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How many chances?

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I was wondering, how many chances do you give to clients who cancel advanced appointments (say 24 hours or more)?


Had someone book me for today, yesterday. I didn't get a reply until later on in the afternoon that they had to cancel due to work.


I haven't replied back as I'm not even sure I want to give another chance. He then replied back in a more detailed, explicit response about what he was wanting to get into. Which although I asked him to confirm what he was interested in, it seemed more detailed than usual. Thinking perhaps if he's serious he will call.


Whats your take?

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I had a client cancel on sunday but no 24 hr notice. I normally take massage clients noon to 6pm on sundays. he calls at 4pm asking if i can do 90minutes at 5pm. I told him since I work 7 days a week I normally stop at 6pm on sundays. But if he wanted 90 minutes id make an exception and take him at 5pm to 6:30. I set everything up. put the towels in the towel steamer. At 4:45 he texts and says he can't come because his wife came home from work early. my response was no problem. however I really wanted to say SO? But in your case if he canceled within say 24hrs Id be willing to allow the person to rebook. Now if he does it a second time, id write him off no 3rd chance

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If he's only just cancelled this one time, I'd go ahead and reschedule. Legitimate things come up that make people cancel appointments, and particularly if someone is traveling on business it can be a challenge to maintain a schedule. Guys on business may end up getting pulled into an additional meeting, or a meal with a client, or something like that that makes him have to reschedule.


If he cancels a second time though, I'd say that's enough chances. Then either he is not serious, does not respect your time, or does not have sufficient control over his own schedule. But I'd give him the benefit of the doubt first time around.

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From my point


I know you're looking for escort responses but I thought I'd add a client point of view. I've only cancelled with one guy once and I paid him for the time he spent communicating with me via email (because I feel his time IS very valuable). I have had a few cancel on me.



I was wondering, how many chances do you give to clients who cancel advanced appointments (say 24 hours or more)?


Had someone book me for today, yesterday. I didn't get a reply until later on in the afternoon that they had to cancel due to work.


I haven't replied back as I'm not even sure I want to give another chance. He then replied back in a more detailed, explicit response about what he was wanting to get into. Which although I asked him to confirm what he was interested in, it seemed more detailed than usual. Thinking perhaps if he's serious he will call.


Whats your take?

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I had a client cancel on sunday but no 24 hr notice. I normally take massage clients noon to 6pm on sundays. he calls at 4pm asking if i can do 90minutes at 5pm. I told him since I work 7 days a week I normally stop at 6pm on sundays. But if he wanted 90 minutes id make an exception and take him at 5pm to 6:30. I set everything up. put the towels in the towel steamer. At 4:45 he texts and says he can't come because his wife came home from work early. my response was no problem. however I really wanted to say SO? But in your case if he canceled within say 24hrs Id be willing to allow the person to rebook. Now if he does it a second time, id write him off no 3rd chance


My roommate came home early. My wife came home early. BS meter goes off when I hear that. WHO IN THE HELL EVER GETS TO COME HOME EARLY FROM WORK ANYMORE?


LOL. I know LOTS of people who stay late a lot. I don't know anyone who gets to come home EARLY from work anymore.

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I agree I think in my case the guy chickened out. that happens allot. another thing I asked allot of female friends over the years how would they feel if their bf or husband bought a massage? every single one I asked said they wouldn't care as long as the massage was from another man and not a female. I have lots of clients who's wives know they get massages. They don't care

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I agree I think in my case the guy chickened out. that happens allot. another thing I asked allot of female friends over the years how would they feel if their bf or husband bought a massage? every single one I asked said they wouldn't care as long as the massage was from another man and not a female. I have lots of clients who's wives know they get massages. They don't care


Hey Joseph, I dont think its the massage thats in question, I think its the "ending"...... LOL

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If you had to cancel on a client, would you want another chance? The answer to that question should answer yours.


Truth is though, I usually don't get another chance unless it's a regular client.


The times I've cancelled on first time clients it seems I was put in flake category. Especially if it's a legitimate sounding crisis, client's don't even want to be bothered in trying to reset an encounter. And if they did it certainly wouldn't be the next day like some of these clients are expecting. It'd be at some point in the future.


And I have never had to cancel on a client for 'work related reasons'. That's like me saying, "Sorry I couldn't make it/didn't open the door when you rung the bell, I was tied up with a client". My cancellations are usually do to something serious, not something generic like work.


I have clients who sneak off from work all the time, that's no excuse.


My roommate came home early. My wife came home early. BS meter goes off when I hear that. WHO IN THE HELL EVER GETS TO COME HOME EARLY FROM WORK ANYMORE?


LOL. I know LOTS of people who stay late a lot. I don't know anyone who gets to come home EARLY from work anymore.


I used to skip school in my early high school days...and my parent's only came home early once in a blue. I'd then hide in the garage either until they left or until school 'ended' and I just happened to come in thru the garage LOL.

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I skipped school a few times too. my mother took us too school. I would go inside put my books in my locker then take off too town. then would be back in front of school when she came to pick us up lol. that ended once my snitch of a brother started my school

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I skipped school a few times too. my mother took us too school. I would go inside put my books in my locker then take off too town.


These days that wouldn't fly LOL. Too many truancy officers patrolling the streets. Even worse, I lived in a small suburb and everyone knew everyone so was afraid neighbors would say I've been skipping school...so I'd just stay home LOL.


One day I had a guy come over...til this day just thinking about what would have happened if my mom walked in I just cringe LOL. That was over 10 years ago.

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I haven't replied back as I'm not even sure I want to give another chance.


Even if it's just to say "thank you, but no" you should reply. Otherwise, you're reinforcing the often-repeated stereotype that escorts don't respond to email.


Courtesy demands a reply, but it doesn't have to be a "yes".

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Even if it's just to say "thank you, but no" you should reply. Otherwise, you're reinforcing the often-repeated stereotype that escorts don't respond to email.


Courtesy demands a reply, but it doesn't have to be a "yes".


PLUS, word of mouth travels "Fast".......

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Truth is though, I usually don't get another chance unless it's a regular client.


The times I've cancelled on first time clients it seems I was put in flake category. Especially if it's a legitimate sounding crisis, client's don't even want to be bothered in trying to reset an encounter. And if they did it certainly wouldn't be the next day like some of these clients are expecting. It'd be at some point in the future.


I have clients who sneak off from work all the time, that's no excuse.


Just a couple of observations. First, you noted in another post that business is slow. Perhaps that should influence your willingness to give a client a second chance?


Secondly - just because some clients can sneak off from work doesn't mean they all can (or even can do it all the time.) At various times in my career, I had differing degress of freedom. And the could change from week to week or day to day, as meetings were called or special projects cropped up.


I'm not suggesting that you let anyone take advantage of you, but the reality is, in this economy, most of us have fewer opportunities than we did previously and we need to go after things we might have let pass previously.

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Just a couple of observations. First, you noted in another post that business is slow. Perhaps that should influence your willingness to give a client a second chance?


most of us have fewer opportunities than we did previously and we need to go after things we might have let pass previously.


Well I did give a second chance and guess what? He did it Again.


What I'm saying is, people generally have an idea of their work schedule before they hit me up. They know if it's feasible to get away for a couple hours at 1 pm or if they are going to be staying later than usual.


I really don't like giving 2nd chances no matter how slow the week is. But I give them anyway because it's the benefit of the doubt.


Although I've never calculated the math, I can guess 99% of clients who cancel the 1st encounter usually don't show up for the 2nd. Or if they show up for the 1st time but cancel the 2nd, they don't show up for subsequent bookings after that until finally I have to just ignore all requests.


But alas, nil. No more chances. People want a cheap thrill, in the form of emails and phone calls. Then when the time comes to make it happen, they can't even step forward.

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Well I did give a second chance and guess what? He did it Again.


What I'm saying is, people generally have an idea of their work schedule before they hit me up. They know if it's feasible to get away for a couple hours at 1 pm or if they are going to be staying later than usual.


I really don't like giving 2nd chances no matter how slow the week is. But I give them anyway because it's the benefit of the doubt.


Although I've never calculated the math, I can guess 99% of clients who cancel the 1st encounter usually don't show up for the 2nd. Or if they show up for the 1st time but cancel the 2nd, they don't show up for subsequent bookings after that until finally I have to just ignore all requests.


But alas, nil. No more chances. People want a cheap thrill, in the form of emails and phone calls. Then when the time comes to make it happen, they can't even step forward.


Sorry you were stood up again!

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just curious did you finalize this guy by phone or was the whole thing done by email? I will answer general questions like availability by email But I finalize all my massage appointments by phone and it has too be an unblocked number. In the last 5 months I've only had 2 no shows

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I booked Blu Kennedy-he cancelled on me twice at only a few hours notice> I gave him a third chance, and the day before, plus the day of the appointment, I mailed him twice to confirm-no response. Then 20 mins before he was due, he texted to say he would be ten mins late> Having heard nothing in response to my 2 mails, I had by then made other arrangements, as I assumed he would do a no-show again and he never responded to me> As he is a big fantasy of mine, am still tempted to try again, but the unreliability is maddening

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just curious did you finalize this guy by phone or was the whole thing done by email? I will answer general questions like availability by email But I finalize all my massage appointments by phone and it has too be an unblocked number. In the last 5 months I've only had 2 no shows


We did it by email because he didn't call me or give me a number. I told him to call me in the afternoon to confirm but he never called or responded to the email.


Fortunately, it must have been meant to be. As the saying, "all good things must end"; so do bad things. I ended up having an evening that progressed to an overnight so I had plenty of energy stored up since the other guy cancelled.


It always happens like that. Cancel, no show, another no show, more no shows and then BOOM, jackpot! I damn near had a stroke thinking that guy would cancel as he was about 30 minutes late and I was awaiting at his hotel in the lobby. I just thought to myself if he cancelled, nobody wants to pay for sex anymore and I'll never escort again.

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I've had this one guy email me 5 times for a massage and never books. I take clients 10am to 9pm He always waits until after 9pm and emails these one line emails. are you massaging tonight? are you free? last nights email was I need one hour this weekend. not once out of 5 emails did he ever leave a phone number. Last night I emailed him back and said i'm booked but leave me your number ill call you if someone cancels. He didn't mail back. If he thinks I'm just going too book him a massage and email him directions to my home without a phone number to finalize things he is out of his mind. If someone emails me I req them to call me from an unblocked number to finalize then and only then do give them my address

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From the client's perspective - I once initiated an email correspondence with an out of town escort who listed a NYC visiting on the traveling escort forum. I thought we had pinned things down pretty definitely through email and then he indicated he'd made other plans. When I pressed it, he said he didn't consider any appointment solid until he had a phone conversation with the client. Since then, I've made it a practice when initiating email contact to ask whether the escort wants to speak on the phone to finalize the appointment.


Perhaps that escort had the right idea - the more personal contact of a phone conversation together with email - but I suppose even that is no guarantee.


I've cancelled appointments with escorts occasionally over the years, but it was always because I had made an appointment at least a day or two in advance and then genuinely came down with some kind of bug. It's only happened a few times, but when it's happened I've figure that I was doing the escort a favor. If my throat had become scratching and my nose was starting to run, I was probably at an infectious stage for something and I was saving him the downtime of catching something from me. Other than that, I've never cancelled in about 30 years of hiring.

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Escorting is like dating. You can't keep giving guys chances.


There's a guy who keeps messaging me on a4a. He has been contacting me for over a month. I've given him my number twice and twice he has failed to call. Yet he seems content to sit behind the comforts of his phone/computer/laptop and promise me a date. But he's just too nervous to move forward with it.


With people I've never met, I give a 2 strikes maybe 3 rule.

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I had a guy pull some crap today. calls yesterday saying he had never had a massage from a male b4 but was nervous. Ive heard this b4 and know these are the types to flake out so I told him to think it over and call me this morning. He text me this morning said he was nervous but thinks he wants too do it. I say nothing. At 11:30 he calls says he wants to do it and can be here at 12:00. At 12:15 he texts and says work called and can he re schedule? I said okay. however I saved his number too the banned folder on my phone. NO way is he getting another shot.

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