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2 questions about timely replies and when a client leads a escort on to no end

Guest 2guys4men
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Guest 2guys4men

So, I have two questions for my counterparts or clients. First, got a request last night, responded within 15 minutes thanking them for the inquiry and asked how may we help. He replied 4 times within 15 minutes after because I didn't respond right away (though I did again in 15 min) to tell him we were on the way to a client and couldn't book then and there as he wanted. He says: why do all of us (says over 10 escorts acted the same way) do this and also eluded we'd met already. My reply was to apologize and sympathize and asked why did he not call or text me? So, my question, why are clients afraid to call or txt, emails are not so immediate and personal? And... if we had met, all my clients call, they don't initiate a new ad request. I personally think if you want my immediate attention, use the phone, right or wrong?


Second, with regards to calls. Had a client book, we spent time talking days before meeting (scene he wanted and comfort level) and sending texts back and forth. The day of the appointment "I'm delayed this morning, my brother had a heart attach" I replied and said, I'm sorry that's serious, lets reschedule, he said no, I will be delayed. Needless to say, he didn't show later, and a day lost because of his reason. Do you guys see this? This is the 2nd time in about 3 months where the client has some medical excuse come up when they are supposed to show. I don't want to be rude and ignore them with their ideas of our encounter, but at the same time, are they getting a kick off our dirty talk? It was hours of chat before meeting, and I know a client wants some comfort level, maybe a 900 number would be better? lol just kidding Just wondering if this is the new thing.


Love to hear any feedback you have!

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Speaking as a client, i would much prefer to email vs. text or call. Because I am married and also use my cell phone for work, if I text or call, the record of it can possibly come back to bite me on the ass (and not in a good way either).


However, I use a yahoo ID that no one would ever trace back to me (without a court order & IP addresses). I just feel more comfortable doing that.

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I accept text phone and email as a way to contact me for massage however we do not have an official appointment until we have finalized it by phone and it has to be an unblocked number. this is for a providers safety and security and its a common practice among escorts and masseurs and in 2011 most clients know it. If someone sends out an email I will respond up to 3 times after that they must call to make it official. If I get a text I don't text them back I call them back. most providers will not take a client without a contact number.

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I start with e-mail for two reasons. First, I have a busy schedule and do not always have time to talk. I can send an e-mail when I have a few minutes to do so or late at night when it might be too late to make a phone call. Second, I do not want to catch someone while they are on their way to meet a client, out with friends, or simply having a quiet evening at home. Having said that, I generally plan ahead. If I wanted to meet someone within a short timeframe, I would call.

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I had this one guy book i could tell he was nervous. I told him to think on it over night then book. he books the next day and doesn't show. then calls and says he is so nervous and never had a massage b4 asks me if it would be okay if he comes over hangs out nude to see how comfortable he feels being nude in front of me then maybe he might. buy a massage. I told him to move on that this business was for serious clients. lol

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My 2 cents is that there is a perception with alot of clients that because they are ultimately PAYING, that gives them license to be rude and inconsiderate Before, during and After an appt. Of course this probably only accounts for a small handfull of clients but none-the-less they do exist.


Whether you are paying or not, you should extend the same courtesy to the escort that you expect from him, and that includes honoring appts, requests etc....Communication ettiquett is a given if you are to have a sucksessful encounter.

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I don't want to be rude and ignore them with their ideas of our encounter, but at the same time, are they getting a kick off our dirty talk? It was hours of chat before meeting, and I know a client wants some comfort level, maybe a 900 number would be better? lol just kidding Just wondering if this is the new thing.


My thoughts: It's your business and you're in charge of it. If a potential client is spending hours of your time with chat, he needs to shit or get off the pot. If the phone call goes from a generic description of what the client is looking for and becomes "dirty" in any way, it's no longer a call to set up an appointment. If a potential client seems nervous and expresses that, it's up to you to lead the discussion and keep it on a professional level. If the potential client isn't nervous, he just yanking your chain. Pull the plug on it.

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I grew up in a steel-mill, blue-collar, small town. I knew a lot of female escorts and their families and as in the European culture, for some, it was the family business. They were all lovely ladies that deserved respect. As a motherless boy they were all kind and loving to me with one telling me that when I grew up she would give me my first piece for free. Perhaps some clients need to understand it's a business, whether they like that or not. As for me I'm lousy on the phone and prefer to communicate by e-mail. My current hire is a man from N.J. and on our last booking he was late. I called only because I wanted to be sure he was okay since I recognize the traffic problems in driving but also the possibility of an accident. He was okay and a good time was had by me. Think of it this way---don''t you treat salespeople respectfully? They're working people too. And I'm sure sales clerks get inappropriate signals and have learned how to handle them. Years ago when i worked as a waiter at Cherry Grove in Fire Island a man I was serving kept grabbing at my crotch. Enough is enough --- when serving the soup I "accidentally" dropped the soup in his lap. All working men and women deserve respect. Overfamiliarity on the phone or in person is just plain rude. Though of course one can discuss one's specific preferences just to affirm both are agreeable and on the same wave length. Good luck on a happy encounter.

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My 2 cents is that there is a perception with alot of clients that because they are ultimately PAYING, that gives them license to be rude and inconsiderate Before, during and After an appt. Of course this probably only accounts for a small handfull of clients but none-the-less they do exist.


Whether you are paying or not, you should extend the same courtesy to the escort that you expect from him, and that includes honoring appts, requests etc....Communication ettiquett is a given if you are to have a sucksessful encounter.


I agree!

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Personally I prefer email to phone for a few reasons. 1) telephone records successfully lead to prosecutions and convictions by law enforcement at a higher rate then email transactions 2) telephone arrangements do not leave me with a record of what was agreed upon (unless I go through the trouble of recording it) and it potentially leads to many 'he said.. she said' disagreements 3) I prefer to think about what I want to ask and say and over the telephone I can't necessarily do that 4) I am generally uncomfortable talking to people over the phone, especially ones I don't know, and even more so about this kind of stuff


It's unfortunate that clients no show on you. If it makes you feel any better, escorts have no showed on me as well. There is no excuse for lack of common courtesy or not showing each other mutual respect, period.

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I agree!


I second that, BUT I also think that many of these clients are just scared to death to bite the bullet and hire. Before my very first "time" I did the same thing to a few escorts. I'm not proud of it, but I was just to nervous to go through with it. I certainly did realize I was wasting the escorts time, but I was scared shitless. Not that it made it better, but I did finally book with the guys I stood up (after my first time) and gave em fat "guilt" tips.

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The good clients that you want will hire you on first contact whether they choose to text, call, email or whatever. Do not judge them by how they contact you because that is a personal choice. The words you never want to hear are, "I will call you back." No they won't! "I have to check my schedule." No they don't! Let me reiterate: the good one will book upon first contact. He is educated and has read your reviews or got a referral and is ready to book so unless you are rude or arrogant they will book. And a final hint to my fellow pros: return calls, texts and emails in a timely manner. They want you but most will not wait 3 days for a response. Let them know you are not desperate but also that you value their businesss and want them as a client. http://www.rentboy.com/mikey9nola1 p.s. NOW THAT IS SOME DAMN GOOD FREE ADVICE!

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I have heard that customers who prefer speaking with an escort on the phone do so because VOICE is important to them and part of the Whole experience. Some people only like deep, masculine voices, some people may be put off by accents or an inability to communicate or verbalize correctly and properly, some even look for the escorts to use "Proper english" or speak thugish if thats what they prefer. You cant tell these things from an email or text. Just some things to keep in mind regarding how the client psyche works.

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the important of finalizing an appointment by phone is for safety. If a escort or masseur is harmed by a client phone records might be the only way to find the person. there's a difference between discreet and anonymous.


This holds true for the CLIENTS saftey as well....I would assume ?

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This holds true for the CLIENTS saftey as well....I would assume ?


I know some clients that leave a note on their fridge. or the address where they are going in their car. also the booking from a unblocked call is good in case something happens too them as well. you look at most ads you will see no blocked calls there's a number of reasons. I see trust as a 2 way street they are coming to my home.. anyone that doesn't want me to have their number can gladly take their business elsewhere.

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hey hun, i understand what you are talking about with the ones whom would like to book last minute, as stated by a few people on here there are FEW whom feel because they are paying you that you are supposed to do as they would like, If this problem arises usually I kindly say that I require twenty four hour notice for all bookings so that I can clear my schedule if needed and also have time to get ready for the appointment. Also as mentioned when speaking via any form of communication with a client if the talk starts to get dirty sounding, typically to me it says they want to just jack off using phone sex etc, example when asked what Id do to them, I respond kindly and say/reiterate, that I am a top, oral, kissing, cuddling, all fine with me. etc. I have had like you where I have gotten reasons such as medical or "wife forgot to pick up the kids" as an excuse for not making an appointment that was booked in advance. There is no real way to prevent this, other than asking for a deposit on anything over an hour, However then you run into it may look as though you dont trust them, or maybe scamming, It is very difficult to insure these days that the booking will keep. All you can do is make sure you are professional, kind, caring, and understanding of the persons needs and wants, and hope that it will all work out.

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Guest Connoisseur

Zach could not have said it better


. All you can do is make sure you are professional, kind, caring, and understanding of the persons needs and wants, and hope that it will all work out.


I really like this sentence. Its content can and should be applied in many situations. Thanks Zach.

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Interesting thread...and I am sure there are scammers both on the client side of the fence and as we know the escort's side of the fence.


I had an interesting experience just this past week. I travel too much for a living yet I am very glad I have a job I love. So, as soon as I know my schedule and if I have the $ on hand for some fun, I start to look over the escorts in whatever city I will be in.


I just found out that I will be in NYC the 20th through the 23rd of September so I looked and found an escort that really turned me on. Contacted him via email and since I love role playing I asked if that was in his area of expertise. He emailed back and told me "yes" and to send him the scenario I was looking for, my stats (I was a bit surprised at that), my dates in NYC and the hotel where I would be staying (which I would never do until I firmed things up)..


So I sent him the requested information minus the hotel and he emailed me back that he does not book appointments that far in advance and to contact him on the 20th when I was in NYC to see if he was available.


I emailed him back that I was very serious and even gave him my telephone number.


He would not budge...and I thought why would I wait until I was already in NYC to see if he was available...I only have two nights in the city and would like to book someone ahead of time and not wait to see if they are available once I am in NYC.


I emailed him one final time and asked him why he was so firm on this rule and couldn't he "pencil me in"...whereby he emailed me back and told me that 90% of people that book that far in advance are flakes and never show.


So I moved on and found someone else and it is all booked.


I think escorts have to realize that there are some clients like me (I am sure there are a lot) who are very anal when it comes to scheduling and do seriously schedule a few week in advance


Just my thoughts

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm with you EBear~ Email or texting is Great. Texting is preferred because it's uber fast life time communication. Email takes longer but works in case I am traveling or with a Client or helping a buddy with his surgery or whatever~

I have an iphone~ Great phone BUT... AT&T is the biggest waste of tower space~

I get no reception for phone calls at my house, in SF or in NYC~ I can receive texts easily though as well as eventually get emails on my iphone~

I was much more open to phone calls when I had Verizon. I will be gatting a verizon line back in december when the new phones come out. Don't want the battery drainer thunderbolt and the only two other global capacity verizon phones have physical keyboards with horrible spell check and tiny tiny little letter keys~

P.S. EBear~ IP addies are really pretty easy to obtain/extract from emails~ What's the court order thing about though?






http://www.maleescortreview.com (Tygerscent in Portland, Oregon)

http://www.rentmen.com (AAAtygerscentXXX in Portland Oregon)

http://www.men4rentnow.com (tygerscent in Portland, Oregon)



Speaking as a client, i would much prefer to email vs. text or call. Because I am married and also use my cell phone for work, if I text or call, the record of it can possibly come back to bite me on the ass (and not in a good way either).


However, I use a yahoo ID that no one would ever trace back to me (without a court order & IP addresses). I just feel more comfortable doing that.

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