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Is anyone hiring right now? It's been so slow

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This is insane. There doesn't seem to be a prospective client in sight. I think the last client that has visited my house was one of my regulars towards the end of June. Anything I can do to boost business? Nothing seems to have worked.


I'm tempted to email clients who I've previously met to see if they'd be interested in meeting, but it's just not my style.

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Its probably not what you want to hear but welcome to the new economy. Disposable incomes are no way near what they once were and even businesses that were once recession proof are getting hit hard. So many of you are now competing for a few select clients out there that are still willing to pay corvette rates for a chevette experience and many of you are missing the underserved middle class market (although granted the middle class is shrinking).


I personally am hiring more, but only from a small group of escorts that I have had great experiences in the past or new ones I find with very reasonable rates. I am definitely more selective in who I hire and no longer settle for bad or mediocre service.

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I find I go longer periods in between hires now because it takes awhile for me to save up the $300 out of my lunch money, with the costs of everything else rising except my salary.....


Am currently saving up for my birthday hire, A NYC escort named Named...... Anyone want to contribute ? LOLOLOL

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This economy is brutal, and sorry to say, we have yet to see the worst of this mess. I'm probably like many in middle America, my business has generally been off the past few years, so my income has shrunk, yet my cost of living has increased. I haven't made much on investing in the stock market, and my overall net worth has decreased, thanks to the real estate I own.......arghhhhhh! So I know that most people have less flexibility in their finances to splurge. As for me, I actually maintain a fun fund, a separate account, for play, hobbies, recreation, vacations, etc. I fund it at the beginning of every year, and that covers my fun for the year. Since I have already scheduled a vacation in September with an escort, I know for certain that 2011 will be the first year that I exhaust the account before the end of the year, and when that happens, that will be the end of play until 2012 rolls around because I refuse to dip into other resources. I have an annual spending limit and don't go beyond it.

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that will be the end of play until 2012 rolls around because I refuse to dip into other resources. I have an annual spending limit and don't go beyond it.


Its Great that you are in control of your finances and stick to your guns. As hiring escorts can be very adicktive, I fear others may not be in such control and put their finances in jeopardy for the "luxury" purchase..... I am like you, I budget as well. I am a bit envious of the guys who's posts I read that seem to have NO issue with spending on escorts whenever the mood strikes, and hire for multiple hours and overnites. My concerns as a "senior citizen" are housing and healthcare unfortunately.

Whatever your finances guys, try to have fun and enjoy your life. You owe it to yourselves.

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I've been hiring less frequency... partly it's directing more discretionary cash to reducing debt, partly it's less patience with the logistics of setting things up. Partly as I get older I get more picky. Partly it's that reading this site regularly has made me much more suspicious of ads by gorgeous looking guys who are probably using somebody else's photo. But I can be lured out by the right guy. An escort visiting NYC whose excellent reviews on this site and occasional posts have whetted my appetite have led me to initiate booking an early August date...

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I haven't been doing as much lately because of my "funemployed" status. And why are the rates creeping up for all the newbies on the market. I am seeing $300 hour rates for unproven guys and some overnights of $1200 to $1500 for the same. Compare these rates to those offered by the tried and true. I don't get it.

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I haven't been doing as much lately because of my "funemployed" status. And why are the rates creeping up for all the newbies on the market. I am seeing $300 hour rates for unproven guys and some overnights of $1200 to $1500 for the same. Compare these rates to those offered by the tried and true. I don't get it.




I think you hit on something important. Sometimes, I see products and services priced very high because the seller figures there is a shrinking pool of richer buyers. Statistically, it seems we're a nation with an increasing wealthy class; an increasing poverty class; and shrinking middle class. In this case, the prices may be "floating higher" because it is better to get the fewer available clients willing to pay more. I'm not sure if gay demographics follow those exactly of general demographics. I'm sure there are others on the forum who know more about this topic than myself.



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bcohen-very good point. Sort of reverse "low hanging fruit" theory. The guys that are still raking in the bucks are still willing to pay while those who may have been hurt or slowed by the economy are really scaling back. The tried and true have their regulars while the newbies are maybe marketing, probably without knowing it, to that very elite segment with the bucks.

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I am still hiring and certainly am not one of those raking in the bucks. Since beginning the hiring process 9 months ago I have hired for quality, not quantity and I still am very selective in my choice. Those that I've spent time with and those that I have appointments with are all first class, extremely well reviewed, and/or highly recommended by other clients or escorts that I know (not necessarily been with). The strange thing which was pointed out above is that their rates are lower than those of the new or unknown. They are not only exceptional escorts, they are brilliant businessmen who forecast this money/business situation before it hit.


There is definitely a hiring slowdown and do feel bad for the escorts affected, but a suggestion--look at your rates closely and look at your marketing tools. Clients are looking for something UNIQUE that makes this escort memorable. Word travels fast.


Good luck to all.


Bil K

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Thanks for the replies,


I'm definitely working hard to be unique and offer the best service. But it's like nothing is working. People email me, tell me what they want and I reply what I can offer. Everything is good until it gets down to exchanging numbers or giving them my address and they chicken out. It's like they say they want to meet today, but then it turns into "tomorrow sometimes or later on this week one day".


My rates aren't anything exorbitant, but I've even lowered them a bit. I told one guy I'd meet him for $140. Which as we know is much lower than the going rates. He says, "oh that's above my budget, sorry". It's like, what is your purpose of coming to me? Do want to meet someone who's incall location is so shitty because they've been collecting $40 for a couple clients a week who actually decide they are serious about it, or do you want someone who is going to assertively offer a rate based on what they feel is worth their time, and what they have to offer and what type of accommodation THEY provide?


It's like these guys want a Big dick top, a good ass fucker...but they don't want to pay for it.


I know it's annoying to keep talking about essentially the same topic about but I'm annoyed with it! I'm getting to the point where I don't even want to do this anymore. I just want to quit. Unless I can move overseas somewhere where it's more acceptable. Where things are going to function like a normal business where I have clients and calls throughout the day, where I can say "I'm too tired to work anymore today" rather than getting tired of answering all these emails that go absolutely nowhere.


It's just no one is taking me seriously. There's no basis for them not to take me seriously either. I market myself in such a way that I know I can, and do get the right clients but seems like when I stick around 1 place for too long my value depreciates.


It's like initially people were paying my rates, now all I'm getting is the guys who expect me to sell out for bare minimum. I just don't have the motivation to continue doing this if people aren't going to follow thru with what they come to me for.

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In my market (Houston), I think that there are several distinct sub-markets. One, and it appears to be a distinct factor here, is Craig's List in the Theraputic Services section. In this section one can, if one is careful and "shops" carefully, find an excellent massage experience with at least partial (and sometimes complete) escort services for approximately $1.00 per minute. I've tried several of these providers more than once with excellent results (I only take the plunge after someone has been advertising for an extended period of time and never contact or use an out-of-town visitor). The second market is the one where the provider lists pricing below the $200.00 per hour level with substantial discounts for multiple hour and over-night encounters ($500 to $600 for an overnight, for example). These providers advertise in the Men4RentNow, RentBoy, and RentMen sites and I have retained several of them for at least two-hour appointments with excellent results (again, I only hire local providers and do my research for reviews, etc.). Again, I have had reasonable and reasonably uniformly good results. The "premium" market here are the $200.00 and up providers. There are a couple of very, very well reviewed providers in the Houston market that command and get those prices. I try to see one of them as often as I can (depends upon the condition of my piggy bank) and regard that provider as someone very, very special (and well worth the price). All of this being said, depending upon a provider's market, my advice would be to market in the $150.00 range with a discount for multiple hour and overnight appointments. If the provider is truly special (and not just special in one's own mind), then try the $200 and up level (depending upon your local market). While I am not suggesting that anyone run a "fire sale", all providers need to be very realistic about their market(s) and price their services accordingly to get the volume and level of business and appointments (and, hopefully, steady clients) that is necessary to make ends meet as well as make a profit. My two cents.

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In my market (Houston), I think that there are several distinct sub-markets. One, and it appears to be a distinct factor here, is Craig's List in the Theraputic Services section. In this section one can, if one is careful and "shops" carefully, find an excellent massage experience with at least partial (and sometimes complete) escort services for approximately $1.00 per minute. I've tried several of these providers more than once with excellent results (I only take the plunge after someone has been advertising for an extended period of time and never contact or use an out-of-town visitor). The second market is the one where the provider lists pricing below the $200.00 per hour level with substantial discounts for multiple hour and over-night encounters ($500 to $600 for an overnight, for example). These providers advertise in the Men4RentNow, RentBoy, and RentMen sites and I have retained several of them for at least two-hour appointments with excellent results (again, I only hire local providers and do my research for reviews, etc.). Again, I have had reasonable and reasonably uniformly good results. The "premium" market here are the $200.00 and up providers. There are a couple of very, very well reviewed providers in the Houston market that command and get those prices. I try to see one of them as often as I can (depends upon the condition of my piggy bank) and regard that provider as someone very, very special (and well worth the price). All of this being said, depending upon a provider's market, my advice would be to market in the $150.00 range with a discount for multiple hour and overnight appointments. If the provider is truly special (and not just special in one's own mind), then try the $200 and up level (depending upon your local market). While I am not suggesting that anyone run a "fire sale", all providers need to be very realistic about their market(s) and price their services accordingly to get the volume and level of business and appointments (and, hopefully, steady clients) that is necessary to make ends meet as well as make a profit. My two cents.




This is extraordinary detail and analysis. Terrific! How is it, do you think, that different advertising sites (Craigslist, Men4Rentnow, Rentmen and Rentboy) woo their different categories of advertisers who in turn have different levels of rates?


Also, did you ever find the same escort advertising at different rates on different websites....?



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Guest countryboywny

Mocha, Just a thought.. I don't know anything about you, location, contact info etc. It might be helpful for you to include a link to your info on your posts..

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I've been hiring less frequency... partly it's directing more discretionary cash to reducing debt, partly it's less patience with the logistics of setting things up. Partly as I get older I get more picky. Partly it's that reading this site regularly has made me much more suspicious of ads by gorgeous looking guys who are probably using somebody else's photo. But I can be lured out by the right guy. An escort visiting NYC whose excellent reviews on this site and occasional posts have whetted my appetite have led me to initiate booking an early August date...




I have the same problem. I started out with some enthusiasm about this entire area not too long ago, and suddenly became skeptical and picky. By the way, there are two NYC escorts with "gorgeous ads"--one is an outright fake (I saw him); the other--I don't know. Might I PM you?



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To be honest, I dont' really know how any of the advertising sites recruit their advertisers. I have to assume that it is word of mouth within the "industry" and, possibly, advertising on other internet sites and printed media (what is left of it). To me, Craigslist seems to attract either local talent or some providers who are passing through. It is extraordinarily inexpensive to advertise there and, to be sure, there are a large number of ads there that are fakes and scams. However, if you watch the ads on Craigslist long enough, one can discern those providers that are at least worth a call or email note to determine if there is something that is worthwhile meeting. Of those that advertise on Craigslist, there are only three or four that have passed the "smell test", if you know what I mean.


Men4RentNow is the next level "up" from Craigslist. As with Craigslist, there are a number of fakes and scammers mixed in with the "good guys". For me, like Craigslist, it is only a beginning to the research and discernment process. By selecting only local/hometown advertisers on Men4RentNow, you can quickly winnow down the number of fakes and scammers to the local talent. Then, even though it is absolutely NOT perfect, you can look at the rating system (and read the printed reviews, if any) to determine if a provider is worth contacting by phone or email. Again, research is the key and, to be sure, thinking with one's big head (as in all things) is vital.


Rentmen and Rentboy, in the Houston market, are a bit weird. The local providers that advertise on these sites tend to be more stable and real, but they can also be more expensive. Again, I tend to go with the local guys almost exclusively with the strong exception being that if a well reviewed provider from out of town is here on business, then I absolutely give them a call.


To answer your last question, yes. I do find that the same providers quote different rates on different sites. Either they are marking their prices to the market or they simply post one rate on one site and forget to post the rate on the other sites--could be either.


For what it is worth, I think that providers should price their time and talent to reflect levels of demand--either relating to the season/time of year or the economic realities of the times. One provider I know of actually varies his rates to reflect the time of the week so that days that are less busy or have less demand are less costly to the client than the busier days of the week when demand is higher (true as well for times of the day--such as morning or afternoon appointments vs. evening and holiday appointments).

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I've been hiring less frequency... partly it's directing more discretionary cash to reducing debt, partly it's less patience with the logistics of setting things up. Partly as I get older I get more picky. Partly it's that reading this site regularly has made me much more suspicious of ads by gorgeous looking guys who are probably using somebody else's photo. But I can be lured out by the right guy. An escort visiting NYC whose excellent reviews on this site and occasional posts have whetted my appetite have led me to initiate booking an early August date...


Well if you're able to see the reviews from this site and see their photos I would assume it would take care of the fake photo aspect?


What is the logistics of setting things up that you have lost patience with? Do you set everything up thru email or phone? Or is it that you're tired that guys flake out?


Men4RentNow is the next level "up" from Craigslist. As with Craigslist, there are a number of fakes and scammers mixed in with the "good guys". For me, like Craigslist, it is only a beginning to the research and discernment process. By selecting only local/hometown advertisers on Men4RentNow, you can quickly winnow down the number of fakes and scammers to the local talent.


Well, I believe men4rent is way above the craigslist, not just the next level. The next level up from craigslist is more like adam4adam, backpage...sites that still have potential but are equally annoying. Still lots of guys looking for free or ridiculously cheap providers.


With men4rent, I am guaranteed my rate. $180 is the absolute minimum for me doing a 1 hour incall at home. $300 is common when traveling. I'm just speaking generally. With craigslist and even adam4adam, $180 is just exorbitant.

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I have the same problem. I started out with some enthusiasm about this entire area not too long ago, and suddenly became skeptical and picky. By the way, there are two NYC escorts with "gorgeous ads"--one is an outright fake (I saw him); the other--I don't know. Might I PM you?




Feel free to PM me any time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Short term effects: The phones are going to be ringing for escorts a whole lot less. It's getting seriously ugly out there. There is some speculation that its more about Europe (specifically shorters trying to take down the Euro by attacking Italy the 7th or so largest economy and 4th or so largest bond market) but the US fundamentals are bad as well (little to no growth if we aren't in recession) and little to no job creation. The FED will continue to print money (because thats all they know) be it QE3 or whatever which will drive up the price of food and oil which comes before discretionary spending on things like escorts. This will lead to much less business for escorts and gone are the days of $200+ hourly and $750+overnights (and if you have any clients left that are willing or able to pay this you should cherish them and worship the ground they walk on). The 'spend your way out of a recession' is no longer an option and with that tool gone the middle class continues to be obliterated.


Long term effects: Housing continues to deteriorate, Jobs continue to be scarce and when they are created they are low paying minnimum wage service sector jobs. States and municipalities are forced to cut even more jobs and services driving up the unemployment rate. Nest eggs gone, retirement accounts shot, no jobs means even more turn to escorting. The good news there is that the competition drives down rates even more. Soon (based on what I am seeing now I estimate) $150 hourly and $500 for 24 hours will be the 'new norm' (although rates will range between the extreme and the obscene) and the downward pressure on rates due to competition and reduced incomes will continue possible driving many established escorts out of the biz (like the housing owners who refuse to admit there was a correction in housing prices and continue to list their homes over market and can't sell their homes) but it also will bring many more new people into the business. Then many of the ones that got out will realize that it sucks even more to work for minnimum wage and will try and get back into the escort business.

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