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Escort hiring slump. Have you had one?

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I have been hiring for some about 6 or 7 years and I have had many enjoyable encounters with only a tiny number of bad experiences, 2 I think. This was true until recently, going back to September of last year. Since then, I have had difficulty getting escorts to respond, difficulty in getting to set a time, difficulty with escorts unapologetically missing appointments with little little or no explanation, difficulty with unsatisfactory sessions, usually overnights, usually with well reviewed escorts. I went so far as to switch to a by the hour preference for hiring to cut down on the disappointment. I would say in this period I have had one mostly successful overnight appointment and the rest have been so flawed as to be unacceptable. Please note, i have like most of the guys and have found them sexy and attractive but everything else has been a disaster.

I do not think it is my level of expectation. I do not think i have become jaded, because I go into these experiences with generally a good feeling that this will be fun.

This has happened with escorts new to me, escorts with whom i have had several encounters, traveling escorts, local escorts, in call, out call, in my town, out of my town. I just returned from an overnight with an escort with whom i had a great encounter in the past, in fact the only great encounter of this 9 month period and i feel like i would have gotten more warmth if I had burned the payment for heat.

So, if there are some seasoned clients out there, have you guys gone through a slump like this?

As an addendum to all the amateur Freud's out there, I am not any more depressed, anxious, angry, jaded, sad, bitter, self-loathing, insecure or generally miserable than i usually am. What I am is a frustrated, fiftysomething, horny and looking to get laid and left with a "that was a hot fuck" smile on my face.

In fact, if there is anyone in the Jersey area that can do just that, mail me a private message.

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I may regret this but I'll go into the lion's den first. If I don't come back out then please make sure my videogames are well taken care of!!!




did you mention any of your bad experiences to the people after they left to find out how they might have felt about it? I did that...but I didn't want to do it at all. It was quite hard for me to do but you have to do it so you can try to learn from each other. a good escort will always want to help you achieve whatever goal you have in mind


and I'm guessing you discussed the expectations of the entire date up-front with the new people?


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Sorry to hear about your slump. I haven't hired enough or long enough to have a slump. I've had experiences that were tremendous and others that weren't as great, but so far, so good.


My main issue is I've always been good w. budgeting my money and I need to be sure I keep this within reason.

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I did discuss the issue with those I either had hired before or thought that i might consider hiring again. Nothing terribly productive came from those discussions. It seemed to be the escorts took the position that after a bad or less than great experience, that there was not likely to be a rehire so why discuss it further. i am still waiting for return phone calls from two escorts with whom I had a not great experience but whom I had hired before with success. They could not talk right when I called and said they would call back later. I am not holding my breath on either.

Those conversations when something like: ME: Hi it is me. I know last time we got together things did not work out so well. I have not heard from you since but I would like to clear the air to try and start afresh. Them: Yes, there were some circumstances that led me to know you were not happy so I thought that was it. I am glad you called, but you caught me at a bad time, let me call you back. Obviously this is not the exact conversation but it is the tone and texture. No return call. Those escorts know who they are and if they are interested, I invite them to give me a call. I am more interested in hearing if others have gone through a similar streak of bad hires. After this most recent one, I am considering completely stopping the hiring which i had slowed anyway since being stood up three times in a row at the end of the year last year.

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Sorry to hear about your slump. I haven't hired enough or long enough to have a slump. I've had experiences that were tremendous and others that weren't as great, but so far, so good.


My main issue is I've always been good w. budgeting my money and I need to be sure I keep this within reason.

Yes there tends to be an explosion of hiring once you start and some people have gone to extremes to keep the good times rolling. I would encourage you to maintain the thought that this money should be budgeted as you would any other entertainment money. If you lose track of that, you may run into trouble. Unlike the kid in the candy store, here if you sample too much you don't get a bellyache, your bank account does.
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2 of my last 3 hires left me feeling that I could have spent the money in much better fashion. (The exception was my local, 'go to' guy.) In one instance, I had hired the guy previously with a partner for a threeway, but in our one-on-one session, our personalities just didn't mesh and I didn't feel comfortable pushing for the things I REALLY wanted. In the other instance, the guy was transitioning from massage to escorting and I think was still very tentative about letting someone else call the shots. (And I can't enjoy myself if I feel that someone doesn't want to do what I want.)


And as I become more budget-conscious (necessarily), the risk of unsatisfying hires becomes more & more of an issue.

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If you're like me, almost anything becomes somewhat boring with repetition, even sex. When I started hiring escorts, it was not because I couldn't get a lot of it for free anymore, but because that no longer excited me very much. Hiring was something new, and for a while I became as addicted to it as my budget and circumstances would allow; in fact, I stopped having any other kind of sex. After a while, that got tired, too. But then the Internet and this site came along, which changed the whole scene and made it interesting again for a few years. However, it has been a long time since I have really felt that any appointment has been worth the money. Even when I hire someone who appears ideal, about halfway into the appointment I begin to wonder whether I should have bothered. It's not the quality of the escort that is the problem: it's my lack of interest, perhaps my loss of any exciting illusions about the value of the experience.


The problems you are encountering are likely to be in your own expectations (or hopes) rather than in the escorts you are hiring.

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Just had that this weekend with an escort that I had wanted to see for a while .. not hardly worth the money and I did not say anything as the session was from Friday about 1:30 until Sunday morning early. I just wanted it to be over.I got tired of waiting on that person and the real kicker was when we were having dinner last night and he said can I go watch tv ? I said of course and I sat there and finished my meal .. what a nice weekend :( not wanting to hire right away now .. and I've also had the issue like Purple of having a great weekend one time with an escort and a bomb the next with the same escort and I always plan fun and nice weekends with good food and attention to detail to make the escort feel at home and welcomed ....... they still get your money though regardless .

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they still get your money though regardless .
i had a great time once with an escort from Chicago. when i came out of the bathroom, he said this one is on the house. I asked why???? I HAD NEVER IN ALL MY LIFE heard this before. He thought he had not given his best effort. He thought I did not have a good time. I could not convince him to take the money. I took him to dinner. As we were walking back to his hotel I assured him I had a great time. I gave him some money. This must be why he is one of the top five in the country. More people should remember that this is a business, in my opinion.
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i had a great time once with an escort from Chicago. when i came out of the bathroom, he said this one is on the house. I asked why???? I HAD NEVER IN ALL MY LIFE heard this before. He thought he had not given his best effort. He thought I did not have a good time. I could not convince him to take the money. I took him to dinner. As we were walking back to his hotel I assured him I had a great time. I gave him some money. This must be why he is one of the top five in the country. More people should remember that this is a business, in my opinion.


If this is the escort I am thinking of, that type of behavior is so reflective of him. He is an amazing escort because of his physical and people skills combined with being a super intelligent marketing and business person which is why he remains highly reviewed and sought after by new and repeat clients.


Bill K.

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my escort slept and rested almost as much as he was awake ..and I am bothered by the wrapper for an insulin syringe that I found on the toilet..he was not a diabetic and am baffled as to what he used it for ..I noticed that the wrapper disappeared later and was not in the trash .. I know he had a shoulder injury and took some pain meds so maybe thta is why he slept most of the time .. I did not want to hire someone to come and sleep all of the time , and I actually felt sad for him so I was not angry at all , just very disappointed as you can imagine ..on one hand I don't want to hire yet and on the other I want a nice weekend with someone new so I'm perusing the ads .

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I have been hiring for some about 6 or 7 years and I have had many enjoyable encounters with only a tiny number of bad experiences, 2 I think. This was true until recently, going back to September of last year. Since then, I have had difficulty getting escorts to respond, difficulty in getting to set a time, difficulty with escorts unapologetically missing appointments with little little or no explanation, difficulty with unsatisfactory sessions, usually overnights, usually with well reviewed escorts. I went so far as to switch to a by the hour preference for hiring to cut down on the disappointment. I would say in this period I have had one mostly successful overnight appointment and the rest have been so flawed as to be unacceptable...



my escort slept and rested almost as much as he was awake ...



Purple and Ocean I feel ya brothers. I am experiencing the same as you with the exception of a couple of escorts. Lately, I have started to notice absolutely no difference between hiring well reviewed escorts on this website and hiring on a whim off of a craigslist ad except the craigslist guys are astronomically cheaper. One hire recommended to me from this website was downright awful. Besides the troubles I had even confirming the appointment (discussed on this board not so long ago) the escort demanded the entire fee upfront, slept over 12 hours a day, refused any and all body contact durring those 12 hours ( and I don't mean for sex but like no body contatc at all - stay on your half of the bed), refused to do anything in the daytime, playtime at nighttime was limited to about 15 minutes, didn't listen to me at all (as in conversations), and he chewed my ass out for not buying him a cup of coffee after telling me he was too tired to play around the entire last day we were together.

Another guy and I kid you not, refused to go to bed at all because he was texting his friends for 20 of the 24 hours we were together including the playtime we had (yes he texted with one hand while we played around) and durring meals which drove me nuts. This guy had the nerve to text me a few weeks later and ask me to wire him a few hundred more dollars because his car broke down.



Ocean, please write a review. Clients need to be told about this experience and escorts need to know of behaviors that are not acceptable to clients.


I'm sorry westcoaster but the review process is currently broken and I don't think it can be fixed. Submitting a negative review makes you subject to venom from the escort, their aliases on here and their supporters. Some of these guys have more aliases then Billyboy from the old Hooboy boards. Its ok to submit positive reviews and maybe it works for that, but negative reviews except possibly in the case of physical violence and grand theft are really not welcome here (and you will still be called a liar and worse even though you have a GD police report in your hands)!

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Yes there tends to be an explosion of hiring once you start and some people have gone to extremes to keep the good times rolling. I would encourage you to maintain the thought that this money should be budgeted as you would any other entertainment money. If you lose track of that, you may run into trouble. Unlike the kid in the candy store, here if you sample too much you don't get a bellyache, your bank account does.


Good advice, and I'm good with money. I've never written a bad check, never paid a late fee on credit card, etc. I always save at least 15% of my salary. Mainly I've diverted my entertainment $$$ to this, and that's what needs to be balanced out. I'm not taking trips and vacations or doing much else to do this, and that's out of whack. I'm usually a well-rounded person.


I want to keep doing this, but in balance.

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Purplekow -- I've been thinking about this some more ... I think you ought to think about going "on break," so to speak. I once did a self-imposed four-month celibacy. The sex after it was over was GREAT.


Maybe if you did a two or three month break from any hiring, some of the ol' magic will return.

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I hope you have a sense of humor for this answer. Purplekow, not many people are into having sex with farm animals(cows). I have heard there are a few people who do. I would equate having sex with a purple cow, to having sex with Barney the dinosaur. And that I cannot imagine, having sex with a dinosaur, not alone a purple one. Purple, maybe you need to change your MO to more main stream.

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Guest Rich.

PK, my heartfelt thanks to you and everyone else who posted their brutally honest thoughts, it's a relief to know that it's not just me going through a mid-hire-crisis!


A few years back, I stopped hiring. It seemed to me there had been some kind of seismic shift in the quality of the Escorts I was encountering, and so I decided to quit before I ended up buried under an avalanche of bad experiences.


I still occasionally meet up with a guy I first hired over 20 years ago from a now long defunct agency, Adams of Regent Street. I'll call him 'Joe'.


Last night, I reluctantly went to a party thrown for the most part for a very young crowd, and he agreed to stop by, as there was going to be a number of his former clients in attendance. He walked in and, within a couple of minutes, I suddenly realised that, for me, my Escort 'problem' is simply generational. I've grown old. :(


Joe greeted everyone he knew, laughing, flirting, checking if anyone needed a drink, he sat down at our table, smiled, joked and was engaged and engaging. I had a light-bulb moment. None of my recent hires have come close to making me feel the way he did. In his company, I immediately felt special. :o


Joe's in his forties, fit and attractive, but if you took a pic. of him today and put it up on RentBoy, I guess most hirers' reaction would be 'meh'. Joe's now a family man, and so left early. I then looked around... :(


I think without exception, all the 20-somethings had their mobile phones to hand. A young 'lady', in the booth next to me, was actually Face-Timing, shouting at her iPhone, to someone else who was also at the event! From Facebook, to Twitter, add in MMOLG, the majority of the new generation of Escorts have grown up in a world believing the number of followers they have is far more important than actually having friends or clients. They are so virtually isolated, they're lacking the basic social skill of being able to focus on someone else (sans the interface of technology), which previously made, for me, an Escort encounter beguiling.


Don't get me wrong. I can enjoy a quickie with the best of them. I'm actually conducting an experiment next week. A friend has loaned me his apartment so I can finally check out the 'Pizza-Boy" med-student ring (I'm in Zone 2). I'm intrigued by the fact that you Skype them, and for c.$60, they come to the door, shuck the shorts, and let you touch them up for half-an-hour. That'll be a first (for me!).


Anyhow, back to last night.


So, after Joe left, I took out my iPhone (nope, I'm not yet a techno-dinosaur!) and texted him my frustration, as well as drunk-dialling this Board! (OK, I admit it, I just wanted to look like I belonged in that crowd!). He replied, along the lines of, "they don't need to make friends, for them there's always a new virtual someone to meet".


I'm forty-nine years old. but I felt one-hundred-and-forty-nine, socially. :(



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Purplekow -- I once did a self-imposed four-month celibacy. The sex after it was over was GREAT.


Maybe if you did a two or three month break from any hiring, some of the ol' magic will return.


I did a 21 month celibacy once lol iv known a few gone even longer

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PK I feel your pain. I dont wish to say slump rather some gentlemen are using the same concept as food producers, who rather than increase price by reduce the product such as that 3 lb can of coffee is now 32 oz rather than 36 oz. I hate to use this word but value is lacking. Is there something wrong is asking for sex with the longer appts. You know I thought maybe overnights I might get more sex, not really and that is one of the reasons, with a few exceptions I too have moved away from overnights. I dont mind paying for the companionship but I am looking for extended sexual experiences as well and that does not seem to be following that.

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I have been in a "hiring slump" for a couple of years now. It is not because I have lost interest. i am constantly searching the internet for opportunities. The problem is the tremendous decline in the quality of the escorts available.

I live in SoCal. So i "play" in LA. I used to go to Numbers regularly, and almost always walked away with someone cute, smart and fun. Sure, there was always a smattering of "street boys" there, but there were also a large number of college boy types and aspiring actors/singers that were all cute and willing to "perform". Additionally, i used Rentboy a lot. five or six years ago Rentboy was filled with exactly what I was looking for (college age boys with heads on their shoulders). These boys were all the Sean Cody / Corbin Fisher types that I love. Literally, there were so many of these hot guys in LA, that i didnt have time to meet up with them all. Money was never really the issue. There were just too many of them!

Things have changed a lot since then. Now I hardly find anyone that interests me on Rentboy or Craigslist. Where have they gone?? One would think that with the current changes in the economy that finding a boy willing to be "hired" would be easier than ever. However, that is not the case.

I have certainly gotten a little older, but my tastes remain the same. But what does my aging have to do with the available pool of escorts?? I now go on Rentboy every day and search the entire country for what I am looking for. But things just arent the same as in the "good old days". Does anyone have any ideas as to why the escort market has changed so much in recent years.

I am trying to get out of my slump, so i will keep searching.

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End of an Exspensive Hobby


Alot of things in Life just run their course! Hooking up with "Working Guys" for a lot is just a course that eventually runs out for different reasons.


There are many EX CLIENTS who are alive and well with Memories and Bank Accounts still in tact NO Sadness there! ;)

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