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Wants to put me on Salary....

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Ok, I have been looking at this board for months. It really helped the development of my business. I'm going to post to this thread and one more.....can't wait to get the feed back!!


I have met a few really great regular clients and have already built great friendships and strong business realtionships as well!


I need help with one thing though......


I have been seeing a guy for the last month or so (with an appointment every week) for the last month for 2 hours at $300. Now, I'm generous with my time so we go over and I don't the watch clock.... Hell the client watches it for me and always wants to be fair with me and doesn't like it when we do go over. Like I said great guy.


Ok, so here is the question. He asked me a few weeks ago if I were to be on a monthly salary and what the terms would be. I know he wants to see me more and I really do enjoy him. At this point all he has done is to ask the question if I would do it. He hasn't given any detail as to what he sees this as including. It's all up to me to think about.


Here is what I think and I want to throw it out there to see if it's fair both to him and myself. So FEED BACK is what I'm looking here guys....


I think $3,000 a month (right now I'm averaging $1,200 a month with him) which would include 4-5 sessions at 2+ hours, both in and out calls; 1 overnight or travel trip ( it would be his choice ); and 6-7 dinners a month (with some ending in a sessions, some not).


We text all the time...so there is some time there but not a big deal...heck I text to a ton of my clients....sometimes it just to say "Good Morning", etc.....it builds the friendship and I get to see them more often.


Is it too much time for not enough $$....can't wait for the feed back...next thread in a bit...

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it's nice


wow...what a completely novel idea! I like the concept certainly.



Ok, I have been looking at this board for months. It really helped the development of my business. I'm going to post to this thread and one more.....can't wait to get the feed back!!


I have met a few really great regular clients and have already built great friendships and strong business realtionships as well!


I need help with one thing though......


I have been seeing a guy for the last month or so (with an appointment every week) for the last month for 2 hours at $300. Now, I'm generous with my time so we go over and I don't the watch clock.... Hell the client watches it for me and always wants to be fair with me and doesn't like it when we do go over. Like I said great guy.


Ok, so here is the question. He asked me a few weeks ago if I were to be on a monthly salary and what the terms would be. I know he wants to see me more and I really do enjoy him. At this point all he has done is to ask the question if I would do it. He hasn't given any detail as to what he sees this as including. It's all up to me to think about.


Here is what I think and I want to throw it out there to see if it's fair both to him and myself. So FEED BACK is what I'm looking here guys....


I think $3,000 a month (right now I'm averaging $1,200 a month with him) which would include 4-5 sessions at 2+ hours, both in and out calls; 1 overnight or travel trip ( it would be his choice ); and 6-7 dinners a month (with some ending in a sessions, some not).


We text all the time...so there is some time there but not a big deal...heck I text to a ton of my clients....sometimes it just to say "Good Morning", etc.....it builds the friendship and I get to see them more often.


Is it too much time for not enough $$....can't wait for the feed back...next thread in a bit...

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Ok, I have been looking at this board for months. It really helped the development of my business. I'm going to post to this thread and one more.....can't wait to get the feed back!!


I have met a few really great regular clients and have already built great friendships and strong business realtionships as well!


I need help with one thing though......


I have been seeing a guy for the last month or so (with an appointment every week) for the last month for 2 hours at $300. Now, I'm generous with my time so we go over and I don't the watch clock.... Hell the client watches it for me and always wants to be fair with me and doesn't like it when we do go over. Like I said great guy.


Ok, so here is the question. He asked me a few weeks ago if I were to be on a monthly salary and what the terms would be. I know he wants to see me more and I really do enjoy him. At this point all he has done is to ask the question if I would do it. He hasn't given any detail as to what he sees this as including. It's all up to me to think about.


Here is what I think and I want to throw it out there to see if it's fair both to him and myself. So FEED BACK is what I'm looking here guys....


I think $3,000 a month (right now I'm averaging $1,200 a month with him) which would include 4-5 sessions at 2+ hours, both in and out calls; 1 overnight or travel trip ( it would be his choice ); and 6-7 dinners a month (with some ending in a sessions, some not).


We text all the time...so there is some time there but not a big deal...heck I text to a ton of my clients....sometimes it just to say "Good Morning", etc.....it builds the friendship and I get to see them more often.


Is it too much time for not enough $$....can't wait for the feed back...next thread in a bit...


Unless this is supposed to be an exclusive arrangement, the only motivation that I can see on his part is to get a better rate (& probably see you more often). So, your proposal seems reasonable to to me; there needs to be some financial benefit for him. An overmight & five sessions would normally cost him about $2300-$2500, I'm assuming. So, the dinner sessions are a bargain.


But he is the one whol will decide if it's 'fair'.

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I think that you would want to structure this very carefully. What if he wants to schedule time when you are not available? That might not go over well. What happens if one of you go away on trips, have illness, family emergencies, etc. and cannot make the agreed upon amount of meetings? My best advise is that you craft a written plan (not a contract) jointly so you can clairify all of the "what if's" that you may encounter along the way. While putting it down in writing sounds a bit business like, it will be a good guide for you both going forward.


As far as price, it seems pretty reasonable to me. I would try to value your time based upon your current overall earnings, making sure that you are not discounting your time too much for one client when you could be earning more with others (unless you really want to do this).


Good Luck,


Welcome to the forum!!

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Ok, thanks for the fast repiles!!


Yes, I would agree it's a great concept. I just want to ensure it's fair to both him and I.


He's really cool about being fair with time. So to be honest a 2 hour dinner, just being dinner, is how I see most of those going. Hell a boy has to eat!! An eating with a friend is great plus!

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Welcome to the forum, Guynextdoor. Congratulations on your incipient success as a professional escort. I have some thoughts from a client's perspective, which you may want to consider in formulating your proposal for a salaried position.


The motivation for the client to propose such an arrangement is to offer you a steady income in exchange for either the same time for less money or more time at a better rate. After all, you've only seen him for a month, and even though it's been weekly so far you have no way of knowing if your latest session with him was your last. It's possible he's thinking that he'll 'guarantee' you the equivalent of a weekly session whether or not you guys actually do meet during a particular week. He may be doing that to secure a place on your schedule if you're becoming difficult to book, or he could be looking to get a discount from the $1,200 a month in exchange for committing and paying in advance.


You say that the client wants to see you more, so let's consider your proposal. You're going to suggest $3,000 a month. How do you think he'll react to that number, given that he's only seen you four times for $300 each time? $1,200 to $3,000 is a mighty big jump. If he were interested in spending that much money on you, don't you think he'd already have suggested an overnight or a trip together or twice-weekly sessions? It just strikes me that you're suggesting a huge increase in his expenditures after a relatively short time, and you should worry whether he'll be put off by such a big number.


But let's say that the client is willing to spend that kind of money on you. Does your proposal offer him anything special (other than your company, of course)? You propose four or five of your usual sessions (worth $1,200 to $1,500 at your 'retail' rate), plus an overnight (maybe $700 or $800 at 'retail'), plus 6 or 7 dinners, for which you're charging him $100 to $150 apiece. I don't really see that your proposal gives the client any sort of discount or benefit over a strictly retail arrangement.


So, to summarize, I think you need to consider what you think the client is looking for in his proposal for you to go on salary, you need to consider what salary level will be reasonable to him and appealing to you, and you have to think about what he's getting out of paying you a salary that's better than him just paying you your retail rates whenever he feels like it. In brief, now that you're thinking of making escorting a career rather than a side business, you have to act like a manager of a business, and there's not much more important in business than getting your pricing right.


I guess the one other thing I'll mention is that you should be sure that when your client says 'salary' he doesn't mean an exclusive arrangement. (When I hire someone in my business, I certainly expect that my employees won't work for anyone else. Maybe he's thinking the same thing?) If that's the case, then $3,000 may be a reasonable number, but you obviously have to consider whether that's something you'd be interested in and whether that's what you think he's looking for.


Now, if I've managed to confuse you enough about what you should propose, let me add that there's no reason you can't talk to the client about it some more. In my business (definitely not escorting, lol), I often discuss with my clients pricing and their expectations. Tell him you'd like to see more of him and ask him what he had in mind. Listen to what he says and tell him you'll think about it and then come back and ask us. We'll be happy to help.


However it goes, good luck to you. And be sure to come back and include a link to that 'pro' ad you mentioned in your other thread that you're going to put up. You just might find some more good clients on this forum.

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I would suggest that you speak at length with the client, probably after a session when he will theoretically be happy at the thought of seeing you again. I would consider what he thinks he should get for the monthly fee and once you have that information, I would offer him a package, no not that package unless you want to seal the deal that way. Both of you should be aware that not every month will be the same. Some months he will be getting more of your time and some months less. Details of how those missed or extra appointments will be handled should be included in the discussions. In addition, if you become reliant on his monthly income, he does hold some control over you. You should discuss how much notice is needed to end this bargain on both ends. (Make your own joke there). Good luck.

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Wow, great feed back.


Here is a bit more information on the subject.


He wants to rent a BF. It's plain an simple. He told me that from day one. I think he would see me 3-4 times a week if he could. Now could it do it at $300 a pop I'm not sure. Does he want a session each time? No. But, I want to give him a good experience each and every time. I think he sees the salary as going the extra mile and I think he thinks it will make me happy as well as helping me out!


I'm new at this....so feed back is great !!


I do think he will except me to see other clients. It's more an issue that he just wants to see me more, and this is ensuring he will be able to do it.


I talk to him via text daily. It's cool I don't mind, he's getting to know me but by the end of the day he wants to see me.....


So I have no idea what to think but you raise some great points!!

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Hey there Guy, and welcome to the forum. Sounds like you are quite a catch, and I'm sure your client has great taste! First of all, you have to remember that YOU are the professional here -- it's important that YOU are the one being clear about the arrangement, especially since it seems like he's allowing himself to get attached and may himself be prone to misread that the professional relationship has become a personal one. Giving him a boyfriend experience and BEING his boyfriend are two different things, and it's up to you to make the difference clear. In particular, I would not leave the outcome of the dinners as a loosy-goosey, maybe there will be some fooling around or maybe there won't, kind of situation. That could get very frustrating for him very quickly if he has a different expectation that hasn't been expressed in a conversation. I have become friends with one of the regular escorts I hire and we text and hang out together and do things and go to lunch and dinner all the time and he's become a genuine friend. He actively pursued the friendship because we really did make a connection, so there is no payment when we are just being friends. But I still like to see him as an escort and so continue to do so a few times a month. It's a different situation, for sure, but the reason I bring this up is because at first it was very frustrating for me because I wasn't entirely sure whether he had an ulterior cash motive (and his English isn't very good, so there's a bit of a language issue). He didn't; he just enjoyed me and wanted to be friends. It's turned into a great friendship and a great professional arrangement -- but only after the lines were very clearly drawn and expectations are no longer blurred.


I hate to say this, but there is also a possibility that his infatuation with you may wane if he gets too much of a good thing -- which, obviously, you are! :) Rather than proposing a monthly salary that starts next month and jumping into the deep end of the arrangement, I might suggest that you plan out the next month with him with the kind of list you've described and discuss what you would charge him for the whole month of get togethers and then at the end of the month he can decide how it worked for him. Do a trial month, in other words. Who knows? He may be more interested in 4 overnights and less dinners next month; you won't know until you give it a shot. But maybe a test month makes more sense at this point to see how you both feel. Do not under ANY circumstances offer to let him pay you at the END of the month after services have been rendered -- if you are offering him a deal, he pays up-front (or in installments over the month). You do not want to have to be hounding him for what he owes you later if he suddenly has a change of heart...


Good luck! Hope it works out for both of you.

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Guest Rich.

Hey Guynextdoor32,


Hello from a fellow Newbie and thanks for giving me a good chuckle, I fancy the guy next door, and his street number is actually 32!


I would have responded at length to your post, but Honourable Members beat me to it, have done a far better job than I could have hoped to do, and IMHO have already given you excellent advice. Just one thing:


I do think he will except me to see other clients.


Are you sure? I'm asking because I have a circle of mates who hire, and one of them 'keeps' a professional bodybuilder. My mate does expect exclusivity. I think it's partly he enjoys having a boyfriend, partly that he has a keep-a-mistress-mentality, and partly because he wants to bare-back. I'd recommend being certain on this point.


Just my 2¢. :)



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Guest Rich.
'Rich.', you are starting to lose your English ways darhling... it should be "Just my 2 pence."




Glutes, baby, sorry, but yet again you're dead wrong. It's not 2 pence. It's too-pee. You know, it sounds like that nesting rodent on your head?


Guy, ignore Glutes. He's like Hungarian cuisine. An acquired taste. Not worth acquiring. :p


OK, if I'm honest, I'm old enough to remember the proper expression, 'tuppence'! :(



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Guest Rich.

You're in league with my wetback boyfriend, huh, Glutes? Like you, he's always half-way up the drapes before remembering he wanted to chew the rug! OUCH!!! I'm sorry Glutes, sweetheart, baby, adorable-one, I should have written 'curtains' and 'carpet'.


OK, I'm now off to negotiate a megabucks deal with Munroe, re: a Moon Viewing party. Fuck, I'm so busy, it's no wonder I have to pay that waste of space for 'virtual' sex! :p



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Great advice....


I think the idea of a trial month is a great idea. I will let you know how the chat goes...


I'm a nice guy and all but I'm careful and use the head on shoulders.....he's hired before and knows how this works and is able to make a clear break from the friendship and the professional arrangement! At least that's my understanding so far.....


Thanks for all the feedback this is what I needed to hear!!


@Rich..... :)

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Guest Rich.
.....he's hired before and knows how this works and is able to make a clear break from the friendship and the professional arrangement! At least that's my understanding so far.....@Rich..... :)


OK. As long as you're sure. :)



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Guest Bauer
The motivation for the client to propose such an arrangement is to offer you a steady income in exchange for either the same time for less money or more time at a better rate.
I would have thought the motivation was to make the escort/client transaction deductible.
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Ok, I have been looking at this board for months. It really helped the development of my business. I'm going to post to this thread and one more.....can't wait to get the feed back!!


I have met a few really great regular clients and have already built great friendships and strong business realtionships as well!


I need help with one thing though......


I have been seeing a guy for the last month or so (with an appointment every week) for the last month for 2 hours at $300. Now, I'm generous with my time so we go over and I don't the watch clock.... Hell the client watches it for me and always wants to be fair with me and doesn't like it when we do go over. Like I said great guy.


Ok, so here is the question. He asked me a few weeks ago if I were to be on a monthly salary and what the terms would be. I know he wants to see me more and I really do enjoy him. At this point all he has done is to ask the question if I would do it. He hasn't given any detail as to what he sees this as including. It's all up to me to think about.


Here is what I think and I want to throw it out there to see if it's fair both to him and myself. So FEED BACK is what I'm looking here guys....


I think $3,000 a month (right now I'm averaging $1,200 a month with him) which would include 4-5 sessions at 2+ hours, both in and out calls; 1 overnight or travel trip ( it would be his choice ); and 6-7 dinners a month (with some ending in a sessions, some not).


We text all the time...so there is some time there but not a big deal...heck I text to a ton of my clients....sometimes it just to say "Good Morning", etc.....it builds the friendship and I get to see them more often.


Is it too much time for not enough $$....can't wait for the feed back...next thread in a bit...


I had a "relationship" with an escort like this many years ago. It lasted actually for many years and worked well for both of us. The arrangement took several directions during the course of those several years. In the beginning, the arrangement involved a short trip to Europe or something where I paid for everything (flight, hotel, food, etc), I'd give him some small cash and he could shop as much as he could (D&G clothes, etc) where we went. After a few years of this, I got him a place in the city where I would pay his rent every month plus some cash in exchange for weekly overnights on the weekend and generous gifts every now and then. The last phase of the arrangement involved a set amount of salary per month and the rent in exchange for weekly overnights and many week's travel.


I'm telling you that such an arrangement could work very well so long as both parties agree to the financial and time arrangement. Also, I think it would be important that you enjoy each other's company as friends. This prerequisite would be a given. As a caveat, it would also be difficult for the client not to develop some kind of emotional attachment to you (maybe even vice-versa) after so many years of this. Although you might want to allow for some of that, it's important to set limits and realistic expectations on that regard. Good luck. Talk to the guy and try it out!

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perhaps i have missed something in this thread, but what about first finding out from him how much he wants to spend each month - and then getting back to him with your proposal?

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You will not want to neglect your Uncle Sam in your calculation. If your client will be using you as independent contractor for professional services rendered, he might be considering your monthly "salary" as a potential tax write-off. I have the acquaintance of an escort who accepted a fairly large "gift" of money, $50,000, more or less, from a client for services; the client's accountant, of course, filed the appropriate forms with the US IRS. Several years passed, and, the "gift" surfaced as a bug-a-boo, a "friend" to whom he had bragged about the gift, filed his own report with the IRS with the intent to collect some sort of monetary reward for himself. The escort, who has sinced retired from the industry, is involved in a nasty criminal prosecution involving money-laundering, bankruptcy fraud, etc ad inf by a business partner, and, the prosecutor is using his failure to pay income tax on that long ago gift as leverage in obtaining his cooperation in the matter.

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You will not want to neglect your Uncle Sam in your calculation. If your client will be using you as independent contractor for professional services rendered, he might be considering your monthly "salary" as a potential tax write-off. I have the acquaintance of an escort who accepted a fairly large "gift" of money, $50,000, more or less, from a client for services; the client's accountant, of course, filed the appropriate forms with the US IRS. Several years passed, and, the "gift" surfaced as a bug-a-boo, a "friend" to whom he had bragged about the gift, filed his own report with the IRS with the intent to collect some sort of monetary reward for himself. The escort, who has sinced retired from the industry, is involved in a nasty criminal prosecution involving money-laundering, bankruptcy fraud, etc ad inf by a business partner, and, the prosecutor is using his failure to pay income tax on that long ago gift as leverage in obtaining his cooperation in the matter.


Sounds pretty nasty...people often mistake gifts as tax free. I believe that the maximum personal gift per any one year that can be considered tax free is $10,000.00...and if you it comes from a business then it cannot be considered a gift. Too bad, interest & penalties alone can be a whopper

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Sounds pretty nasty...people often mistake gifts as tax free. I believe that the maximum personal gift per any one year that can be considered tax free is $10,000.00...and if you it comes from a business then it cannot be considered a gift. Too bad, interest & penalties alone can be a whopper


Bona-fide gifts are tax-free to the recipient (donee) regardless of amount. No one pays INCOME tax on the receipt of a gift. However, the person making the the gift may incur a GIFT tax on giving the gift. It is a tax on the transfer of wealth.


An donor (the gift giver) is currently allowed an annual exclusion of $13,000 for each donee (gift receiver). No INCOME TAX and no GIFT TAX.




In addition to the annual exclusion, there is liftetime gift tax exemption which is currently $5,000,000. Only after individual has exhausted their lifetime exemption (on gifts not otherwise qualifying for the annual exclusion) are any gift taxes paid. But the receiptent again is not responsible for any of these taxes, it is the gift giver or wealth transferor who is responsible.


A receiptent of a gift would only pay INCOME taxes on a "gift" if the IRS examined the facts and circumstances of the case and were able to prove that it was not a "gift" but some sort of "compensation" for services that is subject to the income tax. "Gifts" made to your escort would mostly likely be reclassified as compensation. It more an exchange of money for services that gift. It may lack the requiste donative intent.


Even if you provided your escort with a 1099 or a W-2 for services rendered doesn't make it tax deductible. Personal expenses are not tax deductible unless specifically provided for in the Internal Revenue Code. Mortgage interest is a personal expense for which a deduction is allowed. Real estate taxes on your home is a personal expense for which a deduction is allowed. Payments to your housekeeper, your gardener, your escort are not tax deductible....although the housekeeper, the gardener, the escort are taxable on the receipt of that income.


Business are allowed to deduct ordinary and necessary expenses from its income. Paying the escort the a business would not make it deductible as it would fail the "ordinary and necessary" test.

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Clairification and amplification. As by my understanding of the matter, the claient considered the "gift" as payment for professional services rendered by an independent contractor and declaired it as such on his returns; the escort "thought" the money to be a "gift" from the client and "blew" $40,000 of the money on an expensive automobile with custom upgrades. Unfortunately for the escort, the IRS considers the money to had been income from the client, and, consequently, taxable. Sadly, unbeknownst to the escort, the client was a carrier of the hepatitis and HIV viruses, and, he died within a year of ending the client/escort relationship. By that time, the escort had been arrested and convicted on a federal charge of receiving and distributing "kiddie porn". The automobile went to market to pay or his legal bills. I do not know as to whether or not $50,000 was adequate compensation for the escort having been exposed, without his knowledge, to life threatening diseases. However, the client did have an established "reputation" for promiscuity, and, the "escort" was willing and able to accomodate him in his demands between the sheets.

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