others witnessed the crash-and-burn, and have chosen a more discreet tactic. Honesty and candor usually aren't good for business, but that applies to the entire swath of the business world, not just our little slice of it here.

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Would it be considered unethical for an escort to open a 2nd account within DR's for this purpose...or is that against the "Terms of Service"? If it is against the "Terms of Service," could some liberalized language be considered to permit protection of identity for the sole purpose of assisting the website's aims & purposes?


Too convoluted, or possible?



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Guest countryboywny
Over the years, there have been repercussions for some providers who just tried to be "real" in their comments. Others witnessed the crash-and-burn, and have chosen a more discreet tactic. Honesty and candor usually aren't good for business, but that applies to the entire swath of the business world, not just our little slice of it here.


You hit the nail on the head, Jaw. I advise any escort who asks me not to post anything even remotely controversial. He could end up getting bashed by those who don't agree.. making him a "bad" guy as in "bad" for business.

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I think there will always be a sector of the population that will Disagree with you, but does that mean we should compromise who WE are and dismiss the fact that there might also be many that will AGREE with our opinions and support us ? Its just a matter of whether the dollar is mightier than the Word to you.... Not being able to speak your mind honestly and truthfully really Masks who we are as individuals, especially in an age of internet where face to face encounter has given way to Cyber speak....

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Sexy Anton! You and I will never have a "dispute".......except......uh......errr......maybe who tops first......me right?!?!?! ;)


But back on topic.....the problem with being candid on an anonymous message board is that it is much easier to be misunderstood and misquoted. Words are not phrased precisely or people use words that have different implications based on culture and background, and the posts lack the eye contact and body language and context of face-to-face discussions. It's the reason I shun the PRW room on this board, and refuse to ruin my day by reading the jibberish posted there. Heck, we've had escort-of-the-year caliber escorts pounced upon based on the flawed understanding of their posts, so they just quietly shrink back into the shadows to remove the glare of the spotlight. I wish it was different, but it is what it is, and hasn't changed much in 11 years of lurking around here.

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But back on topic.....the problem with being candid on an anonymous message board is that it is much easier to be misunderstood and misquoted. Words are not phrased precisely or people use words that have different implications based on culture and background, and the posts lack the eye contact and body language and context of face-to-face discussions. It's the reason I shun the PRW room on this board, and refuse to ruin my day by reading the jibberish posted there. Heck, we've had escort-of-the-year caliber escorts pounced upon based on the flawed understanding of their posts, so they just quietly shrink back into the shadows to remove the glare of the spotlight. I wish it was different, but it is what it is, and hasn't changed much in 11 years of lurking around here.


You make some really good points here about the potential for miscommunication and the limits on total understanding without all the addiitonal non-textual information we get in face-to-face or even audio/video conversation. Also, I think we only see a 'slice' of a person here, because we only see their comments in the context of this board - and in some cases that amounts to a persona, I think. There are several posters here whose remarks I have trouble interpreting because I don't know their personalities in full - are they being sarcastic, do they really INTEND to provoke, etc. On good days, I give people the benefit of the doubt - on other days....

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There are several posters here whose remarks I have trouble interpreting because I don't know their personalities in full - are they being sarcastic, do they really INTEND to provoke, etc. On good days, I give people the benefit of the doubt - on other days....


Seeker, for $5.95 I can send you the JJKRKWOOD interpretive handbook which will clearly Define my Persona.... S&H included.

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I think Joseph is right that a small subset of clients actually read or participate in these forums. So ultimately maybe none of this matters.


It also seems a bit risky posting here. While Anton is right that being polite is important and helpful I think MERELY sounding intelligent or even interesting will turn off a certain segment of readers. Plus more interesting or extreme posts risk making people think the poster is lying.


So while I'm obviously not afraid to post and be myself I do understand why some of my more business- savvy colleagues wisely avoid participating.

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One thing I do find odd about the 'Ask An Escort' section is the number of non-escorts who jump in with their views before any or many escorts have had a chance to respond. I'm not saying that non-escorts shouldn't feel free to post here, but it's not the purpose of the section and it does tend to drown us out. As an escort, I sometimes find it off putting when there are multiple responses from clients to a question posed to escorts.

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One thing I do find odd about the 'Ask An Escort' section is the number of non-escorts who jump in with their views before any or many escorts have had a chance to respond. I'm not saying that non-escorts shouldn't feel free to post here, but it's not the purpose of the section and it does tend to drown us out. As an escort, I sometimes find it off putting when there are multiple responses from clients to a question posed to escorts.




That was exactly the purpose of starting this thread. In many cases, without client input, many topics would go nowhere. Wish there was a good answer for all, but apparently there isn't one answer to appease all.


Boston Bill

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One thing I do find odd about the 'Ask An Escort' section is the number of non-escorts who jump in with their views before any or many escorts have had a chance to respond. I'm not saying that non-escorts shouldn't feel free to post here, but it's not the purpose of the section and it does tend to drown us out. As an escort, I sometimes find it off putting when there are multiple responses from clients to a question posed to escorts.


So just speak a little LOUDER to make your voice heard. Poor excuse for not posting....Sorry dude.....

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i actually attract some clients for being so honest and forthright in my answers but there are the haters as well who are JEALOUS of me and want to be me in their fantasy life or who want to hire me but can't afford me. I don't blog or tweet yet but the forum kind of let's me do that and my followers on here are very vocal and supportive of me in private to , "Keep it up, " (LOL) are they referring to my post or my cock????? http://www.rentboy.com/mikey9nola1 or http://www.hourboy.com/mikey9inch

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One thing I do find odd about the 'Ask An Escort' section is the number of non-escorts who jump in with their views before any or many escorts have had a chance to respond. I'm not saying that non-escorts shouldn't feel free to post here, but it's not the purpose of the section and it does tend to drown us out. As an escort, I sometimes find it off putting when there are multiple responses from clients to a question posed to escorts.


So just speak a little LOUDER to make your voice heard. Poor excuse for not posting....Sorry dude.....


I'm in agreement with Mark. And then to get a rude, dismissive response like jjkrwood's... seriously, why bother? Like everyone else, I come here on my free time so if it's too much hassle and I have to do battle with bullies, there are other things I can be doing with my time. It's possible to express different opinions but still be diplomatic and respectful of the other person, and lots of guys here are great with that. But it's the rude confrontations and dismissive comments that sour things here.


I don't worry about expressing an opinion on the forum. I figure if a potential client is offended by something I say, we would not be a good match and the chemistry would be bad, so better off not meeting. On the other hand, if we're in synch (or relatively so) chances are we'll get along and have a good time together.

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Not everyone LIKES to 'yell'. Nor should they have to.


Seeker, the point WAS that its always easy to make excuses for not doing something. Had the poster chosen to make a contribution, I am sure his words would not have fallen on deaf ears for the most part. This was all covered in my "Handbook", the one you have not yet purchased. ;-)

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. And then to get a rude, dismissive response like jjkrwood's... seriously, why bother? Like everyone else, I come here on my free time so if it's too much hassle and I have to do battle with bullies, there are other things I can be doing with my time. It's possible to express different opinions but still be diplomatic and respectful of the other person, and lots of guys here are great with that. But it's the rude confrontations and dismissive comments that sour things here.


I don't worry about expressing an opinion on the forum. I figure if a potential client is offended by something I say, we would not be a good match and the chemistry would be bad, so better off not meeting. On the other hand, if we're in synch (or relatively so) chances are we'll get along and have a good time together.


I wasnt being dismissive, I just dont like excuses. If you dont want to post, then DONT, nobody is forcing you, but dont make lame excuses. Everyones time is valuable, some people even have REAL jobs that are 9-5. If you feel passionate about something and want to contribute, be welcome to, If not, stop whining about other people stopping you from posting for whatever reason, and just be Absent. Its always YOUR OWN CHOICE. And on another note, dont always expect people to behave the way you want them to. This is real life, and people will often disappoint, and not meet your expectations. Diff personalities have diff response styles. Ideally, you should accept each person for who they are and what they stand for. If you cant do that, then you really dont belong on a public Chat site. Posting is not about holding hands and singing KUM-BAY-YA, or in simpler terms, "kissing ass" to be popular. Its about expressing yourself honestly and showing conviction to an opinion, and I dont care if I am addressing an Escort, or a Client, I will ALWAYS keep it REAL.

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Seeker, the point WAS that its always easy to make excuses for not doing something. Had the poster chosen to make a contribution, I am sure his words would not have fallen on deaf ears for the most part. This was all covered in my "Handbook", the one you have not yet purchased. ;-)


He, an escort, answered the question as to why more escorts don't reply in the 'Ask an Escort' section. YOU, a non-escort, chose to take issue with his answer - in the 'Ask an Escort' section!

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He, an escort, answered the question as to why more escorts don't reply in the 'Ask an Escort' section. YOU, a non-escort, chose to take issue with his answer - in the 'Ask an Escort' section!


YES, you are absolutely correct, because HE the escort was claiming that WE, the non-escorts are the cause of him not wanting to reply here.

Do the get the Connection here ???? You really DO need to get my Handbook....Maybe then you will STOP trying to nail me to the Cross everytime I open my mouth in here?

And FYI, I am aware that this is the "Ask the Escort" Forum, however I never read that non-escorts are excluded from contributing. Perhaps, that is in Daddy's handbook ? I should read that :D

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Once again, an informative thread has been turned into a battlefield when there was no necessity of it going there. Simply put. This was a question why more ESCORTS do not make use of this category--nothing more, nothing less. Instead, jjkrkwood has chosen to degrade and insult 2 ESCORTS--call it whatever you want jjk--that's what it was.

The frosting on the cake was your response to Nate. He is one of the finest gentleman I have ever met. A very genuinely helpful, positive contributor to the Forum who has helped so many other escorts and clients it is amazing.

Before you launch your attack on me. I am not one of the wealthy clients--I am a regular guy who appreciates people. Secondly, I have hired Nate recently but have been friendly with him since January (yes, that is possible). Finally, I am not a part of the "in group" of the Forum-- don't even know if one exists.

Everyone has a right to his opinions but being constantly vindictive is a totally different matter. Don't know why you feel you have to be constantly negative and challenging to the Forum, but you don't have to be so blattantly nasty.


Boston Bill

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Once again, an informative thread has been turned into a battlefield when there was no necessity of it going there. Simply put. This was a question why more ESCORTS do not make use of this category--nothing more, nothing less. Instead, jjkrkwood has chosen to degrade and insult 2 ESCORTS--call it whatever you want jjk--that's what it was.

The frosting on the cake was your response to Nate. He is one of the finest gentleman I have ever met. A very genuinely helpful, positive contributor to the Forum who has helped so many other escorts and clients it is amazing.

Before you launch your attack on me. I am not one of the wealthy clients--I am a regular guy who appreciates people. Secondly, I have hired Nate recently but have been friendly with him since January (yes, that is possible). Finally, I am not a part of the "in group" of the Forum-- don't even know if one exists.

Everyone has a right to his opinions but being constantly vindictive is a totally different matter. Don't know why you feel you have to be constantly negative and challenging to the Forum, but you don't have to be so blattantly nasty.Boston Bill


For what its worth Bos, you are being contradictory here. If everyone has a right to THEIR opinion, let me have mine, but you and you cohorts constantly feel I have NO right to an opinion, as it often differs from your own. I am glad that you hire your escorts, and I hire mine, but I certianly wont pander to them so they think I'm the "nice" guy or the "good" guy and want to book session with me... I dont know what gives all of you the right to speak YOUR minds, but wont afford me the same right because you dont like what I have to say. Seems Unfair and totally dictatorial to me. I didnt degrade or insult anyone, but if thats your interpetation, you are allowed that. What I see here is a matter of a small group of people not liking ME, and in turn launching a lynch mob against everything I say. I am strong enuf to stand up against you few, and stand by everything I have said in turn. I didnt come on this site to win any popularity contests with a bunch of strangers. I am here with the sole purpose of saying what I need to say, just like EVERYONE else does. If you feel attacked here BOS, so be it. Join the club !!!! You've been attacking me here since the day I arrived, and keep in mind that it is YOU and your minions who escalate every post into a war by taking issue with every comment I make.

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