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Book'em Dano

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I recently got the feeling that when booking with an escort, trying to find a time slot to fit me in was not just a matter of what the guy had open on his calendar. After a number of "that works" suggestions and movement from different dates and times, I came away with the distinct impression that certain time slots were more in demand than others and that a shorter appointment often needs to be moved to fit in the more lucrative longer sessions.


I was hoping a few escorts could describe the difficulties in trying to juggle such a tricky calendar, especially during a travel engagement. Does a significant amount of movement need to take place or do you keep the appointments where they are when other clients need a particular time slot.

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Bumped up because getting bumped is the question...


Doit... If I read your question correctly I think you are implying that often escorts would rather book an overnight (or at least a much longer session) as opposed to a one or two hour gig... and quite possibly the shorter already confirmed appointments often get "rejected" after they have been confirmed... To phrase it another way, should it be first come first serve... or should the potential for an escort to book a longer appointment be justification to bump an already booked client.


I am sure that more than one of us has been the object of such a situation. It would be interesting to get an escort's take on this... and in fairness I am told that scheduling is the hardest part of the job.

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Doit... If I read your question correctly I think you are implying that often escorts would rather book an overnight (or at least a much longer session) as opposed to a one or two hour gig... and quite possibly the shorter already confirmed appointments often get "rejected" after they have been confirmed... To phrase it another way, should it be first come first serve... or should the potential for an escort to book a longer appointment be justification to bump an already booked client.


I am sure that more than one of us has been the object of such a situation. It would be interesting to get an escort's take on this... and in fairness I am told that scheduling is the hardest part of the job.


This "bump" phemomena is a business Trend in general. Any business will generally "reschedule" an appt if one that is more lucrative for them comes along. Nature of the beast ! As the saying goes "MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES" is very appropoe here. Some say "Choose it or Lose it ". The escort must decide what works best to his advantage and pocketbook, and the client must realize that this is no personal reflection on him.

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Guest 2guys4men

Typically, we do not run into problems booking unless we have someone else already booked and we find another time that works. We don't have any restricted times, though a last minute call at 4am might not get us to wake up and head right over (that request has happened). But, we do not practice the "bump" scenario, as customer service is always key, regardless of a one hour engagement or overnight, we want your business again! The only thing I can say, if a escort has a regular job, that conflict could get in the way of their availability, fortunately for me, I can take time off whenever, with notice.

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This "bump" phemomena is a business Trend in general. Any business will generally "reschedule" an appt if one that is more lucrative for them comes along. Nature of the beast ! As the saying goes "MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES" is very appropoe here. Some say "Choose it or Lose it ". The escort must decide what works best to his advantage and pocketbook, and the client must realize that this is no personal reflection on him.

Yes, I agree and it is a normal business practice… and the business owner must decide if such an approach is best… and best over the long term… and the best way to foster not only repeat business, but also to cultivate additional business. After all, clients do talk to potential future clients (and even visa versa) so one never knows how one action could lead to a whole series of reactions. Plus, if it is new client one never knows if the client will turn out to be a loyal regular customer. Of course it depends on the nature of the business as well and if the business is one that deals in personal relationships as that might be a significant factor to consider. Still, unless a client presents with all sorts of “red flags”, it is usually best to err on the safe side.


Certainly clients should not deem it to be a personal refection on them if they are overtly bumped for a more lucrative scenario. Some might say that the faint of heart or those easily offended need not apply, but there is something called human nature… and one normal human reaction would be to feel slighted, rejected, and ultimately repulsed by the whole state of affairs. Those not easily offended, but who present themselves in an upright manner, would most likely be similarly disgusted by such behavior. Nonetheless, as mentioned above, when dealing with “red flagged” individuals one might wish to approach things in a somewhat different manner.


At any rate, any business person must make a decision as to what will be the most productive system in which to operate his business model.


Typically, we do not run into problems booking unless we have someone else already booked and we find another time that works. We don't have any restricted times, though a last minute call at 4am might not get us to wake up and head right over (that request has happened). But, we do not practice the "bump" scenario, as customer service is always key, regardless of a one hour engagement or overnight, we want your business again!


Of course there are times one can see the advantage of moving or switching appointments as scheduling problems and unforeseen circumstances do arise. In such a scenario the client might be asked if he would be able to move his appointment to a different time… and it should not only be done in a thoughtful and courteous manner, but if he can’t alter his schedule then his original time slot should be honored if at all possible with no further questions asked.


At any rate, in the final analysis, I agree that “customer service” should be the prime driving force of any business and especially if one is attempting to build a business… or in these uncertain times simply trying to keep a business afloat. I think these “two guys” are making the correct decision. Plus, I applaud their decision not to duck the question and especially in light of the fact that scheduling is in all probability the most difficult aspect of the job.


As an addendum, and reading between the lines, I have a feeling that the OP was describing a situation where he was dismissed after already having an appointment more or less set in stone… and simply because a more lucrative offer came along. If such is the case, it does not speak well of the business acumen of the escort(s) in question… at least as far as customer relations is concerned. While it may have been a seemingly smart business decision (read some quick extra cash) at that point in time, it will probably prove to be a mistake when viewing the bigger overall picture from a different point in time. I know that if it were done to me I would have no use for the guy, and not because I would be easily offended, but simply because (as noted above) I would feel a lack of respect. Still, others might feel differently.


A bit of disrespect can do more harm than good, and one unsatisfied customer can do more harm than 100 satisfied ones can do good… but then again there are exceptions to every rule and at times one has to make decisions based on the personalities involved and the client’s behavior… Shoot! Not every person out is the ideal fit for every business…and the potential bad apples have to be weeded out. However, if you are treated with respect then you give respect… if not then “all’s fair in love and war” as they say! If you are treated badly then you have the option to reciprocate… but it still should be done in a careful and diplomatic manner… as “the customer is always right” mantra can still come back to bite you even if the customer is clearly in the wrong.


Just some thoughts on the matter… and they certainly don’t apply to every business model. Plus, one must develop a “sixth sense” to know when to be flexible and bend the rules.

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Something similar just happened to me. I spend a considerable amount of time arranging a luncheon and two hour session with a relatively new escort here in Southern California. The day before we were scheduled to meet I received a panicked email from the escort stating that his regular job required his presence for the next three days and could we reschedule. I was having surgery the day he recommended so I said that wouldn’t be possible and stated that I was sorry we wouldn’t be meeting and wished him luck. He then emailed me suggesting a one hour appointment on our original day prior to his leaving for work. I NEVER do one hour appointment because I always feel rushed and thus his suggestion did not appeal to me so I thanked him and signed off.


I have been hiring now for nearly ten years and nowadays I quickly loose interest when the arrangement process because too complicated and drawn out. In a way, I guess I have become jaded. If the set up process becomes difficult I simply don’t want to be bothered. There are always other guys and other opportunities.

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I have been hiring now for nearly ten years and nowadays I quickly loose interest when the arrangement process because too complicated and drawn out. In a way, I guess I have become jaded. If the set up process becomes difficult I simply don’t want to be bothered. There are always other guys and other opportunities.


Epigonos: I don't think you're jaded, you're just focused on the right kind of play.

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Damn, if I get bumped, I would want at least a 25% discount when the session actually does accur. Sheeezzzzzzzz !
Don't know if you were kidding, but that's not a bad idea...if the escort has to/wants to reschedule, he could offer apologies and a different time with a discount. For me, transparency and honesty would also count for something in deciding whether to take up such an offer or take a pass.
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Regarding a discount


I have had a few situations where the escort has had to cancel the last minute due to various emergencies and interestingly when a discount was asked for the next time around it was not technically forthcoming... at least the escorts involved seemed to not want to set a precedent by lowering their rates even though they all seemed genuinely contrite. However, the solution was to compensate me by giving me extra time... In any event , the way it was explained concerned the fact that I was already getting a rate less than that which was advertised and there was no way the rate was going to be lowered any further... hence the extra time. It is all a bit confusing, but that's the way things panned out... I assume that the escort getting the same amount of money for the session makes up for the extra time involved.


So technically I was getting a discounted session, but was paying the same rate... as I said it all sounds a bit bewildering, but I think it has something to do with the inner workings of the "working guy" mind.

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I have had a few situations where the escort has had to cancel the last minute due to various emergencies and interestingly when a discount was asked for the next time around it was not technically forthcoming... at least the escorts involved seemed to not want to set a precedent by lowering their rates even though they all seemed genuinely contrite. However, the solution was to compensate me by giving me extra time... In any event , the way it was explained concerned the fact that I was already getting a rate less than that which was advertised and there was no way the rate was going to be lowered any further... hence the extra time. It is all a bit confusing, but that's the way things panned out... I assume that the escort getting the same amount of money for the session makes up for the extra time involved.


So technically I was getting a discounted session, but was paying the same rate... as I said it all sounds a bit bewildering, but I think it has something to do with the inner workings of the "working guy" mind.


Tomato, Tamatoe.... all the same shit. As long as YOU get something in the form of compensation, its all good. Mine discount thing was merely a suggestion. I am sure readers can cum up with toehr things to compensate them for a bumped appt ?

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Does a significant amount of movement need to take place or do you keep the appointments where they are when other clients need a particular time slot.


I usually work on a "first come first serve base". Late afternoons/early evenings seems to be busier for me. Weekends are less busy than weekdays. I try to keep one or two evenings open for overnight commitments. Independently, some folks just love to book an hour session at 8:00 PM.


Usually, once scheduled I try to keep my original commitments with some (rare) exceptions when I have to move things around to accommodate longer appointments.


I have noticed that people don't like to be bumped. Everyone wants to feel unique and special ... The art of escorting.

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I usually work on a "first come first serve base". Late afternoons/early evenings seems to be busier for me. Weekends are less busy than weekdays. I try to keep one or two evenings open for overnight commitments. Independently, some folks just love to book an hour session at 8:00 PM.


Usually, once scheduled I try to keep my original commitments with some (rare) exceptions when I have to move things around to accommodate longer appointments.


I have noticed that people don't like to be bumped. Everyone wants to feel unique and special ... The art of escorting.[/color]


It would make sense that some "adjusting" would happen to accommodate longer appointments...I do that all the time in my business, and I also give priority to my better clients...I just never let them know that

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well, jj, all I can say is that I feel unworhy of yu now that you're a Lord and I am still only a mere Knight. ut anight with a Knight, hmmmmm. . .


whipped, if I understand your post (and I'm not certain I do), it seems that you wanted a discounted rate and received additional time instead. That seems fair to me - you did get a reduced, albeit non-hourly, rate.


Steven, you do understand - everyone wants to feel unique and special. But also clients may have juggled their own schedules around also to arrange a meeting. They might not have the flexibility to accommodate a change. Everyone is just trying the best they can, I guess.

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I am very fortunate that I have never had a problem with this. My appointments are generally made way in advance and are usually multiple hour and longer. When it is made, I discuss the possibility of adjustment with the guy because I am more than willing to make changes as long as the changes are mutual and in advance of that day. Frankly, I would rather move my 5 pm to 7 if someone wants a 1 hour at 4.

Plus, if possible, I like the guys to be able to see a reasonable amount of people during their visit.

It works for me, the escorts appreciate it, and I usually see them again A WIN WIN situation


Boston Bill

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whipped, if I understand your post (and I'm not certain I do), it seems that you wanted a discounted rate and received additional time instead. That seems fair to me - you did get a reduced, albeit non-hourly, rate.

phil... Well, due to the circumstances (a very last minute cancellation by the escort and it was I who was traveling to see him) I more than felt that I was due some sort of compensation. Consequently, I asked for a reduced rate... but I got extra time instead. I guess it is all a matter of "semantics" or some such other line of "reasoning". The bottom line concerned the fact that the escort (probably from a psychological point of view) did not was to set a precedent by overtly lowering his rates. As I said I am not sure I understand it myself, but that's the way it was!


...My appointments are generally made way in advance... I am more than willing to make changes as long as the changes are mutual and in advance of that day... I like the guys to be able to see a reasonable amount of people during their visit.

It works for me, the escorts appreciate it, and I usually see them again A WIN WIN situation

BG... that is a great attitude... and especially when the escort is traveling. I am sure the escorts in question more than appreciate that... and the really good ones indeed do! Plus, it is a two way street... they might even bend over backwards... or even do some other sort of act... in appreciation!
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Clients bump lots and lots of times~ Where they set a time and date and then sometime before the meeting, request to reschedule. Would it be fair then to request a tip, upon next meeting, from the Client for rescheduling? Just putting that out there~ If a Client reschedules should they be penalized or asked to give more?

I've had to reschedule an appointment or two because I was coming down with a cold... or the Client was getting sick... or weather conditions prevent them from showing, or changes to Clients business travel, or death in the family, or all kinds of things... So, do why does this discount thinking go one way here?

I mean... sometimes, guys get this idea that everything deserves some sort of discount... birthdays, anniversaries, economy, hardship, graduation, student, retired, rescheduling, illness, brand new baby, just got married, new house, because the Client feels they are very close friends now... you name it it's probably been said to suggest a discount~ I've heard all of these and more...

Really though... consider why are many of these guys renting themselves out? We all have expenses... you sort of have to determine how much of your business you can discount without going broke in the process. Don't all businesses have to figure that into their income and expense ratio? It's probably not wise to discount all the time.






http://www.maleescortreview.com (Tygerscent in Portland, Oregon)

http://www.rentmen.com (AAAtygerscentXXX in Portland Oregon)

http://www.men4rentnow.com (tygerscent in Portland, Oregon)



I have had a few situations where the escort has had to cancel the last minute due to various emergencies and interestingly when a discount was asked for the next time around it was not technically forthcoming... at least the escorts involved seemed to not want to set a precedent by lowering their rates even though they all seemed genuinely contrite. However, the solution was to compensate me by giving me extra time... In any event , the way it was explained concerned the fact that I was already getting a rate less than that which was advertised and there was no way the rate was going to be lowered any further... hence the extra time. It is all a bit confusing, but that's the way things panned out... I assume that the escort getting the same amount of money for the session makes up for the extra time involved.


So technically I was getting a discounted session, but was paying the same rate... as I said it all sounds a bit bewildering, but I think it has something to do with the inner workings of the "working guy" mind.

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So, do why does this discount thinking go one way here?
It doesn't or at least it shouldn't... Discounts usually come from the heart... and tips and other gratuities almost always come from the heart as well. At least that has been my personal experience in the world of the working guy.


However, in the real business world... and by that I mean my business world... people are always trying to get discounts for everything... My favorite being the family discount... which turns into the very extended beyond belief family discount! Therefore I can understand Tyger seemingly being frustrated with his real business world and thus venting in un-tyger-like fashion... and I am sure the discount requests he mentioned above are only the tip of the iceberg!


Still, I should emphasize that in the situations that I noted above I traveled to see the escort and it was I who had the outrageous NYC hotel room expense. Hence, I thought it would only be fair to receive some sort of compensation... and the escort agreed entirely... and his decision came from the heart. It is just the manner in which he applied the discount that was probably a bit unorthodox and confusing.

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I may get hell for what I am about to say here but that’s OK.


If an escort I am hiring for the first time cancels I’m gone and no discount or additional time is going to get me to reschedule the appointment. As far as I’m concerned it’s a buyer’s market and if the seller doesn’t accommodate me I’m not interested.


Now if an escort I have hired on a regular basis needs to cancel that is an entirely different matter. We have worked together and have developed a bond of trust. I accept his request, without question, reschedule and do NOT expect a discount or additional time.

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