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Genetic Continuity

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My question arises from the basic fact that gay escorts are typically well above average in physical attractiveness - recipients of nice set of genetic DNA.


However, some extremely attractive escorts have stated in this forum that they are repulsed by the thought of sex with women.


If you are bi this is probably not an issue.


So this is a question for escorts who have NOT fathered children.

Do you have a plan you are willing to share with the forum regarding your genetic continuity?

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In a world that as over six billion people living on it if a few gorgeous gay guys don't pass along their genes, somehow I think we'll all manage to go on and get by. After all there are at least a handful of equally attractive straight people and the odds are that they'll keep the pulchritude factor afloat for the human race. Of course, I'm not an escort so my opinion here doesn't really matter on this particular forum. . .

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Yes, I've seen that tragic phenomenon, but I've also seen average parents with what can only be characterized as mediocre charms produce quite appealing offspring. But wait - maybe that's really a case of The Postman Always Rings Twice or Il Postino, or some sort of instance where a little divertissement outside the marriage bed results in unexpected results. . .

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Gman's Lament


My question arises from the basic fact that gay escorts are typically well above average in physical attractiveness - recipients of nice set of genetic DNA.


However, some extremely attractive escorts have stated in this forum that they are repulsed by the thought of sex with women.


If you are bi this is probably not an issue.


So this is a question for escorts who have NOT fathered children.

Do you have a plan you are willing to share with the forum regarding your genetic continuity?


Great--just great--1st I have to be in the minority because I'm gay. Now I am a minority in the gay community because I'm ugly--ok I'm not so ugly that people will turn into stone if they gaze upon my face--but it's very likely their arteries might harden a little.



Now I've also heard--although I don't know if it's true or not--that "we" have larger tallywackers on average than straight guys. Well if true, I am again the exception that proves the rule.


So here I sit--10% of the male population by being gay--then maybe another 10% by being gay and ugly--and maybe another 10% by being "small"!!! Why doesn't someone just shoot me now--and put me out of my misery?







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Its 2011, and i think we need to lose the notion that people were put on earth to reproduce. Whether gay or str8 doesnt matter, people define their own futures and can CHOOSE to have or NOT have children. I have seen MANY attractive str8 people, and also many ugly gay people. We live in an age now whre even str8 people are opting not to marry or parent. So once again, it comes down to labels and expectations which have been dicussed many times in these forums. They have less revelance in the times we live and need to be abandoned.


FYI Philmusc, we are now BOTH Knights so we can finally get married !!!!!! to each other.............

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Genetic continuity? I'm an avid gardener so even if I decide not to procreate I still get to play god nearly every day.


Gman you need a new mirror.

You are not ugly, in fact you are handsome and you have a good sense of humor although too often at your own expense. Your "tallywhacker" is average at least and quite thick plus you know how to use it.


When we look down at ourselves the angle naturally makes one appear smaller than in actuality. Also think about the people with whom you compare yourself. Hardly fair to yourself is it?



Great--just great--1st I have to be in the minority because I'm gay. Now I am a minority in the gay community because I'm ugly--ok I'm not so ugly that people will turn into stone if they gaze upon my face--but it's very likely their arteries might harden a little.


Now I've also heard--although I don't know if it's true or not--that "we" have larger tallywackers on average than straight guys. Well if true, I am again the exception that proves the rule.


So here I sit--10% of the male population by being gay--then maybe another 10% by being gay and ugly--and maybe another 10% by being "small"!!! Why doesn't someone just shoot me now--and put me out of my misery?







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Genetic continuity?


Lesbians and gay men have been procreating for a long time generally with the provision that the females will raise the child. I know two lesbian partnera . . . "mothers" who both were artificially inseminated by two different gay men and raised the two female children as sisters. That was 31+ years ago. One daughter's sexuality is heterosexual and the other's is lesbian. And where there is a will there is a way as with the biblical Abraham and Hagar and Lot and his two daughters.




Some say that being gay is wrong because there is no way to procreate. If that is so, then sex between a sterile man and/or a barren woman can't be justified either since there is no way for them to procreate. The sex for procreation only argument is unscriptural. Let's look at the two examples in the Bible where sex took place for procreation only:


1. Abraham and Hagar


In Genesis chapter 16 we find the story of Abraham and Sarah. God had promised Abraham a son but Sarah was barren. After trying with no success Sarah decided to take matters into her own hands and in Genesis 16:1,2 she tells Abraham to sleep with her handmaiden so that he could build a family through her.


Genesis 16:1-2


Now Sarai, Abram's wife, had borne him no children. But she had an Egyptian maidservant named Hagar; so she said to Abram, "The LORD has kept me from having children. Go, sleep with my maidservant; perhaps I can build a family through her." Abram agreed to what Sarai said.


I don't think Sarah really meant for her husband to just sleep with the maid since that's not how you make babies. She was telling him to have sex with her. The sex for procreation only between Abraham and Hagar was not what God wanted. The child, Ishmael, was born from that union God blessed him but made it very clear that he was not the son of the promise. In fact, at one point God didn't even recognize Ishmael once Isaac was born from Sarah about 14 years later. (Genesis 22:1,2). Ishmael ended up being the father of the Arabs. Because of this union of sex for procreation only, there continues to be animosity between Arabs and Jews who are indeed brothers!!


2. Lot and His Daughters


In this account Lot's daughters feel an urgency to procreate. The only available man is their father. They decided to get their father drunk so they could get pregnant by him.


Genesis 19:30-38


Lot and his two daughters left Zoar and settled in the mountains, for he was afraid to stay in Zoar. He and his two daughters lived in a cave. One day the older daughter said to the younger, "Our father is old, and there is no man around here to lie with us, as is the custom all over the earth. Let's get our father to drink wine and then lie with him and preserve our family line through our father." That night they got their father to drink wine, and the older daughter went in and lay with him. He was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up. The next day the older daughter said to the younger, "Last night I lay with my father. Let's get him to drink wine again tonight, and you go in and lie with him so we can preserve our family line through our father." So they got their father to drink wine that night also, and the younger daughter went and lay with him. Again he was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up. So both of Lot's daughters became pregnant by their father. The older daughter had a son, and she named him Moab; he is the father of the Moabites of today. The younger daughter also had a son, and she named him Ben-Ammi; he is the father of the Ammonites of today. (NIV)


The oldest daughter gave birth to the Moabites and the youngest gave birth to the Ammonites. These tribes became idol worshiping enemies of Israel. One of their gods was Molech to whom they offered human sacrifices. (You can read about this throughout the Old Testament.)


What does the Bible say about sex as an expression of love between two people in covenant relationship? There are several barren women in the Bible who were favored by their husbands. These couples continued to have sex knowing that they could not conceive under normal circumstances. They were Sarah, Rachel, Hannah, and Elizabeth. Sarah and Elizabeth were still having sex with their husbands past child bearing years! Was it for procreation or as an expression of love? Each of these women were greatly blessed even though they had sex when procreation was not physically possible. You can read about Sarah and Rachel in Genesis 18:9-12 and 30:22-24, about Hannah in 1 Samuel 1:1-20, and about Elizabeth in Luke 1:6,7.


A final example of sex as an expression of love is found in the Song of Solomon. This book of the Bible is a collection of love poems between two people that are in covenant relationship. When you read this book of the Bible you will not find the words children, offspring or family. You will find the word lover mentioned 28 times, darling mentioned 19 times and the bride's breasts are complimented 8 times.

--FROM The Internet http://www.christiangay.com/he_loves/sex.htm

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Yes, JJ, we are both Knights at this point - didn't really notice when it happened. Nevertheless, we can't get married to each other - at least not in my state.


Raul - that is a really nice, affirming post You sound like a decent guy (and I've read enough of your other stuff here that reinforces that conclusion of mine).


Mansniffing, thanks for the walk-down-memory lane Biblical post. And you are right - religion does allow for sex that is not just about procreation - even the Hebrews recognized the possibility of recreational sex as a goal in itself.

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Not sure I have much to add to this thread, but thought it might be worthwhile to make note of the fact that often the physical attributes of a child are related to the grandparents and/or great grandparents, and not to the parents. Hence one often sees children with blond hair and blue eyes when neither parent has that hair color or eye color. The same is true for penis size, testicular size, body build, intelligence and many other factors. Some of my physical characteristics and even personality are very similar to my paternal grandfather, while some others are very much like my mother's brother. Why is it that so many gay guys have image problems, and I am not picking on gman or anyone else here. As I reflect on a lot of the posts in the Forum, many of them lament one feature or another that we have. I love Raul's comments and I think we need to celebrate all of us a lot more. One of the best aspects of this Forum is the diversity of its members in so many ways!

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Not sure I have much to add to this thread, but thought it might be worthwhile to make note of the fact that often the physical attributes of a child are related to the grandparents and/or great grandparents, and not to the parents. Hence one often sees children with blond hair and blue eyes when neither parent has that hair color or eye color. The same is true for penis size, testicular size, body build, intelligence and many other factors. Some of my physical characteristics and even personality are very similar to my paternal grandfather, while some others are very much like my mother's brother. Why is it that so many gay guys have image problems, and I am not picking on gman or anyone else here. As I reflect on a lot of the posts in the Forum, many of them lament one feature or another that we have. I love Raul's comments and I think we need to celebrate all of us a lot more. One of the best aspects of this Forum is the diversity of its members in so many ways!


Raul was being kind for which I'm appreciative. But an escort who calls his clients ugly to their face is probably not going to be a viable escort for long.





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the thought of having kids interests me. the thought of RAISING kids now disinterests me. my sister has a 2 year old and a one year old and the thought of having to deal with that terrifies me. Plus, most of my clients have kids and they tell me that I am lucky to not have any. I hear about all the heartaches and hard work and how they break your heart.... good luck to all the parents out there!

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Guest countryboywny
the thought of having kids interests me. the thought of RAISING kids now disinterests me. my sister has a 2 year old and a one year old and the thought of having to deal with that terrifies me. Plus, most of my clients have kids and they tell me that I am lucky to not have any. I hear about all the heartaches and hard work and how they break your heart.... good luck to all the parents out there!


As a parent, yes children are hard work and heartache.. but these are far outweighed by the experience of a loving relationship with your child. My mom always told me.. "You'll never understand how much I love you until you have a child of your own." Truth.

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As a parent, yes children are hard work and heartache.. but these are far outweighed by the experience of a loving relationship with your child. My mom always told me.. "You'll never understand how much I love you until you have a child of your own." Truth.


Not every human was born to have or raise a child. I personally have no need and feel no void, but congrats to all the dedicated and loving parents out there. If having kids was your calling, you deserve the respect....

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